I am not into the truther movement but I have a question

Questioning the State is very unpopular these days. And now with the Patriot Act & NDAA, it's quite dangerous too. But fairy tales aren't real, and the Government's story on 9/11 is a fairy tale.
hey sister jones none of what you've posted in post #166 ,168 and 170 is evidence. none of the people you mention are credible.
It is evidence of more rational theories that explain the 9-11 attacks and make more sense then the shit you subscribe to. Tell us why you don't consider this evidence of this fact, or why the people who draw their counter conclusions are not credible instead of just typing your opinion and running away to paste some shit about cognizant dissonance that fits you perfectly.
Fact is the people and agencies that you side with have been shown to be liars, have been caught fucking up the data and changing it to fit a ludicrous fire only scenario, whereas the folks that are not government affiliated have not bullshitted there way through insane fire only scenarios that don't make sense.

You've yet to rationally point anything out in the counter theories that advance NIST or your boneheaded beliefs and only post your asinine opinions, again with nothing of substance to back it up.

But that is how you operate, by denying any counter proof of credible evidence, and by saying the people are not credible, which is the the first rule of engaging cognizant dissonance.

So come on quit ignoring it and pretending things don't exist, and try to point out what it is that you are having a problem with instead.
lol lol! yep cognitive bias at work.

as I've said before if you twoofs were right about 911 then there would have been only two possible outcomes.
bush and co would be waiting on death row or already executed.



instead you get to amuse people with you lunatic ravings!

ain't freedom of speech great!

Bush was sent a clear message when his plane was threatened. He was selected to be president as a way to get the Israeli neo cons in place for the operation.

You really think death row or execution would be a real option? You have no understanding of the power and long reaching tentacles of the criminals allegedly involved.
The majority of the people who could have done something about the 9-11 are silenced by either being paid off, blackmailed or are friendly to their cause like many Federal judges.
Another example is the Fed Reserve scheme and how long it's been in operation, what 100 years almost. It's a scam, and unconstitutional. Citizens are a trusting sort and would expect their lawmakers to nip shit like that in the bud, instead it is ignored and those charged with protecting the constitution and America/ns get paid off, or threatened and become part of the problem and it continues. Part of the reasoning for doing nothing is thought to be a fear of total chaos and SHTF scenarios which would disrupt everything and knock the wheels off their money cart.

I used to think like you and could never imagine America tolerating such atrocities, but looking deeper into things it's true. Denying things is no way to go through life, and even though things may not change for the better in my lifetime, I'd rather be aware of the BS and at least be prepared for drastic changes or measures then to be caught off guard.
In other words it is not being a lunatic as you say or being in a state of paranoia, but a state of awareness of what actually happened in the past that got us to this point and is actually happening now.
I am done, it is starting to feel like pulling the wings off of flys;

Good...you are as dumb as a sack of hammers...

Pulling wings off of fly's must be a whole lot easier then actually using your brain to address things like the science and physics of the "collapses" and dig deeper to find out just why there is opposition to the coup de tat that culminated on 9-11.
It is evidence of more rational theories that explain the 9-11 attacks and make more sense then the shit you subscribe to. Tell us why you don't consider this evidence of this fact, or why the people who draw their counter conclusions are not credible instead of just typing your opinion and running away to paste some shit about cognizant dissonance that fits you perfectly.
Fact is the people and agencies that you side with have been shown to be liars, have been caught fucking up the data and changing it to fit a ludicrous fire only scenario, whereas the folks that are not government affiliated have not bullshitted there way through insane fire only scenarios that don't make sense.

You've yet to rationally point anything out in the counter theories that advance NIST or your boneheaded beliefs and only post your asinine opinions, again with nothing of substance to back it up.

But that is how you operate, by denying any counter proof of credible evidence, and by saying the people are not credible, which is the the first rule of engaging cognizant dissonance.

So come on quit ignoring it and pretending things don't exist, and try to point out what it is that you are having a problem with instead.
lol lol! yep cognitive bias at work.

as I've said before if you twoofs were right about 911 then there would have been only two possible outcomes.
bush and co would be waiting on death row or already executed.



instead you get to amuse people with you lunatic ravings!

ain't freedom of speech great!

