I wanna challenge everyone to read the entire Bible this year

The "Heavenly Inspired" translation of the first verse of the Torah was mistranslated.
So much for TNT which freely mistranslates Torah and Prophets incorrectly like flinging mud at a wall.

Go to a Hebrew speaking priest and without mentioning the context of our conversation and ask him to translate the first verse and get back to me.

Ask a Hebrew speaking priest about scripture? lol... A guy who studied the bible and walked away with a belief that God is edible? Are you joking?

What does deliberate NT mistranslations have to do with the fact that the Torah itself can be read and discerned by anyone who applies their mind to understand the hidden teachings?

Do you not know that there is hidden teaching in the law that has been deliberately withheld which amounts to rebellion against God who gave the law to be a light to the nations from the beginning?

Psalms 147 / Hebrew Bible in English / Mechon-Mamre
Psalms 147...
19 He declareth His word unto Jacob, His statutes and His ordinances unto Israel.
20 He hath not dealt so with any nation; and as for His ordinances, they have not known them.
Doesn't the Torah mention a people who rejected His ways before Israel?
When the Jews accepted The Torah at Mount Sinai it was also offered to all the other nations and they declined.
Ok, but before that. What does the Torah say about before that?

Before that...
The Torah is not a history book; it's a moral document.
God creates existence filled with almost endless delights for the mind, soul and body and asks for simple in return...
Appreciate Me.

I'll tell you what, eat whatever you want from the seemingly endless number of trees I have provided for you...
Just show your appreciation by not eating from ONE tree.

Does it matter if it was a tree?
No; but that's what God decided on.
And let's not lose sight of the fact that Adam & Chava (Eve) had every opportunity to eat from the Tree of Life; but they didn't.
The Tree of Life may have had prerequisites to eating from it.
For instance, you CAN eat from the Tree of Life if you DON'T eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Bad.
Prior t eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Bad, they full well knew the difference between True & False.
By violating God's request, they caused themselves enough tension to cloud their judgment.
After all, try telling your boss you just embezzled several hundred million dollars without first working on an elaborate plan to hide your embezzlement.

Adam and Chana and Kayin (Cain) didn't live up to the standard required to have exposure to the Tree of Life.

Noach (Noah) ALMOST made it but couldn't handle the devastation of humanity he didn't pray for to save.

It took 10 more generations for God to find ONE person to achieve entry back to the Garden...Avraham.

I think God would have been happier if he could focus on MILLIONS of people rather than just ONE.

And so prior to the giving of the 10 Commandments, NO ONE was offered the job.
DURING the giving of the 10 Commandments, the WHOLE world was offered the job.
Only the Jews accepted the position.
Ask a Hebrew speaking priest about scripture? lol... A guy who studied the bible and walked away with a belief that God is edible? Are you joking?

What does deliberate NT mistranslations have to do with the fact that the Torah itself can be read and discerned by anyone who applies their mind to understand the hidden teachings?

Do you not know that there is hidden teaching in the law that has been deliberately withheld which amounts to rebellion against God who gave the law to be a light to the nations from the beginning?

Psalms 147 / Hebrew Bible in English / Mechon-Mamre
Psalms 147...
19 He declareth His word unto Jacob, His statutes and His ordinances unto Israel.
20 He hath not dealt so with any nation; and as for His ordinances, they have not known them.
Doesn't the Torah mention a people who rejected His ways before Israel?
When the Jews accepted The Torah at Mount Sinai it was also offered to all the other nations and they declined.
Ok, but before that. What does the Torah say about before that?

Before that...
The Torah is not a history book; it's a moral document.
God creates existence filled with almost endless delights for the mind, soul and body and asks for simple in return...
Appreciate Me.

I'll tell you what, eat whatever you want from the seemingly endless number of trees I have provided for you...
Just show your appreciation by not eating from ONE tree.

