IDF Soldiers found Explosives inside a house in Gaza

NOBODY knows what that's like - because it is a lie. The people of Gaza DO have an evil oppressive regime raining down death upon them : it's called 'HAMAS'.

It's HAMAS which has embezzled so much of the aid intended for Gaza, which gets the utilities shut off periodically because it refuses to pay its water and electric bills, and it's HAMAS which claims in its charter that 'zionism' is the cause of everything HAMAS doesn't like in the world - including the French Revolution.

What's wrong with you, that you support HAMAS? You're NOT supporting the people of Gaza by doing so.

The really great bullys always make the victim think it's their fault. Rapists are the same.

Hamas is the democratically elected leadership of Gaza. I donl;t support them, I support the people of Gaza and their right to choose their own leadership, do you not believe in democracy?

Israel has killed 500 innocent people because of rocket fire that has killed nobody because it "might" endanger lives. Like Jack Palance in Shane, "You saw, he had a gun"

You are stating that attempted murder is not a crime.
You are an idiot.

And you're stating that genocide is okay. If I'm an idiot that makes you deeply deeply evil.
NOBODY knows what that's like - because it is a lie. The people of Gaza DO have an evil oppressive regime raining down death upon them : it's called 'HAMAS'.

It's HAMAS which has embezzled so much of the aid intended for Gaza, which gets the utilities shut off periodically because it refuses to pay its water and electric bills, and it's HAMAS which claims in its charter that 'zionism' is the cause of everything HAMAS doesn't like in the world - including the French Revolution.

What's wrong with you, that you support HAMAS? You're NOT supporting the people of Gaza by doing so.

The really great bullys always make the victim think it's their fault. Rapists are the same.

Hamas is the democratically elected leadership of Gaza. I donl;t support them, I support the people of Gaza and their right to choose their own leadership, do you not believe in democracy?

Israel has killed 500 innocent people because of rocket fire that has killed nobody because it "might" endanger lives. Like Jack Palance in Shane, "You saw, he had a gun"

You are stating that attempted murder is not a crime.
You are an idiot.

And maybe you don't have any friends in Gaza, knowning what it is to live in perminant poverty and have an evil oppressive regieme rain down death on your civilians for no real reason every couple of years because it's people are convinced that they are the victims of every ill in the world.

NOBODY knows what that's like - because it is a lie. The people of Gaza DO have an evil oppressive regime raining down death upon them : it's called 'HAMAS'.

It's HAMAS which has embezzled so much of the aid intended for Gaza, which gets the utilities shut off periodically because it refuses to pay its water and electric bills, and it's HAMAS which claims in its charter that 'zionism' is the cause of everything HAMAS doesn't like in the world - including the French Revolution.

What's wrong with you, that you support HAMAS? You're NOT supporting the people of Gaza by doing so.

The really great bullys always make the victim think it's their fault. Rapists are the same.

Hamas is the democratically elected leadership of Gaza. I donl;t support them, I support the people of Gaza and their right to choose their own leadership, do you not believe in democracy?

Israel has killed 500 innocent people because of rocket fire that has killed nobody because it "might" endanger lives. Like Jack Palance in Shane, "You saw, he had a gun"

Would you take the Egyptians opinion about Hamas?
The really great bullys always make the victim think it's their fault. Rapists are the same.

Hamas is the democratically elected leadership of Gaza. I donl;t support them, I support the people of Gaza and their right to choose their own leadership, do you not believe in democracy?

Israel has killed 500 innocent people because of rocket fire that has killed nobody because it "might" endanger lives. Like Jack Palance in Shane, "You saw, he had a gun"

You are stating that attempted murder is not a crime.
You are an idiot.

And you're stating that genocide is okay. If I'm an idiot that makes you deeply deeply evil.

Let's apply some tactical logic...
All the Jew haters keep stating that the number of "innocent" civilians greatly outnumber Hamas.
Hamas engages in murderous behavior.
Why have the overwhelming number of "innocents" not disarmed this malignant minority?
Because the "innocents" are aligned with Hamas and will happily join them in popping out of tunnels in Israel and murdering Jews.
The indications of future behavior, based upon past and current behavior, is so explicit that only an ideologue could ignore it.
Jews believe in killing the enemy before the enemy kills us.

Hamas has been bragging, to the cheers of the "innocents", that they could destroy Israel.
Hamas has recently discovered that Israel can kick their asses back into the stone age.
There are very few "innocent" Jordanians in this conflict.

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