If Democrats want me to vote for them, they're going about it all wrong...

Wow, you tell me no one is telling me how to live my life, then tell me to check my privilege. A classic example of doublethink.

Of course a ducktalker like you would be good at that.

And you don't want equality, you want punishment for those you don't like.

Okay, guy, just because I think you should be a less awful person, doesn't mean I'm forcing you to be a less awful person.

Equality is what I want. I can't fuck over the Mormons, Christians can't fuck over the gays. Sounds fair to me.
And the idiots try to shame us in Congress , they can't figure out we don't want no part of their grown men in little girls bathrooms B.S.

I don't know about you but I personally would NEVER send my 'liittle girl' into a public bathroom by herself. That would be some special kind of insane.

If you can't figure out how to protect your child in a public bathroom, you have plenty to figure out.


You never had kids, or you never let them grow up, which is it...

Wow, you tell me no one is telling me how to live my life, then tell me to check my privilege. A classic example of doublethink.

Of course a ducktalker like you would be good at that.

And you don't want equality, you want punishment for those you don't like.

Okay, guy, just because I think you should be a less awful person, doesn't mean I'm forcing you to be a less awful person.

Equality is what I want. I can't fuck over the Mormons, Christians can't fuck over the gays. Sounds fair to me.

No, when you make government try to modify behavior, you are forcing it. But you are doing it in a way where you can make the excuse that you aren't.

You aren't doing it, you are making government do it, and that is far far worse.

You forgot the easier path, everyone lives their lives, and leave government out of it unless there is a compelling interest.
Trust me, the Dems aren't seeking your vote.

That is exactly correct..left-wing dogma is a condescending an arrogant position I'm really and truly believe that does not need the vote of the average White American to win and stupidly come right out and say that very thing. If you're running for office you are wise to reach out for as many votes as you can possibly capture.... Designating an entire segment of the population as unwanted is just plain stupid.

Just guessing here, as I am not a Democrat, but perhaps the Democrats don't want the vote of Trump supporters who have gone along with and cheered his vile treasonous despicable behavior?

I mean folks have to be willfully obtuse, or just plain evil to ignore what a f*cktastic DISASTER this president has been. Or they are happy with our cretin doofus dotard president.

Maybe the Democrats don't want people of that ilk in their party?
...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

Because if you aren't a millionaire, voting Republican makes as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

You vote for people who've been chipping away at your middle class lifestyle for decades... because they promise you abortion is going to get banned some day, and nothing bothers you more than women deciding to control their own lady parts.

But funny thing happens. You have less rights at work, the rich pay less in taxes, and you pay more...

But on these social issues, abortions keep happening and the gays can get married now.

I'm sorry you are too dumb to see what is going on.

We are going for the votes of people who are smart enough to see this.

Joe votes for whoever hates religious people the most, because he is a dried up tired old fart, who will make the world a better place when he is 6 feet under it.
Kind of like Trump? Except Joe is not obese, ignorant of the Laws of the Land or the Constitution, or mean.

Other than that, just alike!
Trust me, the Dems aren't seeking your vote.

That is exactly correct..left-wing dogma is a condescending an arrogant position I'm really and truly believe that does not need the vote of the average White American to win and stupidly come right out and say that very thing. If you're running for office you are wise to reach out for as many votes as you can possibly capture.... Designating an entire segment of the population as unwanted is just plain stupid.

Oh, Lord, you here now?
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

The DNC understands that there dumb right wingers who will never vote for them. I'm pretty sure they aren't losing any sleep over your vote.
I have a question for you liberals. Are there any dumb left Wingers?
...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

Because if you aren't a millionaire, voting Republican makes as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

You vote for people who've been chipping away at your middle class lifestyle for decades... because they promise you abortion is going to get banned some day, and nothing bothers you more than women deciding to control their own lady parts.

But funny thing happens. You have less rights at work, the rich pay less in taxes, and you pay more...

But on these social issues, abortions keep happening and the gays can get married now.

I'm sorry you are too dumb to see what is going on.

We are going for the votes of people who are smart enough to see this.

Joe votes for whoever hates religious people the most, because he is a dried up tired old fart, who will make the world a better place when he is 6 feet under it.
Kind of like Trump? Except Joe is not obese, ignorant of the Laws of the Land or the Constitution, or mean.

Other than that, just alike!

Trump is a buddhist monk compared to JoeB. if JoeB was ever in power there would be camps springing up all over the place, and not the good ones.
Social justice is just a weasel term to describe people who think they know better than me how to live my live, and use unearned status and unwarranted gravitas to get that.

Nobody is telling you how to live your life.

We just think gays, minorities and women should be able to live their lives on an equal footing.

Check your privilege, bitch!

Wow, you tell me no one is telling me how to live my life, then tell me to check my privilege. A classic example of doublethink.

Of course a ducktalker like you would be good at that.

And you don't want equality, you want punishment for those you don't like.

Let's see, you want to ban gay marriage. Why? Because you're not gay and you don't like it? What difference does it make to you if two men or two women get married? That you think that YOU should not have to extend rights to them or acknowledge their existence is the very definition of "privilege".

The bald fact is that rights for others aren't diminishing your rights or doing YOU harm, and yet you oppose gay marriage. The amount of opposition that those in the position of privilege in the US exercise in suppressing the rights of minorities is appalling.

When gay marriage was legalized in Canada, absolutely nothing in my life changed. Nothing. As a straight, married woman, my life went on exactly as before. It made no difference whatsoever. And yet American conservatives are appoplectic over gay marriage in the USA. Why?

Why can Americans not let other people live their lives in peace. Why must religious conservatives inflict their beliefs and values on the entire fabric of American culture? Why is there a tyanny of theocratic values which do not reflect the marjority of Americans' values?

