If a new planet was found, would you go?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
Lets pretend a new planet has been discovered...not too far away..and is able to sustain human life. Governments all around the globe are offering free land if you go there permanently. Would you go?
No, but I'd help the democrats pack.
I'm too old to go (I'm 82 and will soon be going somewhere else).

Maybe the discovery of many new planets will be the salvation of humankind.

Each group (gender, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, etc.) can have its very own planet.

Then everybody can live in a harmonious society with like-minded people.
I'd start the journey ... but it will take many many many generations to get there ... 1% of c is 2.7 million miles per hour ... or 470 years until we reach the closest star ... it's easy to get the fuel needed to get to that speed, but we'd have to carry with us the same amount of fuel to slow down once we get there ...

There's already life there, or the planet wouldn't be habitable ... so there will be pathogens that we have no defenses for ... whoever arrived would quickly die ... there's a 50% chance that proteins spin the wrong way there ... thousands of years of weightlessness, gravity alone would kill us ...

If we don't solve our problems here on Earth ... then we'd just take those problems with us ... so what's the point? ...
No, farming is too hard a life for me.
There is beauty in it's simplicity and peace. Do not knock it till you try it. There is something special and right about making your living off the land that can not be explained unless you have done it. I hold several profesional licenses including surveyor,civil engineer,appraiser, and upto 300 ton ship captain. I have found farmer and ship captain to be the most rewarding. I find myself depressed when my fishng charter ends and not freeking wait to get up and do it again the next day. I like captain best if I am running fishing charters. As far as farming goes planting and harest are pretty happy times. Animals are a pain in the ass you can never get away from them but they sure taste good. If you have no animals fishing in the keys all winter is pretty nice.
It would depend on a lot of things, like my present condition on Earth, what would the planet offer, how many people are there, what indigenous life is there, what the climate is like, what the gravity is like, etc. etc.

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