Bush was sent a clear message when his plane was threatened. He was selected to be president as a way to get the Israeli neo cons in place for the operation.

You really think death row or execution would be a real option? You have no understanding of the power and long reaching tentacles of the criminals allegedly involved.
The majority of the people who could have done something about the 9-11 are silenced by either being paid off, blackmailed or are friendly to their cause like many Federal judges.
Another example is the Fed Reserve scheme and how long it's been in operation, what 100 years almost. It's a scam, and unconstitutional. Citizens are a trusting sort and would expect their lawmakers to nip shit like that in the bud, instead it is ignored and those charged with protecting the constitution and America/ns get paid off, or threatened and become part of the problem and it continues. Part of the reasoning for doing nothing is thought to be a fear of total chaos and SHTF scenarios which would disrupt everything and knock the wheels off their money cart.

I used to think like you and could never imagine America tolerating such atrocities, but looking deeper into things it's true. Denying things is no way to go through life, and even though things may not change for the better in my lifetime, I'd rather be aware of the BS and at least be prepared for drastic changes or measures then to be caught off guard.
In other words it is not being a lunatic as you say or being in a state of paranoia, but a state of awareness of what actually happened in the past that got us to this point and is actually happening now.
instead you get to amuse people with you lunatic ravings!
lol lol! yep cognitive bias at work.

as I've said before if you twoofs were right about 911 then there would have been only two possible outcomes.
bush and co would be waiting on death row or already executed.



instead you get to amuse people with you lunatic ravings!

ain't freedom of speech great!

Bush was sent a clear message when his plane was threatened. He was selected to be president as a way to get the Israeli neo cons in place for the operation.

You really think death row or execution would be a real option? You have no understanding of the power and long reaching tentacles of the criminals allegedly involved.
The majority of the people who could have done something about the 9-11 are silenced by either being paid off, blackmailed or are friendly to their cause like many Federal judges.
Another example is the Fed Reserve scheme and how long it's been in operation, what 100 years almost. It's a scam, and unconstitutional. Citizens are a trusting sort and would expect their lawmakers to nip shit like that in the bud, instead it is ignored and those charged with protecting the constitution and America/ns get paid off, or threatened and become part of the problem and it continues. Part of the reasoning for doing nothing is thought to be a fear of total chaos and SHTF scenarios which would disrupt everything and knock the wheels off their money cart.

I used to think like you and could never imagine America tolerating such atrocities, but looking deeper into things it's true. Denying things is no way to go through life, and even though things may not change for the better in my lifetime, I'd rather be aware of the BS and at least be prepared for drastic changes or measures then to be caught off guard.
In other words it is not being a lunatic as you say or being in a state of paranoia, but a state of awareness of what actually happened in the past that got us to this point and is actually happening now.
instead you get to amuse people with you lunatic ravings!
What's so "lunatic" about the information being presented. Details and some intelligent counter rebuttal from you would be nice for once, instead of opinion based on nothing.
Bush was sent a clear message when his plane was threatened. He was selected to be president as a way to get the Israeli neo cons in place for the operation.

You really think death row or execution would be a real option? You have no understanding of the power and long reaching tentacles of the criminals allegedly involved.
The majority of the people who could have done something about the 9-11 are silenced by either being paid off, blackmailed or are friendly to their cause like many Federal judges.
Another example is the Fed Reserve scheme and how long it's been in operation, what 100 years almost. It's a scam, and unconstitutional. Citizens are a trusting sort and would expect their lawmakers to nip shit like that in the bud, instead it is ignored and those charged with protecting the constitution and America/ns get paid off, or threatened and become part of the problem and it continues. Part of the reasoning for doing nothing is thought to be a fear of total chaos and SHTF scenarios which would disrupt everything and knock the wheels off their money cart.

