I wear my white supremacy like a badge of honor!

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I love my white privilege!! I get waited on at the deli before any diversity people do, even when I am last in line. I end up being magnanimous and insisting that the blacks ahead of me go first because they have been waiting longer than I have. THAT is why whitey is SUPREME above other folx! Do you really think a black or brown would do such a thing? No way! They would say "Fuck dat white cracker!!" But my uber supremacy does not allow me to do this.

You know, at lot of slaving nations treated their slaves like shit. For example, when the Nazis and Stalin, in their own respective countries, sentenced undesirables to hard labor to build shit for the regimes, they would work their slaves to death. By contrast, our slavers in America were capitalists. It did not make sense to abuse one's chattel. What if you were driving a tractor, plowing a field, and the tractor defied you and stopped working? Would you beat the shit out of it with a large hammer? Of course not. American slavers took care of their property!! That is why they are superior to other slavers. That is why American whites are SUPREME!

Frankly, the fact that we are so supreme is why we get privileges. It is an incentive. Image what kind of shit hole country America could be if not for our heritage of white supremacy. Non-supreme slavers could have wiped out the slaves once it was decided we could not have them anymore. Further, in our Supreme devotion to humanity, we gave blacks equal rights! We even allow them to immigrate here, although they don't know how to assimilate worth a fuck. Our Supremacy allows for Mexicans and other diversity to come into our nation unmolested, so they can molest our children and women. It is ok, though. We do not whack them for it. We are too Supreme for that! We are Silly Supreme!!

When some misguided soul starts telling you that you are bad because you are a white supremacist, you just need to set them straight. Tell them that it you were not such a supreme white guy that you may find the tallest oak tree in the country and string him up by the balls, but you won't because your white supremacy will not allow you too. In effect, you are confessing to saving his life.

Whites are just better than everyone else. We would not have democracy if not for the white man. We would not have western civilization if not for the white man. We would not have toilets if not for the white man. This makes us SUPREME, and that is something to be proud of!
I love my white privilege!! I get waited on at the deli before any diversity people do, even when I am last in line. I end up being magnanimous and insisting that the blacks ahead of me go first because they have been waiting longer than I have. THAT is why whitey is SUPREME above other folx! Do you really think a black or brown would do such a thing? No way! They would say "Fuck dat white cracker!!" But my uber supremacy does not allow me to do this.

You know, at lot of slaving nations treated their slaves like shit. For example, when the Nazis and Stalin, in their own respective countries, sentenced undesirables to hard labor to build shit for the regimes, they would work their slaves to death. By contrast, our slavers in America were capitalists. It did not make sense to abuse one's chattel. What if you were driving a tractor, plowing a field, and the tractor defied you and stopped working? Would you beat the shit out of it with a large hammer? Of course not. American slavers took care of their property!! That is why they are superior to other slavers. That is why American whites are SUPREME!

Frankly, the fact that we are so supreme is why we get privileges. It is an incentive. Image what kind of shit hole country America could be if not for our heritage of white supremacy. Non-supreme slavers could have wiped out the slaves once it was decided we could not have them anymore. Further, in our Supreme devotion to humanity, we gave blacks equal rights! We even allow them to immigrate here, although they don't know how to assimilate worth a fuck. Our Supremacy allows for Mexicans and other diversity to come into our nation unmolested, so they can molest our children and women. It is ok, though. We do not whack them for it. We are too Supreme for that! We are Silly Supreme!!

When some misguided soul starts telling you that you are bad because you are a white supremacist, you just need to set them straight. Tell them that it you were not such a supreme white guy that you may find the tallest oak tree in the country and string him up by the balls, but you won't because your white supremacy will not allow you too. In effect, you are confessing to saving his life.

Whites are just better than everyone else. We would not have democracy if not for the white man. We would not have western civilization if not for the white man. We would not have toilets if not for the white man. This makes us SUPREME, and that is something to be proud of!
That's not upping the ante on what you've already said, but it's pleasing to be able to motivate you to trying!
I love my white privilege!! I get waited on at the deli before any diversity people do, even when I am last in line. I end up being magnanimous and insisting that the blacks ahead of me go first because they have been waiting longer than I have. THAT is why whitey is SUPREME above other folx! Do you really think a black or brown would do such a thing? No way! They would say "Fuck dat white cracker!!" But my uber supremacy does not allow me to do this.

