I, For One; Am Pleased At The Direction Our Country Is Headed.


Platinum Member
Oct 14, 2014
While many posters here bemoan the passing of "the good old days"; where they erroneously believe "we all got along"…
I recognize that we didn't really get along as amicably as they imagine. Sure. Hostility was lower, but that only served to stifle the expression of peoples free speech, and the practice of their values.
I for one am glad to see all the pretense being so readily discarded, and all sides digging their heels in, unwilling to give an inch. People are finally deciding to take a stand for what they believe in without regard to other peoples feelings, and without concern for how it might effect the "others". People are finally dropping the facade, and showing each other who they really are. There is a sense of authenticity that has been lacking for far too long. Groups are becoming more galvanized than ever before.
And what's becoming most apparent through it all, is that truth is starting to raise its "ugly head"; and we are seeing that diversity is not a strength. But rather divisive. However these divisions aren't neccessarily a bad thing either. As groups knit themselves ever tighter; the chances of any parties backing down from their positions diminish. Eventually the differences have to be settled once and for all. And settling these differences once, and for all will be the best gift we could ever leave to future generations.
I can think of no better time to be an American. And I'm eager to see what the future holds for us all...
On the other hand, what I see is more and more people who are living in their own little echo-chambers, surrounded by people who agree with them on every issue, large and small. They watch entertainment, seek out news, and associate with people and groups that all reside within the same echo chamber. This applies to both the political Left and Right.

But the Trump Phenomenon has brought out the fact that there is a HYUGE portion of the population that is disgusted with Leftism as it flows out from Academe, the "News" Media, the Arts, and the coastal Leftist havens.

The country is more or less evenly divided between Left and Right, and "moderates" are an endangered species, because there is no middle-ground between, for example "pro-choice" (i.e., abortion on demand), and pro-life (abortion is equivalent to infanticide). There is no middle ground between "illegals" must be deported - as required by existing U.S. law, and Illegals have a "right" to remain here, and should be given voting citizenship if they are not convicted felons.

I am retired and now choose to remain in my own echo-chamber, railing at Leftist bullshit to start every day (largely on this forum), but knowing that if I stay in my white suburban world - which is ubiquitous - I can be unaffected by the schidt that goes on around me.
Now if we could just get rid of the federal government, everything would be peachy.
While many posters here bemoan the passing of "the good old days"; where they erroneously believe "we all got along"…
I recognize that we didn't really get along as amicably as they imagine. Sure. Hostility was lower, but that only served to stifle the expression of peoples free speech, and the practice of their values.
I for one am glad to see all the pretense being so readily discarded, and all sides digging their heels in, unwilling to give an inch. People are finally deciding to take a stand for what they believe in without regard to other peoples feelings, and without concern for how it might effect the "others". People are finally dropping the facade, and showing each other who they really are. There is a sense of authenticity that has been lacking for far too long. Groups are becoming more galvanized than ever before.
And what's becoming most apparent through it all, is that truth is starting to raise its "ugly head"; and we are seeing that diversity is not a strength. But rather divisive. However these divisions aren't neccessarily a bad thing either. As groups knit themselves ever tighter; the chances of any parties backing down from their positions diminish. Eventually the differences have to be settled once and for all. And settling these differences once, and for all will be the best gift we could ever leave to future generations.
I can think of no better time to be an American. And I'm eager to see what the future holds for us all...
I for one am glad to see all the pretense being so readily discarded, and all sides digging their heels in, unwilling to give an inch. People are finally deciding to take a stand for what they believe in without regard to other peoples feelings, and without concern for how it might effect the "others".

Insouciant thoughts and words and deeds deriving from them are...
  • the progenitors of avarice, lust, gluttony and pride, which in turn foments enmity,
  • the antipathy of empathy,
...yet you believe thinking behaving thus is good thing, so to speak?

Even disregarding the dogmatic aspect and instead thinking only of the sociology and societal impacts of such a glib mindset, I don't. What you commend, condone and forebear is the manifestation of ill character.