I used to think like you and could never imagine America tolerating such atrocities, but looking deeper into things it's true. Denying things is no way to go through life, and even though things may not change for the better in my lifetime, I'd rather be aware of the BS and at least be prepared for drastic changes or measures then to be caught off guard.
In other words it is not being a lunatic as you say or being in a state of paranoia, but a state of awareness of what actually happened in the past that got us to this point and is actually happening now.
instead you get to amuse people with you lunatic ravings!
What's so "lunatic" about the information being presented. Details and some intelligent counter rebuttal from you would be nice for once, instead of opinion based on nothing.
my pov is based on everything you don't have like evidence and credibilty.
instead you get to amuse people with you lunatic ravings!
What's so "lunatic" about the information being presented. Details and some intelligent counter rebuttal from you would be nice for once, instead of opinion based on nothing.
my pov is based on everything you don't have like evidence and credibilty.

what evidence do you have or can you present that Proves the NIST theory is correct ?? or even plausible or probably for that matter
What's so "lunatic" about the information being presented. Details and some intelligent counter rebuttal from you would be nice for once, instead of opinion based on nothing.
my pov is based on everything you don't have like evidence and credibilty.

what evidence do you have or can you present that Proves the NIST theory is correct ?? or even plausible or probably for that matter
He'll just post some debunked NIST shit from the "report", which we'll then post who what and why it was debunked with links, proving valid, counter more rational hypothesis, from credible, reputable people and sources.
Then he'll come back and say it isn't proof, or it is invalid, without specifically pointing anything out, or mentioning anything in the counter hypothesis he disagrees with, while also stating that the sources aren't credible, without mentioning why as well.
It's a circular argument with this asshole, who wont go into details about why his opinion is the way it is....just that it is because he says so. :lol: Rendering him a loser in this debate.
instead you get to amuse people with you lunatic ravings!
What's so "lunatic" about the information being presented. Details and some intelligent counter rebuttal from you would be nice for once, instead of opinion based on nothing.
my pov is based on everything you don't have like evidence and credibilty.

Your POV should be based on what you DO have, which you have failed to show anything of.
Sorry ass excuses are no exception for rational debate and discussion. You fail to prove your case and advance the OCT and the destruction of the WTC buildings according to NIST.
You lose loser.
What's so "lunatic" about the information being presented. Details and some intelligent counter rebuttal from you would be nice for once, instead of opinion based on nothing.
my pov is based on everything you don't have like evidence and credibilty.

what evidence do you have or can you present that Proves the NIST theory is correct ?? or even plausible or probably for that matter
asked and answered on many threads on this site and many others.
it's asinine to endlessly rehash the bullshit you dream is evidence.
my pov is based on everything you don't have like evidence and credibilty.

what evidence do you have or can you present that Proves the NIST theory is correct ?? or even plausible or probably for that matter
He'll just post some debunked NIST shit from the "report", which we'll then post who what and why it was debunked with links, proving valid, counter more rational hypothesis, from credible, reputable people and sources.
Then he'll come back and say it isn't proof, or it is invalid, without specifically pointing anything out, or mentioning anything in the counter hypothesis he disagrees with, while also stating that the sources aren't credible, without mentioning why as well.
It's a circular argument with this asshole, who wont go into details about why his opinion is the way it is....just that it is because he says so. :lol: Rendering him a loser in this debate.
really you've never posted anything that's even come close to debunking the nist report....if in actuality you had then there would be no need for you to keep posting the same hypothetical false premise shit you've been posting since before I got here..
I don't need or care to go in to the nonsense you call details....what part of everything you post is wrong due to false premise,willful ignorance and cognitive bias don't you understand?

the people and sources you claim are credible have already been proven not to be by their own peers .
What's so "lunatic" about the information being presented. Details and some intelligent counter rebuttal from you would be nice for once, instead of opinion based on nothing.
my pov is based on everything you don't have like evidence and credibilty.