Fully 80% of American are in favour of abortion, and gay marriage. But we have this loud, vociferous band of religious zealots who are trying to force the government to codify their beliefs that these practices violate God's laws, even though neither practice is mentioned at all in "God's laws" - aka The 10 Commandments.

It is possible to live your entire life without having to deal with either homosexuality or abortion and leave others to live by their own personal beliefs as well.
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.
You’re Christian? What kind of Christian? The old kind that believed in family values and law and order and helping Americans? Or the new kind? The kind that says Russians and North Koreans are heroes?

they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.

The DNC understands that there dumb right wingers who will never vote for them. I'm pretty sure they aren't losing any sleep over your vote.
I have a question for you liberals. Are there any dumb left Wingers?

There are dumb people in every group. Right wingers make them their leaders.
Social justice is just a weasel term to describe people who think they know better than me how to live my live, and use unearned status and unwarranted gravitas to get that.

Nobody is telling you how to live your life.

We just think gays, minorities and women should be able to live their lives on an equal footing.

Check your privilege, bitch!

Wow, you tell me no one is telling me how to live my life, then tell me to check my privilege. A classic example of doublethink.

Of course a ducktalker like you would be good at that.

And you don't want equality, you want punishment for those you don't like.

Let's see, you want to ban gay marriage. Why? Because you're not gay and you don't like it? What difference does it make to you if two men or two women get married? That you think that YOU should not have to extend rights to them or acknowledge their existence is the very definition of "privilege".

The bald fact is that rights for others aren't diminishing your rights or doing YOU harm, and yet you oppose gay marriage. The amount of opposition that those in the position of privilege in the US exercise in suppressing the rights of minorities is appalling.

When gay marriage was legalized in Canada, absolutely nothing in my life changed. Nothing. As a straight, married woman, my life went on exactly as before. It made no difference whatsoever. And yet American conservatives are appoplectic over gay marriage in the USA. Why?

Why can Americans not let other people live their lives in peace. Why must religious conservatives inflict their beliefs and values on the entire fabric of American culture. Why is there a tyanny of theocratic values which do not reflect the marjority of Americans' values.

Fully 80% of American are in favour of abortion, and gay marriage. But we have this loud, vociferous band of religious zealots who are trying to force the government to codify their beliefs that these practices violate God's laws, even though neither practice is mentioned at all in "God's laws" - aka The 10 Commandments.

It is possible to live your entire life without having to deal with either homosexuality or abortion and leave others to live by their own personal beliefs as well.

1. I don't want to ban gay marriage. i supported NY allowing it via legislative action. My issue is with forcing other States to issue them if they don't want to. To me all Obergfell should have done is require all States to recognize out of State marriage licenses, even SSM ones, as part of full faith and credit.

So your entire rant is based on a false premise.

Why can't the baker live in peace? Why should he be forced to perform a contracted, non-timely, non-required service simply because not doing so hurts the feelings of someone else?

That 80% in favor of abortion also probably contains a majority that are OK with restricting it to the 1st trimester unless medically needed.
And the idiots try to shame us in Congress , they can't figure out we don't want no part of their grown men in little girls bathrooms B.S.

I don't know about you but I personally would NEVER send my 'liittle girl' into a public bathroom by herself. That would be some special kind of insane.

If you can't figure out how to protect your child in a public bathroom, you have plenty to figure out.


You never had kids, or you never let them grow up, which is it...


No parent allows "little girls" to go into public washrooms on their own. Ever!

Furthermore, every woman has seen trans women in the public washrooms. All of our lives. They go into the stalls, they do their business, they wash their hands, and they leave. Just like everyone else. Only idiots like you make a big deal about it.
And the idiots try to shame us in Congress , they can't figure out we don't want no part of their grown men in little girls bathrooms B.S.

I don't know about you but I personally would NEVER send my 'liittle girl' into a public bathroom by herself. That would be some special kind of insane.

If you can't figure out how to protect your child in a public bathroom, you have plenty to figure out.


You never had kids, or you never let them grow up, which is it...


No parent allows "little girls" to go into public washrooms on their own. Ever!

Furthermore, every woman has seen trans women in the public washrooms. All of our lives. They go into the stalls, they do their business, they wash their hands, and they leave. Just like everyone else. Only idiots like you make a big deal about it.

^ control freak

So in your world you raise children to always be afraid of the world, you can't watch them 24/7.

No, when you make government try to modify behavior, you are forcing it. But you are doing it in a way where you can make the excuse that you aren't.

You aren't doing it, you are making government do it, and that is far far worse.

Well, it beats the alternative.

The alternative would be, Wifebeater Klein refuses gays service, gays burn down his wife's store....

But funny, we have government protecting both his property and their rights. What a crazy idea.

Of course, wouldn't be an issue if Klein hadn't passive-aggressively crashed his wife's business into the ground AFTER she invited the gay chicks to use her store.

You forgot the easier path, everyone lives their lives, and leave government out of it unless there is a compelling interest.

Okay, then we disagree on what a compelling interest is. Wifebeater Klien refused these ladies service (because the thought of two women bringing each other pleasure horrified him.) He then proceeded to Dox them when they complained.

You know, instead of saying "I'm sorry, I won't do it again."
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.
...Don’t forget they want to get rid of the Second Amendment, along with the first amendment.
they want to raise taxes

they want to let in endless streams of millions of illegal aliens

they want as many babies to be aborted as possible

they want to destroy the economy to solve a problem they made up called "global warming"

they hate white people and I'm white

they hate straight people and I'm straight

they hate Christians and I'm Christian

...give me one reason I should ever vote Democrat.
You’re the perfect Republican – that each item in your post is a lie is proof of that.

For example, the vast majority of Democrats are Christian.
They are not walking there talk then… But then again to each it’s own

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