I Still Can't Fathom Why A Biden Administration Is Better Than The Trump Administration

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
Even fellow conservatives of mine don't think that we need Trump back. Under Trump our border was secure, there were no wars, gas prices were under two dollars, unemployment rate was down, no inflation to the extent we had after Trump's term was over,... What exactly am I missing here?

Edit: Oh yeah and the LGBT community wasn't destroying our country and black on white racism wasn't nearly as bad.
Even fellow conservatives of mine don't think that we need Trump back. Under Trump our border was secure, there were no wars, gas prices were under two dollars, unemployment rate was down, no inflation to the extent we had after Trump's term was over,... What exactly am I missing here?

Edit: Oh yeah and the LGBT community wasn't destroying our country and black on white racism wasn't nearly as bad.
For me, the border is the biggest difference between another term of Biden or Trump. I have thought for years that Presidents get too much blame and credit for what happens in the economy. The Federal Reserve has a much bigger influence regarding economic conditions than the president.
I want both of them out of politics permanently.

But why? It doesn't make any sense. Trump's not a politician and it isn't a personality contest.

For me, the border is the biggest difference between another term of Biden or Trump. I have thought for years that Presidents get too much blame and credit for what happens in the economy. The Federal Reserve has a much bigger influence regarding economic conditions than the president.

Yeah I guess you're right but under Trump we had a Republican government.

It's not. Biden administration is a shit show

I meant to liberals.
Even fellow conservatives of mine don't think that we need Trump back. Under Trump our border was secure, there were no wars, gas prices were under two dollars, unemployment rate was down, no inflation to the extent we had after Trump's term was over,... What exactly am I missing here?

Edit: Oh yeah and the LGBT community wasn't destroying our country and black on white racism wasn't nearly as bad.

It's called 'Google', try it before you post!

But why? It doesn't make any sense. Trump's not a politician and it isn't a personality contest.

Yeah I guess you're right but under Trump we had a Republican government.

I meant to liberals.
Trump's not a politician and it isn't a personality contest.

he also has no money sense. He increased the debt more in 4 years than anyone one else did in 8.

Yeah I guess you're right but under Trump we had a Republican government.

Trump is no Republican, and I'm wondering if you are.
Even fellow conservatives of mine don't think that we need Trump back. Under Trump our border was secure, there were no wars, gas prices were under two dollars, unemployment rate was down, no inflation to the extent we had after Trump's term was over,... What exactly am I missing here?

Edit: Oh yeah and the LGBT community wasn't destroying our country and black on white racism wasn't nearly as bad.
You must be talking about 6 months after Trump took office. Obama handed him a great economy and Trump passed a huge tax break to everyone, which doubled the debt and caused inflation and only gave us a minor blip in the economy. What was GDP in 2019? 2.3%? Pretty pathetic.

Trump hurt his economy by starting a trade war with China. A war he lost. It cost us.

Imagine these headlines if Trump were still president.

Household wealth swelled at a record pace during the pandemic. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

Even fellow conservatives of mine don't think that we need Trump back. Under Trump our border was secure, there were no wars, gas prices were under two dollars, unemployment rate was down, no inflation to the extent we had after Trump's term was over,... What exactly am I missing here?

Edit: Oh yeah and the LGBT community wasn't destroying our country and black on white racism wasn't nearly as bad.
Black on white racism wasn't as bad when blacks were slaves either.
who is saying a Biden administration is better than Trumps?

I want both of them out of politics permanently.
Like I said, if this happened on Trump's watch

Household wealth swelled at a record pace during the pandemic. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

Boy would you be bragging about it and giving Trump credit for it.
Like I said, if this happened on Trump's watch

Household wealth swelled at a record pace during the pandemic. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

Boy would you be bragging about it and giving Trump credit for it.
Boy would you be bragging about it and giving Trump credit for it.
The only thing I gave Trump credit for was not starting any new wars and having good taste in women.
The problem is that the Dems and GOP are two of the same party. It requires an outsider to get anything done.

