I don't think Biden is losing his marbles; I think the Far Left has him in a pickle.

Unfortunately, it appears to be both. Biden is clearly in some kind of cognitive decline, AND the Left is doing pretty much everything it can to annoy absolutely as many people as possible. For icing on the cake, Biden is now essentially forced to restrict his veep choice -- at this insanely critical moment, and when there's every chance he won't even be in office for four full fucking years -- to only a fraction of the potential candidates. Ya can't have a dick, and your skin color must be acceptable. Holy shit.

You can't make this up. Incredible. If Trump wins, again, the Dems & Left will have been culpable. Again.

Biden picked his VP a long time back...

I think it is Susan Rice.... Serious person for a serious time...

Biden still talks like an adult... Comparing the two candidates speaking leaves a huge gap...
Rice is the most qualified, and both she and Biden understand and appreciate the gravity of the position.

Unlike the current WH occupant.


The discussion about Biden seems a bit mute in one way. Biden is going to appoint a top class team and let them run it.

Trump has had trouble filling roles and then is not getting the GOP A listers and when he gets the odd one he undermines them(reason not getting them).

Look have Obama handled Ebola com pared to COVID response. Obama found a Czar (who did know much about Viruses but was a top class admin) and then got out of Fauci and Birx way. Played a bit of golf...
Trump had to inject himself into it. Doesn't know or trust people involved to tackle the problem.

Some of the RW guys here say Obama was some how cheating by not having Press Conferences about it. Obama only did things when he thought it would help beat the virus.
Biden will of course be far closer to Obama but so would a John Kaisch or Paul Ryan, being competent is what these guys share...
Agreed, and I think we've seen that, once a person enters that office, they quickly come to understand its importance and complexity. Obviously Biden would. At this moment, we have a person who simply lacks that capacity, but I do believe it's a one-off.

Agreed, I hope you are right with it being a one off...

But I am getting more worried... Trump has been incompetent but it has been a good thing in one sense, he did have the skill to undermine the constitution even with almost full GOP support. Imagine is he was competent.

Seriously, a crisis like COVID usually bands US together and gets them to crowd around and support the leadership. Think of 911... Trump even got an initial bump when COVID first struck. Leading America through crisis can be solidifying, great resources and ingenuity meet a great problem(storyline of half the movies in Hollywood).

At the end of the day US democracy is lopsided against urban citizens. At Present
US President lost the popular vote by 2% (3 million votes)

US Senate looks like this:
View attachment 373653
Yes, Democrats have 11% gap and they are less seats in the Senate. (Reagan v Mondial to find a Pres. Election that lobsided)

Congress is pretty bang on
View attachment 373655

But this shows Democrats even with the idiotic political correctness idiots are still way more popular than GOP. GOP is supressing voting as much as they can because it is toast if everyone votes.

Best thing is realistic thing to happen is for GOP to get creamed and then reevaluate.

The best actual thing to happen is for the election system to change to more proportional voting with single vote transfer. i.e. Preference voting in multiple seat areas...
We've just never seen anything like this, at least in our history.

For what it's worth, I'm not convinced that much of the GOP would actually behave like this if they didn't think they had to. And they only think they have to because re-election is their highest priority, not the country. They go along with Trump, a dangerous, childlike national embarrassment. So until and unless I learn otherwise, this moment is just an ugly stain on our history, a last gasp of an ideology that is doomed.

We have to get past this, in three months or four years. And then I'm afraid we'll have to deal with a Democratic Party that needs to look in the mirror, too. That's the next mountain to climb.
Yeah, that was a nice, if somewhat tired set of bogeymen - the "far left", anarchists, the inevitable antifa - who are somehow controlling it all, as the empire succumbs to their diktat.

Then things are really, really getting funny. For 240 years, only White dicks were qualified to be VP. Now that, just this once, White dicks are asked to step aside, the whining and screeching ensues. Malady. Catastrophe. Mayhem. Misery.

The reactionary, White-male-supremacist right are such jesters.
Around the same age my grandmother had some speech lapses and some senior moments, but she never lost her actual ability to think critically and respond. Joe Biden is, in my opinion, fine.

