I have been Called to the Principal's Office

What if there is a week where there are no graded papers?

Then there should be a good reason why, and it takes all of five seconds to scribble a note stating that reason and hand it to Samson Jr. Quite frankly, I would have expected some sort of yearly or semester syllabus - or at least an outline - to have made an appearance at the beginning of the year so that the parents would be expecting the weeks full of lab work.

There were syllabii, and I can check grades thathave been given with those that have returned home. Generally, Samson Jr. has been reliable.

At any rate, each week I give my phone number and urge anyone who's interested in explaining their situation, e.g., "I Gave Jr. this paper, this week a chance to voice their POV: None has.


Because they haven't given him anything, and the only excuses they have is they simply cannot put it together.

So basically, if Samson Jr. had a week when, for example, his science class was doing hands-on lab work rather than written assignments, you would know and all they would have to do is send some sort of note indicating how he was graded on the lab. Right?

There you go. Easy-peasy.
Why does there have to be a good reason? How often should a child's education be assessed? Should there be a quiz or "paper" every day? If all the time is spent assessing what is learned, when is there time to learn?

And if the parent wants to micromanage their child's education, then maybe they should be putting some onus on the child to communicate with them and let them know what they are doing.

Seems to me like Samson is not actually interested in the grades or the papers, but more in just creating a hassle for everyone.

Well, I suppose I could write a thread about how I've encouraged SJ over the past 16 years. You want me to do that? I'll tell you what: Begin a thread about your teenager, and we'll compare notes.

And I agree: there are parents that would love to micromanage educators. If I had thought that asking for One graded paper/week/subject was going to be such a big hairy deal, I probably would have begun by asking that I get one every day. Then I suppose my once/week policy would seem more reasonable?

In reality, I expect these teachers have had enough fire lit under them to last the remainder of the Semester, and I won't need to remind them again that they're being very closely scrutinized.

If I were one of your child's teachers, I would tell you that if you would like to review your child's work in depth, you can come in to meet with me every Thursday afternoon at 3:30pm. We could go over the work face to face and discuss the issue. And I would encourage all of my colleagues to do the same.

I'd put the onus on you to prove to me that your child's education was important enough an issue that you would spend 3-6 hours per week of your time coming to the school.

Oh, yeah, right. These people are having trouble with "send home a paper with a grade written on it once a week", and you really think they're going to be able to manage an entire weekly meeting? Did you sustain a head injury recently?
Then there should be a good reason why, and it takes all of five seconds to scribble a note stating that reason and hand it to Samson Jr. Quite frankly, I would have expected some sort of yearly or semester syllabus - or at least an outline - to have made an appearance at the beginning of the year so that the parents would be expecting the weeks full of lab work.

There were syllabii, and I can check grades thathave been given with those that have returned home. Generally, Samson Jr. has been reliable.

At any rate, each week I give my phone number and urge anyone who's interested in explaining their situation, e.g., "I Gave Jr. this paper, this week a chance to voice their POV: None has.


Because they haven't given him anything, and the only excuses they have is they simply cannot put it together.

So basically, if Samson Jr. had a week when, for example, his science class was doing hands-on lab work rather than written assignments, you would know and all they would have to do is send some sort of note indicating how he was graded on the lab. Right?

There you go. Easy-peasy.

Exactly, or, heaven forbid, the teacher ask the kids to write the answer to the question: What is the purpose of this week's lab? Fifteen minutes, max....

But I don't want to micromanage this sort of thing.:eusa_angel:
communicate with your spawn, issue solved.

Yeah, Samson. Where the hell do you get off even expecting that poor, underpaid, downtrodden teacher to show up to school at all? You and your kid ought to handle this whole education thing yourselves without expecting any input from those poor teachers, y'damned slavedriver.
communicate with your spawn, issue solved.

Yeah, Samson. Where the hell do you get off even expecting that poor, underpaid, downtrodden teacher to show up to school at all? You and your kid ought to handle this whole education thing yourselves without expecting any input from those poor teachers, y'damned slavedriver.

Can I keep the district's school tax if I "handle this whole education thing" myself?
There were syllabii, and I can check grades thathave been given with those that have returned home. Generally, Samson Jr. has been reliable.

At any rate, each week I give my phone number and urge anyone who's interested in explaining their situation, e.g., "I Gave Jr. this paper, this week a chance to voice their POV: None has.


Because they haven't given him anything, and the only excuses they have is they simply cannot put it together.

