IDF: Iranian Forces Fire Rockets at Israel

I'm so sick of these two countries always itching to take the whole world into a nuclear holocaust!

I hope cool heads will prevail on both sides.

9 May 2018

IDF: Iranian Forces Fire Rockets at Israel | Breitbart
Israel may resolve the Iran issue for us.

On their own, no Western involvement. Period.
Israel has nukes though, I don't know what neighboring India and Pakistan would say or do when radioactive fallout reached their countries and they both have nukes.

thats something the corporate controlled owned media in the west never reports of course is that Israel has nukes.why should they? the media is a tool for the government nothing more and the government is bought and paid for by AIPAC.
Saddam and Iraq may not have directly launched the 9/11 attack, but then, no individual country directly sponsored it, so then, would it have been right not to respond at all?
Maybe some research would shed light on what country launched the terror attack. Just a suggestion, that nobody would look grossly uninformed.

would be an EXCELLENT idea of actually consider doing the kind of research of going OUTSIDE the states to the rest of the country around the world where they are not biased and dont omit the evidence and look at alternative news sources not bought and paid for by the CIA controlled media here in the states.:abgg2q.jpg:

yeah not hard to understand at all that one wants death,that Is Israel. That video was obviously done by a paid shill of Israel because he ignores the fact it is IMPOSSIBLE for Iran to be a nuclear threat when our corrupt government has HUNDREDS of military bases SURROUNDING Iran.:iyfyus.jpg:

That propaganda video ALSO fails to mention ISRAEL is ALWAYS shooting unarmed women and children in the head all the time just walking the streets minding their own damn business.:rolleyes: get with the program charlie.

Of course you see America as evil, you're a freak leftist turd eater.

I see the TRUTH that our american GOVERNMENT is evil yes.I dont ignore FACTS that BOTH parties are evil and corrupt that it is a ONE PARTY SYSTEM designed to look like two so the brainwashed sheep in america like you actually think they have a choice in who gets elected.:abgg2q.jpg: you also would know this if you stopped listening to what the CIA controlled media here in the states brainwashes you on everyday and looked at INDEPENDENT news sources NOT bought and paid for by special interest groups as our mainstream media is clueless.:abgg2q.jpg::itsok::itsok:

Iranians are obviously lost............They went into Syria and landed in the wrong place.........At the border with Israel.........Surely a simple compass could have given them proper direction...............but perhaps they can't read a compass.

At the same time..........their people are in Yemen.............Again...............LOST..............Perhaps someone can show them the way home..............

Oh wait...................we were talking about how bad Israel is on hitting the Iranians.................If ONLY Israel had known they were lost they may not have fired and given them friendly directions back home.................

Iranians............YOO HOO..............Head East...........if in Yemen head North for a bit then East...........

/----/ Why is it you Jew haters never consider that the PLO is the instigator?
Why is it that every single time somebody points out something concerning jews the immediate response is: "antisemite, jewhater, racist, white supremacist, Nazi etc? It is getting old and loses its fang rapidly.

It is safe to assume that you are not going to vote for Patrick Little in U.S. Senate race in case you live in California.
I'm so sick of these two countries always itching to take the whole world into a nuclear holocaust!

I hope cool heads will prevail on both sides.

9 May 2018

IDF: Iranian Forces Fire Rockets at Israel | Breitbart
/----/ Why is it you Jew haters never consider that the PLO is the instigator?

Stop with the slurs darling cellblock and being hysterical, essentially all the Israel Firsters have as a response at any given time is to throw up the usual "Jew haters" and "Anti-Semitism" it's getting pretty boring now, nobody cares about the name calling and those names are now reduced to being meaningless in the same way "racist" and "bigot" is, all having been so overused they all are rendered into nothing except being worthy of rolling the eyes :rolleyes-41:

There is nothing hateful about not wanting things to escalate into a full on war that could then involve Russia and Turkey and of course Israel's Bitch aka America, there is nothing hateful in hoping that cooler heads prevail on both sides Palestine and Israel and there is nothing hateful in stating that there are extremists on both sides, there are extremists on the Palestinian side and there are extremists on the Israeli side, the ideal situation would be to remove the extremists on both sides, which would leave only the moderates on both sides, that would be the ideal situation.

