Zone1 I like what this lady said.


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2014
To repeat the title, I like what this lady said. She was speaking out against CRT at a school board meeting. Her speech certainly does not support the narrative of oppressed people of color due to the evil racist white people. Will she get kicked out of the I'm black club because of her opinion? Is she an Aunt Tom? What say you?

To repeat the title, I like what this lady said. She was speaking out against CRT at a school board meeting. Her speech certainly does not support the narrative of oppressed people of color due to the evil racist white people. Will she get kicked out of the I'm black club because of her opinion? Is she an Aunt Tom? What say you?

CRT is a theory class taught ONLY, ONLY in Law schools.

Stop spreading ignorance.
CRT is a theory class taught ONLY, ONLY in Law schools.

Stop spreading ignorance.
If you had bothered to listen, you would have heard her say that he kid came home with an assignment that had CRT in it, and it is outlawed in her state.

So much for ONLY in Law Schools. Unless they are teaching law in the 8th grade these days
CRT is a theory class taught ONLY, ONLY in Law schools.

Stop spreading ignorance.
Be careful using words such as "only" or "every"? It sets a bar very high in order to be correct and the bar very low for being incorrect and looking "ignorant".
CRT is a theory class taught ONLY, ONLY in Law schools.

Stop spreading ignorance.
Kids, as well as adults, are spoon fed the notion 24/7 that people are either a victim or a victimizer that owes victims money, all because of the color of their skins

In fact, California is currently paying out reparations with this same notion in mind.

And the problem is eternal, there will never be a solution
If you had bothered to listen, you would have heard her say that he kid came home with an assignment that had CRT in it, and it is outlawed in her state.

So much for ONLY in Law Schools. Unless they are teaching law in the 8th grade these days
These States are outlawing the history of slavery from 1619 on. As if it never happened.
That is what they think CRT is.

There is History of Slavery in America, and CRT which indeed is only taught in Law schools.
  • Fact
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These States are outlawing the history of slavery from 1619 on. As if it never happened.
That is what they think CRT is.

There is History of Slavery in America, and CRT which indeed is only taught in Law schools.
It has already been debunked that CRT is an accurate history of the United States, or more accurately, the North American colonies of Europe. It should not be taught anywhere until its inaccuracies are addressed, and the political motivation for its existence is eliminated.

Given that this parent has provided evidence that CRT IS being taught in elementary and high school, I simply reject your entire assertion that it is not.

Politics have invaded every aspect of our lives, and far too often, if you want to learn the truth of anything, it has been shown that teachers are willing to forgo the law in favor of their own biases. You have only to search it out.

Now, I'm out as I'm going to fire up My 738 and take a flight from San Francisco to Los Angeles.
CRT is a theory class taught ONLY, ONLY in Law schools.

Stop spreading ignorance.

Stop lying. What the fuck do you think the 1619 Project was all about?

"The project has also led to responses from politicians. Former California United States Senator and future vice president Kamala Harris expressed praise for the project,[15] while then-president Donald Trump expressed uncertainty about the project's goals of rehashing select parts of history.[16] In late 2020, upon learning of a claim that the California Department of Education was adding the project to the state curriculum, Trump noted that if true, federal funding would be withheld from the state's schools.[17] Shortly after, his administration announced the 1776 Commission, whose goal was developing a "patriotic" curriculum.[18] The commission was terminated by his successor, Joe Biden, on his first day in office.[19] Florida governor Ron DeSantis passed a bill in July 2021 barring the teaching of critical race theory, including any materials from the 1619 Project.[20]"

The 1619 Project - Wikipedia

And CRT is still being pushed in the K-12 school system.

"We recognize that Critical Race Training in primary and secondary education is a growing issue and one that's significantly more difficult to track. We've included some resources concerning Critical Race Training in primary schools beneath..."

K-12 Information
Trump's best defense against all the charges being proposed is in making it all look like a comedy routine instead of deadly business.

That is already established on the coup attempt that is supposed to be nothing but a peaceful demonstration of the people's rights.

This is likely to be intended to add to that appearance he's trying to create. What else could it possibly be?
I think you posted in the wrong thread. I've done it before myself.
To repeat the title, I like what this lady said. She was speaking out against CRT at a school board meeting. Her speech certainly does not support the narrative of oppressed people of color due to the evil racist white people. Will she get kicked out of the I'm black club because of her opinion? Is she an Aunt Tom? What say you?

I think you posted in the wrong thread. I've done it before myself.
Thanks, and that's possible. Now that I've seen what I posted, it doesn't seem to apply to this thread in the least.

Beside that and to the topic:

I find your OP to be deliberate racist trolling, re" the I'm black club'.

I'll never become tolerant of that sort of ignorant behaviour by racist Americans!

Keep on trolling and you'll keep on getting bites from people of common decency.
CRT is a theory class taught ONLY, ONLY in Law schools.

Stop spreading ignorance.
Unless the tenets of it are propagated in all school curriculums; Fuck off, lying shitbag.
That shit's even being propagated in the military. Try again.
CRT is not taught in K-12.


Critical Race Theory is not taught K-12 and that link is to some crackpot right wing bs site that conflates CRT with anything that appears to be close to teaching anti racism.
Critical Race Theory is not taught K-12 and that link is to some crackpot right wing bs site that conflates CRT with anything that appears to be close to teaching anti racism.
Do elaborate on this "teaching anti racism" you reference. :rolleyes-41:

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