Where I think Biden suffers is in his ability toe the line between being NORMAL and appeasing the far left.

As an exercise, me and cousin did a mock debate, He played Trump, I played Biden. I kept the current events in mind, including the Biden crowd and the antifa communists.

How on earth am I supposed to appeal to normal law abiding Americans, including the silent majority of Democrats that DO NOT LIKE THE RIOTS, ARSON AND ANARCHY, while keep the antifa communists and fake libertarian anarhcists happy?

I had more senior moments than Joe trying to figure it out, and I'm less than half his age.

Look at your posts for the last week...

IT is obvious you need help.

This guy seems to be doing just fine..
View attachment 373644
LOL I ride 50 to 100 miles at a clip, Biden rode 100 feet into a camera. If questioned he would have told reporters that he had a good jog

Great for you... When you running for President...

Lets be clear, can anyone see Trump cycling... He can't throw a baseball...

As for your last comment... I see that you only have personal attacks left cause you have been beaten on policies...
Seriously Biden wears diapers because he forgets to shit in the bathroom
"Seriously" that tells us more about your mental help than Biden's...

You need help if you believe any of this...

Remeber Hillary Clinton is meant to be dead by now and Obama was a raving black loon...

We have all been here before... Democrats put up a candidate and Right idiots call him/her crazy... Biden has done great things for US he deserves a bit of respect... Yopu are only disgracing yourself, have a bit of dignity...
Unfortunately, it appears to be both. Biden is clearly in some kind of cognitive decline, AND the Left is doing pretty much everything it can to annoy absolutely as many people as possible. For icing on the cake, Biden is now essentially forced to restrict his veep choice -- at this insanely critical moment, and when there's every chance he won't even be in office for four full fucking years -- to only a fraction of the potential candidates. Ya can't have a dick, and your skin color must be acceptable. Holy shit.

You can't make this up. Incredible. If Trump wins, again, the Dems & Left will have been culpable. Again.

Biden picked his VP a long time back...

I think it is Susan Rice.... Serious person for a serious time...

Biden still talks like an adult... Comparing the two candidates speaking leaves a huge gap...
Rice is the most qualified, and both she and Biden understand and appreciate the gravity of the position.

Unlike the current WH occupant.


The discussion about Biden seems a bit mute in one way. Biden is going to appoint a top class team and let them run it.

Trump has had trouble filling roles and then is not getting the GOP A listers and when he gets the odd one he undermines them(reason not getting them).

Look have Obama handled Ebola com pared to COVID response. Obama found a Czar (who did know much about Viruses but was a top class admin) and then got out of Fauci and Birx way. Played a bit of golf...
Trump had to inject himself into it. Doesn't know or trust people involved to tackle the problem.

Some of the RW guys here say Obama was some how cheating by not having Press Conferences about it. Obama only did things when he thought it would help beat the virus.
Biden will of course be far closer to Obama but so would a John Kaisch or Paul Ryan, being competent is what these guys share...
Agreed, and I think we've seen that, once a person enters that office, they quickly come to understand its importance and complexity. Obviously Biden would. At this moment, we have a person who simply lacks that capacity, but I do believe it's a one-off.

Agreed, I hope you are right with it being a one off...

But I am getting more worried... Trump has been incompetent but it has been a good thing in one sense, he did have the skill to undermine the constitution even with almost full GOP support. Imagine is he was competent.

Seriously, a crisis like COVID usually bands US together and gets them to crowd around and support the leadership. Think of 911... Trump even got an initial bump when COVID first struck. Leading America through crisis can be solidifying, great resources and ingenuity meet a great problem(storyline of half the movies in Hollywood).

At the end of the day US democracy is lopsided against urban citizens. At Present
US President lost the popular vote by 2% (3 million votes)

US Senate looks like this:
View attachment 373653
Yes, Democrats have 11% gap and they are less seats in the Senate. (Reagan v Mondial to find a Pres. Election that lobsided)

Congress is pretty bang on
View attachment 373655

But this shows Democrats even with the idiotic political correctness idiots are still way more popular than GOP. GOP is supressing voting as much as they can because it is toast if everyone votes.

Best thing is realistic thing to happen is for GOP to get creamed and then reevaluate.