Look at the traits of character. Overabundance of any of them produces a person of poor character and immaturity. Character is every bit as much about, in any given individual, balance among the traits of character as it is about being possessed of and exhibiting the traits. That it is is alluded to by the traits' symmetrical presentation in the image above. What your above-quoted statements esteem is an overabundance of pluck, plod, zeal, nerve, and self-confidence and not enough charity, adaptability, tact, and benevolence. Moreover, you welcome that our culture has reached the point whereby people possessed of and displaying such excesses be let out of the "social corners" into which they heretofore were marginalized.

Furthermore, what you construe as the revelation of an "ugly truth" is no truth that hasn't forever been known. That there are opprobrious individuals and groups, people of poor character, is a hidden truth only to sheltered children.
There is a sense of authenticity that has been lacking for far too long. Groups are becoming more galvanized than ever before. And what's becoming most apparent through it all, is that truth is starting to raise its "ugly head"
Skunks, rattlesnakes and a host of other creatures are very authentic. They know they are odious, deadly, etc. just as everyone and every other animal does. There's nothing wrong with according them an ostracized existence; however, it's absurd to invite them into and in turn grant them free run within one's life and home. Yet the ideas you've expressed give réclame to their human correlates who've of late beset the home/life that is America's polity and culture.

It's pretty much a given that a polity, a society, will contain reprobate and poor-character individuals. That is what it is; however, in the past we've been somewhat effective at marginalizing those people. What distinguishes us now is Trump's ascendance. Sadly, Trump is among the reprobate and he's managed to become the POTUS. The man is without question authentically over-imbued with pluck, plod, zeal, nerve, and self-confidence and bereft of charity, adaptability, tact, and benevolence. Trump's achieving formal political power has drawn from obloquy and given voluminous voice to the rogues, jacks, and poltroons who formerly had none.

That is nothing to acclaim for the overarching reality that, although Trump has mischaracterized their former forced quietude as having accrued from their inferior economic position, the fact of the matter is that they had no notable voice because they deserved none. They dwelt in the margins because that's where they belonged. The margins were theirs and the rest of us were content to let them have the margins and thrive there, much as skunks and cobras inhabit margins and thrive. It appears, insofar as they now invade and threaten the mainstream, the rogues' ranks have overgrown and a culling is due.

Do you truly not see the incoherence of at once lauding the behavior/mindset expressed in the previously quoted passage....
I for one am glad to see all the pretense being so readily discarded, and all sides digging their heels in, unwilling to give an inch. People are finally deciding to take a stand for what they believe in without regard to other peoples feelings, and without concern for how it might effect the "others".
...and then decrying it as you've done in the following passage?
what's becoming most apparent through it all, is that truth is starting to raise its "ugly head"; and we are seeing that diversity is not a strength. But rather divisive.
While many posters here bemoan the passing of "the good old days"; where they erroneously believe "we all got along"…
I recognize that we didn't really get along as amicably as they imagine. Sure. Hostility was lower, but that only served to stifle the expression of peoples free speech, and the practice of their values.
I for one am glad to see all the pretense being so readily discarded, and all sides digging their heels in, unwilling to give an inch. People are finally deciding to take a stand for what they believe in without regard to other peoples feelings, and without concern for how it might effect the "others". People are finally dropping the facade, and showing each other who they really are. There is a sense of authenticity that has been lacking for far too long. Groups are becoming more galvanized than ever before.
And what's becoming most apparent through it all, is that truth is starting to raise its "ugly head"; and we are seeing that diversity is not a strength. But rather divisive. However these divisions aren't neccessarily a bad thing either. As groups knit themselves ever tighter; the chances of any parties backing down from their positions diminish. Eventually the differences have to be settled once and for all. And settling these differences once, and for all will be the best gift we could ever leave to future generations.
I can think of no better time to be an American. And I'm eager to see what the future holds for us all...
I for one am glad to see all the pretense being so readily discarded, and all sides digging their heels in, unwilling to give an inch. People are finally deciding to take a stand for what they believe in without regard to other peoples feelings, and without concern for how it might effect the "others".