So basically, if Samson Jr. had a week when, for example, his science class was doing hands-on lab work rather than written assignments, you would know and all they would have to do is send some sort of note indicating how he was graded on the lab. Right?

There you go. Easy-peasy.

Exactly, or, heaven forbid, the teacher ask the kids to write the answer to the question: What is the purpose of this week's lab? Fifteen minutes, max....

But I don't want to micromanage this sort of thing.:eusa_angel:

I seem to recall having to make notes of some sort while doing lab work, anyway. Not much point in dissecting a frog if you can't demonstrate that you understand what you're looking at, rather than just hacking and slashing.
I'm actually hoping to have made my point, finally.

...the principal has to do a shitload of work...

The principal will be the one that has to do A LOT of extra work. And the District. And all the while, I might be enlisting other parents to follow my path, now that its already established.

No, the whole thing becomes a bureaucratic nightmare for the administration.

Samson's goal: create a bureaucratic nightmare for the administration.

He doesn't really care about "the slaves" education. I haven't even heard him mention a thing about what he will do if the slaves grades are poor and what he will do to help the slave do better.

Yes, the fact that my kid is attending the school is just a coincidence. My hobby is creating bureaucratic nightmares for random public schools, and I just threw a dart at a map and happened to hit this one.

Again, if you'd like to compare your parenting methods with mine, I'd be happy to: Begin a thread about your teenager, and I'll be happy to jump in!!:eusa_angel:

I don't have a teenager. And I'm not really discussing your parenting methods.

I'm discussing your pretty apparent plans to create a hassle for others just to prove an obsure point. I'm just discussing the thread topic.
communicate with your spawn, issue solved.

Yeah, Samson. Where the hell do you get off even expecting that poor, underpaid, downtrodden teacher to show up to school at all? You and your kid ought to handle this whole education thing yourselves without expecting any input from those poor teachers, y'damned slavedriver.

Can I keep the district's school tax if I "handle this whole education thing" myself?

Absolutely not, you selfish bastard. Don't you know that these Ghandis-with-blackboard-erasers are national heroes, and we should pay them just for being spiffy enough to wear the title of teacher? Like education is some sort of real job, where one can expect work for salary, or something. :eusa_hand:
Well, I suppose I could write a thread about how I've encouraged SJ over the past 16 years. You want me to do that? I'll tell you what: Begin a thread about your teenager, and we'll compare notes.

And I agree: there are parents that would love to micromanage educators. If I had thought that asking for One graded paper/week/subject was going to be such a big hairy deal, I probably would have begun by asking that I get one every day. Then I suppose my once/week policy would seem more reasonable?

In reality, I expect these teachers have had enough fire lit under them to last the remainder of the Semester, and I won't need to remind them again that they're being very closely scrutinized.

If I were one of your child's teachers, I would tell you that if you would like to review your child's work in depth, you can come in to meet with me every Thursday afternoon at 3:30pm. We could go over the work face to face and discuss the issue. And I would encourage all of my colleagues to do the same.

I'd put the onus on you to prove to me that your child's education was important enough an issue that you would spend 3-6 hours per week of your time coming to the school.


Xoti, would you REALLY want me to show up every week after school to spend an hour or so browbeating you (e.g is this the ONLY WAY this can be taught? Why'd you correct this, but not this? Tell me a little more about how this relates to the curriculum?), adding more time to your already long, stressful day......

Or would you like to simply grade a homework assignment?

Yes I would want you to show up...because the question that you posed would never be answered by me just sending the paper home with you...and eventually, you would want to ask me those questions.

I would want to ensure for myself that you were not just taking the papers that I sent home with your child and chucking them in the garbage. I would want to ensure that you were doing YOUR job as a parent, just as you were wanting to ensure that I was doing my job as a teacher.
communicate with your spawn, issue solved.

Yeah, Samson. Where the hell do you get off even expecting that poor, underpaid, downtrodden teacher to show up to school at all? You and your kid ought to handle this whole education thing yourselves without expecting any input from those poor teachers, y'damned slavedriver.

Can I keep the district's school tax if I "handle this whole education thing" myself?

That's what the unions fear most.

Just sayin'.
Well, I suppose I could write a thread about how I've encouraged SJ over the past 16 years. You want me to do that? I'll tell you what: Begin a thread about your teenager, and we'll compare notes.

