IDF finally breaks silence and speaks out about Israeli atrocities in the OPT


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
Long Beach, Ca
IDF soldiers can no longer be silent about the atrocities Israel is committing against the Palestinian's. Israel's actions are so inhuman, you have to go back to Hitlers Germany to find anything comparable.

Israeli Soldiers Break Silence

Breaking the Silence (BTS) is an organization comprised of Israeli combat veterans. They served since the start of the second Intifada. They refuse any longer to stay silent.

Their testimonies expose "the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories." Their purpose is to stimulate public debate. They revealed abuses too gruesome to hide.

They include "looting and destruction of property." Many other crimes and abuses are much worse. In their own words, they reveal the deplorable immorality of Israel's militarized occupation.

Most Israelis ignore it. They turn a blind eye to what's done in their name. "In order to become civilians again, soldiers are (also) forced to ignore what they have seen and done."

BTS members have been revealing disturbing truths for years. A previous article discussed them, saying:

"We, reserve officers and soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)....have always served in the front lines" (We) were first to carry out any mission, light or heavy, (and we did it) to protect the State of Israel and strengthen it."

"We....served....long weeks every year, in spite of dear cost to our personal lives, have been on reserve duty all over the Occupied Territories, and were issued commands and directives that had nothing to do with the security of our country (but were only given to perpetuate) our control over the Palestinian people."

"We('ve)....seen the bloody toll this Occupation exacts from both sides."

"The commands issued to us in the Territories (have) destroy(ed) all the values (we learned) growing up in this country."

"The (way) the Occupation (undermines the) IDF's human character and (exposes) the corruption of the entire Israeli society."

"We....know that the Territories are not Israel, and that all settlements are bound to be evacuated in the end."

"We hereby declare that we shall not continue to fight this War of the Settlements."

"We shall not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire people."

"We hereby declare that we shall continue serving the Israel Defense Forces in any mission that serves Israel's defense."

"The missions of occupation and oppression do not serve this purpose - and we shall take no part in them."​

Women soldiers also speak out. Their testimonies match their male counterparts. They condemn the corrupt state of Israel's military. They want no further part of horrific crimes committed in their name.
You can't get any more credible a source than the "boots on the ground", who were burdened with carrying out immoral and illegal orders from the Knesset.

All I can say is, thank God there is some humanity left in that country!

After dealing with all the zionist assholes at this website on a daily basis, these soldiers are a breath of fresh air.
Sorry Lipbush, you're not included in this one.

And to all my Roudy friends who make up the USMB "Zionist Fucker Club", you're still a bunch of assholes and are now confirmed liars, according to the IDF.
IDF soldiers can no longer be silent about the atrocities Israel is committing against the Palestinian's. Israel's actions are so inhuman, you have to go back to Hitlers Germany to find anything comparable.

Israeli Soldiers Break Silence

Breaking the Silence (BTS) is an organization comprised of Israeli combat veterans. They served since the start of the second Intifada. They refuse any longer to stay silent.

Their testimonies expose "the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories." Their purpose is to stimulate public debate. They revealed abuses too gruesome to hide.

They include "looting and destruction of property." Many other crimes and abuses are much worse. In their own words, they reveal the deplorable immorality of Israel's militarized occupation.

Most Israelis ignore it. They turn a blind eye to what's done in their name. "In order to become civilians again, soldiers are (also) forced to ignore what they have seen and done."

BTS members have been revealing disturbing truths for years. A previous article discussed them, saying:

"We, reserve officers and soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)....have always served in the front lines" (We) were first to carry out any mission, light or heavy, (and we did it) to protect the State of Israel and strengthen it."

"We....served....long weeks every year, in spite of dear cost to our personal lives, have been on reserve duty all over the Occupied Territories, and were issued commands and directives that had nothing to do with the security of our country (but were only given to perpetuate) our control over the Palestinian people."

"We('ve)....seen the bloody toll this Occupation exacts from both sides."

"The commands issued to us in the Territories (have) destroy(ed) all the values (we learned) growing up in this country."

"The (way) the Occupation (undermines the) IDF's human character and (exposes) the corruption of the entire Israeli society."

"We....know that the Territories are not Israel, and that all settlements are bound to be evacuated in the end."

"We hereby declare that we shall not continue to fight this War of the Settlements."

"We shall not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire people."

