I keep asking.

Lick his wounds in one thread and act like his mother in this one. You guys are hilarious.

you just cant admit when you are wrong.

you claim nobody can account for 35 minutes of flight 77. thats been proven wrong.

you claim its impossible for the flight data recorder to record more than 25 hours on flight 77. thats been proven wrong.

you claim the Olsen call lasted 0 seconds. that has been proven wrong.

jesus, how much evidence do you need that you simply are a moron?

It's rare to see someone put so much effort into being a piece of shit liar. The CR stated 77 flew undetected for 36 minutes. That means for 36 minutes it was unaccounted for you fucking dildo.

I also never said it was "impossible" for a FDR to record more than 25 hours. I said that was the kind on 77 as most solid state FDR's record on a 25 hour loop. You're the dumb bitch that claimed it "can't record on a loop because it isn't a tape." So I provided six links showing they record on a loop keeping the most recent 25 hours of data. One link said a "loop principle" and you are such a little idiot bitch **** you actually said that isn't the same as a loop. How the fuck can someone as dumb as you breathe on your own? You didn't even know what kind of FDR was on 77! You plagiarized another OCTA from a different board and tried to claim it could not have had a FDR that monitored the flight deck door because the plane was too old. So eots posted the links showing AA77 had been undated with the newer FDR that monitored the flight deck door. What was your next move? Plagiarized another post and claimed the FDR data said the door was closed for 42 hours. One false claim after another.
you are a fucking jackass. you got your ass handed to you and now your are too much of a jackass to admit it. you said it was "pure bullshit" that the FDR could record 42 hours. i proved you wrong by linking to the manufacturer. you say it was on a loop. i tell you it doesnt have a loop because its not tape its digital and then you backtrack to "loop principle". now you are claiming that i didnt know what type of FDR was on 77 when the make and model of it is provided for you in one of my first posts on the subject. what eaots pointed out, the FDR was replaced in 1997, i had already shown. its irrelevant.

you really have a problem with understanding facts. no wonder you continually make your chickenshit claim " i dont know what happened".

Then you bring up olson? You unbelievably stupid ****. You are seriously one of the biggest fucking idiots around. I said it didn't matter if it lasted zero seconds or not. The fact is the FBI evidence exhibit stated only one call was from Olson and it was "unconnected."
the FBI evidence also has FOUR phone calls that it can not determine who made them. Anyone on that flight could have made them including Olson.

You're such a hypocritical whiny little lying worthless piece of dog shit you actually ignore the FBI evidence and cling to some scanned copy of who knows what from some bullshit on a pro-OCT site. How can you be so actively dishonest and hypocritical? If there was FBI evidence that supported Ted Olson's claim and a truther came along with a link from loose change saying the FBI evidence is not accurate, what would you say? You'd call the person crazy.

So what do we know? You are a liar. You change the CR when it doesn't fit your agenda. You ignore FBI evidence used in a trial that convicted a terrorist. You completely ignore facts like New York keeping Ground Zero testimony hidden from the world for years. You ignore the fact the NTSB has not released all it analyzed about the hijacked planes. You suck any dick the government puts in front of your face because that is the closest you will ever get to knowing what it feels like to have balls.

i ignore FBI evidence? didnt you just ignore the FBI evidence that there are 4 other phone calls that could have been Olson?:cuckoo:

talk about sucking dick..... why dont you go back to arguing for gay marriages.....
Which is why he is on Ignore. But I'll bet in all his posts here he hasn't really taken a stand and answered the OP. Not one of the truthers have.

You'd win that bet.

More strawmen. Why do you bitches even pretend to discuss the issue?

bent tight has decreed that only the ignorant arrogant bitches pretending to discuss their side of the loopey conspiracy theory shit should be permitted to talk!
I would like for us to treat each other nicely here and have a civil discussion. I think this subject merits a civil discussion and should not have to go the flame zone.

You'd win that bet.

More strawmen. Why do you bitches even pretend to discuss the issue?

bent tight has decreed that only the ignorant arrogant bitches pretending to discuss their side of the loopey conspiracy theory shit should be permitted to talk!

Lol! Aren't you the genius that claimed your divine linguistic abilities afforded the claim the Northwoods plan was a conspiracy planted hoax due to one fucking phrase? I didn't even imply OCTAs should not be permitted to talk about it. I asked a simple question. One that you avoided just like you completely avoided you getting pwned on the retarded Northwoods conspiracy theory.