Insouciant thoughts and words and deeds deriving from them are...
  • the progenitors of avarice, lust, gluttony and pride, which in turn foments enmity,
  • the antipathy of empathy,
...yet you believe thinking behaving thus is good thing, so to speak?

Even disregarding the dogmatic aspect and instead thinking only of the sociology and societal impacts of such a glib mindset, I don't. What you commend, condone and forebear is the manifestation of ill character.


Look at the traits of character. Overabundance of any of them produces a person of poor character and immaturity. Character is every bit as much about, in any given individual, balance among the traits of character as it is about being possessed of and exhibiting the traits. That it is is alluded to by the traits' symmetrical presentation in the image above. What your above-quoted statements esteem is an overabundance of pluck, plod, zeal, nerve, and self-confidence and not enough charity, adaptability, tact, and benevolence. Moreover, you welcome that our culture has reached the point whereby people possessed of and displaying such excesses be let out of the "social corners" into which they heretofore were marginalized.

Furthermore, what you construe as the revelation of an "ugly truth" is no truth that hasn't forever been known. That there are opprobrious individuals and groups, people of poor character, is a hidden truth only to sheltered children.
There is a sense of authenticity that has been lacking for far too long. Groups are becoming more galvanized than ever before. And what's becoming most apparent through it all, is that truth is starting to raise its "ugly head"
Skunks, rattlesnakes and a host of other creatures are very authentic. They know they are odious, deadly, etc. just as everyone and every other animal does. There's nothing wrong with according them an ostracized existence; however, it's absurd to invite them into and in turn grant them free run within one's life and home. Yet the ideas you've expressed give réclame to their human correlates who've of late beset the home/life that is America's polity and culture.

It's pretty much a given that a polity, a society, will contain reprobate and poor-character individuals. That is what it is; however, in the past we've been somewhat effective at marginalizing those people. What distinguishes us now is Trump's ascendance. Sadly, Trump is among the reprobate and he's managed to become the POTUS. The man is without question authentically over-imbued with pluck, plod, zeal, nerve, and self-confidence and bereft of charity, adaptability, tact, and benevolence. Trump's achieving formal political power has drawn from obloquy and given voluminous voice to the rogues, jacks, and poltroons who formerly had none.

That is nothing to acclaim for the overarching reality that, although Trump has mischaracterized their former forced quietude as having accrued from their inferior economic position, the fact of the matter is that they had no notable voice because they deserved none. They dwelt in the margins because that's where they belonged. The margins were theirs and the rest of us were content to let them have the margins and thrive there, much as skunks and cobras inhabit margins and thrive. It appears, insofar as they now invade and threaten the mainstream, the rogues' ranks have overgrown and a culling is due.

Do you truly not see the incoherence of at once lauding the behavior/mindset expressed in the previously quoted passage....
I for one am glad to see all the pretense being so readily discarded, and all sides digging their heels in, unwilling to give an inch. People are finally deciding to take a stand for what they believe in without regard to other peoples feelings, and without concern for how it might effect the "others".
...and then decrying it as you've done in the following passage?
what's becoming most apparent through it all, is that truth is starting to raise its "ugly head"; and we are seeing that diversity is not a strength. But rather divisive.
Triggered much? There was so much whining and virtue signaling in the first two paragraphs that I didn't bother to read the rest. In the future, if you want people to pretend to care... Try, and be a little more concise. Brevity is the hallmark of wit.
While many posters here bemoan the passing of "the good old days"; where they erroneously believe "we all got along"…
I recognize that we didn't really get along as amicably as they imagine. Sure. Hostility was lower, but that only served to stifle the expression of peoples free speech, and the practice of their values.
I for one am glad to see all the pretense being so readily discarded, and all sides digging their heels in, unwilling to give an inch. People are finally deciding to take a stand for what they believe in without regard to other peoples feelings, and without concern for how it might effect the "others". People are finally dropping the facade, and showing each other who they really are. There is a sense of authenticity that has been lacking for far too long. Groups are becoming more galvanized than ever before.
And what's becoming most apparent through it all, is that truth is starting to raise its "ugly head"; and we are seeing that diversity is not a strength. But rather divisive. However these divisions aren't neccessarily a bad thing either. As groups knit themselves ever tighter; the chances of any parties backing down from their positions diminish. Eventually the differences have to be settled once and for all. And settling these differences once, and for all will be the best gift we could ever leave to future generations.
I can think of no better time to be an American. And I'm eager to see what the future holds for us all...
I for one am glad to see all the pretense being so readily discarded, and all sides digging their heels in, unwilling to give an inch. People are finally deciding to take a stand for what they believe in without regard to other peoples feelings, and without concern for how it might effect the "others".