And I agree: there are parents that would love to micromanage educators. If I had thought that asking for One graded paper/week/subject was going to be such a big hairy deal, I probably would have begun by asking that I get one every day. Then I suppose my once/week policy would seem more reasonable?

In reality, I expect these teachers have had enough fire lit under them to last the remainder of the Semester, and I won't need to remind them again that they're being very closely scrutinized.

If I were one of your child's teachers, I would tell you that if you would like to review your child's work in depth, you can come in to meet with me every Thursday afternoon at 3:30pm. We could go over the work face to face and discuss the issue. And I would encourage all of my colleagues to do the same.

I'd put the onus on you to prove to me that your child's education was important enough an issue that you would spend 3-6 hours per week of your time coming to the school.

Oh, yeah, right. These people are having trouble with "send home a paper with a grade written on it once a week", and you really think they're going to be able to manage an entire weekly meeting? Did you sustain a head injury recently?

No head injury here.

I'm just telling you what I would do. If someone is going to create extra work for me, I will create extra work for them...just to make sure we are all on the same page.
Yeah, Samson. Where the hell do you get off even expecting that poor, underpaid, downtrodden teacher to show up to school at all? You and your kid ought to handle this whole education thing yourselves without expecting any input from those poor teachers, y'damned slavedriver.

Can I keep the district's school tax if I "handle this whole education thing" myself?

Absolutely not, you selfish bastard. Don't you know that these Ghandis-with-blackboard-erasers are national heroes, and we should pay them just for being spiffy enough to wear the title of teacher? Like education is some sort of real job, where one can expect work for salary, or something. :eusa_hand:
What a bitch you are.
I didn't get to keep my tax dollars, my kids went to 12 yrs of private school.
I think teenage years are a good time to start teaching accountability, they are going to want to drive eventually. This extra effort from the teacher seems more appropriate for a younger kids, withhold something of value from the kid and you'll see improved performance. IMO
First: he wanted to know what a "graded paper" was?

This immediately set me off, so I explained to a HS Principal what was a graded paper.

Second: he didn't like my "tone."

I told him I didn't like his tone either.

Third he began with the list of excuses: classes meeting only two or three days per week, projects not being done for several weeks, the curriculum....yada, yada, yada.....I interrupted to say none of these excuses held any water, but he said, "Please don't interrupt, let me finish."

So I let him babble on, then said I didn't care about whether they met ONE, TWO, THREE, Four, or FIVE Days a week, I wanted to see some measure of learning on a weekly basis in each subject....

Then he interrupted ME!

I told him that he would please allow ME to finish, and continued to explain that it was embarrassing for me to review what I considered "Teaching 101" with him, but asked, "You do realize that parents are interested in what their kids are doing in school, right?"

He didn't answer, just stared at me.

You probably already know this, but with that kind of attitude from adminsitration, I would keep a close eye on things. This guy may try to punish you for your impudence through your kids.

If he does, he wins the award for Least Perceptive Judge of Character for this decade. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Samson's NOT the person to fuck with in that way.

There are sadists who make it into the education system, however. They make lousy educators but they can make a kid's life a living hell. Such are generally cowards who don't confront the parents but do take it out on the kids.

With two kids, both of which now have better than bachelor's degrees, the kids knew better than to complain to me about how 'tough' or 'unreasonable' Mr. or Miss so and so was because they knew I would take the teacher's side every time. But twice, and only twice during the time of their formal education did I have to intervene on their behalf when they were under assault from an inappropriate or sadistic teacher.

And I would think being confronted by a genuinely concerned parent such as Samson could easily trigger such a punative streak in such an educator.
If I were one of your child's teachers, I would tell you that if you would like to review your child's work in depth, you can come in to meet with me every Thursday afternoon at 3:30pm. We could go over the work face to face and discuss the issue. And I would encourage all of my colleagues to do the same.

I'd put the onus on you to prove to me that your child's education was important enough an issue that you would spend 3-6 hours per week of your time coming to the school.

Oh, yeah, right. These people are having trouble with "send home a paper with a grade written on it once a week", and you really think they're going to be able to manage an entire weekly meeting? Did you sustain a head injury recently?

No head injury here.

I'm just telling you what I would do. If someone is going to create extra work for me, I will create extra work for them...just to make sure we are all on the same page.

That's ridiculous. The attitude of "punish the parents if they question the system" is 3/4 of what is wrong with our system. "don't dare question the teachers or suffer the consequences!" How obnoxious.