"We hereby declare that we shall continue serving the Israel Defense Forces in any mission that serves Israel's defense."

"The missions of occupation and oppression do not serve this purpose - and we shall take no part in them."​

Women soldiers also speak out. Their testimonies match their male counterparts. They condemn the corrupt state of Israel's military. They want no further part of horrific crimes committed in their name.
You can't get any more credible a source than the "boots on the ground", who were burdened with carrying out immoral and illegal orders from the Knesset.

All I can say is, thank God there is some humanity left in that country!

After dealing with all the zionist assholes at this website on a daily basis, these soldiers are a breath of fresh air.
Sorry Lipbush, you're not included in this one.

And to all my Roudy friends who make up the USMB "Zionist Fucker Club", you're still a bunch of assholes and are now confirmed liars, according to the IDF.

America also had its Benedict Arnold. These are obviously traitors.
IDF soldiers can no longer be silent about the atrocities Israel is committing against the Palestinian's. Israel's actions are so inhuman, you have to go back to Hitlers Germany to find anything comparable.

Israeli Soldiers Break Silence

are a breath of fresh air.
Sorry Lipbush, you're not included in this one.

Why are you sorry? I'm not.
IDF soldiers can no longer be silent about the atrocities Israel is committing against the Palestinian's. Israel's actions are so inhuman, you have to go back to Hitlers Germany to find anything comparable.

Israeli Soldiers Break Silence

Breaking the Silence (BTS) is an organization comprised of Israeli combat veterans. They served since the start of the second Intifada. They refuse any longer to stay silent.

Their testimonies expose "the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories." Their purpose is to stimulate public debate. They revealed abuses too gruesome to hide.

They include "looting and destruction of property." Many other crimes and abuses are much worse. In their own words, they reveal the deplorable immorality of Israel's militarized occupation.

Most Israelis ignore it. They turn a blind eye to what's done in their name. "In order to become civilians again, soldiers are (also) forced to ignore what they have seen and done."

BTS members have been revealing disturbing truths for years. A previous article discussed them, saying:

"We, reserve officers and soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)....have always served in the front lines" (We) were first to carry out any mission, light or heavy, (and we did it) to protect the State of Israel and strengthen it."

"We....served....long weeks every year, in spite of dear cost to our personal lives, have been on reserve duty all over the Occupied Territories, and were issued commands and directives that had nothing to do with the security of our country (but were only given to perpetuate) our control over the Palestinian people."

"We('ve)....seen the bloody toll this Occupation exacts from both sides."

"The commands issued to us in the Territories (have) destroy(ed) all the values (we learned) growing up in this country."

"The (way) the Occupation (undermines the) IDF's human character and (exposes) the corruption of the entire Israeli society."

"We....know that the Territories are not Israel, and that all settlements are bound to be evacuated in the end."

"We hereby declare that we shall not continue to fight this War of the Settlements."

"We shall not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire people."

"We hereby declare that we shall continue serving the Israel Defense Forces in any mission that serves Israel's defense."

"The missions of occupation and oppression do not serve this purpose - and we shall take no part in them."​

Women soldiers also speak out. Their testimonies match their male counterparts. They condemn the corrupt state of Israel's military. They want no further part of horrific crimes committed in their name.
You can't get any more credible a source than the "boots on the ground", who were burdened with carrying out immoral and illegal orders from the Knesset.

All I can say is, thank God there is some humanity left in that country!

After dealing with all the zionist assholes at this website on a daily basis, these soldiers are a breath of fresh air.
Sorry Lipbush, you're not included in this one.

And to all my Roudy friends who make up the USMB "Zionist Fucker Club", you're still a bunch of assholes and are now confirmed liars, according to the IDF.

Those are the same soldiers who will refuse to call against the war crimes intended against the people of Sderot and Ashkelon.

Therefore, they don't and WON'T speak for Israel. If they would have gone against the crime against their people, while at the same time call for justice for Gaza, that would be fair.

Since they don't, they're simply traitors.
IDF soldiers can no longer be silent about the atrocities Israel is committing against the Palestinian's. Israel's actions are so inhuman, you have to go back to Hitlers Germany to find anything comparable.

Israeli Soldiers Break Silence

Breaking the Silence (BTS) is an organization comprised of Israeli combat veterans. They served since the start of the second Intifada. They refuse any longer to stay silent.