The best actual thing to happen is for the election system to change to more proportional voting with single vote transfer. i.e. Preference voting in multiple seat areas...
We've just never seen anything like this, at least in our history.

For what it's worth, I'm not convinced that much of the GOP would actually behave like this if they didn't think they had to. And they only think they have to because re-election is their highest priority, not the country. They go along with Trump, a dangerous, childlike national embarrassment. So until and unless I learn otherwise, this moment is just an ugly stain on our history, a last gasp of an ideology that is doomed.

We have to get past this, in three months or four years. And then I'm afraid we'll have to deal with a Democratic Party that needs to look in the mirror, too. That's the next mountain to climb.

The GOP seems to be caught in a grassroots issue... They have gone from NeoCons to Tea Party and now Trumpsters... They are struggling for an ideology.

I think what happened is Democrats took over the Center Right in a few issues e.g. trade, macroeconomics and they struggled to find there place.

Democrats have issues too but they don't seem to be as extreme as GOP, well they didn't elect Trump. The media is having huge problems with the public being done a disservice by finding very hard to seek the truth in so much noise. This pandemic has shown who are closer to the truth and who is spinning.

There are two major problems:
Money and Choice.

First there is too much money and not enough truth. The 1st amendment gives free speech, that comes with a responsibility, certain organisations and people have abused that responsibility to endanger the amendment itself.
Unfortunately, it appears to be both. Biden is clearly in some kind of cognitive decline, AND the Left is doing pretty much everything it can to annoy absolutely as many people as possible. For icing on the cake, Biden is now essentially forced to restrict his veep choice -- at this insanely critical moment, and when there's every chance he won't even be in office for four full fucking years -- to only a fraction of the potential candidates. Ya can't have a dick, and your skin color must be acceptable. Holy shit.

You can't make this up. Incredible. If Trump wins, again, the Dems & Left will have been culpable. Again.

Biden picked his VP a long time back...

I think it is Susan Rice.... Serious person for a serious time...

Biden still talks like an adult... Comparing the two candidates speaking leaves a huge gap...
Rice is the most qualified, and both she and Biden understand and appreciate the gravity of the position.

Unlike the current WH occupant.


The discussion about Biden seems a bit mute in one way. Biden is going to appoint a top class team and let them run it.

Trump has had trouble filling roles and then is not getting the GOP A listers and when he gets the odd one he undermines them(reason not getting them).

Look have Obama handled Ebola com pared to COVID response. Obama found a Czar (who did know much about Viruses but was a top class admin) and then got out of Fauci and Birx way. Played a bit of golf...
Trump had to inject himself into it. Doesn't know or trust people involved to tackle the problem.

Some of the RW guys here say Obama was some how cheating by not having Press Conferences about it. Obama only did things when he thought it would help beat the virus.
Biden will of course be far closer to Obama but so would a John Kaisch or Paul Ryan, being competent is what these guys share...
Agreed, and I think we've seen that, once a person enters that office, they quickly come to understand its importance and complexity. Obviously Biden would. At this moment, we have a person who simply lacks that capacity, but I do believe it's a one-off.

Agreed, I hope you are right with it being a one off...

But I am getting more worried... Trump has been incompetent but it has been a good thing in one sense, he did have the skill to undermine the constitution even with almost full GOP support. Imagine is he was competent.

Seriously, a crisis like COVID usually bands US together and gets them to crowd around and support the leadership. Think of 911... Trump even got an initial bump when COVID first struck. Leading America through crisis can be solidifying, great resources and ingenuity meet a great problem(storyline of half the movies in Hollywood).

At the end of the day US democracy is lopsided against urban citizens. At Present
US President lost the popular vote by 2% (3 million votes)

US Senate looks like this:
View attachment 373653
Yes, Democrats have 11% gap and they are less seats in the Senate. (Reagan v Mondial to find a Pres. Election that lobsided)

Congress is pretty bang on
View attachment 373655

But this shows Democrats even with the idiotic political correctness idiots are still way more popular than GOP. GOP is supressing voting as much as they can because it is toast if everyone votes.

Best thing is realistic thing to happen is for GOP to get creamed and then reevaluate.