Does it matter if it was a tree?
No; but that's what God decided on.
And let's not lose sight of the fact that Adam & Chava (Eve) had every opportunity to eat from the Tree of Life; but they didn't.
The Tree of Life may have had prerequisites to eating from it.
For instance, you CAN eat from the Tree of Life if you DON'T eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Bad.
Prior t eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Bad, they full well knew the difference between True & False.
By violating God's request, they caused themselves enough tension to cloud their judgment.
After all, try telling your boss you just embezzled several hundred million dollars without first working on an elaborate plan to hide your embezzlement.

Adam and Chana and Kayin (Cain) didn't live up to the standard required to have exposure to the Tree of Life.

Noach (Noah) ALMOST made it but couldn't handle the devastation of humanity he didn't pray for to save.

It took 10 more generations for God to find ONE person to achieve entry back to the Garden...Avraham.

I think God would have been happier if he could focus on MILLIONS of people rather than just ONE.

And so prior to the giving of the 10 Commandments, NO ONE was offered the job.
DURING the giving of the 10 Commandments, the WHOLE world was offered the job.
Only the Jews accepted the position.
The first five books were written by Moses, an adopted son of the king of Egypt (1400 B.C.), right? These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters records the history that all nations have in common, right?

Oh really? your ancestors didn't covertly codify separation from irrational people by concealing the subjects of refrain in a menu?

You really believe that a person can become holy or defiled by eating or refraining from certain foods?

A talking serpent in genesis is some mystical mystery that only a very few select people can comprehend and has nothing whatever to do with the command in kosher law to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly?

Comparing other people to animals according to their defining attributes to either praise or insult is not universal vernacular shared by people of every language ever since people could talk?

Sorry, I must have mistaken you for a rational person....
The "Heavenly Inspired" translation of the first verse of the Torah was mistranslated.
So much for TNT which freely mistranslates Torah and Prophets incorrectly like flinging mud at a wall.

Go to a Hebrew speaking priest and without mentioning the context of our conversation and ask him to translate the first verse and get back to me.
What would he say?
After Hobelim does his homework.
It doesn't seem like he wants to do his homework, but I still would like to hear your answer if you wouldn't mind terribly.

The first word in the Torah is B'Ray-shish.
The B prefix means "in", or "via".
Ray-shish does NOT mean "beginning", as in the very start of.
It means "in the beginning of the process of".
This the first verse does NOT mean, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth".

What is closer to what it means...
In the beginning of God (Eh-Low-Him) creating THE ENTIRE Sha-My-Im (metaphysical heaven? the concept of space?) and THE ENTIRE Eh-retz (probably physical matter) and the Eh-retz (physical matter) was Sew-who (not yet the building block of matter) and Voh-who (but had potential).

This difference has MASSIVE implications...

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth"...
Implies that that was that and whatever happened in sequence in time is what happened.
Bu that is INCORRECT.

Put your seatbelt on...
The ENTIRE book of Genesis had to happen in order for God not to wipe out the world in one way or another and start AGAIN.

How many times was Noach NOT up to the task and a flood destroyed all of mankind.

How many times did Avraham NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yitzchak (Isaac) NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yo-Safe (Joseph) NOT resists the wife of Potiphar and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

Just a TINY bit of food for thought.
Oh really? your ancestors didn't covertly codify separation from irrational people by concealing the subjects of refrain in a menu?

You really believe that a person can become holy or defiled by eating or refraining from certain foods?

A talking serpent in genesis is some mystical mystery that only a very few select people can comprehend and has nothing whatever to do with the command in kosher law to refrain from the flesh of anything that crawls on its belly?

Comparing other people to animals according to their defining attributes to either praise or insult is not universal vernacular shared by people of every language ever since people could talk?

Sorry, I must have mistaken you for a rational person....
The "Heavenly Inspired" translation of the first verse of the Torah was mistranslated.
So much for TNT which freely mistranslates Torah and Prophets incorrectly like flinging mud at a wall.

Go to a Hebrew speaking priest and without mentioning the context of our conversation and ask him to translate the first verse and get back to me.
What would he say?
After Hobelim does his homework.
It doesn't seem like he wants to do his homework, but I still would like to hear your answer if you wouldn't mind terribly.

