I am not into the truther movement but I have a question


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
I was watching this video from the BBC talking about building 7 collapsing but when they were talking about it they showed it still standing even though they said it has collapsed. How can that be?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2Trj_5J02k]If This Does Not Get Thru To You; Nothing Will!!! - YouTube[/ame]
Beginning to notice the glaring inconsistencies aren't ya'?

WARNING! Rabbit Hole Ahead!

The only problem I have is with what I have heard others say things like fake planes or bombs strapped to planes. If they are fake planes where are the people who were supposed to be on those planes?
Oh by the way did you watch the video and see the exploding windows on 7?
I've always had questions about building 7 but nothing solid to show otherwise until I watched this video.
In my opinion something is not right.
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I've always had questions about building 7 but nothing solid to show otherwise until I watched this video.
In my opinion something is not right.
Are you saying that... It was all planned out ahead of time? Why that's a "conspiracy theory"! :D

Fake planes?

I figger you've already heard of Project Blue Book. But have you ever heard of Project Blue Beam?

Google it. Go ahead. I dare ya'!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zpEKdPFa4U]Donald Rumsfeld Questioned About WTC 7 - Feb 2011. - YouTube[/ame]
OK how so?

it is an admitted and well known fake put out by a debunker in a flailing attempt and show twoofers will believe anything on youtube the original full length version has a half sec of a ufo pass by just to see who is watching

So if the ending of the video is fake that must also mean all the video is fake?

No the early reports of wtc 7 collapsing by bbc are well documented and not in dispute by anyone..but for some reason the maker of this video tacked a portion of this attention seeking NY stand up comedians fake video with photoshoped flashes and sounds and as I said in the full version a flash of a ufo fly by
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it is an admitted and well known fake put out by a debunker in a flailing attempt and show twoofers will believe anything on youtube the original full length version has a half sec of a ufo pass by just to see who is watching

So if the ending of the video is fake that must also mean all the video is fake?

No the early reports of wtc 7 collapsing by bbc arewell documented and not in dispute by anyone..but for some reason the maker of this video tacked a portion of this attention seeking NY stand up comedians fake video with photoshoped flashes and sounds and as I said in the full version a flash of a ufo fly by

I wonder why they ended with the fake clips? They didn't have to do that.
So if the ending of the video is fake that must also mean all the video is fake?

No the early reports of wtc 7 collapsing by bbc arewell documented and not in dispute by anyone..but for some reason the maker of this video tacked a portion of this attention seeking NY stand up comedians fake video with photoshoped flashes and sounds and as I said in the full version a flash of a ufo fly by

I wonder why they ended with the fake clips? They didn't have to do that.

ya it sucks...he could be unaware..or it could be an attempt to propagate the gag by mixing it with reality
Whow, the FBI, CIA, The whole of the Republican party, the airlines, the traffic controllers, the news feeds showing the airplanes striking the WTC, the families of the victims and now the BBC. What an incredible array of an conspiracy organization. All capable of keeping their mouths shut, amazing.
Whow, the FBI, CIA, The whole of the Republican party, the airlines, the traffic controllers, the news feeds showing the airplanes striking the WTC, the families of the victims and now the BBC. What an incredible array of an conspiracy organization. All capable of keeping their mouths shut, amazing.

Not everyone you mentioned needed to be "in on it". A few rouge traitors in positions of authority, that no one thought, or dared to question, and their underlings just go about doing their jobs, unaware they were being used.
We can apply the same logic to Alqaeda..Such a huge elaborate plan...and no one talked?
Surely someone would have spilled the beans..no?

BTW, the BBC wasn't the only network that reported the premature demise of WTC 7.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rHFdcPv3XXI]New: Fox News 5 reports WTC 7 collapse BEFORE it happens - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2PqbGfCcef0]9/11 CNN Reports World Trade Center Tower 7 Collapse Before it Happens - YouTube[/ame]

There's another station, I have a video of that mirrored these reports I have to find it, but
this is really amazing when you consider the other hi-rise fires that burned longer and were more engulfed, and no one assumed they were going to "collapse".

