I Love Michelle Obama

Dale's got 16,000 hrs of video like that....

makes you kinda queasy just thinking about it, amirite?
She mentioned actual history, which implies some 'book lernin', which is offensive to conservatives. They prefer fake history just as they prefer fake kristianity.

Ronnie The Criminal Reagan and his dopey wife Nancy were both adherents of astrology. They relied on the daily horoscopes. Nancy was known to consult occultists on a regular basis. 138 of Reagan's administration were indicted or convicted of crimes while he was in office. None during Barack Obama's presidency. I guess the horoscopes didn't help Ronnie or his wife.

And this is etched into history books for all the human race to read for centuries.

In her last commencement speech as first lady at the City College of New York the FLOTUS shared something that obviously has weighed on her mind. She sleeps in a house that enslaved Blacks built. I commend her on mentioning this little discussed fact of american history.

First lady: I wake up in house built by slaves - CNN Video

And did she mention that, just like a typical black, her house was given to her at no expense to her, paid for by the taxpayer, with free food, free everything?

Michelle O is a good representation of blacks as a whole. She's fat, thinks she's smart and sucks off the taxpayers tit.
yeah she's cute hey?


Beautiful woman and smart to boot.

She is a "he", my friend.......

QED, Dale.....

Now get back on the porch......that banjo ain't gonna pick itself....

Michelle "aka" Michael has had some....how shall we say it "equipment" malfunctions on live TV? Don't get pissed at me for pointing out the obvious.....

Well, Dale, I think the less time spent delving into what you believe is "obvious" the better........

Yeah, stick your head in the sand and leave your ass exposed....it's what leftards do the best and the most. (snicker)
Beautiful woman and smart to boot.

She is a "he", my friend.......

QED, Dale.....

Now get back on the porch......that banjo ain't gonna pick itself....

Michelle "aka" Michael has had some....how shall we say it "equipment" malfunctions on live TV? Don't get pissed at me for pointing out the obvious.....

Well, Dale, I think the less time spent delving into what you believe is "obvious" the better........

Yeah, stick your head in the sand and leave your ass exposed....it's what leftards do the best and the most. (snicker)

You'd be well advised to bring your own laugh track, Dale.....
In her last commencement speech as first lady at the City College of New York the FLOTUS shared something that obviously has weighed on her mind. She sleeps in a house that enslaved Blacks built. I commend her on mentioning this little discussed fact of american history.

First lady: I wake up in house built by slaves - CNN Video

And did she mention that, just like a typical black, her house was given to her at no expense to her, paid for by the taxpayer, with free food, free everything?

Michelle O is a good representation of blacks as a whole. She's fat, thinks she's smart and sucks off the taxpayers tit.

She's "fat"?

How is your old lady looking at 50?
One thing is for sure the White House puts out a lot of hatred towards christen conservatives of all races... And the main stream media drinks the koolaid up like they are dying of thirst.
In her last commencement speech as first lady at the City College of New York the FLOTUS shared something that obviously has weighed on her mind. She sleeps in a house that enslaved Blacks built. I commend her on mentioning this little discussed fact of american history.

First lady: I wake up in house built by slaves - CNN Video

And did she mention that, just like a typical black, her house was given to her at no expense to her, paid for by the taxpayer, with free food, free everything?

Michelle O is a good representation of blacks as a whole. She's fat, thinks she's smart and sucks off the taxpayers tit.

She's "fat"?

How is your old lady looking at 50?
She's big boned...
She is a "he", my friend.......

QED, Dale.....

Now get back on the porch......that banjo ain't gonna pick itself....

Michelle "aka" Michael has had some....how shall we say it "equipment" malfunctions on live TV? Don't get pissed at me for pointing out the obvious.....

Well, Dale, I think the less time spent delving into what you believe is "obvious" the better........

Yeah, stick your head in the sand and leave your ass exposed....it's what leftards do the best and the most. (snicker)

You'd be well advised to bring your own laugh track, Dale.....

One thing is for sure the White House puts out a lot of hatred towards christen conservatives... And the main stream drinks the koolaid up like they are dying of thirst.

Christian conservative is an oxymoron. You cannot truly be Christian and hold the view that the poor are lazy and deserving of their fate, or that Muslim refugees should be turned away, nor should you sit in judgement of sinners, unless you are without sin.

Jesus said "Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven". He told his followers to sell their possessions, give the money to the poor, and follow him.

All of his teachings are about love, sacrifice and service to others. Followers are urged to tithe, and he didn't suggest that the rich give a lesser percentage of their income either.

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. Or "The love of money is the root of all evil". "Do not seek your treasure here on earth, where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal"

How anyone can interpret those passages as anything but an admonishment against seeking material wealth, I will never know.
One thing is for sure the White House puts out a lot of hatred towards christen conservatives... And the main stream drinks the koolaid up like they are dying of thirst.

Christian conservative is an oxymoron. You cannot truly be Christian and hold the view that the poor are lazy and deserving of their fate, or that Muslim refugees should be turned away, nor should you sit in judgement of sinners, unless you are without sin.

Jesus said "Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven". He told his followers to sell their possessions, give the money to the poor, and follow him.