The problem is that the Israel Firsters REFUSE to see anything but their one sided position, which essentially is Israel is ALWAYS right, Israel is NEVER wrong, EVERYONE who disagrees is wrong and is NEVER right and EVERYONE who disagrees is a "Jew hater" and "Anti-Semitic" for not agreeing that Israel is ALWAYS right and NEVER wrong. It's a very primitive way of thinking about things and also is basically a low IQ method of argument.

What IS hateful though is the often psychotic and frothing at the mouth sentiment that Israel Genocide the Palestinians, just the other day I read a comment in the Cesspit of The Forum aka the Israel/Palestine section where someone said that Israel should bomb Gaza with napalm bombs and this was considered an acceptable sentiment from the Israel what if someone said that Tel Aviv should be bombed with napalm bombs, would that be acceptable? ROFLAO.
/----/ Why is it you Jew haters never consider that the PLO is the instigator?
Why is it that every single time somebody points out something concerning jews the immediate response is: "antisemite, jewhater, racist, white supremacist, Nazi etc? It is getting old and loses its fang rapidly.

It is safe to assume that you are not going to vote for Patrick Little in U.S. Senate race in case you live in California.

Well they have been brainwashed into thinking that that name calling shuts ALL comments down, that as soon as they spew up "Jew hater", "Anti-Semitic", "Racist", "Nazi", "White supremacist" that automatically EVERYONE is going to shake in their shoes and just automatically STFU, well that type of BULLYING might still work on SOME but it's rapidly losing it's effect on more and more every day, as I commented NOBODY gives a crap about that name calling anymore, less peoples each day are STFU, that crowd need to change the record already it's long been broken only they are too brainwashed to have noticed it has.

Edited to add: As you will notice cellblock now resorts to being a Troll Boi, in typical fashion when confronted with anything Outside of The Israel First Brainwash Bubble they go into Troll Boi Mode. All subsequent responses of mine now will be to treat cellblock as the Troll Boi he has resorted to.
I'm so sick of these two countries always itching to take the whole world into a nuclear holocaust!

I hope cool heads will prevail on both sides.

9 May 2018

IDF: Iranian Forces Fire Rockets at Israel | Breitbart
/----/ Why is it you Jew haters never consider that the PLO is the instigator?

Go away Troll Boi nobody cares what you think, go and airdrop yourself into Tel Aviv and if need be join up and die for your precious Israel First policy.
/----/ Why is it you Jew haters never consider that the PLO is the instigator?
Why is it that every single time somebody points out something concerning jews the immediate response is: "antisemite, jewhater, racist, white supremacist, Nazi etc? It is getting old and loses its fang rapidly.

It is safe to assume that you are not going to vote for Patrick Little in U.S. Senate race in case you live in California.

cellblock has illustrated he is nothing but a low IQ Troll Boi, not able to cope with ANYTHING outside the Israel First Brainwash Bubble, so resorts to just going full on Troll Boi and Funnying comments. So if cellblock wants to go down that road he is going to be treated exactly like a Troll Boi should be treated.
/----/ Why is it you Jew haters never consider that the PLO is the instigator?
Why is it that every single time somebody points out something concerning jews the immediate response is: "antisemite, jewhater, racist, white supremacist, Nazi etc? It is getting old and loses its fang rapidly.

It is safe to assume that you are not going to vote for Patrick Little in U.S. Senate race in case you live in California.

cellblock has illustrated he is nothing but a low IQ Troll Boi, not able to cope with ANYTHING outside the Israel First Brainwash Bubble, so resorts to just going full on Troll Boi and Funnying comments. So if cellblock wants to go down that road he is going to be treated exactly like a Troll Boi should be treated.
/----/ In this photo can you tell which is the Jew and which is the Jew hater?
I'm so sick of these two countries always itching to take the whole world into a nuclear holocaust!

I hope cool heads will prevail on both sides.

9 May 2018

IDF: Iranian Forces Fire Rockets at Israel | Breitbart
/----/ Why is it you Jew haters never consider that the PLO is the instigator?