The first word in the Torah is B'Ray-shish.
The B prefix means "in", or "via".
Ray-shish does NOT mean "beginning", as in the very start of.
It means "in the beginning of the process of".
This the first verse does NOT mean, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth".

What is closer to what it means...
In the beginning of God (Eh-Low-Him) creating THE ENTIRE Sha-My-Im (metaphysical heaven? the concept of space?) and THE ENTIRE Eh-retz (probably physical matter) and the Eh-retz (physical matter) was Sew-who (not yet the building block of matter) and Voh-who (but had potential).

This difference has MASSIVE implications...

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth"...
Implies that that was that and whatever happened in sequence in time is what happened.
Bu that is INCORRECT.

Put your seatbelt on...
The ENTIRE book of Genesis had to happen in order for God not to wipe out the world in one way or another and start AGAIN.

How many times was Noach NOT up to the task and a flood destroyed all of mankind.

How many times did Avraham NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yitzchak (Isaac) NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yo-Safe (Joseph) NOT resists the wife of Potiphar and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

Just a TINY bit of food for thought.
That is mind blowing. I love it. So how many times did He have to start over and did He create space and time each time?
Psalms 147 / Hebrew Bible in English / Mechon-Mamre
Psalms 147...
19 He declareth His word unto Jacob, His statutes and His ordinances unto Israel.
20 He hath not dealt so with any nation; and as for His ordinances, they have not known them.
Doesn't the Torah mention a people who rejected His ways before Israel?
When the Jews accepted The Torah at Mount Sinai it was also offered to all the other nations and they declined.
Ok, but before that. What does the Torah say about before that?

Before that...
The Torah is not a history book; it's a moral document.
God creates existence filled with almost endless delights for the mind, soul and body and asks for simple in return...
Appreciate Me.

I'll tell you what, eat whatever you want from the seemingly endless number of trees I have provided for you...
Just show your appreciation by not eating from ONE tree.

Does it matter if it was a tree?
No; but that's what God decided on.
And let's not lose sight of the fact that Adam & Chava (Eve) had every opportunity to eat from the Tree of Life; but they didn't.
The Tree of Life may have had prerequisites to eating from it.
For instance, you CAN eat from the Tree of Life if you DON'T eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Bad.
Prior t eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Bad, they full well knew the difference between True & False.
By violating God's request, they caused themselves enough tension to cloud their judgment.
After all, try telling your boss you just embezzled several hundred million dollars without first working on an elaborate plan to hide your embezzlement.

Adam and Chana and Kayin (Cain) didn't live up to the standard required to have exposure to the Tree of Life.

Noach (Noah) ALMOST made it but couldn't handle the devastation of humanity he didn't pray for to save.

It took 10 more generations for God to find ONE person to achieve entry back to the Garden...Avraham.

I think God would have been happier if he could focus on MILLIONS of people rather than just ONE.

And so prior to the giving of the 10 Commandments, NO ONE was offered the job.
DURING the giving of the 10 Commandments, the WHOLE world was offered the job.
Only the Jews accepted the position.
The first five books were written by Moses, an adopted son of the king of Egypt (1400 B.C.), right? These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters records the history that all nations have in common, right?

Absolutely...and that's why God has no need to burn people in an Eternal Lake of Fire.
The "Heavenly Inspired" translation of the first verse of the Torah was mistranslated.
So much for TNT which freely mistranslates Torah and Prophets incorrectly like flinging mud at a wall.

Go to a Hebrew speaking priest and without mentioning the context of our conversation and ask him to translate the first verse and get back to me.
What would he say?
After Hobelim does his homework.
It doesn't seem like he wants to do his homework, but I still would like to hear your answer if you wouldn't mind terribly.

The first word in the Torah is B'Ray-shish.
The B prefix means "in", or "via".
Ray-shish does NOT mean "beginning", as in the very start of.
It means "in the beginning of the process of".
This the first verse does NOT mean, "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth".

What is closer to what it means...
In the beginning of God (Eh-Low-Him) creating THE ENTIRE Sha-My-Im (metaphysical heaven? the concept of space?) and THE ENTIRE Eh-retz (probably physical matter) and the Eh-retz (physical matter) was Sew-who (not yet the building block of matter) and Voh-who (but had potential).