Their testimonies expose "the reality of everyday life in the Occupied Territories." Their purpose is to stimulate public debate. They revealed abuses too gruesome to hide.

They include "looting and destruction of property." Many other crimes and abuses are much worse. In their own words, they reveal the deplorable immorality of Israel's militarized occupation.

Most Israelis ignore it. They turn a blind eye to what's done in their name. "In order to become civilians again, soldiers are (also) forced to ignore what they have seen and done."

BTS members have been revealing disturbing truths for years. A previous article discussed them, saying:

"We, reserve officers and soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)....have always served in the front lines" (We) were first to carry out any mission, light or heavy, (and we did it) to protect the State of Israel and strengthen it."

"We....served....long weeks every year, in spite of dear cost to our personal lives, have been on reserve duty all over the Occupied Territories, and were issued commands and directives that had nothing to do with the security of our country (but were only given to perpetuate) our control over the Palestinian people."

"We('ve)....seen the bloody toll this Occupation exacts from both sides."

"The commands issued to us in the Territories (have) destroy(ed) all the values (we learned) growing up in this country."

"The (way) the Occupation (undermines the) IDF's human character and (exposes) the corruption of the entire Israeli society."

"We....know that the Territories are not Israel, and that all settlements are bound to be evacuated in the end."

"We hereby declare that we shall not continue to fight this War of the Settlements."

"We shall not continue to fight beyond the 1967 borders to dominate, expel, starve and humiliate an entire people."

"We hereby declare that we shall continue serving the Israel Defense Forces in any mission that serves Israel's defense."

"The missions of occupation and oppression do not serve this purpose - and we shall take no part in them."​

Women soldiers also speak out. Their testimonies match their male counterparts. They condemn the corrupt state of Israel's military. They want no further part of horrific crimes committed in their name.
You can't get any more credible a source than the "boots on the ground", who were burdened with carrying out immoral and illegal orders from the Knesset.

All I can say is, thank God there is some humanity left in that country!

After dealing with all the zionist assholes at this website on a daily basis, these soldiers are a breath of fresh air.
Sorry Lipbush, you're not included in this one.

And to all my Roudy friends who make up the USMB "Zionist Fucker Club", you're still a bunch of assholes and are now confirmed liars, according to the IDF.

NICE WORK DUDE....a pity this won't be circulated in the U.S. mainstream media...the goose-stepping Jew/Nazi thugs will one day suffer a rude awakening....
Those are the same soldiers who will refuse to call against the war crimes intended against the people of Sderot and Ashkelon.

Therefore, they don't and WON'T speak for Israel. If they would have gone against the crime against their people, while at the same time call for justice for Gaza, that would be fair.

Since they don't, they're simply traitors.
They are also "eye-witnesses".
The Jews will always have a denial-mechanism---no matter how inapplicable, hypocritical or irrational....they are deeply, irretrievably disturbed......
Those are the same soldiers who will refuse to call against the war crimes intended against the people of Sderot and Ashkelon.

Therefore, they don't and WON'T speak for Israel. If they would have gone against the crime against their people, while at the same time call for justice for Gaza, that would be fair.

Since they don't, they're simply traitors.
They are also "eye-witnesses".

So am I. Just from the other side of the border.

Do people interview me as well?
The Jews will always have a denial-mechanism---no matter how inapplicable, hypocritical or irrational....they are deeply, irretrievably disturbed......
I love how anytime, anyone criticizes Israel, they're called a "jew-hater". But when the one criticizing is an Israeli jew, I really get a kick out of seeing these asshole zionists jumping through hoops to explain their rational of the "jew-hating-jew!"
The Jews will always have a denial-mechanism---no matter how inapplicable, hypocritical or irrational....they are deeply, irretrievably disturbed......
I love how anytime, anyone criticizes Israel, they're called a "jew-hater". But when the one criticizing is an Israeli jew, I really get a kick out of seeing these asshole zionists jumping through hoops to explain their rational of the "jew-hating-jew!"

Moiser, in one word.
What is "Israeli apologists"?
People who make excuses for Israeli war crimes.

Now you're being rude.

Since when telling your side of the story considered "making excuses for war crimes"?