Skye is on the Right, she has posted many comments in support of Israel and in support of Bibi and has also condemned Hamas and Hezbollah, I am on the Right, I have posted many comments in support of Israel and in support of Bibi and I have also condemned Hamas and Hezbollah, we are under NO obligation to be Kool Aid Drinking Brainwashed low IQ Muppets who just cheerlead 24/7 for Israel and Bibi when WE using INDEPENDENT THOUGHT have decided WE think Israel and Bibi are in the wrong, that you chose to be a Kool Aid Drinking Brainwashed low IQ Muppet ONLY when it involves Israel and Bibi is your choice, however it is disappointing because I think that we probably agree on 99% of ALL OTHER issues with each other.

WTF does the PLO have to do with any of this? Nothing. It's not the PLO it's Hamas that are the problem of the Palestinians and it's the Genocidal knuckledraggers on the Israeli side who wish to slaughter ALL Palestinians who are the problem on the Israeli side, if both of their extremists were removed from the situation then only moderates would be on both sides and then perhaps they could all begin acting more like human beings with each other instead of both acting like feral wild jungle animals with each other.
/----/ In this photo can you tell which is the Jew and which is the Jew hater?
Now, you are derailing the thread since you were called out on your name calling.
That must be a Robert Capa photo. He was famous for fake photos (photo editing or nowadays called photoshopping) as it is illustrated with this photo below from the Spanish civil war:
/----/ Why is it you Jew haters never consider that the PLO is the instigator?
Why is it that every single time somebody points out something concerning jews the immediate response is: "antisemite, jewhater, racist, white supremacist, Nazi etc? It is getting old and loses its fang rapidly.

It is safe to assume that you are not going to vote for Patrick Little in U.S. Senate race in case you live in California.

cellblock has illustrated he is nothing but a low IQ Troll Boi, not able to cope with ANYTHING outside the Israel First Brainwash Bubble, so resorts to just going full on Troll Boi and Funnying comments. So if cellblock wants to go down that road he is going to be treated exactly like a Troll Boi should be treated.
/----/ In this photo can you tell which is the Jew and which is the Jew hater?
View attachment 194093

WTF does that photo have to do with the Topic this thread is about? It has NOTHING to do with this thread Topic, stop being so desperate to deflect you are not good at deflection.

Again I am under NO obligation to support Israel and Bibi when they commit outrageous monstrosities like the other day using LIVE ROUNDS on THOUSANDS of peoples INCLUDING CHILDREN AND BABIES, in cold blood slaughtering 60 and seriously wounding 2,400. I do NOT have to support Bibi when he thinks it's okay to shoot CHILDREN in the fucking head. And don't give me the shit about they were at that fence, they were throwing rocks, they were throwing whatever....the Israeli's had helicopters tear gassing them and also they had FULLY armed soldiers firing at them with machine guns using LIVE ROUNDS, they didn't give a shit, they just were happy to kill as many as possible and the majority of the Israeli Firsters LOVED WATCHING IT and were basically orgasmic at the slaughter. Sick. Degenerate. Pathetic. Disgusting. Shameful.
I'm so sick of these two countries always itching to take the whole world into a nuclear holocaust!

I hope cool heads will prevail on both sides.

9 May 2018

IDF: Iranian Forces Fire Rockets at Israel | Breitbart

Israel has been poking them, they are desperate to start a Shit Storm with Iran, a Shit Storm that they will expect America and other Western nations to fight for them. The situation should be if Israel wants war with Iran, then EVERY nation on this planet should sit back and let Israel do its own fighting, nobody else wants a war with Iran, only Israel wants shit with Iran.

Another stupid uneducated moron. They haven’t provoked anything. Also Israel has fought all her own fight and under then ‘53 she never had one foreign soldier fight for her. Not in ‘48, ‘67, ‘73, ‘82 or ‘05.

So get your facts right you dumbfuck

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You guys on the wrong side lose every time by calling names.

Learned that from Donald,I presume.
If true, Israel may just take care of several issues.

Apparently no injuries were reported. Hope this does not escalate.

Israel will make 100% sure it will escalate, Israel has had a hardon for War With Iran since 2002, there will probably be some type of False Flag situation within the next 72 hours.

America needs to tell Israel No, No they will not agree to War With Iran but considering that Neo-Conservative Psychopath John Bolton is again involved and he is a Perpetual Warmonger and like all Neo-Conservatives is borderline insane then probably further blackmail material will be used on The Donald for him to go along with sending 50,000 American troops to get ready to be Boots on The Ground to die in Iran for NO reason whatsoever.