I seriously want to know why you people even post about it? You (as the OCTA group) flat out lie, ignore positive evidence the OCT is wrong in areas, love to cite bullshit pro-Bush version websites while calling troofers crazy if they don't cite strictly from the msm, call all truthers psycho which means by definition you are calling victims families psycho, when you are proven wrong on a claim you pretend the evidence is irrelevant, even after taking the time to try and prove it, and in those very rare moments you do address the facts that contradict the OCT you skip right over it and throw out 20+ red herrings to obfuscate the dialogue. So why even discuss it? Lying fucks.
More strawmen. Why do you bitches even pretend to discuss the issue?

bent tight has decreed that only the ignorant arrogant bitches pretending to discuss their side of the loopey conspiracy theory shit should be permitted to talk!

Lol! Aren't you the genius that claimed your divine linguistic abilities afforded the claim the Northwoods plan was a conspiracy planted hoax due to one fucking phrase? I didn't even imply OCTAs should not be permitted to talk about it. I asked a simple question. One that you avoided just like you completely avoided you getting pwned on the retarded Northwoods conspiracy theory.

I seriously want to know why you people even post about it? You (as the OCTA group) flat out lie, ignore positive evidence the OCT is wrong in areas, love to cite bullshit pro-Bush version websites while calling troofers crazy if they don't cite strictly from the msm, call all truthers psycho which means by definition you are calling victims families psycho, when you are proven wrong on a claim you pretend the evidence is irrelevant, even after taking the time to try and prove it, and in those very rare moments you do address the facts that contradict the OCT you skip right over it and throw out 20+ red herrings to obfuscate the dialogue. So why even discuss it? Lying fucks.

What are "pro-Bush websites?"
More strawmen. Why do you bitches even pretend to discuss the issue?

bent tight has decreed that only the ignorant arrogant bitches pretending to discuss their side of the loopey conspiracy theory shit should be permitted to talk!

Lol! Aren't you the genius that claimed your divine linguistic abilities afforded the claim the Northwoods plan was a conspiracy planted hoax due to one fucking phrase? I didn't even imply OCTAs should not be permitted to talk about it. I asked a simple question. One that you avoided just like you completely avoided you getting pwned on the retarded Northwoods conspiracy theory.

I seriously want to know why you people even post about it? You (as the OCTA group) flat out lie, ignore positive evidence the OCT is wrong in areas, love to cite bullshit pro-Bush version websites while calling troofers crazy if they don't cite strictly from the msm, call all truthers psycho which means by definition you are calling victims families psycho, when you are proven wrong on a claim you pretend the evidence is irrelevant, even after taking the time to try and prove it, and in those very rare moments you do address the facts that contradict the OCT you skip right over it and throw out 20+ red herrings to obfuscate the dialogue. So why even discuss it? Lying fucks.

You keep asking that stupid "question" even though I have already answered it.

So, clearly, you are not interested in the answer. ou are just posing and posturing which is all your stupid ilk can do.

And when asked a direct set of questions, you ran like the lying pussy you have repeatedly demonstrated you are.

Here. I'll put you on display again for all to see. I'm sure you won't disappoint:

  • Do YOU, personally, DISBELIEVE the official account that Islamo-terrorists from al qaeda plotted, planned and committed the 9/11/2001 atrocities?
  • If you disbelieve that, then do you have ANY credible shred of evidence for an alternative scenario which would place the blame on the U.S. Government or any part of the U.S. Government?
I would like for us to treat each other nicely here and have a civil discussion. I think this subject merits a civil discussion and should not have to go the flame zone.


I guarantee if I start a new thread with no flaming in the OP, and I am the only truther posting (obviously I can't control what other truthers post), OCTAs will be the first to flame and do it regularly.
bent tight has decreed that only the ignorant arrogant bitches pretending to discuss their side of the loopey conspiracy theory shit should be permitted to talk!

Lol! Aren't you the genius that claimed your divine linguistic abilities afforded the claim the Northwoods plan was a conspiracy planted hoax due to one fucking phrase? I didn't even imply OCTAs should not be permitted to talk about it. I asked a simple question. One that you avoided just like you completely avoided you getting pwned on the retarded Northwoods conspiracy theory.

I seriously want to know why you people even post about it? You (as the OCTA group) flat out lie, ignore positive evidence the OCT is wrong in areas, love to cite bullshit pro-Bush version websites while calling troofers crazy if they don't cite strictly from the msm, call all truthers psycho which means by definition you are calling victims families psycho, when you are proven wrong on a claim you pretend the evidence is irrelevant, even after taking the time to try and prove it, and in those very rare moments you do address the facts that contradict the OCT you skip right over it and throw out 20+ red herrings to obfuscate the dialogue. So why even discuss it? Lying fucks.

