I Missed That Day in Physics Where Chaos Naturally Evolves Into Order

I'm curious why the opinions of physicists are important to a subject rooted solely in biology.
A fine question...if you are a child.

The reason is that all physical sciences are just subtopics and extrapolations of physics. So yes, physicists have something to say about, for instance, genetics.

And the reason I posted here is because of the thread title/topic, genius. Hurr
Yup. Appeal to authority, right on cue. You're so predictable.
False. Not once was that stated as a reason why local entropy can and does decrease. Hey crybaby: don't use terms, when you don't know what they mean.

Any college freshman in physics can explain why local decreases in entropy not only are allowed, but will happen. But you two morons sure aren't going to understand it
Goodness, you're an emotional little thing. Grown leftist men are indistinguishable from 14-year-old premenstrual girls.

Local decreases in entropy happen, sure.

But enough to result in the human species from non-living matter?

That's far less credible than the idea of a Creator.
He ran away when cornered to back up his ‘facts’.
Sorry, freak. Until you answer "yes", I will not be spoon-feeding you anything.
A fine question...if you are a child.

The reason is that all physical sciences are just subtopics and extrapolations of physics. So yes, physicists have something to say about, for instance, genetics.

And the reason I posted here is because of the thread title/topic, genius. Hurr
Yup. Appeal to authority, right on cue. You're so predictable.
False. Not once was that stated as a reason why local entropy can and does decrease. Hey crybaby: don't use terms, when you don't know what they mean.

Any college freshman in physics can explain why local decreases in entropy not only are allowed, but will happen. But you two morons sure aren't going to understand it
Goodness, you're an emotional little thing. Grown leftist men are indistinguishable from 14-year-old premenstrual girls.

Local decreases in entropy happen, sure.

But enough to result in the human species from non-living matter?

That's far less credible than the idea of a Creator.
He ran away when cornered to back up his ‘facts’.
Sorry, freak. Until you answer "yes", I will not be spoon-feeding you anything.
For the 5th time: YES
Local decreases in entropy happen, sure.
Great, you can stop yer crybabying now. See? I taught you something.
Why'd you delete the rest of my post, you chickenshit?
What crybaby? It is literally right up there ^

Anyone can kill their brain cells and read the whole thing, if they want.
They can also read where you refused to respond to it...because you're a chickenshit.
Local decreases in entropy happen, sure.
Great, you can stop yer crybabying now. See? I taught you something.
Why'd you delete the rest of my post, you chickenshit?
What crybaby? It is literally right up there ^

Anyone can kill their brain cells and read the whole thing, if they want.
They can also read where you refused to respond to it...because you're a chickenshit.
Haha...so THAT is what trolls tell themselves, eh? Fascinating.
Local decreases in entropy happen, sure.
Great, you can stop yer crybabying now. See? I taught you something.
Why'd you delete the rest of my post, you chickenshit?
What crybaby? It is literally right up there ^

Anyone can kill their brain cells and read the whole thing, if they want.
They can also read where you refused to respond to it...because you're a chickenshit.
Haha...so THAT is what trolls tell themselves, eh? Fascinating.
The left has for years tried to make being a coward a positive personality trait.

Looks like you fell for it.
Fort Fun Indiana's MO is to make unsubstantiated claims, fail to back them up and then criticize you for not finding what he should be providing in the first place.

The reason he doesn't provide the basis of his beliefs is that he totally takes out of context what he reads. So if he provided the links, it would be easy to show the flaws in his logic.

He is not being intellectually dishonest, he's just being plain old dishonest. He's not an intellectual. Which partially explains why he behaves like a spoiled child in discussions.
The small hopping insect Issus coleoptratus uses toothed gears (magnified above with an electron microscope) to precisely synchronize the kicks of its hind legs as it jumps forward.

View attachment 297544

there are many wonders of nature like this that most people think happen randomly,,,
As a career engineer I marvel at how well things are designed on both a micro and macro level. I don't think it's a good argument to say "Well yeah but you just wait around long enough and random stuff starts to order itself."
Me too.

It is built into the laws of nature so to speak. Since the beginning of time the one constant has been complexification. The universe started out as subatomic particles and very quickly formed hydrogen and helium (cosmic evolution). Hydrogen and helium formed structures such as stars and galaxies (stellar evolution). The supernovas of stars created all of the elements and compounds that we see through fusion (chemical evolution). Life making the leap from inanimate matter to single celled organism and evolving into evermore increasing complex life forms (biological evolution) up to the point that beings that know and create eventually arose (evolution of consciousness).

Every step along the way matter and energy complexified and was controlled by and predestined by the laws of nature. It's not an accident that intelligence arose, the universe is literally an intelligence creating machine.
The small hopping insect Issus coleoptratus uses toothed gears (magnified above with an electron microscope) to precisely synchronize the kicks of its hind legs as it jumps forward.