The best actual thing to happen is for the election system to change to more proportional voting with single vote transfer. i.e. Preference voting in multiple seat areas...
We've just never seen anything like this, at least in our history.

For what it's worth, I'm not convinced that much of the GOP would actually behave like this if they didn't think they had to. And they only think they have to because re-election is their highest priority, not the country. They go along with Trump, a dangerous, childlike national embarrassment. So until and unless I learn otherwise, this moment is just an ugly stain on our history, a last gasp of an ideology that is doomed.

We have to get past this, in three months or four years. And then I'm afraid we'll have to deal with a Democratic Party that needs to look in the mirror, too. That's the next mountain to climb.


I will say one thing. The term 'far left' in US is far more towards center in Germany or Sweden.. German Economy is a powerhouse and despite the right wing chatter the place is going fairly OK...

Universal Healthcare is not far left, it also not easy to attain either. US seems to to give some great ideas to the world which countries copy but are very inward when trying to solve problems themselves. I live in Ireland where there is almost universal healthcare (you pay but you won't go bankrupt), healthcare is provided both public and private and the actually compete and complement themselves...

People can see the various ideas working or not working. The Dems have that available but the GOP ideas seem to be untested any where mostly. Any variation of GOP healthcare plan doesn't exist in any other country... Think about that, no one else has thought to try it out...
Unfortunately, it appears to be both. Biden is clearly in some kind of cognitive decline, AND the Left is doing pretty much everything it can to annoy absolutely as many people as possible. For icing on the cake, Biden is now essentially forced to restrict his veep choice -- at this insanely critical moment, and when there's every chance he won't even be in office for four full fucking years -- to only a fraction of the potential candidates. Ya can't have a dick, and your skin color must be acceptable. Holy shit.

You can't make this up. Incredible. If Trump wins, again, the Dems & Left will have been culpable. Again.

Biden picked his VP a long time back...

I think it is Susan Rice.... Serious person for a serious time...

Biden still talks like an adult... Comparing the two candidates speaking leaves a huge gap...
Rice is the most qualified, and both she and Biden understand and appreciate the gravity of the position.

Unlike the current WH occupant.


The discussion about Biden seems a bit mute in one way. Biden is going to appoint a top class team and let them run it.

Trump has had trouble filling roles and then is not getting the GOP A listers and when he gets the odd one he undermines them(reason not getting them).

Look have Obama handled Ebola com pared to COVID response. Obama found a Czar (who did know much about Viruses but was a top class admin) and then got out of Fauci and Birx way. Played a bit of golf...
Trump had to inject himself into it. Doesn't know or trust people involved to tackle the problem.

Some of the RW guys here say Obama was some how cheating by not having Press Conferences about it. Obama only did things when he thought it would help beat the virus.
Biden will of course be far closer to Obama but so would a John Kaisch or Paul Ryan, being competent is what these guys share...
Agreed, and I think we've seen that, once a person enters that office, they quickly come to understand its importance and complexity. Obviously Biden would. At this moment, we have a person who simply lacks that capacity, but I do believe it's a one-off.

Agreed, I hope you are right with it being a one off...

But I am getting more worried... Trump has been incompetent but it has been a good thing in one sense, he did have the skill to undermine the constitution even with almost full GOP support. Imagine is he was competent.

Seriously, a crisis like COVID usually bands US together and gets them to crowd around and support the leadership. Think of 911... Trump even got an initial bump when COVID first struck. Leading America through crisis can be solidifying, great resources and ingenuity meet a great problem(storyline of half the movies in Hollywood).

At the end of the day US democracy is lopsided against urban citizens. At Present
US President lost the popular vote by 2% (3 million votes)

US Senate looks like this:
View attachment 373653
Yes, Democrats have 11% gap and they are less seats in the Senate. (Reagan v Mondial to find a Pres. Election that lobsided)

Congress is pretty bang on
View attachment 373655

But this shows Democrats even with the idiotic political correctness idiots are still way more popular than GOP. GOP is supressing voting as much as they can because it is toast if everyone votes.

Best thing is realistic thing to happen is for GOP to get creamed and then reevaluate.