McCain sold out Cruz and the Tea Party, the Dems sold out Bernie to protect Hillary. They create a small, tight clique of people who have the same policies and hang out with the same donors. Americas decline since '89 coinciding with Chinas rise is a startling shift of influence and wealth. I've said it numerous times, Chinese intelligence agencies deserve a raise.

Both parties prescription is an open border to drive wages down and have the Middle Class disappear. These economically illiterate fools don't understand that you require a healthy consumption class and without it, your economy stagnates and deflates propped up only by artificial means: debt and perpetual government stimulus which is completely structural now.

I think many of these cerebral disabled geniuses believed that a massive growing middle class in China would buy all the new stuff that corporations would manufacture in China, employing Chinese, while the disparity between currencies could ensure easy profits back home. All while hoping to get a small sliver from domestic, lower wage manufacturing that exports to Chinas new Utopia.

Well, the jokes on them, it was never going to happen as China is like Japan of the 80s, homogenized and focused on domestic products if they spend at all. Sure they bought a few shiny new objects for awhile to provide some optics and they enjoy American burgers, but it never lasts in a centrally controlled system in which government controls the narrative and censors propaganda. It will change on a dime and on the whim of the government and sole leader in power.

It has been China First for 5000 years. We propped up a Communist Party destined to defeat America and Trump was the only one to take them on, let alone even mention this fact in public.

Recall CNN mocking Trumps efforts to take on China? They laughed at him at his attempts to take on China, meaning they were laughing at you. They had already drank the Obama Kool-Aid that America was just a nice, mid-tier power and China would power the world for the next 1000 years.

I won't forget the Washington Post guest, an economic expert. Images of Good Will Hunting and her plagerising economic texts were occurring in real time as she toed the same fallacies I've heard often. She repeated the same inaccuracies about populism being responsible for the Great Depression (it was the banks primarily, not populism). I confronted her in a Twitter post and educated her more thoroughly on the collapse in '29 and I also offered her any wager that America could reign in Chinas economy and expand domestically if it wanted to.

Trump proved that it could be done and with relative ease. As long as a leader is committed to it and ignored "experts" and lobbyists. This isn't avoiding globalism, being robbed isn't globalism. It was about avoiding global socialism and theft by foreign powers.
It's called 'Google', try it before you post!

God damn you are gullible.
Trump proved that it could be done and with relative ease. As long as a leader is committed to it and ignored "experts" and lobbyists. This isn't avoiding globalism, being robbed isn't globalism. It was about avoiding global socialism and theft by foreign powers.

Of Course.
It's called 'Google', try it before you post!

Then why hasn't all of these absurd claims ever been in the news?

he also has no money sense. He increased the debt more in 4 years than anyone one else did in 8.

Trump is no Republican, and I'm wondering if you are.

No he didn't and I was wondering exactly the same thing about you but you're more independent, but I forgot to mention before that liberals aren't the only blind ones unfortunately. Where you and I do see eye to eye is being against all the woke indoctrination crap so that's a plus.

Nothing the OP said is true.

#LOLGOP #CLASSIC #TooFunny #RepublicansAreAJoke

Really? You haven't heard the latest news about things going on at the border and don't notice the change in grocery and gas prices?
Then why hasn't all of these absurd claims ever been in the news?

No he didn't and I was wondering exactly the same thing about you but you're more independent, but I forgot to mention before that liberals aren't the only blind ones unfortunately. Where you and I do see eye to eye is being against all the woke indoctrination crap so that's a plus.

Really? You haven't heard the latest news about things going on at the border and don't notice the change in grocery and gas prices?
"During Donald Trump’s whole presidency, the U.S. national debt increased by $8.18 trillion, a percentage increase of 40.43%."

other presidents had a higher percentage, but I'm not talking percentage.

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