I envy you folks who are older. Because you got to grow up in a much better country.

We didnā€™t all speak English. Like today neighborhoods spoke other languages. Vietnamese for example in Garden City California. It was where a lot of the Vietnamese Refugees settled after the fall of Saigon. If Douchebag Racist fucks objected nobody listened. Like every point in our history there were places were foreign languages were spoken freely.

The Cosby Show was the number one choice in Television. As was the Fresh Prince. After Magic Johnson got AIDS the attention to the disease increased dramatically. Much to the horror of the Televangelist types.

The racist jackasses who were hiding in the mountains of Idaho viewed every new member as an FBI plant. And the odds were good that it was an FBI plant. Because we recognized them as radical criminals who would commit various crimes.

People who wanted to ban books were denigrated. They were ridiculed as small closed minded fools.
Thatā€™s all feel good shitā€¦for your FEELZ.
Get ready to piss your pantsā€¦
Us sane people like overall dataā€¦.We donā€™t really forge opinions on one-off cases or the .00002 percentile.
Look at all available and relevant data related to skin color, now toss out the data related to dark people and then extrapolate the data related to white people and tell me what an all white nation would look like compared to the the current diverse shithole America.
Is it safer?
Is it cleaner?
Is it more prosperous?
Is it more unified?
Is public education better?
Is healthcare better?
Is social services a more robust institution?
Why do you leftists seem to harbor such disdain for a better, safer, more productive, more united America?
Why do you and sealybobo seem to want a shittier America?
You mean all those who came over legally with the peoples consent? The ones who came when America was in its building phase? The ones who came before welfare..before good hard-working real Americans were forced to pay Guadalupe and Gustavo to run their baby factory? The ones who came to assimilate?

REALLY? Point us to a united, safe, clean, prosperous diverse community, city or state or nation? Iā€™ll wait.
hahahaā€¦ā€latin infusion into our cultureā€ā€¦..WTF?
You mean the illegal ā€œinfusionā€?
The one that has been forced on the people against their will?
The one that costs Americans $100B per year?
The one that has destroyed entire communities?
The one that has destroyed our public education and healthcare institutions?
The one that robs public services from black people?
The one that has take menial labor jobs from black people?

Is that the ā€œinfusionā€ you speak of? FUCK, why wouldnā€™t we embrace the infusion?

How do fags enhance and improve a society? Everywhere faggotry can be found in mass youā€™ll find filth and degradation. Faggots have their placeā€¦.in the closet with all the other weirdos.

Youā€™re not a core American, youā€™re a woke white guilt whackoā€¦.youā€™re a free shit begging foreign-minded fool.

Donā€™t be a foolā€¦.you should be ā€œscaredā€ unless youā€™ve never been to any predominantly dark community, city state, or nation.
Are you kidding? Go to a gay community. High property values. They keep their neighborhoods clean honey.

They aren't coming illegally. You're talking about people seeking amnesty or asylum? We do have an illegal problem. Illegal employers. Your party defends them. So you want to play wack a mole with illegal workers but give illegal employers a pass.

Liberals have been pissing you cons off since the day Elvis first girated his hips on tv. And today you cons love him. We'll make you more liberal don't worry. Gimme your guns too.
Thatā€™s all feel good shitā€¦for your FEELZ.
Get ready to piss your pantsā€¦
Us sane people like overall dataā€¦.We donā€™t really forge opinions on one-off cases or the .00002 percentile.
Look at all available and relevant data related to skin color, now toss out the data related to dark people and then extrapolate the data related to white people and tell me what an all white nation would look like compared to the the current diverse shithole America.
Is it safer?
Is it cleaner?
Is it more prosperous?
Is it more unified?
Is public education better?
Is healthcare better?
Is social services a more robust institution?
Why do you leftists seem to harbor such disdain for a better, safer, more productive, more united America?
Why do you and sealybobo seem to want a shittier America?

Actually. You do react to limited examples and feels. In fact. That is about all you do react to.

We can start with safer. Violent crime is lower than it was thirty years ago.

So the nation is safer than it was. But you will wail about Chicago and pound the keys to scream black or minority crime. Not dealing in facts, but your feelings.

Cleaner? Yes. Pollution is at its lowest rate in decades. We no longer have burning rivers or smog. So yes. The nation is cleaner.

More Prosperous? Again yes. With record low unemployment the nation is doing well.

Healthcare? We are able to treat diseases that were death sentences just thirty years ago. Most cancers are treatable now, and at the time of my youth, they were just a lingering death. The Cancer that took my Grandfather would have been easily treated today. He might have lived another ten or even twenty years. The same is true of Heart Disease, and even Trauma. We now know more and are able to do more than we ever could before. Opioid overdose? A shot of Narcan and the person probably lives. Thirty years ago, the overdose was usually fatal.

So yes, Healthcare is better.

More Unified? In the old days we accepted the President even if we didnā€™t vote for him. That person was the President. Period. Yes, the Democrats were idiots with their nonsense of Not My President. But because they acted dumb is no reason to act just as dumb. That would be like jumping off a bridge because your friends said it was cool.

Look in the mirror and see the issue with Unified America. In my day, I joined the Military to defend the rights of the people. I signed a blank check, payable upon demand, to sacrifice myself if needed, for the good of the Nation. I fought under H W Bush, and Under Clinton. I was fortunate not to be injured or killed more than once.

But it didnā€™t matter if the President was a Democrat or a Republican. They were American, and that was all that mattered. Want to know when that started changing? When Clinton was impeached. That was the start of the break. When both sides started working towards revenge, instead of America. That was when both sides began to worry more about getting the other side, instead of finding room for compromise.

It was when idiots like you got too much of a voice.

We are trying to make education better, but all you want to do is ban everything. Iā€™m still waiting for Republicans to ban Algebra. A letter that also identifies as a number? Thatā€™s totally gay. we have to stop it.

In front of you is a device that would allow you to learn incredible amounts of information. You could explore cities around the globe. You could learn history, science, civics. You could study anything that you want to. You could examine pictures from space. You could follow in real time the actions aboard the International Space Station. Instead you focus on racist websites to fuel your hatred of anyone who isnā€™t white, while ignoring the truth and screaming that others just donā€™t get it.

You are everything you accuse me of being. And I suppose that is normal. People who hate, hate themselves most of all.
I'm 47 but I was lucky my parents got pregnant on accident, didn't want me and sent me to live with my grandma before they got divorced.

I got to live with my grandma who was born in 1929 in the country.

All of her friends and neighbors grew up in the same area. Aside from the average punk dick kid pulling some shit once in a while there was no crime there. People in the town helped each other, had common courtesy, werre friendly, helped each other when they needed it. We didn't have blacks demanding special treatment, no fags parading around, no nothing except decent ordinary people.

I grew up spending the night miles from home in the woods, sleeping in a hammock in the neighbors hayloft listening to the radio, drove a car when I was 12, riding horses and so on. I was raised to believe in right and wrong, to stand up for myself, to be strong in mind and body, to be tough but kind, I had to help cook and wash dishes and do laundry as well as tend the garden and fix things. Grandma made me strong, smart and well rounded.

Looking back after seeing our society as it is now, I sorely miss being around her and her friends and neighbors. They were good people that wouldn't have stood for a ounce of the bullshit going on now.

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