The best actual thing to happen is for the election system to change to more proportional voting with single vote transfer. i.e. Preference voting in multiple seat areas...
We've just never seen anything like this, at least in our history.

For what it's worth, I'm not convinced that much of the GOP would actually behave like this if they didn't think they had to. And they only think they have to because re-election is their highest priority, not the country. They go along with Trump, a dangerous, childlike national embarrassment. So until and unless I learn otherwise, this moment is just an ugly stain on our history, a last gasp of an ideology that is doomed.

We have to get past this, in three months or four years. And then I'm afraid we'll have to deal with a Democratic Party that needs to look in the mirror, too. That's the next mountain to climb.

The GOP seems to be caught in a grassroots issue... They have gone from NeoCons to Tea Party and now Trumpsters... They are struggling for an ideology.

I think what happened is Democrats took over the Center Right in a few issues e.g. trade, macroeconomics and they struggled to find there place.

Democrats have issues too but they don't seem to be as extreme as GOP, well they didn't elect Trump. The media is having huge problems with the public being done a disservice by finding very hard to seek the truth in so much noise. This pandemic has shown who are closer to the truth and who is spinning.

There are two major problems:
Money and Choice.

First there is too much money and not enough truth. The 1st amendment gives free speech, that comes with a responsibility, certain organisations and people have abused that responsibility to endanger the amendment itself.
Unfortunately, it appears to be both. Biden is clearly in some kind of cognitive decline, AND the Left is doing pretty much everything it can to annoy absolutely as many people as possible. For icing on the cake, Biden is now essentially forced to restrict his veep choice -- at this insanely critical moment, and when there's every chance he won't even be in office for four full fucking years -- to only a fraction of the potential candidates. Ya can't have a dick, and your skin color must be acceptable. Holy shit.

You can't make this up. Incredible. If Trump wins, again, the Dems & Left will have been culpable. Again.

Biden picked his VP a long time back...

I think it is Susan Rice.... Serious person for a serious time...

Biden still talks like an adult... Comparing the two candidates speaking leaves a huge gap...
Rice is the most qualified, and both she and Biden understand and appreciate the gravity of the position.

Unlike the current WH occupant.


The discussion about Biden seems a bit mute in one way. Biden is going to appoint a top class team and let them run it.

Trump has had trouble filling roles and then is not getting the GOP A listers and when he gets the odd one he undermines them(reason not getting them).

Look have Obama handled Ebola com pared to COVID response. Obama found a Czar (who did know much about Viruses but was a top class admin) and then got out of Fauci and Birx way. Played a bit of golf...
Trump had to inject himself into it. Doesn't know or trust people involved to tackle the problem.

Some of the RW guys here say Obama was some how cheating by not having Press Conferences about it. Obama only did things when he thought it would help beat the virus.
Biden will of course be far closer to Obama but so would a John Kaisch or Paul Ryan, being competent is what these guys share...
Agreed, and I think we've seen that, once a person enters that office, they quickly come to understand its importance and complexity. Obviously Biden would. At this moment, we have a person who simply lacks that capacity, but I do believe it's a one-off.

Agreed, I hope you are right with it being a one off...

But I am getting more worried... Trump has been incompetent but it has been a good thing in one sense, he did have the skill to undermine the constitution even with almost full GOP support. Imagine is he was competent.

Seriously, a crisis like COVID usually bands US together and gets them to crowd around and support the leadership. Think of 911... Trump even got an initial bump when COVID first struck. Leading America through crisis can be solidifying, great resources and ingenuity meet a great problem(storyline of half the movies in Hollywood).

At the end of the day US democracy is lopsided against urban citizens. At Present
US President lost the popular vote by 2% (3 million votes)

US Senate looks like this:
View attachment 373653
Yes, Democrats have 11% gap and they are less seats in the Senate. (Reagan v Mondial to find a Pres. Election that lobsided)

Congress is pretty bang on
View attachment 373655

But this shows Democrats even with the idiotic political correctness idiots are still way more popular than GOP. GOP is supressing voting as much as they can because it is toast if everyone votes.

Best thing is realistic thing to happen is for GOP to get creamed and then reevaluate.

The best actual thing to happen is for the election system to change to more proportional voting with single vote transfer. i.e. Preference voting in multiple seat areas...
We've just never seen anything like this, at least in our history.

