I Never Authorized Congress or President to spend


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2013
More than the revenue they collect from Taxes. Did any of you authorize spending more than revenues?

I didn't think so.

Hey you lowlifes in Congress you have no authority to spend more than your receipts.

Signed Tax Payer JC456

Sign the petition.
Hold federal budget growth to <3%/FY. We will be out of debt within 10 years. This will allow the economy to grow faster than government and voila...debt will shrink as tax receipts will outpace government expenditures. No need to cut or raise taxes, no need for an amendment. Not rocket surgery.
Sure you did. Every time you voted for an incumbent you authorized it

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who says I did? I voted for Trump, he's far from an incumbent

He also ran on increasing the budget. So again you voted for them spending more than they bring in.

Then you also supported reducing the revenue without any spending cuts

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post that quote.
How much should it cost to run the greatest country the world has ever known in the 21st century?
How much should it cost to run the greatest country the world has ever known in the 21st century?
the amount of receipts taken in from its tax payer base.

That would be nice but as we ail know, in reality, it doesn't seem to work that way.
we all know that, but it doesn't change the fact that I wanted to let them know I never authorized them to spend more than they take in.
More than the revenue they collect from Taxes. Did any of you authorize spending more than revenues?

I didn't think so.

Hey you lowlifes in Congress you have no authority to spend more than your receipts.

Signed Tax Payer JC456

Sign the petition.
Don't pretend you weren't warned. You elected Trump knowing damned well he was going to add 5 to 10 trillion to our debt. Don't act all shocked now.
More than the revenue they collect from Taxes. Did any of you authorize spending more than revenues?

I didn't think so.

Hey you lowlifes in Congress you have no authority to spend more than your receipts.

Signed Tax Payer JC456

Sign the petition.

Although I appreciate your sentiment, borrowing money is nothing new and often vital to the functioning of our country. Our country was in debt from the beginning, and has very few periods when there was no national debt.
Listen its simple, government wants to raise taxes but can't because the people would tar and feather them. So instead they borrow trillions of dollars then claim they have no choice but to raise taxes to pay the governments bills. That's how it works.

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