You keep asking that stupid "question" even though I have already answered it.

So, clearly, you are not interested in the answer. ou are just posing and posturing which is all your stupid ilk can do.

And when asked a direct set of questions, you ran like the lying pussy you have repeatedly demonstrated you are.

Here. I'll put you on display again for all to see. I'm sure you won't disappoint:

  • Do YOU, personally, DISBELIEVE the official account that Islamo-terrorists from al qaeda plotted, planned and committed the 9/11/2001 atrocities?
  • If you disbelieve that, then do you have ANY credible shred of evidence for an alternative scenario which would place the blame on the U.S. Government or any part of the U.S. Government?

He won't answer, he can not. NONE of the troofers EVER answer those questions.

I still absolutely love the claim by him that he sees no definitive evidence that 77 was hijacked. A smoking hole in the Pentagon, the ruins of the Plane in the Pentagon, the remains of the passengers and crew in the Pentagon, the identification of 4 known terrorists on the plane, at least one phone call proclaiming it was a hijacking, the movements of the aircraft leading up to the strike on the pentagon. BUT he sees no evidence the plane was hijacked.

Yup, the commercial pilots of the plane flew the plane into the pentagon.
bent tight has decreed that only the ignorant arrogant bitches pretending to discuss their side of the loopey conspiracy theory shit should be permitted to talk!

Lol! Aren't you the genius that claimed your divine linguistic abilities afforded the claim the Northwoods plan was a conspiracy planted hoax due to one fucking phrase? I didn't even imply OCTAs should not be permitted to talk about it. I asked a simple question. One that you avoided just like you completely avoided you getting pwned on the retarded Northwoods conspiracy theory.

I seriously want to know why you people even post about it? You (as the OCTA group) flat out lie, ignore positive evidence the OCT is wrong in areas, love to cite bullshit pro-Bush version websites while calling troofers crazy if they don't cite strictly from the msm, call all truthers psycho which means by definition you are calling victims families psycho, when you are proven wrong on a claim you pretend the evidence is irrelevant, even after taking the time to try and prove it, and in those very rare moments you do address the facts that contradict the OCT you skip right over it and throw out 20+ red herrings to obfuscate the dialogue. So why even discuss it? Lying fucks.

What are "pro-Bush websites?"

Sites that clearly decided the OCT is true. 911myths is one of the most popular ones. I just proved how they even lied about Ted Olson.
I would like for us to treat each other nicely here and have a civil discussion. I think this subject merits a civil discussion and should not have to go the flame zone.


I guarantee if I start a new thread with no flaming in the OP, and I am the only truther posting (obviously I can't control what other truthers post), OCTAs will be the first to flame and do it regularly.

Moron. Your entire premise is ignorant and devoid of logic.

DO YOU BELIEVE the Plane hit the Pentagon? YES or NO.
Lol! Aren't you the genius that claimed your divine linguistic abilities afforded the claim the Northwoods plan was a conspiracy planted hoax due to one fucking phrase? I didn't even imply OCTAs should not be permitted to talk about it. I asked a simple question. One that you avoided just like you completely avoided you getting pwned on the retarded Northwoods conspiracy theory.

I seriously want to know why you people even post about it? You (as the OCTA group) flat out lie, ignore positive evidence the OCT is wrong in areas, love to cite bullshit pro-Bush version websites while calling troofers crazy if they don't cite strictly from the msm, call all truthers psycho which means by definition you are calling victims families psycho, when you are proven wrong on a claim you pretend the evidence is irrelevant, even after taking the time to try and prove it, and in those very rare moments you do address the facts that contradict the OCT you skip right over it and throw out 20+ red herrings to obfuscate the dialogue. So why even discuss it? Lying fucks.

What are "pro-Bush websites?"

Sites that clearly decided the OCT is true. 911myths is one of the most popular ones. I just proved how they even lied about Ted Olson.

Yet, you have no problem citing "bullshit anti-Bush" websites. So why should anyone believe your arguments?

You rant and rave about the tone and tactics of those who believe terrorists were the cause of 9/11 then do the exact same thing, all the while avoiding the central question about whether or not a plane hit the Pentagon.
What are "pro-Bush websites?"

Sites that clearly decided the OCT is true. 911myths is one of the most popular ones. I just proved how they even lied about Ted Olson.

Yet, you have no problem citing "bullshit anti-Bush" websites. So why should anyone believe your arguments?

You rant and rave about the tone and tactics of those who believe terrorists were the cause of 9/11 then do the exact same thing, all the while avoiding the central question about whether or not a plane hit the Pentagon.