All of his teachings are about love, sacrifice and service to others. Followers are urged to tithe, and he didn't suggest that the rich give a lesser percentage of their income either.

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. Or "The love of money is the root of all evil". "Do not seek your treasure here on earth, where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal"

How anyone can interpret those passages as anything but an admonishment against seeking material wealth, I will never know.

I am a conservative Christian and I do not hold those views at all.......but you see, liberal asswipes like you believe that charity ends at the federal withholding tax rate where as Christians like me give people a "hand up". I have made a VERY good living over my working career and I don't have anything to show for it but I wouldn't have it any other way. I have a roof over my head and enough to eat so I can get up the next day and slave away at work....but on the plus side I have been able to make a difference and I give God all the glory and praise for that ability to help people. I can't get off of this earth fast enough for my liking because I see life for what it really is and where we are heading. Liberal POS like you disgust me in ways that Webster's dictionary doesn't even have the words to describe it.
One thing is for sure the White House puts out a lot of hatred towards christen conservatives... And the main stream drinks the koolaid up like they are dying of thirst.

Christian conservative is an oxymoron. You cannot truly be Christian and hold the view that the poor are lazy and deserving of their fate, or that Muslim refugees should be turned away, nor should you sit in judgement of sinners, unless you are without sin.

Jesus said "Blessed are the poor, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven". He told his followers to sell their possessions, give the money to the poor, and follow him.

All of his teachings are about love, sacrifice and service to others. Followers are urged to tithe, and he didn't suggest that the rich give a lesser percentage of their income either.

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God. Or "The love of money is the root of all evil". "Do not seek your treasure here on earth, where moth and rust destroy and thieves break in and steal"

How anyone can interpret those passages as anything but an admonishment against seeking material wealth, I will never know.
You obviously need to study more...
It has nothing to do with physical wealth. Dumbass

Jesus’ message is clear—it is impossible for anyone to be saved on his own merits. Since wealth was seen as proof of God’s approval, it was commonly taught by the rabbis that rich people were blessed by God and were, therefore, the most likely candidates for heaven. Jesus destroyed that notion, and along with it, the idea that anyone can earn eternal life. The disciples had the appropriate response to this startling statement. They were utterly amazed and asked, “Who then can be saved?” in the next verse. If the wealthy among them, which included the super-spiritual Pharisees and scribes, were unworthy of heaven, what hope was there for a poor man?

Jesus’ answer is the basis of the gospel: "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God" (Matthew 19:26). Men are saved through God’s gifts of grace, mercy, and faith (Ephesians 2:8-9). Nothing we do earns salvation for us. It is the poor in spirit who inherit the kingdom of God (Matthew 5:3), those who recognize their spiritual poverty and their utter inability to do anything to justify themselves to a holy God. The rich man so often is blind to his spiritual poverty because he is proud of his accomplishments and has contented himself with his wealth. He is as likely to humble himself before God as a camel is to crawl through the eye of a needle.
In her last commencement speech as first lady at the City College of New York the FLOTUS shared something that obviously has weighed on her mind. She sleeps in a house that enslaved Blacks built. I commend her on mentioning this little discussed fact of american history.

First lady: I wake up in house built by slaves - CNN Video

And did she mention that, just like a typical black, her house was given to her at no expense to her, paid for by the taxpayer, with free food, free everything?

Michelle O is a good representation of blacks as a whole. She's fat, thinks she's smart and sucks off the taxpayers tit.
No she only mentioned that becoming the FLOTUS gave her certain perks she took advantage of just like the typical prior white inhabitants of the white house.

Yes the FLOTUS is a great representation of Blacks as a whole. She worked 10x harder than every white person and look where she is now.
In her last commencement speech as first lady at the City College of New York the FLOTUS shared something that obviously has weighed on her mind. She sleeps in a house that enslaved Blacks built. I commend her on mentioning this little discussed fact of american history.

First lady: I wake up in house built by slaves - CNN Video

And did she mention that, just like a typical black, her house was given to her at no expense to her, paid for by the taxpayer, with free food, free everything?

Michelle O is a good representation of blacks as a whole. She's fat, thinks she's smart and sucks off the taxpayers tit.

She's "fat"?

How is your old lady looking at 50?
Thats what white guys say when they have little dicks. They prefer women that look like preteen boys with boob jobs.
In her last commencement speech as first lady at the City College of New York the FLOTUS shared something that obviously has weighed on her mind. She sleeps in a house that enslaved Blacks built. I commend her on mentioning this little discussed fact of american history.

First lady: I wake up in house built by slaves - CNN Video

And did she mention that, just like a typical black, her house was given to her at no expense to her, paid for by the taxpayer, with free food, free everything?

Michelle O is a good representation of blacks as a whole. She's fat, thinks she's smart and sucks off the taxpayers tit.
No she only mentioned that becoming the FLOTUS gave her certain perks she took advantage of just like the typical prior white inhabitants of the white house.

Yes the FLOTUS is a great representation of Blacks as a whole. She worked 10x harder than every white person and look where she is now.
How would you know? Dumbass

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