

Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
Our calendar is based off of cyclical and linear time.

(Cyclical; recurring days of the weak, seasons, months, and so forth)

(Linier - the progression of the years on the Calendar).

Our clocks are based off of the rotations of the heavenly or celestial bodies (e.x. Days - the rotation of the earth around its own axis; Months, the rotation of the moon, Years, the rotation of the earth around the sun).

I'm curious if anyone has any deeper thoughts on the subject; there are books on time written by various thinkers here and there which might be worth checking out someday.

As far as "keeping time" or "self-scheduling goes", I believe that many, if not most do a horrible job of managing their time; I keep mental track of every second; whereas some seem to "horde" time, or erroneously believe they don't have "enough", or conversely, perhaps believe they have "infinite time".

Much as many people "waste" time on frivolous things and causes; there may be no exact science as to what "productive" vs "unproductive" time is, but on some case or level, I suppose people can know it when they see it; often, as per serious businessmen and women, I'd argue or postulate that the good or "correct" use of time isn't limited to the specific "activites" themselves, but to how the time itself is actually used within the context of specific activities (e.x. such as "working hours" not equating to actual productive time spend "on the clock", or people who don't keep good track of time to begin with vastly overestimating the time spend 'working', or how much of those working hours actually translated into productive activity or activities to begin with).

Given that time is a mathematical concept, I may explore the mysteries of time and mathematics more on my own (as opposed to "math", or "simple arithmetic" which is on the level of something a child should or would be expected to be able to keep up with under many so-called or supposedly "normal" circumstances).
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Our calendar is based off of cyclical and linear time.

(Cyclical; recurring days of the weak, seasons, months, and so forth)

(Linier - the progression of the years on the Calendar).

Our clocks are based off of the rotations of the heavenly or celestial bodies (e.x. Days - the rotation of the earth around its own axis; Months, the rotation of the moon, Years, the rotation of the earth around the sun).

I'm curious if anyone has any deeper thoughts on the subject; there are books on time written by various thinkers here and there which might be worth checking out someday.

Humans experience time because we are biological beings that are born, age grow old and eventually cease to exist.. Time is really a figment of the Human mind, and human existence.You can not touch it taste or create it.You are inside of it here on Earth.
There is no such thing as time.

It's all movement: of clocks, of wind, of the Earth going around the sun, of the heartbeat and breath.

Like religion, human beings just made time up. It's a construct.
There is no such thing as time.

It's all movement: of clocks, of wind, of the Earth going around the sun, of the heartbeat and breath.

Like religion, human beings just made time up. It's a construct.
Space time continum. I agree it does not exist in the sense of other things we come into contact with here on Earth.We are inside of time without really realizing it.
I'm curious if anyone has any deeper thoughts on the subject; there are books on time written by various thinkers here and there which might be worth checking out someday.
There is of course Hawking's book, A Brief History Of Time.

Also I have a book "The Arrow Of Time" by P. Coveney and R. Highfield. That book covers all the topics you bring up -- philosophy, quantum mechanics, biology. In the mathematics of physics time can go both forward and backwards. According to the book the property that defines the arrow of time is the one direction of entropy.

If you want to see how time fits mathematically as the fourth dimension, see this:
Discoverers Of First Extrasolar Planet Win Nobel...
Space is used to define a location. the 4-D space/time defines events. An event has locations in both space and time.
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There is no such thing as time.

It's all movement: of clocks, of wind, of the Earth going around the sun, of the heartbeat and breath.

Like religion, human beings just made time up. It's a construct.
Like science and other theories approximated from pure mathematics, humans just made it up, it's a construct.
I think you all are pretty sophisticated philosophically. ;)

I should come here more often.
There is no such thing as time.

It's all movement: of clocks, of wind, of the Earth going around the sun, of the heartbeat and breath.

Like religion, human beings just made time up. It's a construct.
Time was invented because of the transport of the trains.
There is no such thing as time.

It's all movement: of clocks, of wind, of the Earth going around the sun, of the heartbeat and breath.

Like religion, human beings just made time up. It's a construct.
Time was invented because of the transport of the trains.

You really think there was no concept of time before trains were invented? Really?
There is no such thing as time.

It's all movement: of clocks, of wind, of the Earth going around the sun, of the heartbeat and breath.

Like religion, human beings just made time up. It's a construct.
Time was invented because of the transport of the trains.

Time ZONES were invented because of the scheduling of trains.
There is no such thing as time.

It's all movement: of clocks, of wind, of the Earth going around the sun, of the heartbeat and breath.

Like religion, human beings just made time up. It's a construct.
Time was invented because of the transport of the trains.

Time ZONES were invented because of the scheduling of trains.

Good. I've heard that, too. It seems to be the case, in the USA, big country, it was a problem. Now some are talking about making one time across the whole world --- all Greenwich, I guess. Or New York Eastern time. Stupid, won't happen --- everybody instinctively knows about dawn, noon, and twilight. We have to name those with a number in our era, and that ain't going to be the same as Hong Kong (12 hours different, exactly. Which at least makes keeping track of the riots easy.}.
When I was a little kid, I used to think that halfway between time zones, it would be half and hour off. I thought the shift was gradual and that, for example, it would be 1:00:00 PM in one city and 1:17:23 PM in another city.
When I was a little kid, I used to think that halfway between time zones, it would be half and hour off. I thought the shift was gradual and that, for example, it would be 1:00:00 PM in one city and 1:17:23 PM in another city.
There is a sunrise table in many hunting and fishing regulation books showing that breakdown to a minute depending on where you are in the time zone, as you need to know exactly when the sun sets and rises for legal shooting hours.
When I was a little kid, I used to think that halfway between time zones, it would be half and hour off. I thought the shift was gradual and that, for example, it would be 1:00:00 PM in one city and 1:17:23 PM in another city.
There is a sunrise table in many hunting and fishing regulation books showing that breakdown to a minute depending on where you are in the time zone, as you need to know exactly when the sun sets and rises for legal shooting hours.

I know that, except I thought the official time was actually different in each city when travelling east to west.



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