I envy you folks who are older. Because you got to grow up in a much better country.

Remember when the nation had 'morals'.....and segregation. Remember the 'middle class'......and interracial marriage bans?

Remember when there weren't any pesky sexual harassment laws and you could grab your secretary by the pussy?

Remember the lynchings, 'white only' water fountains, the wild disparities of college education levels between white men and everyone else?

Remember redlining to keep black folks out of white neighborhoods?

Remember when you could be arrested for being gay? When homosexuality was criminalized?

Remember when we didn't have clean water and air acts, and the pollution was *so* much worse?

Perhaps this is what y'all mean by 'great' when you say MAGA? Because it *really* depended on who you were if it was 'great' or not.
I remember morals. And the middle class. There wasn’t any segregation or marriage bans.

I remember sexual assault was a crime. And I also remember when telling a girl she looked pretty or asking her out wasn’t sexual assault or simply looking at her wasn’t a crime.

White only anything was long gone by then. You’re confusing generations. Nobody was being lynched. Getting into college was based on merit, not skin color or sex organs like it is now. You also had to pay for it. Crazy concept I’m sure.

Nobody was kept out of a neighborhood because of skin color. Pay the down payment, qualify for the loan, move in. Pretty simple.

Nobody was arrested for being gay. They were made fun of. And that wasn’t a crime either. If you can’t make jokes about the guy sucking dicks why have comedy at all.

I remember clean water, the air got better with technology. Gas mileage and efficiency have been a thing since the model T. Do you remember pollution from everyone having wood fireplaces? You don’t because technology advanced.

What made America Great was the absence of people like you.
This generation doesn't have common sense. I think one of the reasons for the homeless epidemic is many have given up.
We got to stand up to the far left and the neoconservatives


We all need to do our part to make America a better place to grow up and live.

As we have all seen, it takes only a couple of years for things to dramatically turn around. We can turn it around the other way if we all do so.

Vote, write your representatives, go to city/county/school meetings, run for office yourself, do whatever you can to fight against the destruction of this great nation. It takes all of us.

When I have taken a stand against wrongs, I have been disappointed with how nearly everyone agreed with me, but they were all afraid to join me for fear of retaliation. This is fundamentally the problem. We are stronger than they are, and right will prevail over wrong.

All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to remain silent. Join me.
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The dumb trash that tears down the statues and flags of American icons because they owned a slave or fought for South are beyond stupid. They're self-righteous and arrogant. People back then fought for their state in the Civil War. If they had been living in Georgia or any other southern state they would have been wearing a gray uniform. You can't judge people 160 years ago by today's culture.
Well first, you'd rather live another 15 years than another 75 years? Really?


Second, it's not about the government. It's about the society, norms and values.

America is the most awesome concept on the planet.

I'm an American by choice. Too many Americans don't see how THEY'VE contributed to the negative culture. A culture that I think most Americans are modestly aware.
It was an awesome concept, but than it got perverted and twisted by the elite.
Which do you think were the golden years and for whom?

The 1950s - when a "colored" man or woman would not be served at a fucking Woolworth? Or, the 1980s when we did not have the internet and computers were limited to colossal machines with dumb terminals and were accessible to only a few?

Nope. The past was never as great or as golden as one imagines. It is what you make of your present.

I am going to be 66 this year. Had a great career (some ups/some downs) and still going strong working for a major software company. Still learning, still working, and happy.

I started when computers took a whole room and by mid-career, was building software on laptops. And now? Looking forward to being part of the next Information wave - AI tools.

So, forget the past. Use the present to build a great future. Good luck.
The 1950s was very good for most Americans. No crime. Jobs everywhere offering good wages and pensions. No wars other than Korea. No cartels controlling healthcare and energy, and the MIC was in its infancy. Public education worked and government was small.
The 1950s was very good for most Americans. No crime. Jobs everywhere offering good wages and pensions. No wars other than Korea. No cartels controlling healthcare and energy, and the MIC was in its infancy. Public education worked and government was small.
Cars were cool.
I’m in my mid 30s and I just wanted to first of all thank every American in this country who is a senior citizen. Thanks for making this country one of the greatest countries in the world. No matter what the far left or the neoconservatives do …. because of you people no matter what happens thousands of years from now the world will look back at a country called the United States of America ….and they will see throughout the 20th century it was the United States that saved the free world. We all remember World War II. It was the Americans, the Soviets, the British who liberated concentration camps where human beings were being exterminated. Nobody can ever take this incredible feat away from the American people and our allies.