What's more, Fox news tried their best to obfuscate this contradiction that suggest fore knowledge, by having a reporter claim, he was told by Con Ed,and police, that Larry Silverstein was on the phone with his insurance company, trying to get approval to allow a CD of the building. Which also suggest that the building could be rigged in short order, OR it was rigged sometime beforehand.

"To dispute the conventional historical account is intellectually dishonest and nonsensical.
I know this because I was working as a journalist for Gannett News at Ground Zero that day, and I remember very clearly what I saw and heard."

"Governor Ventura and many 9/11 “Truthers” allege that government explosives caused the afternoon collapse of Building 7. This is false."

"Shortly before the building collapsed, several NYPD officers and Con-Edison workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property developer of One World Financial Center was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building – since its foundation was already unstable and expected to fall.

A controlled demolition would have minimized the damage caused by the building’s imminent collapse and potentially save lives. Many law enforcement personnel, firefighters and other journalists were aware of this possible option. There was no secret. There was no conspiracy."

Shame On Jesse Ventura! | Fox News

So, by this account, Silverstein was involved in the CD of the WTC 7. Interesting....

A lot of the OCT does not make sense, when one examines it closer, there's no doubt to objective, rational observers, that it is BS.
Whow, the FBI, CIA, The whole of the Republican party, the airlines, the traffic controllers, the news feeds showing the airplanes striking the WTC, the families of the victims and now the BBC. What an incredible array of an conspiracy organization. All capable of keeping their mouths shut, amazing.

Be in on what? All I wanted to know about, is why the BBC was reporting that building 7 collapsed when in fact it had not. Do you think the teleprompter knew something in advance?
Whow, the FBI, CIA, The whole of the Republican party, the airlines, the traffic controllers, the news feeds showing the airplanes striking the WTC, the families of the victims and now the BBC. What an incredible array of an conspiracy organization. All capable of keeping their mouths shut, amazing.

Be in on what? All I wanted to know about, is why the BBC was reporting that building 7 collapsed when in fact it had not. Do you think the teleprompter knew something in advance?
Had to be, or so it seems doesn't it?

9/11: "Honest Mistake" or BBC Foreknowledge of Collapse of WTC 7? Jane Standley Breaks Her Silence

"Shortly before the building collapsed, several NYPD officers and Con-Edison workers told me that Larry Silverstein, the property developer of One World Financial Center was on the phone with his insurance carrier to see if they would authorize the controlled demolition of the building – since its foundation was already unstable and expected to fall.

A controlled demolition would have minimized the damage caused by the building’s imminent collapse and potentially save lives. Many law enforcement personnel, firefighters and other journalists were aware of this possible option. There was no secret. There was no conspiracy."

According to this, Larry knew the building was pre-wired/rigged for CD,as well as many others around him that day. This news got to the media, and they had knowledge this was going to take place, so from the sounds of it, Larry had his building set to come down by CD. Now when did they manage to place the charges, and by who, and for what?

NIST already admitted to freefall, after saying that freefall could not possibly have occurred and that the building fell 40% longer then freefall, "due to the resistance of the structure, which is consistent with physical properties" something that can only occur after removing the resistance to the falling structure above.

It's worthy to note that once that BS was exposed as a lie, they then changed their report to admit freefall, but removed from the contents of the report any mention of "consistent with physical properties" and offered no explanation about it.
So add these things up, and make up your own mind about how it sounds. These are the main reasons why many people are facing the reality that NIST and your government lied, and continues to lie to you about 9-11....among many other things that they assume the American people are too stupid to first..to put together, and 2nd, to speak up about, for fear of being labelled unpatriotic, or a "conspiracy theorist", and for the most part spending a little time on the USMB, and reading the level of denial and ignorance, they're right in assuming this about the American people..

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