You know, at lot of slaving nations treated their slaves like shit. For example, when the Nazis and Stalin, in their own respective countries, sentenced undesirables to hard labor to build shit for the regimes, they would work their slaves to death. By contrast, our slavers in America were capitalists. It did not make sense to abuse one's chattel. What if you were driving a tractor, plowing a field, and the tractor defied you and stopped working? Would you beat the shit out of it with a large hammer? Of course not. American slavers took care of their property!! That is why they are superior to other slavers. That is why American whites are SUPREME!

Frankly, the fact that we are so supreme is why we get privileges. It is an incentive. Image what kind of shit hole country America could be if not for our heritage of white supremacy. Non-supreme slavers could have wiped out the slaves once it was decided we could not have them anymore. Further, in our Supreme devotion to humanity, we gave blacks equal rights! We even allow them to immigrate here, although they don't know how to assimilate worth a fuck. Our Supremacy allows for Mexicans and other diversity to come into our nation unmolested, so they can molest our children and women. It is ok, though. We do not whack them for it. We are too Supreme for that! We are Silly Supreme!!

When some misguided soul starts telling you that you are bad because you are a white supremacist, you just need to set them straight. Tell them that it you were not such a supreme white guy that you may find the tallest oak tree in the country and string him up by the balls, but you won't because your white supremacy will not allow you too. In effect, you are confessing to saving his life.

Whites are just better than everyone else. We would not have democracy if not for the white man. We would not have western civilization if not for the white man. We would not have toilets if not for the white man. This makes us SUPREME, and that is something to be proud of!
Now we just have to figure out to whom you are actually superior.

We're going to have to put together a large task force.
Have you a drugs problem Rod ?

Are you ready to ask for help?
There is no color, no race, no religion , that can hold a candle to the real supreme beings that run this country

Thinking you've a bigger crumb off their table , because of your ethnicity , is admitting you're a tool for them


And Yep:

good to be white.jpg
Giving your privileged spot in the soup line to someone you see as your ethnic lesser is a hoot LLR......

Africa, which developed the world's oldest human civilization, gave humanity the use of fire a million and half to two million years ago. It is the home of the first tools, astronomy, jewelry, fishing, mathematics, crops, art, use of pigments, cutting and other pointed instruments and animal domestication.
There is a long and rich tradition of both oral and institutional knowledge in Africa in medicine, math, and education. Many traditional medicinal practices involved using plants that have chemical compounds used in modern medications, such as salicylic acid, now used in aspirin and kaolin, used to treat diarrhea. In Egypt the ancient polymath Imhotep developed systems of medicine so popular and effective that he was deified in the Egyptian pantheon, and was also recognized as a divine figure by many Greeks and Romans. Also in Egypt, the library of Alexandria was perhaps the best and largest repository of knowledge in the ancient world.

In the Middle Ages, Timbuktu, in the Kingdom of Mali, was an important center of learning. The university at Sankore especially thrived in the 14th century under the patronage of Malian king Mansa Musa. The oldest university that still educates students today was founded in the 9th century in Fez, Morocco. Using records from Timbuktu and even traditional games such as Mancala as evidence, scholars have shown that Africa had a rich and complex indigenous traditions of mathematics long before the arrival of the Arabs or later European colonizers.
I love my white privilege!! I get waited on at the deli before any diversity people do, even when I am last in line. I end up being magnanimous and insisting that the blacks ahead of me go first because they have been waiting longer than I have. THAT is why whitey is SUPREME above other folx! Do you really think a black or brown would do such a thing? No way! They would say "Fuck dat white cracker!!" But my uber supremacy does not allow me to do this.

You know, at lot of slaving nations treated their slaves like shit. For example, when the Nazis and Stalin, in their own respective countries, sentenced undesirables to hard labor to build shit for the regimes, they would work their slaves to death. By contrast, our slavers in America were capitalists. It did not make sense to abuse one's chattel. What if you were driving a tractor, plowing a field, and the tractor defied you and stopped working? Would you beat the shit out of it with a large hammer? Of course not. American slavers took care of their property!! That is why they are superior to other slavers. That is why American whites are SUPREME!