We don’t have a middle class today. We really don’t have morals in America, we do have materialism and greed on steroids. We got a divorce rate that’s out of control, we have massive numbers of young men and young women who are single in this country. We have big problems today because of the negative aspects of social media and more drugs in our country, along with Republicans and Democrats incorrectly claiming that America has a “systemically racist” history

Folks I envy you senior citizens of America. I admire you but also have some I guess you can call it envy. The USA is a much more difficult country to have success in today compared to say the 1950s or the 1980s. It is because of the great Americans of history that we will always have hope for the future. And that’s why I stay hopeful, because of the great American history.
Yes. I was born in 1960. I grew up in the 60s and 70s. What I wouldn't give to re-live those years. A FAR better time than the present. In the infamous words of Pedo Joe: “No Joke.”
I remember morals. And the middle class. There wasn’t any segregation or marriage bans.

I remember sexual assault was a crime. And I also remember when telling a girl she looked pretty or asking her out wasn’t sexual assault or simply looking at her wasn’t a crime.

White only anything was long gone by then. You’re confusing generations. Nobody was being lynched. Getting into college was based on merit, not skin color or sex organs like it is now. You also had to pay for it. Crazy concept I’m sure.

Nobody was kept out of a neighborhood because of skin color. Pay the down payment, qualify for the loan, move in. Pretty simple.

Nobody was arrested for being gay. They were made fun of. And that wasn’t a crime either. If you can’t make jokes about the guy sucking dicks why have comedy at all.

I remember clean water, the air got better with technology. Gas mileage and efficiency have been a thing since the model T. Do you remember pollution from everyone having wood fireplaces? You don’t because technology advanced.

What made America Great was the absence of people like you.
thanks well said … you remind me of my grandfather who had a black boss and that was in the 1950s…

Some people on the left believe it is OK to say that America was a racist country. They don’t even realize that that is an attack on the family members and the ancestors of so many for members here whether they’re white or black.

Didn’t matter if you were white, black, Jewish, Muslim, Christian Or Atheist here in Buffalo New York in the 1960s you could get yourself a job that set you for life…. even if you dropped out of high school. You could do that at the steel plant or the auto plant.

That doesn’t exist anymore. That’s why we have drug addiction That is rampant, we have huge numbers of young Americans whom are single, we have many less children being born today compared to the American past. There’s a lot less young families today. These are all concerns for the future. The rise of materialism, the rise of greed people spending all of their time on the phone, young men having zero interest in meeting women.

With that being said I think things will turn around ….. positive things are happening ….Carlson is back on Twitter, Andrew Tate is back on YouTube giving podcasts.

Social media is actually kind of backing off a little bit on the cancel culture. We still have a lot of work to do, but YouTube has gotten a little bit less strict. Freedom of speech is perhaps coming back.

I think things will improve on the social level, America has been an Equal country for decades. If BLM and the far left had their way they would take away the equality we have.

I think within a few years we’re going to see affirmative action gone. We’re going to see the Academy Awards get rid of their insane rule where they have to nominate a black person, we’re going to see more and more democrats wake up
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I remember (in the 50's) growing up in a neighborhood where everyone knew each other and all the families looked out for each other. We either walked or rode our bikes to school and never felt afraid. We got up, went to school, went home and went outside and played until dark. Saturdays we went to the theater and watched newsreels and serials. There was always a ticket number drawing at intermission. We went exploring at the end of the street where the forest started. Great memories.

I envy you folks who are older. Because you got to grow up in a much better country.​

Sometimes or actually many times - I do wonder if it would be better to grow up nowadays - being unaware about how great times used to be, before ALL Western countries were subjected to destructive and detrimental Lefty&lib agendas.
But I do use every opportunity to show and practically demonstrate to my daughter as to how great and exiting things could be - if they were acted upon as before.
thanks well said … you remind me of my grandfather who had a black boss and that was in the 1950s…

Some people on the left believe it is OK to say that America was a racist country. They don’t even realize that that is an attack on the family members and the ancestors of so many for members here whether they’re white or black.

