I Don't Hate Babies


This is more the reality of the products of conception we are usually talking about. Actual size.
I am pro using protection and contraception if you do not want a baby , HIV, or any of the many VD's.

If your church and religious upbringing can't keep you from having an unwanted pregnancy, who says the Gov. can. Oh I see Jesus is forgiving, so we need a law that also prohibits abortions. Abortions should not be necessary in this day and age.
Abortions will always be necessary, as long as women can still get pregnant. It's the unnecessary ones that should be as few as possible.

What would a necessary abortion be?

An ectopic pregnancy.

There are only 2 outcomes to an ectopic pregnancy.

1. The abortion is performed and the woman lives.

2. The abortion isn't performed and the woman dies.

Then there's life threatening cancers that the woman gets. If she doesn't treat the cancer she will die. If she dies, so does the fetus. So no matter what's done, the fetus will die. There's no reason to force the woman to die too.

Then there's Anencephaly.

That's where the fetus has no brain or parts of the skull. The fetus won't live outside the womb.

Then there's severe Spina Bifida.

The fetus won't live outside the womb.

There are many conditions that make abortion necessary. Just because you don't know about them doesn't mean they don't exist.

I guess you believe a woman should die because her pregnancy goes wrong.

Shame on you.

I don't consider those elective abortions, big difference, and some women do chose to take the chance of dying. Some women get pregnant even while knowing they might have issues. I am talking elective abortions.

Did you know that the word elective means the exact opposite of the word you used "necessary?"

If it's necessary it's not elective. It's to save a woman's life or prevent suffering of a fetus until it dies outside the womb.

If it's elective the pregnancy isn't a threat to anyone's life and there is no medical condition that requires the abortion.

I don't know of any case of an ectopic pregnancy that the women chose to die. She has two choices. Have that necessary abortion or die.

Your post claiming elective abortion is what you were talking about is a lie.

Stop lying.

So why would you try to ask for elective when you know that the word itself doesn't mean the actual word you used which the word you used was necessary?

Ok so now that I have shown you several instances where abortion is necessary you lie and change the subject.

No one on this thread, including YOU, ever said one word about elective abortions.

Your post only asked what would be a necessary abortion. Which shows you know the difference between elective and necessary.

Stop lying. We've been talking about abortion, you seem to think that it was right to ask what was a necessary abortion. Thinking you wouldn't get an answer. You not only got an answer but an honest and factual one.

So cut the crap and lies. If you want to talk about only elective abortion you should have said so in your posts but you didn't. So you need to own your words and stop lying.

Yes, some women choose to take the risk and not treat the terminal cancer or condition they are diagnosed with. Guess what?


No one forced her, she made that CHOICE all by herself and accepted the responsibility of that CHOICE.

Being pro choice doesn't mean that you only support abortion, it means giving all women choices she FREELY makes. No matter what that choice is. You and people like you don't believe a woman should have that freedom.

I do.

Not to be forced by a government or strangers who don't know her and won't take care of the child that is left behind.

I am so tired of people like you who seem to believe you have the right to force your views and religion on everyone in our nation.

You don't have that right.

You don't have to like abortion, you don't have agree with it. You do have to accept it. It's not going to stop nor will it be made illegal. It's the law of the land and has been for over 40 years. No amount of your lies will ever change that.
Once we start down the road of killing human beings that are inconvenient to the rest of us, where do we stop?

If we don't die first of something else, all of us will end up old and no longer able to take care of our selves.
I don't hate babies

I believe in women's right to choose whether to carry on with a pregnancy, but not because I hate babies. Actually, I'm pro-choice because I AM thinking of the babies.

When a women knows that she is not in a position to bring a child into this world, cannot give it the security and support it deserves, either financially or emotionally, why force that potential life to fruition? To me, that seems the responsible decision, and no one I know who has made that choice found it easy. I don't believe we need to bring unwanted children into this world any longer. It's the baby that suffers for being unwanted or born to parents unprepared/unable to care for it. Until the fetus is able to survive outside the womb, it is not a "baby," although us moms start emotionally bonding with the life in our bellies as soon as we discover we're pregnant.

Third trimester abortions? I'm not so sure about that unless the mother is going to die, because we can frequently save premies. Not always, and not always without serious complications, but sometimes.
Birth control is better than abortion. Those who want to shut down Planned Parenthood are making a huge mistake, imo, since PP helps prevent abortion through birth control for women.

Groups that help potential moms get the support they need to care for the baby or put it up for adoption, bless them. But they can't possibly handle them all.

If I'm a baby killer for my beliefs, it's euthanasia, not murder.
Since there are an abundance of couples who want to adopt a baby, and they don't care about race, every thing you just said doesn't make sense.
I don't hate babies

I believe in women's right to choose whether to carry on with a pregnancy, but not because I hate babies. Actually, I'm pro-choice because I AM thinking of the babies.