If a parent wants to see what his kid is doing, he has that right. That's part of parenting, and teachers cry big crocodile tears when they think parents aren't "engaged". So what's with the attitude that if they're engaged it has to be on the teacher's terms, and it has to hurt?
Oh, yeah, right. These people are having trouble with "send home a paper with a grade written on it once a week", and you really think they're going to be able to manage an entire weekly meeting? Did you sustain a head injury recently?

No head injury here.

I'm just telling you what I would do. If someone is going to create extra work for me, I will create extra work for them...just to make sure we are all on the same page.

That's ridiculous. The attitude of "punish the parents if they question the system" is 3/4 of what is wrong with our system. "don't dare question the teachers or suffer the consequences!" How obnoxious.

If a parent wants to see what his kid is doing, he has that right. That's part of parenting, and teachers cry big crocodile tears when they think parents aren't "engaged". So what's with the attitude that if they're engaged it has to be on the teacher's terms, and it has to hurt?

When the teachers say "engaged", what they MEAN is "doing what I want them to do to make my life easier". Show up when I want to deal with you, donate the things I want you to spend money on, and vote for the bond issues I like. Oh, and tell your kids to agree with everything I say.
Since the beginning of the school year about a month ago, I have requested that:

Teachers send me ONE graded paper per week per subject

I stipulate it must be a paper, graded, as opposed to their practice of simply showing the grade in an online gradebook called "Infinite Campus."

My intent is to SEE whatever the hell they're teaching, and if it is being learned. You cannot do this just by looking at the grade

I also stated that if I didn't see graded papers, then I'd need to see THEM AND the graded papers, and we could arrange a meeting.

WELL, apparently this is proving to be An Issue for which I must see the principal!!!???

It seems some teachers are just overwhelmed with the prospect of teaching anything that may be worth assessing the value on a weekly basis!!!!!:eek:


Am I being completely unreasonable???:confused:
It's the teachers fault your 10th grader is a fuck up?


Actually, since his 10th grader is or should be on an IEP, he has every right to know what is going on. It's his duty to do so.

On the other hand, I feel like he's generalizing in a way that isn't fair to teachers in general education classes, but that is my take.
Since the beginning of the school year about a month ago, I have requested that:

Teachers send me ONE graded paper per week per subject

I stipulate it must be a paper, graded, as opposed to their practice of simply showing the grade in an online gradebook called "Infinite Campus."

My intent is to SEE whatever the hell they're teaching, and if it is being learned. You cannot do this just by looking at the grade

I also stated that if I didn't see graded papers, then I'd need to see THEM AND the graded papers, and we could arrange a meeting.

WELL, apparently this is proving to be An Issue for which I must see the principal!!!???

It seems some teachers are just overwhelmed with the prospect of teaching anything that may be worth assessing the value on a weekly basis!!!!!:eek:


Am I being completely unreasonable???:confused:

Yes, I think you are.

When I taught full time I had 150 students and gave 25 academic lectures or classes a week. Do you have any idea how much prep work that demanded of me?

I didn't have time to send parents reports every week.

I really didn't have enough time to give the students the individual attention they often needed.

I appreciate the POV.

Yes, I know exactly how much prep work that demanded, I've done it too.

However, if you don't measure whether or not your prep/lectures are effective then its a waste of time, and if parents want it, then why wouldn't you make it a priority?

For your other children, assuming they are not limited in any way, should the teacher construct lessons and assessments towards turning out the grades you demand or using them to actually measure what the children have mastered? It would be great if all lessons lent themselves to scantrons, but they don't.
You probably already know this, but with that kind of attitude from adminsitration, I would keep a close eye on things. This guy may try to punish you for your impudence through your kids.

If he does, he wins the award for Least Perceptive Judge of Character for this decade. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Samson's NOT the person to fuck with in that way.

There are sadists who make it into the education system, however. They make lousy educators but they can make a kid's life a living hell. Such are generally cowards who don't confront the parents but do take it out on the kids.

With two kids, both of which now have better than bachelor's degrees, the kids knew better than to complain to me about how 'tough' or 'unreasonable' Mr. or Miss so and so was because they knew I would take the teacher's side every time. But twice, and only twice during the time of their formal education did I have to intervene on their behalf when they were under assault from an inappropriate or sadistic teacher.

And I would think being confronted by a genuinely concerned parent such as Samson could easily trigger such a punative streak in such an educator.

Yeah, but after what just happened, it would take a masochist - or an idiot - to ask for more.

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