I study Liars: I've never seen anyone like President Trump...

I have never seen a politician whose prolific lying is so accepted
I have never seen a politician whose prolific lying is so accepted

Of course you have, you just had 8 years of lies from Barack the Magic Negro Messiah.

Perspective | I study liars. I’ve never seen one like President Trump.

I guess you could say he is a "World Class" Liar. And he is still the hero to evangelist....WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?
Liars tell me illegal aliens are good too, other liars tell me black lives matter when they slaughter each other. House said...we all lie. It's the human condition. Perhaps we need to stop acepting lies we want to hear and live in the real world.

Well said.
Perspective | I study liars. I’ve never seen one like President Trump.

I guess you could say he is a "World Class" Liar. And he is still the hero to evangelist....WHAT IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?

They are hollow. There is no there there with 'evangelicals'. They've put up this front for so long but the curtain has been pulled back all the way on the fraud these people are. They have no morals and could not care less if anyone in office has morals either.

Although it pains me to say I agree with you, I do. Evangelicalism has walked away from "real" faith. If they hadn't hey would be far ore strident about what's happening than they are. They should be calling out abortion, about lying, about all that we as a Nation do that does not line up with Biblical principles.
Trump is no liar. Ignorant leftists call hyperbole and changes of opinions "lies". They are liars themselves...you can't believe anything that they say.
I see these poor starving homeless Americans, we bash THEM instead, ( how DARE they be poor in America),they are TRASH, living in tents on our streets, instead, we NEED to excuse poor Mexicans that sneak in here and violate laws most immigrants follow. But instead, wetbacks are a newly found class of saints being victimized by unfair laws...Funny, they allow themselves to be exploited, then bitch about laws they knowingly violated. Then, they cynical drag their kids into this, as human shields. And call have to nerve to call themselves "dreamers". Well, I am a "dreamer" too. I dream of a time when all people can, and do legally immigrate . Without schemes and games.
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