He won't answer that question. Nor any other question that clearly puts his troofer beliefs in the dumpster.
I guarantee if I start a new thread with no flaming in the OP, and I am the only truther posting (obviously I can't control what other truthers post), OCTAs will be the first to flame and do it regularly.

because you are a fucking moron.
Lol! Aren't you the genius that claimed your divine linguistic abilities afforded the claim the Northwoods plan was a conspiracy planted hoax due to one fucking phrase? I didn't even imply OCTAs should not be permitted to talk about it. I asked a simple question. One that you avoided just like you completely avoided you getting pwned on the retarded Northwoods conspiracy theory.

I seriously want to know why you people even post about it? You (as the OCTA group) flat out lie, ignore positive evidence the OCT is wrong in areas, love to cite bullshit pro-Bush version websites while calling troofers crazy if they don't cite strictly from the msm, call all truthers psycho which means by definition you are calling victims families psycho, when you are proven wrong on a claim you pretend the evidence is irrelevant, even after taking the time to try and prove it, and in those very rare moments you do address the facts that contradict the OCT you skip right over it and throw out 20+ red herrings to obfuscate the dialogue. So why even discuss it? Lying fucks.

You keep asking that stupid "question" even though I have already answered it.

So, clearly, you are not interested in the answer. ou are just posing and posturing which is all your stupid ilk can do.

And when asked a direct set of questions, you ran like the lying pussy you have repeatedly demonstrated you are.

Here. I'll put you on display again for all to see. I'm sure you won't disappoint:

  • Do YOU, personally, DISBELIEVE the official account that Islamo-terrorists from al qaeda plotted, planned and committed the 9/11/2001 atrocities?
  • If you disbelieve that, then do you have ANY credible shred of evidence for an alternative scenario which would place the blame on the U.S. Government or any part of the U.S. Government?

He won't answer, he can not. NONE of the troofers EVER answer those questions.

I still absolutely love the claim by him that he sees no definitive evidence that 77 was hijacked. A smoking hole in the Pentagon, the ruins of the Plane in the Pentagon, the remains of the passengers and crew in the Pentagon, the identification of 4 known terrorists on the plane, at least one phone call proclaiming it was a hijacking, the movements of the aircraft leading up to the strike on the pentagon. BUT he sees no evidence the plane was hijacked.

Yup, the commercial pilots of the plane flew the plane into the pentagon.

I didn't claim there was no positive evidence. I started a thread asking what positive evidence exists it happened the way the Bush admin claims. You keep repeating these false dilemmas and you are one of the people that has more than once falsely accused me of saying 93 never crashed in Penn when I've not said one word about it. Frankly, from what I've seen most OCTAs
are not capable of a solid debate on the issue because they lack basic logical skills. That's not meant to be an ad hom but only trying to point out if you don't understand the constant logical violations of strawmen and false dilemmas then a solid discussion is deeply impeded.

As for "not answering questions." That is the number one fallacy OCTAs
are guilty of. First, the burden is on OCTAs
and if any can't handle the OCT being questioned then they should find a new topic because it is the OCTA's responsibility to prove their claim. You demand truthers prove negatives then cite that as evidence the OCT is true.

Look at Liability. That dumb fuck actually claimed Northwoods was a faked conspiracy theory based on one stupid phrase. How many of you jumped on his posts stating how ridiculous that was? None of you. Why? Because you are bound together not by any virtue of principles, consistency, or honesty. Your singular goal is to circle the wagons and label all truthers as wackos.

Your motivations in asking the questions are rooted in one cause: to call troofers crazy. You don't respect the facts we are not monolithic, that many of us truly do not know what happened thus seek answers, and if any of us don't say the whole thing was a false flag op then you accuse us of lying. The clear majority of active OCTAs
on here are fucking jokes for many reasons that have already been pointed out.

The problem with you OCTAs is you approach 9E from a conclusion and try to work backwards to prove it true. That is why you often make false claims...because as a group you don't know the facts of that day on any recognizable or respectable level. Cheers!
What are "pro-Bush websites?"

Sites that clearly decided the OCT is true. 911myths is one of the most popular ones. I just proved how they even lied about Ted Olson.

Yet, you have no problem citing "bullshit anti-Bush" websites. So why should anyone believe your arguments?

You rant and rave about the tone and tactics of those who believe terrorists were the cause of 9/11 then do the exact same thing, all the while avoiding the central question about whether or not a plane hit the Pentagon.

More of the same ignorance. Tell us grand wizard which posts in which threads have I cited anti bush sites for evidence?

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