Your POV should be based on what you DO have, which you have failed to show anything of.
Sorry ass excuses are no exception for rational debate and discussion. You fail to prove your case and advance the OCT and the destruction of the WTC buildings according to NIST.
You lose loser.
LOL! you're even more ignorant then I thought ....do you have any Idea what inference is?
the post you answered infers what I've already proven.
as stated before... There is no rational reason to rehash your shit.
as to loser ...how can I lose if I'm not competing .
It is evidence of more rational theories that explain the 9-11 attacks and make more sense then the shit you subscribe to. Tell us why you don't consider this evidence of this fact, or why the people who draw their counter conclusions are not credible instead of just typing your opinion and running away to paste some shit about cognizant dissonance that fits you perfectly.
Fact is the people and agencies that you side with have been shown to be liars, have been caught fucking up the data and changing it to fit a ludicrous fire only scenario, whereas the folks that are not government affiliated have not bullshitted there way through insane fire only scenarios that don't make sense.

You've yet to rationally point anything out in the counter theories that advance NIST or your boneheaded beliefs and only post your asinine opinions, again with nothing of substance to back it up.

But that is how you operate, by denying any counter proof of credible evidence, and by saying the people are not credible, which is the the first rule of engaging cognizant dissonance.

So come on quit ignoring it and pretending things don't exist, and try to point out what it is that you are having a problem with instead.
lol lol! yep cognitive bias at work.

as I've said before if you twoofs were right about 911 then there would have been only two possible outcomes.
bush and co would be waiting on death row or already executed.



instead you get to amuse people with you lunatic ravings!

ain't freedom of speech great!

Bush was sent a clear message when his plane was threatened. He was selected to be president as a way to get the Israeli neo cons in place for the operation.

You really think death row or execution would be a real option? You have no understanding of the power and long reaching tentacles of the criminals allegedly involved.
The majority of the people who could have done something about the 9-11 are silenced by either being paid off, blackmailed or are friendly to their cause like many Federal judges.
Another example is the Fed Reserve scheme and how long it's been in operation, what 100 years almost. It's a scam, and unconstitutional. Citizens are a trusting sort and would expect their lawmakers to nip shit like that in the bud, instead it is ignored and those charged with protecting the constitution and America/ns get paid off, or threatened and become part of the problem and it continues. Part of the reasoning for doing nothing is thought to be a fear of total chaos and SHTF scenarios which would disrupt everything and knock the wheels off their money cart.

I used to think like you and could never imagine America tolerating such atrocities, but looking deeper into things it's true. Denying things is no way to go through life, and even though things may not change for the better in my lifetime, I'd rather be aware of the BS and at least be prepared for drastic changes or measures then to be caught off guard.
In other words it is not being a lunatic as you say or being in a state of paranoia, but a state of awareness of what actually happened in the past that got us to this point and is actually happening now.

You dont seem to realise that Dawgshit is a paid disinformation agent troll.He isnt like many of the others here just misguided and in denial such as Toto,Elvis,Dunceman or Californai Girl.Now those posters for an example,are just clueless about their government and ignorantly believe they live in a free country.

Dawgshit on the other hand KNOWS perfectly as well as me and you do that 9/11 was an inside job and all about the federal reserve system,the kennedy assassination,waco and other government autrocities as well.He has just been sent here by his handlers to try and derail 9/11 truth discussions.

Only the most dedicated paid trolls like him keep coming back constantly for their constant ass beatings like they do cause they are paid.Those others I mentioned you can tell are just in denial,they dont come here everyday posting nonstop lies and bullshit like he does.Thats because they would never do it for free.they are not paid to have their asses handed to them on a platter like he is so unlike dawgshit, they dont post here very often.
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lol lol! yep cognitive bias at work.

as I've said before if you twoofs were right about 911 then there would have been only two possible outcomes.
bush and co would be waiting on death row or already executed.



instead you get to amuse people with you lunatic ravings!

ain't freedom of speech great!

Bush was sent a clear message when his plane was threatened. He was selected to be president as a way to get the Israeli neo cons in place for the operation.

You really think death row or execution would be a real option? You have no understanding of the power and long reaching tentacles of the criminals allegedly involved.
The majority of the people who could have done something about the 9-11 are silenced by either being paid off, blackmailed or are friendly to their cause like many Federal judges.
Another example is the Fed Reserve scheme and how long it's been in operation, what 100 years almost. It's a scam, and unconstitutional. Citizens are a trusting sort and would expect their lawmakers to nip shit like that in the bud, instead it is ignored and those charged with protecting the constitution and America/ns get paid off, or threatened and become part of the problem and it continues. Part of the reasoning for doing nothing is thought to be a fear of total chaos and SHTF scenarios which would disrupt everything and knock the wheels off their money cart.