Insouciant thoughts and words and deeds deriving from them are...
  • the progenitors of avarice, lust, gluttony and pride, which in turn foments enmity,
  • the antipathy of empathy,
...yet you believe thinking behaving thus is good thing, so to speak?

Even disregarding the dogmatic aspect and instead thinking only of the sociology and societal impacts of such a glib mindset, I don't. What you commend, condone and forebear is the manifestation of ill character.


Look at the traits of character. Overabundance of any of them produces a person of poor character and immaturity. Character is every bit as much about, in any given individual, balance among the traits of character as it is about being possessed of and exhibiting the traits. That it is is alluded to by the traits' symmetrical presentation in the image above. What your above-quoted statements esteem is an overabundance of pluck, plod, zeal, nerve, and self-confidence and not enough charity, adaptability, tact, and benevolence. Moreover, you welcome that our culture has reached the point whereby people possessed of and displaying such excesses be let out of the "social corners" into which they heretofore were marginalized.

Furthermore, what you construe as the revelation of an "ugly truth" is no truth that hasn't forever been known. That there are opprobrious individuals and groups, people of poor character, is a hidden truth only to sheltered children.
There is a sense of authenticity that has been lacking for far too long. Groups are becoming more galvanized than ever before. And what's becoming most apparent through it all, is that truth is starting to raise its "ugly head"
Skunks, rattlesnakes and a host of other creatures are very authentic. They know they are odious, deadly, etc. just as everyone and every other animal does. There's nothing wrong with according them an ostracized existence; however, it's absurd to invite them into and in turn grant them free run within one's life and home. Yet the ideas you've expressed give réclame to their human correlates who've of late beset the home/life that is America's polity and culture.

It's pretty much a given that a polity, a society, will contain reprobate and poor-character individuals. That is what it is; however, in the past we've been somewhat effective at marginalizing those people. What distinguishes us now is Trump's ascendance. Sadly, Trump is among the reprobate and he's managed to become the POTUS. The man is without question authentically over-imbued with pluck, plod, zeal, nerve, and self-confidence and bereft of charity, adaptability, tact, and benevolence. Trump's achieving formal political power has drawn from obloquy and given voluminous voice to the rogues, jacks, and poltroons who formerly had none.

That is nothing to acclaim for the overarching reality that, although Trump has mischaracterized their former forced quietude as having accrued from their inferior economic position, the fact of the matter is that they had no notable voice because they deserved none. They dwelt in the margins because that's where they belonged. The margins were theirs and the rest of us were content to let them have the margins and thrive there, much as skunks and cobras inhabit margins and thrive. It appears, insofar as they now invade and threaten the mainstream, the rogues' ranks have overgrown and a culling is due.