Now some in America will support this, they essentially are The Dominionists, you know the crowd who wait for Armageddon so they can be Raptured up to Jesus, so a dangerous combination that is playing with the lives of MILLIONS of peoples, the combination of the Neo-Conservative Psychopaths and the crazy Holy Rollers.

As you comment in your OP, hopefully cooler heads will prevail, if not then yes within the next six months we are probably going to have WWIII because this will pull in Russia, Turkey and also China in some capacity. 90% of peoples on this planet do not want this, only the insane want this.

Make sure you include Evangelicals in that list.
I'm so sick of these two countries always itching to take the whole world into a nuclear holocaust!

I hope cool heads will prevail on both sides.

9 May 2018

IDF: Iranian Forces Fire Rockets at Israel | Breitbart

Israel has been poking them, they are desperate to start a Shit Storm with Iran, a Shit Storm that they will expect America and other Western nations to fight for them. The situation should be if Israel wants war with Iran, then EVERY nation on this planet should sit back and let Israel do its own fighting, nobody else wants a war with Iran, only Israel wants shit with Iran.

Another stupid uneducated moron. They haven’t provoked anything. Also Israel has fought all her own fight and under then ‘53 she never had one foreign soldier fight for her. Not in ‘48, ‘67, ‘73, ‘82 or ‘05.

So get your facts right you dumbfuck

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"Another stupid uneducated moron."

Yes you are.

"They haven’t provoked anything."

Israel has been frequently bombing INSIDE Syria, bombing Iranian troops who were INVITED by Syria to assist with Russia who were also INVITED by Syria to assist in fighting the um Moderate Rebels who are all affiliated with ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Al-Nusra Front. As Israel has been dropping bombs on Iranian positions this IS provoking both Iran and also now Russia, which is probably why Bibi went to Moscow on Wednesday to explain to Putin WTF Israel was doing in Syria.

"So get your facts right you dumbfuck"

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, even better instead of sitting on your buttocks go and put on a uniform and help them fight.

Why would some one against the war put on a Uniform to fight?

You want it? Go fight!
Another stupid uneducated moron. They haven’t provoked anything. Also Israel has fought all her own fight and under then ‘53 she never had one foreign soldier fight for her. Not in ‘48, ‘67, ‘73, ‘82 or ‘05.

So get your facts right you dumbfuck

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"Another stupid uneducated moron."

Yes you are.

"They haven’t provoked anything."

Israel has been frequently bombing INSIDE Syria, bombing Iranian troops who were INVITED by Syria to assist with Russia who were also INVITED by Syria to assist in fighting the um Moderate Rebels who are all affiliated with ISIS, Al-Qaeda and the Al-Nusra Front. As Israel has been dropping bombs on Iranian positions this IS provoking both Iran and also now Russia, which is probably why Bibi went to Moscow on Wednesday to explain to Putin WTF Israel was doing in Syria.

"So get your facts right you dumbfuck"

Keep drinking the Kool-Aid, even better instead of sitting on your buttocks go and put on a uniform and help them fight.

To be fair Israel and Syria have been at each other for decades. Iran is using Hezzbola in Syria, Israel knows this and targets them

Israel should have dealt with Hezbollah a long time ago, then there would be no Hezbollah.

Tense times right now. Trump and Mattis are not Obama....

We are in this mess due to Trump.

Of course we are, Bibi found his patsy in Trump.
Iran has committed an act of war on our ally. Time to take out the Iranian government.

We agree on most things, this wanting Armageddon and WWIII is something we will never agree on. Iran has committed no act of war, WTF get a grip. I'm no fan of the Iranian Government, but I do think about these things in a logical and pragmatic way, I think of the bigger picture and the ramifications of Trigger Happy Insanity.
So Mexico can fire missiles at my home?

I'd be with the US Marine 1st Division rolling into Mexico City.

Time to take out Hamas government too while we are at it.
I am losing track of all the wars you guys are trying to start...
You lefties are a broken record.

Pacification has never worked in all of history.

Big sticks do. Just ask Rocket Man.

Funny! Kim is already reneging. Trump is a sucker offering money.

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