See? I cannot possibly have a normal discussion with you because you simply refuse to listen to anything from the Israeli side.
Whenever you have said anything true, I have agreed with you. Other times, I accepted the fact that we disagreed on an issue and neither one of us was wrong. But regarding issues where you say things that are simply ridiculous, I cannot in good concience let it go, or respond with some pollyanna post. When occasions like that pop up, the best thing for me to do for you, is to be quite honest about what I'm saying.

Let me make this perfectly clear, there is no side of your story, when it comes to the brutal treatment your government takes towards the Palestinian's. There is no justification for 45 years of occupation and tyranny towards the Palestinian's and their land. And when you indicate things like "the occupation isn't the cause of the hostility", you're saying something that it is not even based in reality.

Another one of your comments, is the claim that Gaza isn't occupied. My response to that is two words, Rachael Corrie. If Gaza wasn't occupied, then how the fuck did she die?
I've had experiences with these types of soldiers back in the 50s-70s and it still goes on.The soldiers who had a bone to pick would contact "reporters" from the National Enquirer and lay out all the injustice and mis-treatment they had witnessed or endured. What never was revealed was the soldiers history: Slackers, mal-contents, troublemakers, inferior soldiers,etc, etc. Usually the types who wound up with Bad Conduct, Undesirable or Dishonorable discharges.People who went AWOL, were deserters, faked injuries and illness. The list goes on and on and on. When their "story" gets publicity it would sometimes get a Congressional investigation or inquiry and usually wind up as discussion fodder at the Happy Hour in the clubs.Yep, we know what kind os "soldiers' we're dealing with here. And the un-washed just lap it up.
I've had experiences with these types of soldiers back in the 50s-70s and it still goes on.The soldiers who had a bone to pick would contact "reporters" from the National Enquirer and lay out all the injustice and mis-treatment they had witnessed or endured. What never was revealed was the soldiers history: Slackers, mal-contents, troublemakers, inferior soldiers,etc, etc. Usually the types who wound up with Bad Conduct, Undesirable or Dishonorable discharges.People who went AWOL, were deserters, faked injuries and illness. The list goes on and on and on. When their "story" gets publicity it would sometimes get a Congressional investigation or inquiry and usually wind up as discussion fodder at the Happy Hour in the clubs.Yep, we know what kind os "soldiers' we're dealing with here. And the un-washed just lap it up.
If you can't prove what they said is wrong, you discredit the source.
I've had experiences with these types of soldiers back in the 50s-70s and it still goes on.The soldiers who had a bone to pick would contact "reporters" from the National Enquirer and lay out all the injustice and mis-treatment they had witnessed or endured. What never was revealed was the soldiers history: Slackers, mal-contents, troublemakers, inferior soldiers,etc, etc. Usually the types who wound up with Bad Conduct, Undesirable or Dishonorable discharges.People who went AWOL, were deserters, faked injuries and illness. The list goes on and on and on. When their "story" gets publicity it would sometimes get a Congressional investigation or inquiry and usually wind up as discussion fodder at the Happy Hour in the clubs.Yep, we know what kind os "soldiers' we're dealing with here. And the un-washed just lap it up.
If you can't prove what they said is wrong, you discredit the source.

It is not wrong in what they say and what they think. We know Palestinians suffer, nobody said otherwise.

It's wrong when these soldiers will risk their own civilians because of such opinions, which they do constantly.
I've had experiences with these types of soldiers back in the 50s-70s and it still goes on.The soldiers who had a bone to pick would contact "reporters" from the National Enquirer and lay out all the injustice and mis-treatment they had witnessed or endured. What never was revealed was the soldiers history: Slackers, mal-contents, troublemakers, inferior soldiers,etc, etc. Usually the types who wound up with Bad Conduct, Undesirable or Dishonorable discharges.People who went AWOL, were deserters, faked injuries and illness. The list goes on and on and on. When their "story" gets publicity it would sometimes get a Congressional investigation or inquiry and usually wind up as discussion fodder at the Happy Hour in the clubs.Yep, we know what kind os "soldiers' we're dealing with here. And the un-washed just lap it up.
If you can't prove what they said is wrong, you discredit the source.
I haven't discredited the source. However a reliable newspaper such as the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times and others would have delved into the conduct of the soldiers involved. There are two sides to every story and so far we've only heard one. Let's have a list of credentials of the squealers and then we can determine who is right. One thing is certain; if you have a problem in the military there are procedures to follow. These soldiers didn't follow proper procedures. Getting my drift? These soldiers have some explaining to do to their boss.

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