View attachment 297544

there are many wonders of nature like this that most people think happen randomly,,,
As a career engineer I marvel at how well things are designed on both a micro and macro level. I don't think it's a good argument to say "Well yeah but you just wait around long enough and random stuff starts to order itself."
Me too.

It is built into the laws of nature so to speak. Since the beginning of time the one constant has been complexification. The universe started out as subatomic particles and very quickly formed hydrogen and helium (cosmic evolution). Hydrogen and helium formed structures such as stars and galaxies (stellar evolution). The supernovas of stars created all of the elements and compounds that we see through fusion (chemical evolution). Life making the leap from inanimate matter to single celled organism and evolving into evermore increasing complex life forms (biological evolution) up to the point that beings that know and create eventually arose (evolution of consciousness).

Every step along the way matter and energy complexified and was controlled by and predestined by the laws of nature. It's not an accident that intelligence arose, the universe is literally an intelligence creating machine.

to bad there is no proof of that,,,which we all know makes it a religion and not science,,,
The small hopping insect Issus coleoptratus uses toothed gears (magnified above with an electron microscope) to precisely synchronize the kicks of its hind legs as it jumps forward.

View attachment 297544

there are many wonders of nature like this that most people think happen randomly,,,
As a career engineer I marvel at how well things are designed on both a micro and macro level. I don't think it's a good argument to say "Well yeah but you just wait around long enough and random stuff starts to order itself."
Me too.

It is built into the laws of nature so to speak. Since the beginning of time the one constant has been complexification. The universe started out as subatomic particles and very quickly formed hydrogen and helium (cosmic evolution). Hydrogen and helium formed structures such as stars and galaxies (stellar evolution). The supernovas of stars created all of the elements and compounds that we see through fusion (chemical evolution). Life making the leap from inanimate matter to single celled organism and evolving into evermore increasing complex life forms (biological evolution) up to the point that beings that know and create eventually arose (evolution of consciousness).

Every step along the way matter and energy complexified and was controlled by and predestined by the laws of nature. It's not an accident that intelligence arose, the universe is literally an intelligence creating machine.

to bad there is no proof of that,,,which we all know makes it a religion and not science,,,
Don't be silly. Everything I wrote is based on science. I've been a practicing engineer for 35 years. I don't think you want to get into a science argument with me.
Fort Fun Indiana's MO is to make unsubstantiated claims, fail to back them up and then criticize you for not finding what he should be providing in the first place.

The reason he doesn't provide the basis of his beliefs is that he totally takes out of context what he reads. So if he provided the links, it would be easy to show the flaws in his logic.

He is not being intellectually dishonest, he's just being plain old dishonest. He's not an intellectual. Which partially explains why he behaves like a spoiled child in discussions.
What a freakish post. You agree with me (and with physicists) 100%. Yet you managed to whine like a little baby anyway.
Fort Fun Indiana's MO is to make unsubstantiated claims, fail to back them up and then criticize you for not finding what he should be providing in the first place.

The reason he doesn't provide the basis of his beliefs is that he totally takes out of context what he reads. So if he provided the links, it would be easy to show the flaws in his logic.

He is not being intellectually dishonest, he's just being plain old dishonest. He's not an intellectual. Which partially explains why he behaves like a spoiled child in discussions.
What a freakish post. You agree with me (and with physicists) 100%. Yet you managed to whine like a little baby anyway.
Thank you for proving my point about behaving like a spoiled child.

Try researching transactional analysis.
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The small hopping insect Issus coleoptratus uses toothed gears (magnified above with an electron microscope) to precisely synchronize the kicks of its hind legs as it jumps forward.

View attachment 297544

there are many wonders of nature like this that most people think happen randomly,,,
As a career engineer I marvel at how well things are designed on both a micro and macro level. I don't think it's a good argument to say "Well yeah but you just wait around long enough and random stuff starts to order itself."
Me too.

It is built into the laws of nature so to speak. Since the beginning of time the one constant has been complexification. The universe started out as subatomic particles and very quickly formed hydrogen and helium (cosmic evolution). Hydrogen and helium formed structures such as stars and galaxies (stellar evolution). The supernovas of stars created all of the elements and compounds that we see through fusion (chemical evolution). Life making the leap from inanimate matter to single celled organism and evolving into evermore increasing complex life forms (biological evolution) up to the point that beings that know and create eventually arose (evolution of consciousness).

Every step along the way matter and energy complexified and was controlled by and predestined by the laws of nature. It's not an accident that intelligence arose, the universe is literally an intelligence creating machine.

to bad there is no proof of that,,,which we all know makes it a religion and not science,,,
Don't be silly. Everything I wrote is based on science. I've been a practicing engineer for 35 years. I don't think you want to get into a science argument with me.

science is based on observation,,,and last I heard no one living or dead observed what you said,,,thats why its a religion not science,,,
there are many wonders of nature like this that most people think happen randomly,,,
As a career engineer I marvel at how well things are designed on both a micro and macro level. I don't think it's a good argument to say "Well yeah but you just wait around long enough and random stuff starts to order itself."
Me too.