When a women knows that she is not in a position to bring a child into this world, cannot give it the security and support it deserves, either financially or emotionally, why force that potential life to fruition? To me, that seems the responsible decision, and no one I know who has made that choice found it easy. I don't believe we need to bring unwanted children into this world any longer. It's the baby that suffers for being unwanted or born to parents unprepared/unable to care for it. Until the fetus is able to survive outside the womb, it is not a "baby," although us moms start emotionally bonding with the life in our bellies as soon as we discover we're pregnant.

Third trimester abortions? I'm not so sure about that unless the mother is going to die, because we can frequently save premies. Not always, and not always without serious complications, but sometimes.
Birth control is better than abortion. Those who want to shut down Planned Parenthood are making a huge mistake, imo, since PP helps prevent abortion through birth control for women.

Groups that help potential moms get the support they need to care for the baby or put it up for adoption, bless them. But they can't possibly handle them all.

If I'm a baby killer for my beliefs, it's euthanasia, not murder.

Nope, it's still murder.
I don't hate babies

I believe in women's right to choose whether to carry on with a pregnancy, but not because I hate babies. Actually, I'm pro-choice because I AM thinking of the babies.

When a women knows that she is not in a position to bring a child into this world, cannot give it the security and support it deserves, either financially or emotionally, why force that potential life to fruition? To me, that seems the responsible decision, and no one I know who has made that choice found it easy. I don't believe we need to bring unwanted children into this world any longer. It's the baby that suffers for being unwanted or born to parents unprepared/unable to care for it. Until the fetus is able to survive outside the womb, it is not a "baby," although us moms start emotionally bonding with the life in our bellies as soon as we discover we're pregnant.

Third trimester abortions? I'm not so sure about that unless the mother is going to die, because we can frequently save premies. Not always, and not always without serious complications, but sometimes.
Birth control is better than abortion. Those who want to shut down Planned Parenthood are making a huge mistake, imo, since PP helps prevent abortion through birth control for women.

Groups that help potential moms get the support they need to care for the baby or put it up for adoption, bless them. But they can't possibly handle them all.

If I'm a baby killer for my beliefs, it's euthanasia, not murder.

Keep telling yourself it's not murder. Maybe some day you will have hardened your heart enough that you will actually believe it yourself. The rest of us know what it really is. It's premeditated MURDER.
Think about it, which faction of society gains the most from abortion? It isn't women, it's liberal men who avoid responsibility. Women are the victims of abortion not the beneficiaries. Studies have been done about the psychological effects of girls being bullied by classmates but little about the psychological effects of being bullied by a sexual partner into hiring someone to kill the unborn life inside her. How many women become psychological wrecks with nightmares about the life they decided to terminate? How many women resort to drugs and alcohol abuse after terminating a pregnancy? Anybody care? What are the lasting physical effects of abortion, especially the brutal form of abortion known as "late term or partial abortion"? And sadly, the legacy of the horror house of Dr. Kermit Gosnel indicates that abortion mills aren't even subject to nominal health inspections. Does anybody care?
Where is this "Womans' Right to Choose"? I haven't seen it written anywhere and please don't use that old "It's in the Privacy Clause" excuse.
If Roe v Wade doesn't float your boat, discuss it with the Supreme Court.
I don't believe nine men and women in black robes should have the power to strike down laws in all 50 states.

Then you tell 'em that!

I don't believe you have the right to tell total strangers that they have to die because of ectopic pregnancies.
The Supreme Court gave themselves the power to strike down laws in Marbury v. Madison:

The Supreme Court . The Court and Democracy . Landmark Cases . Marbury v. Madison (1803) | PBS

When they use that power to declare a law unconstitutional on grounds that aren't really in the Constitution, then it is tyranny.

You might want to look up the part in the constitution about judicial review.

Then get back to me.

Meanwhile you certainly aren't a very good American if you don't follow the constitution.
The Supreme Court gave themselves the power to strike down laws in Marbury v. Madison:

The Supreme Court . The Court and Democracy . Landmark Cases . Marbury v. Madison (1803) | PBS

When they use that power to declare a law unconstitutional on grounds that aren't really in the Constitution, then it is tyranny.

You might want to look up the part in the constitution about judicial review.

Then get back to me.

Meanwhile you certainly aren't a very good American if you don't follow the constitution.
The right to have an abortion is not in the Constitution, nor the right to have a same-sex marriage.

The Supreme Court acted unlawfully in both of these cases.

Back before judicial activism gone wild, if you wanted a big change in the law, you added an amendment to the Constitution.

Like changing the voting age to 18, or giving the women the right to vote.

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