I used to think like you and could never imagine America tolerating such atrocities, but looking deeper into things it's true. Denying things is no way to go through life, and even though things may not change for the better in my lifetime, I'd rather be aware of the BS and at least be prepared for drastic changes or measures then to be caught off guard.
In other words it is not being a lunatic as you say or being in a state of paranoia, but a state of awareness of what actually happened in the past that got us to this point and is actually happening now.

You dont seem to realise that Dawgshit is a paid disinformation agent troll.He isnt like many of the others here just misguided and in denial such as Toto,Elvis,Dunceman or Californai Girl.Now those posters for an example,are just clueless about their government and ignorantly believe they live in a free country.

Dawgshit on the other hand KNOWS perfectly as well as me and you do that 9/11 was an inside job and all about the federal reserve system,the kennedy assassination,waco and other government autrocities as well.He has just been sent here by his handlers to try and derail 9/11 truth discussions.

Only the most dedicated paid trolls like him keep coming back constantly for their constant ass beatings like they do cause they are paid.Those others I mentioned you can tell are just in denial,they dont come here everyday posting nonstop lies and bullshit like he does.Thats because they would never do it for free.they are not paid to have their asses handed to them on a platter like he is so unlike dawgshit, they dont post here very often.
right ! if I'm on Ignore then why the fuck don't you ignore me...
He's never once posted anything that backs up his opinions, or accusations. He always refers to someone else having answered shit for him somewhere in these threads, but that is just a way of doing nothing while spewing his BS opinions that are baseless.
Folks who do use their God given intelligence and reasoning skills know better then to believe
the shit he does, and the things he says. He's just an idiot with no life, and nothing intelligent to say about anything that is posted in here. He can't back up his opinions with anything of his own, and is too scared to get into any details, proving he is nothing but a coward troll. A castrated one with no balls at that.
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He's never once posted anything that backs up his opinions, or accusations. He always refers to someone else having answered shit for him somewhere in these threads, but that is just a way of doing nothing while spewing his BS opinions that are baseless.
Folks who do use their God given intelligence and reasoning skills know better then to believe
the shit he does, and the things he says. He's just an idiot with no life, and nothing intelligent to say about anything that is posted in here. He can't back up his opinions with anything of his own, and is too scared to get into any details, proving he is nothing but a coward troll. A castrated one with no balls at that.
wrong as always! all of what I post is my pov or a pov I agree with, for all practical purposes they are on in the same.
you have never shown any originality (an indicator of intelligence) in your thinking or opinion, making it the best evidence of your lack of reasoning skills.
it's ironic that you use the word "believe" in the negative as it's the only argument you have.LOL!
He's never once posted anything that backs up his opinions, or accusations. He always refers to someone else having answered shit for him somewhere in these threads, but that is just a way of doing nothing while spewing his BS opinions that are baseless.
Folks who do use their God given intelligence and reasoning skills know better then to believe
the shit he does, and the things he says. He's just an idiot with no life, and nothing intelligent to say about anything that is posted in here. He can't back up his opinions with anything of his own, and is too scared to get into any details, proving he is nothing but a coward troll. A castrated one with no balls at that.
wrong as always! all of what I post is my pov or a pov I agree with, for all practical purposes they are on in the same.
you have never shown any originality (an indicator of intelligence) in your thinking or opinion, making it the best evidence of your lack of reasoning skills.
it's ironic that you use the word "believe" in the negative as it's the only argument you have.LOL!
All of what you post is based on BS and a POV that has no solid basis for being. The fact that you do not offer anything as a rational explanation as to why you hold such POV's is proof you can't offer any, and the fact that you don't even try to defend your positions or views with anything of intelligent substance substantiates the opinion that you are a coward with no cojones.

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