Didn’t matter if you were white, black, Jewish, Muslim, Christian Or Atheist here in Buffalo New York in the 1960s you could get yourself a job that set you for life…. even if you dropped out of high school. You could do that at the steel plant or the auto plant.

That doesn’t exist anymore. That’s why we have drug addiction That is rampant, we have huge numbers of young Americans whom are single, we have many less children being born today compared to the American past. There’s a lot less young families today. These are all concerns for the future. The rise of materialism, the rise of greed people spending all of their time on the phone, young men having zero interest in meeting women.

With that being said I think things will turn around ….. positive things are happening ….Carlson is back on Twitter, Andrew Tate is back on YouTube giving podcasts.

Social media is actually kind of backing off a little bit on the cancel culture. We still have a lot of work to do, but YouTube has gotten a little bit less strict. Freedom of speech is perhaps coming back.

I think things will improve on the social level, America has been an Equal country for decades. If BLM and the far left had their way they would take away the equality we have.

I think within a few years we’re going to see affirmative action gone. We’re going to see the Academy Awards get rid of their insane rule where they have to nominate a black person, we’re going to see more and more democrats wake up
I think back then several democrat ideas hadn’t taken full hold yet. Black kids still had a father, they at least knew who he was. They weren’t one of twelve kids for a welfare check. And they knew to work hard to get somewhere not just claim black and wait for the checks. Gays knew they were gay and they also knew it was an oddity. They sure as hell didn’t expect a fucking month of celebration for being the one odd kid out of hundreds. They sucked dicks, there’s no pride in that. There’s no accomplishment involved.

We’ve just made everything worse by trying to help.
The difference between now and then is back then you had to actually accomplish something to be special. Today you can just be a certain race or have a certain sexual desire and somehow that is your entire reason for getting special treatment. You don’t need to do anything other than exist.

We have to get back to being special because you earned it.
California in the 60s must have been a blast. A few pockets in Canada were cool then, Montreal seemed to be a little more civilized then (before the FLQ).
I'd rather be 7 than 70.

America's best days are in front of it.
In the old days, teachers didn't teach the kids to hate the country, and people believed that justice was applied to everyone. Policies were good or bad, not the country. And policies were targeted, not the voters. I am also puzzled by the push for porn in schools and with children attending public events. It is hard to see a positive progression. Also, shelling out public money for non citizens doesn't seem to make any sense. Nor does the current push to tell minorities they can't succeed because life is too unfair. Basically, the current direction of the country makes no sense whatsoever.
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California in the 60s must have been a blast. A few pockets in Canada were cool then, Montreal seemed to be a little more civilized then (before the FLQ).
California was the epitome of cool in the 60s. What happened? Democrats.
I’m in my mid 30s and I just wanted to first of all thank every American in this country who is a senior citizen. Thanks for making this country one of the greatest countries in the world. No matter what the far left or the neoconservatives do …. because of you people no matter what happens thousands of years from now the world will look back at a country called the United States of America ….and they will see throughout the 20th century it was the United States that saved the free world. We all remember World War II. It was the Americans, the Soviets, the British who liberated concentration camps where human beings were being exterminated. Nobody can ever take this incredible feat away from the American people and our allies.

We don’t have a middle class today. We really don’t have morals in America, we do have materialism and greed on steroids. We got a divorce rate that’s out of control, we have massive numbers of young men and young women who are single in this country. We have big problems today because of the negative aspects of social media and more drugs in our country, along with Republicans and Democrats incorrectly claiming that America has a “systemically racist” history

Folks I envy you senior citizens of America. I admire you but also have some I guess you can call it envy. The USA is a much more difficult country to have success in today compared to say the 1950s or the 1980s. It is because of the great Americans of history that we will always have hope for the future. And that’s why I stay hopeful, because of the great American history.
Hadn't seen a dumb post from you lately....you get out of your 72 hour psych hold or was it the two week variety?
The fifties were a great time. Once the liberal hippies gained political influence, America started going down hill.

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