It is built into the laws of nature so to speak. Since the beginning of time the one constant has been complexification. The universe started out as subatomic particles and very quickly formed hydrogen and helium (cosmic evolution). Hydrogen and helium formed structures such as stars and galaxies (stellar evolution). The supernovas of stars created all of the elements and compounds that we see through fusion (chemical evolution). Life making the leap from inanimate matter to single celled organism and evolving into evermore increasing complex life forms (biological evolution) up to the point that beings that know and create eventually arose (evolution of consciousness).

Every step along the way matter and energy complexified and was controlled by and predestined by the laws of nature. It's not an accident that intelligence arose, the universe is literally an intelligence creating machine.

to bad there is no proof of that,,,which we all know makes it a religion and not science,,,
Don't be silly. Everything I wrote is based on science. I've been a practicing engineer for 35 years. I don't think you want to get into a science argument with me.

science is based on observation,,,and last I heard no one living or dead observed what you said,,,thats why its a religion not science,,,
Science is the study of nature to discover the order of nature so as to be able to make predictions about nature.

What part of what I wrote is not supported by science?

It is built into the laws of nature so to speak. Since the beginning of time the one constant has been complexification. The universe started out as subatomic particles and very quickly formed hydrogen and helium (cosmic evolution). Hydrogen and helium formed structures such as stars and galaxies (stellar evolution). The supernovas of stars created all of the elements and compounds that we see through fusion (chemical evolution). Life making the leap from inanimate matter to single celled organism and evolving into evermore increasing complex life forms (biological evolution) up to the point that beings that know and create eventually arose (evolution of consciousness).

Every step along the way matter and energy complexified and was controlled by and predestined by the laws of nature. It's not an accident that intelligence arose, the universe is literally an intelligence creating machine.
there are many wonders of nature like this that most people think happen randomly,,,
As a career engineer I marvel at how well things are designed on both a micro and macro level. I don't think it's a good argument to say "Well yeah but you just wait around long enough and random stuff starts to order itself."
Me too.

It is built into the laws of nature so to speak. Since the beginning of time the one constant has been complexification. The universe started out as subatomic particles and very quickly formed hydrogen and helium (cosmic evolution). Hydrogen and helium formed structures such as stars and galaxies (stellar evolution). The supernovas of stars created all of the elements and compounds that we see through fusion (chemical evolution). Life making the leap from inanimate matter to single celled organism and evolving into evermore increasing complex life forms (biological evolution) up to the point that beings that know and create eventually arose (evolution of consciousness).

Every step along the way matter and energy complexified and was controlled by and predestined by the laws of nature. It's not an accident that intelligence arose, the universe is literally an intelligence creating machine.

to bad there is no proof of that,,,which we all know makes it a religion and not science,,,
Don't be silly. Everything I wrote is based on science. I've been a practicing engineer for 35 years. I don't think you want to get into a science argument with me.

science is based on observation,,,and last I heard no one living or dead observed what you said,,,thats why its a religion not science,,,
Science is also based upon probability too...... conjecture is a major component of science.
As a career engineer I marvel at how well things are designed on both a micro and macro level. I don't think it's a good argument to say "Well yeah but you just wait around long enough and random stuff starts to order itself."
Me too.

It is built into the laws of nature so to speak. Since the beginning of time the one constant has been complexification. The universe started out as subatomic particles and very quickly formed hydrogen and helium (cosmic evolution). Hydrogen and helium formed structures such as stars and galaxies (stellar evolution). The supernovas of stars created all of the elements and compounds that we see through fusion (chemical evolution). Life making the leap from inanimate matter to single celled organism and evolving into evermore increasing complex life forms (biological evolution) up to the point that beings that know and create eventually arose (evolution of consciousness).

Every step along the way matter and energy complexified and was controlled by and predestined by the laws of nature. It's not an accident that intelligence arose, the universe is literally an intelligence creating machine.

to bad there is no proof of that,,,which we all know makes it a religion and not science,,,
Don't be silly. Everything I wrote is based on science. I've been a practicing engineer for 35 years. I don't think you want to get into a science argument with me.

science is based on observation,,,and last I heard no one living or dead observed what you said,,,thats why its a religion not science,,,
Science is the study of nature to discover the order of nature so as to be able to make predictions about nature.

What part of what I wrote is not supported by science?

It is built into the laws of nature so to speak. Since the beginning of time the one constant has been complexification. The universe started out as subatomic particles and very quickly formed hydrogen and helium (cosmic evolution). Hydrogen and helium formed structures such as stars and galaxies (stellar evolution). The supernovas of stars created all of the elements and compounds that we see through fusion (chemical evolution). Life making the leap from inanimate matter to single celled organism and evolving into evermore increasing complex life forms (biological evolution) up to the point that beings that know and create eventually arose (evolution of consciousness).

Every step along the way matter and energy complexified and was controlled by and predestined by the laws of nature. It's not an accident that intelligence arose, the universe is literally an intelligence creating machine.

the part where none of it has been observed,,,

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