I retweeted Russian stuff and twitter sent me an email


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
I am not making this up.

And I know what it was that I retweeted, too because at the time I pointed out that the source of the tweet was a russian site.

During the aftermath of the Bundy protest in Harney County the so called *local* Oregonian reporter, Les Zaitz, tweeted a tweet he claimed was Sheriff Palmer making some inappropriate commentary. The tweet was generated by a Russian account.

I commented on that, Zaitz apologized (kind of...he acknowledged the tweet was false. He knew when he retweeted it that it was false and participated in creating it).

Now this in my emai:

As part of our recent work to understand Russian-linked activities on Twitter during the 2016 U.S. presidential election, we identified and suspended a number of accounts that were potentially connected to a propaganda effort by a Russian government-linked organization known as the Internet Research Agency.

Consistent with our commitment to transparency, we are emailing you because we have reason to believe that you either followed one of these accounts or retweeted or liked content from these accounts during the election period. This is purely for your own information purposes, and is not related to a security concern for your account.

We are sharing this information so that you can learn more about these accounts and the nature of the Russian propaganda effort. You can see examples of content from these suspended accounts on our blog if you're interested.

People look to Twitter for useful, timely, and appropriate information. We are taking active steps to stop malicious accounts and Tweets from spreading, and we are determined to keep ahead of the tactics of bad actors. For example, in recent months we have developed new techniques to identify accounts manipulating our platform, have improved our process for challenging suspicious accounts, and have introduced new measures designed to identify and take action on coordinated malicious activity. In 2018, we are building on these improvements. Our blog also contains more information about these efforts.

People come to Twitter to see what's happening in the world. We are committed to making it the best place to do that and to being transparent with the people who use and trust our platform.

My condolences kg...

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"50,000 Russian-linked automated accounts that tweeted about the presidential election. Networks of automated accounts are often run from the same computer and sometimes post the same link, talking point or hashtag en-masse in an attempt to make it trend on the platform."

Fucking trolls absolutely harass people continually in re our public lands. You point them out to facebook and they won't shut them down because of course facebook is on board with it.

I'm going to buy some land in fucking Hungary and grow grapes.
It's a mercy by twitter to teach the inbreds that were played so easily by Russia, that they were played so easily by Russia.

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