Do you truly not see the incoherence of at once lauding the behavior/mindset expressed in the previously quoted passage....
I for one am glad to see all the pretense being so readily discarded, and all sides digging their heels in, unwilling to give an inch. People are finally deciding to take a stand for what they believe in without regard to other peoples feelings, and without concern for how it might effect the "others".
...and then decrying it as you've done in the following passage?
what's becoming most apparent through it all, is that truth is starting to raise its "ugly head"; and we are seeing that diversity is not a strength. But rather divisive.
Triggered much? There was so much whining and virtue signaling in the first two paragraphs that I didn't bother to read the rest. In the future, if you want people to pretend to care... Try, and be a little more concise. Brevity is the hallmark of wit.
Brevity is the hallmark of wit.
Something said briefly can be the fruit of much long thought, but when I write for the novice cogitators and who have as yet reflected on it inaptly as those found here, I must remember that they see in everything said briefly something embryonic, and would, in turn be right to censure me for having served up immature and unripened fare.
if you want people to pretend to care
I don't ever want that.
While many posters here bemoan the passing of "the good old days"; where they erroneously believe "we all got along"…
I recognize that we didn't really get along as amicably as they imagine. Sure. Hostility was lower, but that only served to stifle the expression of peoples free speech, and the practice of their values.
I for one am glad to see all the pretense being so readily discarded, and all sides digging their heels in, unwilling to give an inch. People are finally deciding to take a stand for what they believe in without regard to other peoples feelings, and without concern for how it might effect the "others". People are finally dropping the facade, and showing each other who they really are. There is a sense of authenticity that has been lacking for far too long. Groups are becoming more galvanized than ever before.
And what's becoming most apparent through it all, is that truth is starting to raise its "ugly head"; and we are seeing that diversity is not a strength. But rather divisive. However these divisions aren't neccessarily a bad thing either. As groups knit themselves ever tighter; the chances of any parties backing down from their positions diminish. Eventually the differences have to be settled once and for all. And settling these differences once, and for all will be the best gift we could ever leave to future generations.
I can think of no better time to be an American. And I'm eager to see what the future holds for us all...
To me, the lack of social media back in the day is the reason why hostility was lower then.

God bless you always!!!

While many posters here bemoan the passing of "the good old days"; where they erroneously believe "we all got along"…
I recognize that we didn't really get along as amicably as they imagine. Sure. Hostility was lower, but that only served to stifle the expression of peoples free speech, and the practice of their values.
I for one am glad to see all the pretense being so readily discarded, and all sides digging their heels in, unwilling to give an inch. People are finally deciding to take a stand for what they believe in without regard to other peoples feelings, and without concern for how it might effect the "others". People are finally dropping the facade, and showing each other who they really are. There is a sense of authenticity that has been lacking for far too long. Groups are becoming more galvanized than ever before.
And what's becoming most apparent through it all, is that truth is starting to raise its "ugly head"; and we are seeing that diversity is not a strength. But rather divisive. However these divisions aren't neccessarily a bad thing either. As groups knit themselves ever tighter; the chances of any parties backing down from their positions diminish. Eventually the differences have to be settled once and for all. And settling these differences once, and for all will be the best gift we could ever leave to future generations.
I can think of no better time to be an American. And I'm eager to see what the future holds for us all...
To me, the lack of social media back in the day is the reason why hostility was lower then.

God bless you always!!!

It also kept groups of people insulated and feeling alone. Now folks can freely assemble, and find their kindred spirits. Now groups are starting to coelesce.
While many posters here bemoan the passing of "the good old days"; where they erroneously believe "we all got along"…
I recognize that we didn't really get along as amicably as they imagine. Sure. Hostility was lower, but that only served to stifle the expression of peoples free speech, and the practice of their values.
I for one am glad to see all the pretense being so readily discarded, and all sides digging their heels in, unwilling to give an inch. People are finally deciding to take a stand for what they believe in without regard to other peoples feelings, and without concern for how it might effect the "others". People are finally dropping the facade, and showing each other who they really are. There is a sense of authenticity that has been lacking for far too long. Groups are becoming more galvanized than ever before.
And what's becoming most apparent through it all, is that truth is starting to raise its "ugly head"; and we are seeing that diversity is not a strength. But rather divisive. However these divisions aren't neccessarily a bad thing either. As groups knit themselves ever tighter; the chances of any parties backing down from their positions diminish. Eventually the differences have to be settled once and for all. And settling these differences once, and for all will be the best gift we could ever leave to future generations.
I can think of no better time to be an American. And I'm eager to see what the future holds for us all...
I for one am glad to see all the pretense being so readily discarded, and all sides digging their heels in, unwilling to give an inch. People are finally deciding to take a stand for what they believe in without regard to other peoples feelings, and without concern for how it might effect the "others".