For what it's worth, I'm not convinced that much of the GOP would actually behave like this if they didn't think they had to. And they only think they have to because re-election is their highest priority, not the country. They go along with Trump, a dangerous, childlike national embarrassment. So until and unless I learn otherwise, this moment is just an ugly stain on our history, a last gasp of an ideology that is doomed.

We have to get past this, in three months or four years. And then I'm afraid we'll have to deal with a Democratic Party that needs to look in the mirror, too. That's the next mountain to climb.

The GOP seems to be caught in a grassroots issue... They have gone from NeoCons to Tea Party and now Trumpsters... They are struggling for an ideology.

I think what happened is Democrats took over the Center Right in a few issues e.g. trade, macroeconomics and they struggled to find there place.

Democrats have issues too but they don't seem to be as extreme as GOP, well they didn't elect Trump. The media is having huge problems with the public being done a disservice by finding very hard to seek the truth in so much noise. This pandemic has shown who are closer to the truth and who is spinning.

There are two major problems:
Money and Choice.

First there is too much money and not enough truth. The 1st amendment gives free speech, that comes with a responsibility, certain organisations and people have abused that responsibility to endanger the amendment itself.
I think we need to take a very close look at how this person got into office. And also -- assuming the polls are correct -- how November can be this close after the indescribable presidency we have seen.

Something this dysfunctional and this damaged can't be the result of just one thing or one group. This has to be across the spectrum, but we don't appear to be ready to admit that... yet.
Unfortunately, it appears to be both. Biden is clearly in some kind of cognitive decline, AND the Left is doing pretty much everything it can to annoy absolutely as many people as possible. For icing on the cake, Biden is now essentially forced to restrict his veep choice -- at this insanely critical moment, and when there's every chance he won't even be in office for four full fucking years -- to only a fraction of the potential candidates. Ya can't have a dick, and your skin color must be acceptable. Holy shit.

You can't make this up. Incredible. If Trump wins, again, the Dems & Left will have been culpable. Again.

Biden picked his VP a long time back...

I think it is Susan Rice.... Serious person for a serious time...

Biden still talks like an adult... Comparing the two candidates speaking leaves a huge gap...

Yep, he talks like an adult with dementia.

Unfortunately, it appears to be both. Biden is clearly in some kind of cognitive decline, AND the Left is doing pretty much everything it can to annoy absolutely as many people as possible. For icing on the cake, Biden is now essentially forced to restrict his veep choice -- at this insanely critical moment, and when there's every chance he won't even be in office for four full fucking years -- to only a fraction of the potential candidates. Ya can't have a dick, and your skin color must be acceptable. Holy shit.

You can't make this up. Incredible. If Trump wins, again, the Dems & Left will have been culpable. Again.

Biden picked his VP a long time back...

I think it is Susan Rice.... Serious person for a serious time...

Biden still talks like an adult... Comparing the two candidates speaking leaves a huge gap...

Yep, he talks like an adult with dementia.

Well that just tells me, Biden's still a better choice than Trump! What does that say about the "Orange One" that we'll take "Sleepy Joe" over him this time around? :itsok:
Unfortunately, it appears to be both. Biden is clearly in some kind of cognitive decline, AND the Left is doing pretty much everything it can to annoy absolutely as many people as possible. For icing on the cake, Biden is now essentially forced to restrict his veep choice -- at this insanely critical moment, and when there's every chance he won't even be in office for four full fucking years -- to only a fraction of the potential candidates. Ya can't have a dick, and your skin color must be acceptable. Holy shit.

You can't make this up. Incredible. If Trump wins, again, the Dems & Left will have been culpable. Again.

Biden picked his VP a long time back...

I think it is Susan Rice.... Serious person for a serious time...

Biden still talks like an adult... Comparing the two candidates speaking leaves a huge gap...

Yep, he talks like an adult with dementia.

