I mentioned that I was a very loyal Democrat and changed. What about others who also changed?

You shouldn't be stepping away from the TV set. You might miss a talking point.

I'm actually getting ready to have Easter lunch with my wife and mother in law.

Not the biggest fan of the latter, but she's far more pleasant company than your deranged stupid ass.
I started out a Democrat. Over many decades I have watched the Democratic party once controlled by moderates gradually be taken over by the looney tune far left. If you younger people want to know what the hell happened, there you go. It used to be the moderate Democrats told the looney left to stand in the back and shut the hell up. Now the looney left control the party, not good because they are insane in the head. :cuckoo:
Today it's pretty simple.
Dimocrats want to be able to kill babies at all stages of pregnancy.
Dimocrats want to control speech.
Dimocrats want to destroy our Second Amendment rights.
Dimocrats want our country flooded with third-worlders in order to secure a lifelong majority, in order to turn America into the world's largest socialist state.
I started out a Democrat. Over many decades I have watched the Democratic party once controlled by moderates gradually be taken over by the looney tune far left. If you younger people want to know what the hell happened, there you go. It used to be the moderate Democrats told the looney left to stand in the back and shut the hell up. Now the looney left control the party, not good because they are insane in the head. :cuckoo:


Biden is Bernie in disguise - we all know he made a Faustian bargain with the deranged socialist to adopt his platform in order to achieve uncontested power.

And here we are.

In fucking Clown World la la land.
Today it's pretty simple.
Dimocrats want to be able to kill babies at all stages of pregnancy.
Dimocrats want to control speech.
Dimocrats want to destroy our Second Amendment rights.
Dimocrats want our country flooded with third-worlders in order to secure a lifelong majority, in order to turn America into the world's largest socialist state.
Such a good little sheep. Bleat everything you're told to bleat. Your masters appreciate that.
I should mention I was Republican when young.

Like most people, I grew out of that childish phase. Living in the real world has that effect on people.

It's easy to see why conservatism attracts the childish. Everyone is born conservative, a helpless parasite. In conservatism, nothing is ever your fault. That no-responsibility lifestyle attracts the perpetually childish.

No, sounds more like you were dropped on your head.

And by the way, you have it backwards, MOST people become more conservative with age.
No, sounds more like you were dropped on your head.

And by the way, you have it backwards, MOST people become more conservative with age.
Mammoth is not sentient.

Instead of forming values, understanding principles, and then selecting people he thinks represent these vales, he simply joins a tribe and conforms his every opinion to the group think of the tribe.

Good grief, Obama wasn't even sure he was ok with gay people and now Biden is announcing the official chicks with dicks day on Easter.
I enjoy knowing why people do things. Was it to get them rich? Did they crave being famous? Were they hard workers? Did they make a lot of money? Was their work important?

Well I mentioned I was born as a loyal Democrat. Because it was 1938. The nation was loyal to FDR. Few posters were alive when he was the living president. I was grateful for many many years. For over 40 years in fact. My parents adored him. They taught me Republicans are evil. They are simply for the rich. They hate the common man. It was a driving force to ensure I was a loyal Democrat.
Jimmy Carter let me down. He comes across as a nice old man. But he is an authoritarian. I did not get that about Democrats for a very long time.

I want to present a woman who was a very loyal Democrat too. She changed her mind. She did so faster than I did. Welcome to a very smart woman who will explain her views to us all.

Today the headlines is Biden has imposed new laws against Truckers. Imagine they feed us. They bring clothes to us. They keep stores open.

Democrats brag that even Trump was a loyal Democrat. Look how they became vicious against Trump to the point they work hard daily to put him into a prison. Is that the new credo of Democrats?

Simplest lesson in and of LIFE.Live and learn.
For decades Democrats never cared much about learning.Party loyalty
was everything.Absolute as Monster faced martian-headed James
Carville proved yet again over a week ago { March 22nd } THAT
Trump have a " Wet Work " { Mob term meaning assassination }
done on his life.
And guess what pathetic rich kid weenine Anderson Cooper
thought.He smiled and appeared to chuckle.Asking if that
sounded like a " Mob hit ".
I was at a Dentist or eye doctor and he had in his waiting room a readers digest article about government. I later purchased the book called A Time for Truth and it was very very accurate and totally sensible. It did not immediately change me. I took to going back to my own personal college in effect and took up studying our Government system. I dug deeply. I decided I was all messed up being loyal to Democrats and for the first time for Reagan voted for him as president. As Governor, I had been totally against him.

Democrats practice mind control. When they supported slavery, and were in war, they realized they must differ in order to become politicians again. So the system they now use was born and we suffer it to this day.
During the Pandemic Panic it was used { Mass Hysteria Psychosis }
as a means to an end.What better way to control a population.
However after Covid 19 ran it's course other methods were
adopted to Keep the Revolution foaming.
Karl Marx knew how to prepare for a taking over
of a country.Making americans seem needing something
such as Dialectical materialism.They need a Big Brother Government.
So manipulate use of phrases like " The Rule of LAw "
to help corrupt Pols,lawyers and judges from actually
Doing the right thing.That is what motivates those like
Biden and Sanders.Just spout americanisms like
" The Rule of Law ".Like what S.Carolina Pol James Clyburn
kept insisting on this mornings - Meet the Press -.
He's Lies.Often and w/o any shame.
During the Pandemic Panic it was used { Mass Hysteria Psychosis }
as a means to an end.What better way to control a population.
However after Covid 19 ran it's course other methods were
adopted to Keep the Revolution foaming.
Karl Marx knew how to prepare for a taking over
of a country.Making americans seem needing something
such as Dialectical materialism.They need a Big Brother Government.
So manipulate use of phrases like " The Rule of LAw "
to help corrupt Pols,lawyers and judges from actually
Doing the right thing.That is what motivates those like
Biden and Sanders.Just spout americanisms like
" The Rule of Law ".Like what S.Carolina Pol James Clyburn
kept insisting on this mornings - Meet the Press -.
He's Lies.Often and w/o any shame.
I saw the same program and know for a fact the name should be "Meet the Democrats." I also watched Face the nation and it';s name should be shill for the Democrats. The only honest news today was produced by Fox news Sunday.
FDR prolonged the Depression long after the rest of the world was done with it.

Democrat policies have never worked.

And FDR enslaved innocent Americans. He deserves no respect
Accurate report.
Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ...

Trump cultists are just off in their own weird little antireality bubble. It's not possible to bring them back to this reality. We can only wait for them to die off, and limit the harm that they do.
When your basis is lies, as Democrats are always, you lie. As you did above. The republican remark about FDR is totally accurate.

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