Insouciant thoughts and words and deeds deriving from them are...
  • the progenitors of avarice, lust, gluttony and pride, which in turn foments enmity,
  • the antipathy of empathy,
...yet you believe thinking behaving thus is good thing, so to speak?

Even disregarding the dogmatic aspect and instead thinking only of the sociology and societal impacts of such a glib mindset, I don't. What you commend, condone and forebear is the manifestation of ill character.


Look at the traits of character. Overabundance of any of them produces a person of poor character and immaturity. Character is every bit as much about, in any given individual, balance among the traits of character as it is about being possessed of and exhibiting the traits. That it is is alluded to by the traits' symmetrical presentation in the image above. What your above-quoted statements esteem is an overabundance of pluck, plod, zeal, nerve, and self-confidence and not enough charity, adaptability, tact, and benevolence. Moreover, you welcome that our culture has reached the point whereby people possessed of and displaying such excesses be let out of the "social corners" into which they heretofore were marginalized.

Furthermore, what you construe as the revelation of an "ugly truth" is no truth that hasn't forever been known. That there are opprobrious individuals and groups, people of poor character, is a hidden truth only to sheltered children.
There is a sense of authenticity that has been lacking for far too long. Groups are becoming more galvanized than ever before. And what's becoming most apparent through it all, is that truth is starting to raise its "ugly head"
Skunks, rattlesnakes and a host of other creatures are very authentic. They know they are odious, deadly, etc. just as everyone and every other animal does. There's nothing wrong with according them an ostracized existence; however, it's absurd to invite them into and in turn grant them free run within one's life and home. Yet the ideas you've expressed give réclame to their human correlates who've of late beset the home/life that is America's polity and culture.

It's pretty much a given that a polity, a society, will contain reprobate and poor-character individuals. That is what it is; however, in the past we've been somewhat effective at marginalizing those people. What distinguishes us now is Trump's ascendance. Sadly, Trump is among the reprobate and he's managed to become the POTUS. The man is without question authentically over-imbued with pluck, plod, zeal, nerve, and self-confidence and bereft of charity, adaptability, tact, and benevolence. Trump's achieving formal political power has drawn from obloquy and given voluminous voice to the rogues, jacks, and poltroons who formerly had none.

That is nothing to acclaim for the overarching reality that, although Trump has mischaracterized their former forced quietude as having accrued from their inferior economic position, the fact of the matter is that they had no notable voice because they deserved none. They dwelt in the margins because that's where they belonged. The margins were theirs and the rest of us were content to let them have the margins and thrive there, much as skunks and cobras inhabit margins and thrive. It appears, insofar as they now invade and threaten the mainstream, the rogues' ranks have overgrown and a culling is due.

Do you truly not see the incoherence of at once lauding the behavior/mindset expressed in the previously quoted passage....
I for one am glad to see all the pretense being so readily discarded, and all sides digging their heels in, unwilling to give an inch. People are finally deciding to take a stand for what they believe in without regard to other peoples feelings, and without concern for how it might effect the "others".
...and then decrying it as you've done in the following passage?
what's becoming most apparent through it all, is that truth is starting to raise its "ugly head"; and we are seeing that diversity is not a strength. But rather divisive.
Xelor, you took the words right out of my mouth. Amazing.

That’s exactly what I was going to post. Exactly!


To be helpful, I will, for a nominal fee, be happy to translate Xelor’s precise and thoughtful post into one and two syllable words for the many RWNJs who have yet to make acquaintance with a dictionary.

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