Well that just tells me, Biden's still a better choice than Trump! What does that say about the "Orange One" that we'll take "Sleepy Joe" over him this time around? :itsok:

I guess they think that if they slam Biden hard enough we won't notice the embarrassing buffoon running against him.
Unfortunately, it appears to be both. Biden is clearly in some kind of cognitive decline, AND the Left is doing pretty much everything it can to annoy absolutely as many people as possible. For icing on the cake, Biden is now essentially forced to restrict his veep choice -- at this insanely critical moment, and when there's every chance he won't even be in office for four full fucking years -- to only a fraction of the potential candidates. Ya can't have a dick, and your skin color must be acceptable. Holy shit.

You can't make this up. Incredible. If Trump wins, again, the Dems & Left will have been culpable. Again.

Biden picked his VP a long time back...

I think it is Susan Rice.... Serious person for a serious time...

Biden still talks like an adult... Comparing the two candidates speaking leaves a huge gap...

Yep, he talks like an adult with dementia.

Well that just tells me, Biden's still a better choice than Trump! What does that say about the "Orange One" that we'll take "Sleepy Joe" over him this time around? :itsok:

I guess they think that if they slam Biden hard enough we won't notice the embarrassing buffoon running against him.

What!? Use the same strategy as the left does....I wouldn't even consider it.
Around the same age my grandmother had some speech lapses and some senior moments, but she never lost her actual ability to think critically and respond. Joe Biden is, in my opinion, fine.

Where I think Biden suffers is in his ability toe the line between being NORMAL and appeasing the far left.

As an exercise, me and cousin did a mock debate, He played Trump, I played Biden. I kept the current events in mind, including the Biden crowd and the antifa communists.

How on earth am I supposed to appeal to normal law abiding Americans, including the silent majority of Democrats that DO NOT LIKE THE RIOTS, ARSON AND ANARCHY, while keep the antifa communists and fake libertarian anarhcists happy?

I had more senior moments than Joe trying to figure it out, and I'm less than half his age.

Around the same age my grandmother had some speech lapses and some senior moments, but she never lost her actual ability to think critically and respond. Joe Biden is, in my opinion, fine.

Where I think Biden suffers is in his ability toe the line between being NORMAL and appeasing the far left.

As an exercise, me and cousin did a mock debate, He played Trump, I played Biden. I kept the current events in mind, including the Biden crowd and the antifa communists.

How on earth am I supposed to appeal to normal law abiding Americans, including the silent majority of Democrats that DO NOT LIKE THE RIOTS, ARSON AND ANARCHY, while keep the antifa communists and fake libertarian anarhcists happy?

I had more senior moments than Joe trying to figure it out, and I'm less than half his age.
Well then if Biden has not lost his mind then you're saying he has lost his nerve or he never had any balls in the first place. Frankly I think it's both.
Around the same age my grandmother had some speech lapses and some senior moments, but she never lost her actual ability to think critically and respond. Joe Biden is, in my opinion, fine.

Where I think Biden suffers is in his ability toe the line between being NORMAL and appeasing the far left.

As an exercise, me and cousin did a mock debate, He played Trump, I played Biden. I kept the current events in mind, including the Biden crowd and the antifa communists.

How on earth am I supposed to appeal to normal law abiding Americans, including the silent majority of Democrats that DO NOT LIKE THE RIOTS, ARSON AND ANARCHY, while keep the antifa communists and fake libertarian anarhcists happy?

I had more senior moments than Joe trying to figure it out, and I'm less than half his age.

Look at your posts for the last week...

IT is obvious you need help.

This guy seems to be doing just fine..
View attachment 373644
LOL I ride 50 to 100 miles at a clip, Biden rode 100 feet into a camera. If questioned he would have told reporters that he had a good jog

Great for you... When you running for President...

Lets be clear, can anyone see Trump cycling... He can't throw a baseball...

As for your last comment... I see that you only have personal attacks left cause you have been beaten on policies...
Seriously Biden wears diapers because he forgets to shit in the bathroom
"Seriously" that tells us more about your mental help than Biden's...

You need help if you believe any of this...

Remeber Hillary Clinton is meant to be dead by now and Obama was a raving black loon...

We have all been here before... Democrats put up a candidate and Right idiots call him/her crazy... Biden has done great things for US he deserves a bit of respect... Yopu are only disgracing yourself, have a bit of dignity...
Actually bidens poor hygiene has nothing to do with me

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