Frankly, the fact that we are so supreme is why we get privileges. It is an incentive. Image what kind of shit hole country America could be if not for our heritage of white supremacy. Non-supreme slavers could have wiped out the slaves once it was decided we could not have them anymore. Further, in our Supreme devotion to humanity, we gave blacks equal rights! We even allow them to immigrate here, although they don't know how to assimilate worth a fuck. Our Supremacy allows for Mexicans and other diversity to come into our nation unmolested, so they can molest our children and women. It is ok, though. We do not whack them for it. We are too Supreme for that! We are Silly Supreme!!

When some misguided soul starts telling you that you are bad because you are a white supremacist, you just need to set them straight. Tell them that it you were not such a supreme white guy that you may find the tallest oak tree in the country and string him up by the balls, but you won't because your white supremacy will not allow you too. In effect, you are confessing to saving his life.

Whites are just better than everyone else. We would not have democracy if not for the white man. We would not have western civilization if not for the white man. We would not have toilets if not for the white man. This makes us SUPREME, and that is something to be proud of!
Now we just have to figure out to whom you are actually superior.

We're going to have to put together a large task force.
Lincoln showed that such people are actually the lowest of all, So I laugh at that supremacy post,not one sentence that doesn't stand on somebody else's back :)

If A. can prove, however conclusively, that he may, of right, enslave B. -- why may not B. snatch the same argument, and prove equally, that he may enslave A?--

You say A. is white, and B. is black. It is color, then; the lighter, having the right to enslave the darker? Take care. By this rule, you are to be slave to the first man you meet, with a fairer skin than your own.

You do not mean color exactly?--You mean the whites are intellectually the superiors of the blacks, and, therefore have the right to enslave them? Take care again. By this rule, you are to be slave to the first man you meet, with an intellect superior to your own.

But, say you, it is a question of interest; and, if you can make it your interest, you have the right to enslave another. Very well. And if he can make it his interest, he has the right to enslave you.
I love my white privilege!! I get waited on at the deli before any diversity people do, even when I am last in line. I end up being magnanimous and insisting that the blacks ahead of me go first because they have been waiting longer than I have. THAT is why whitey is SUPREME above other folx! Do you really think a black or brown would do such a thing? No way! They would say "Fuck dat white cracker!!" But my uber supremacy does not allow me to do this.

You know, at lot of slaving nations treated their slaves like shit. For example, when the Nazis and Stalin, in their own respective countries, sentenced undesirables to hard labor to build shit for the regimes, they would work their slaves to death. By contrast, our slavers in America were capitalists. It did not make sense to abuse one's chattel. What if you were driving a tractor, plowing a field, and the tractor defied you and stopped working? Would you beat the shit out of it with a large hammer? Of course not. American slavers took care of their property!! That is why they are superior to other slavers. That is why American whites are SUPREME!

Frankly, the fact that we are so supreme is why we get privileges. It is an incentive. Image what kind of shit hole country America could be if not for our heritage of white supremacy. Non-supreme slavers could have wiped out the slaves once it was decided we could not have them anymore. Further, in our Supreme devotion to humanity, we gave blacks equal rights! We even allow them to immigrate here, although they don't know how to assimilate worth a fuck. Our Supremacy allows for Mexicans and other diversity to come into our nation unmolested, so they can molest our children and women. It is ok, though. We do not whack them for it. We are too Supreme for that! We are Silly Supreme!!

When some misguided soul starts telling you that you are bad because you are a white supremacist, you just need to set them straight. Tell them that it you were not such a supreme white guy that you may find the tallest oak tree in the country and string him up by the balls, but you won't because your white supremacy will not allow you too. In effect, you are confessing to saving his life.

Whites are just better than everyone else. We would not have democracy if not for the white man. We would not have western civilization if not for the white man. We would not have toilets if not for the white man. This makes us SUPREME, and that is something to be proud of!


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