This difference has MASSIVE implications...

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth"...
Implies that that was that and whatever happened in sequence in time is what happened.
Bu that is INCORRECT.

Put your seatbelt on...
The ENTIRE book of Genesis had to happen in order for God not to wipe out the world in one way or another and start AGAIN.

How many times was Noach NOT up to the task and a flood destroyed all of mankind.

How many times did Avraham NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yitzchak (Isaac) NOT live up to his potential and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

How many times did Yo-Safe (Joseph) NOT resists the wife of Potiphar and God had to wipe out all of mankind and start again.

Just a TINY bit of food for thought.
That is mind blowing. I love it. So how many times did He have to start over and did He create space and time each time?

The first word of the Torah can be pronounced Buh-ra-shashe, which means, "He created 6".
And this creation is the 7th.
However, 7 can is often used by God to indicate many.
Psalms 147 / Hebrew Bible in English / Mechon-Mamre
Psalms 147...
19 He declareth His word unto Jacob, His statutes and His ordinances unto Israel.
20 He hath not dealt so with any nation; and as for His ordinances, they have not known them.
Doesn't the Torah mention a people who rejected His ways before Israel?
When the Jews accepted The Torah at Mount Sinai it was also offered to all the other nations and they declined.
Ok, but before that. What does the Torah say about before that?

Before that...
The Torah is not a history book; it's a moral document.
God creates existence filled with almost endless delights for the mind, soul and body and asks for simple in return...
Appreciate Me.

I'll tell you what, eat whatever you want from the seemingly endless number of trees I have provided for you...
Just show your appreciation by not eating from ONE tree.

Does it matter if it was a tree?
No; but that's what God decided on.
And let's not lose sight of the fact that Adam & Chava (Eve) had every opportunity to eat from the Tree of Life; but they didn't.
The Tree of Life may have had prerequisites to eating from it.
For instance, you CAN eat from the Tree of Life if you DON'T eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Bad.
Prior t eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Bad, they full well knew the difference between True & False.
By violating God's request, they caused themselves enough tension to cloud their judgment.
After all, try telling your boss you just embezzled several hundred million dollars without first working on an elaborate plan to hide your embezzlement.

Adam and Chana and Kayin (Cain) didn't live up to the standard required to have exposure to the Tree of Life.

Noach (Noah) ALMOST made it but couldn't handle the devastation of humanity he didn't pray for to save.

It took 10 more generations for God to find ONE person to achieve entry back to the Garden...Avraham.

I think God would have been happier if he could focus on MILLIONS of people rather than just ONE.

And so prior to the giving of the 10 Commandments, NO ONE was offered the job.
DURING the giving of the 10 Commandments, the WHOLE world was offered the job.
Only the Jews accepted the position.
The first five books were written by Moses, an adopted son of the king of Egypt (1400 B.C.), right? These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters records the history that all nations have in common, right?
Moses was the son of Amram, the grandson of Levi, the 3rd son of Jacob and Yocheved, the daughter of Levi.
Yocheved was VERY old when she gave birth to Moshe.
Doesn't the Torah mention a people who rejected His ways before Israel?
When the Jews accepted The Torah at Mount Sinai it was also offered to all the other nations and they declined.
Ok, but before that. What does the Torah say about before that?

Before that...
The Torah is not a history book; it's a moral document.
God creates existence filled with almost endless delights for the mind, soul and body and asks for simple in return...
Appreciate Me.

I'll tell you what, eat whatever you want from the seemingly endless number of trees I have provided for you...
Just show your appreciation by not eating from ONE tree.

Does it matter if it was a tree?
No; but that's what God decided on.
And let's not lose sight of the fact that Adam & Chava (Eve) had every opportunity to eat from the Tree of Life; but they didn't.
The Tree of Life may have had prerequisites to eating from it.
For instance, you CAN eat from the Tree of Life if you DON'T eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Bad.
Prior t eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Bad, they full well knew the difference between True & False.
By violating God's request, they caused themselves enough tension to cloud their judgment.
After all, try telling your boss you just embezzled several hundred million dollars without first working on an elaborate plan to hide your embezzlement.

Adam and Chana and Kayin (Cain) didn't live up to the standard required to have exposure to the Tree of Life.

Noach (Noah) ALMOST made it but couldn't handle the devastation of humanity he didn't pray for to save.

It took 10 more generations for God to find ONE person to achieve entry back to the Garden...Avraham.

I think God would have been happier if he could focus on MILLIONS of people rather than just ONE.

And so prior to the giving of the 10 Commandments, NO ONE was offered the job.
DURING the giving of the 10 Commandments, the WHOLE world was offered the job.
Only the Jews accepted the position.
The first five books were written by Moses, an adopted son of the king of Egypt (1400 B.C.), right? These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters records the history that all nations have in common, right?

Absolutely...and that's why God has no need to burn people in an Eternal Lake of Fire.
I agree. He does not seem to destroy what He has created. Catholic thought is that hell is when He withdraws His Spirit from us. But why would you say that the first 11 chapters explain how there is no need to burn people in an Eternal Lake of Fire?
When the Jews accepted The Torah at Mount Sinai it was also offered to all the other nations and they declined.
Ok, but before that. What does the Torah say about before that?

Before that...
The Torah is not a history book; it's a moral document.
God creates existence filled with almost endless delights for the mind, soul and body and asks for simple in return...
Appreciate Me.

I'll tell you what, eat whatever you want from the seemingly endless number of trees I have provided for you...
Just show your appreciation by not eating from ONE tree.

Does it matter if it was a tree?
No; but that's what God decided on.
And let's not lose sight of the fact that Adam & Chava (Eve) had every opportunity to eat from the Tree of Life; but they didn't.
The Tree of Life may have had prerequisites to eating from it.
For instance, you CAN eat from the Tree of Life if you DON'T eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Bad.
Prior t eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Bad, they full well knew the difference between True & False.
By violating God's request, they caused themselves enough tension to cloud their judgment.
After all, try telling your boss you just embezzled several hundred million dollars without first working on an elaborate plan to hide your embezzlement.

Adam and Chana and Kayin (Cain) didn't live up to the standard required to have exposure to the Tree of Life.

Noach (Noah) ALMOST made it but couldn't handle the devastation of humanity he didn't pray for to save.

It took 10 more generations for God to find ONE person to achieve entry back to the Garden...Avraham.

I think God would have been happier if he could focus on MILLIONS of people rather than just ONE.

And so prior to the giving of the 10 Commandments, NO ONE was offered the job.
DURING the giving of the 10 Commandments, the WHOLE world was offered the job.
Only the Jews accepted the position.
The first five books were written by Moses, an adopted son of the king of Egypt (1400 B.C.), right? These five books focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters records the history that all nations have in common, right?

Absolutely...and that's why God has no need to burn people in an Eternal Lake of Fire.
I agree. He does not seem to destroy what He has created. Catholic thought is that hell is when He withdraws His Spirit from us. But why would you say that the first 11 chapters explain how there is no need to burn people in an Eternal Lake of Fire?

Because mankind in general, including Jews, have bad thoughts all the time but they're not evil.
Judaism is a life of ACTION that leads to faith.
There are MANY Noachide laws that keep non-Jews busy.
Absolutely...and that's why God has no need to burn people in an Eternal Lake of Fire.

that's also why the Almighty's concern is for humanity without regards to anyone as being chosen.

That idea has potential when humanity acts in a HUMANE and dignified manner.
Much of the world does not.
The Torah goes out of it's way to impose on Jews to respect all people.
This isn't a debate thread.
Who are you addressing and what is your point?
I think his point is that he wants us to carry on with this conversation in another thread. This is his OP.
His OP infers he understands what he refers to as the Old Testament.
I believe I just proved him to be incorrect.

Reading the Bible IS a great idea but CANNOT be done without guidance.
The Reformation proved this, lol.

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