I am jealous of some white people


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
In general, I am not jealous of white people. I know everybody in this world has their problems.

But, yes, I would say I'm jealous of some white people. The better looking, the ones who are well off, they just seem to have so much more fun.

Life for them isn't a constant battle against anonymity. They don't have to prove themselves, they don't have to put on airs or pretend or anything. They are just white people looking and doing great and that's it. And they always have opportunities, they are always loved by other white people, and by non-white people as well.

Thanks for listening.
Have you looked at New Africa? The deep south is quickly becoming an African American ethno state. No reason to be envious ; create your own destiny.
Have you looked at New Africa? The deep south is quickly becoming an African American ethno state. No reason to be envious ; create your own destiny.
it takes one sick demented racist peice of shit too complain that there's too many black people in the south... well geee who the fuck brought them all to America? Are you saying they should all be native americans are you the last moheecan or you one of schizophrenic neo nazis who want too kill 9 out of 10 people on earth?
I am also jealous of some white people. They were born into relatively wealthy families (I was raised in subsidized housing), their parents got new cars every year (we drove around in old beaters, bought when they were already 10 years old), they were sent to good private schools and colleges (I paid for my own college, including GI Bill), and their parents gave them lavish gifts when they got married - usually including a down payment on a house. (My mother died long before I got married, and I had to bring my father in to live with us when we bought our first house - with no one's help).

BTW, I am white. Somewhere along the line I must have lost my White Privilege coupon.
I am also jealous of some white people. They were born into relatively wealthy families (I was raised in subsidized housing), their parents got new cars every year (we drove around in old beaters, bought when they were already 10 years old), they were sent to good private schools and colleges (I paid for my own college, including GI Bill), and their parents gave them lavish gifts when they got married - usually including a down payment on a house. (My mother died long before I got married, and I had to bring my father in to live with us when we bought our first house - with no one's help).

BTW, I am white. Somewhere along the line I must have lost my White Privilege coupon.

??......new cars, bigger houses and swimming pools does not a happy person make.....
I am also jealous of some white people. They were born into relatively wealthy families (I was raised in subsidized housing), their parents got new cars every year (we drove around in old beaters, bought when they were already 10 years old), they were sent to good private schools and colleges (I paid for my own college, including GI Bill), and their parents gave them lavish gifts when they got married - usually including a down payment on a house. (My mother died long before I got married, and I had to bring my father in to live with us when we bought our first house - with no one's help).

BTW, I am white. Somewhere along the line I must have lost my White Privilege coupon.

Interesting. I've been looking for the so called "race card" as well. If I had that I could have used it to get all the "Free Shit" that black people allegedly have access to instead of working for everything that I own.
Stop the hate , separate. As browns send western blax back to the new africa , balkanization is in full swing. Multicult cheerleaders may have to face facts. Whites will live White no matter what confines khazars impose. History shows this. Everyone has the right to exist ; Whites included. Non whites have been envious since before the Crusade.
I am also jealous of some white people. They were born into relatively wealthy families (I was raised in subsidized housing), their parents got new cars every year (we drove around in old beaters, bought when they were already 10 years old), they were sent to good private schools and colleges (I paid for my own college, including GI Bill), and their parents gave them lavish gifts when they got married - usually including a down payment on a house. (My mother died long before I got married, and I had to bring my father in to live with us when we bought our first house - with no one's help).

BTW, I am white. Somewhere along the line I must have lost my White Privilege coupon.

??......new cars, bigger houses and swimming pools does not a happy person make.....
Sure don't. But they beat not having them.
1. Finish high school.
2. Don't do drugs.
3. Don't commit crimes.
4. Don't have children if you're not married.
5. Get a job.

1. Finish high school.
2. Don't do drugs.
3. Don't commit crimes.
4. Don't have children if you're not married.
5. Get a job.


All of that applies to me. Sorry but that's no guarantee for success. And you can't change your race.

The truth is...there are white people who just have more fun. It could be because they are connected or because it's their country. Non white immigrants to America, we are always having to prove ourselves.

White people think, oh, I'm working so hard, and all of these lazy browns and blacks are on welfare. Actually, the opposite is the case. A brown or black person is usually busting his rear end, while the white people inherit wealth or do something meaningless like design video games, make music, or act in movies.
1. Finish high school.
2. Don't do drugs.
3. Don't commit crimes.
4. Don't have children if you're not married.
5. Get a job.


All of that applies to me. Sorry but that's no guarantee for success. And you can't change your race.

The truth is...there are white people who just have more fun. It could be because they are connected or because it's their country. Non white immigrants to America, we are always having to prove ourselves.

White people think, oh, I'm working so hard, and all of these lazy browns and blacks are on welfare. Actually, the opposite is the case. A brown or black person is usually busting his rear end, while the white people inherit wealth or do something meaningless like design video games, make music, or act in movies.
I see. So you don't control your own destiny? Sounds to me like someone has an external locus of control. Look no further for the source of your problems.
Do not discount genetics and luck. I'm not complaining, it is what it is.

Taller, beautiful people get better jobs and promotions. White people are trusted even if they are complete crooks. Those are facts. Americans think everything is available to anybody who works hard, but it just isn't true. It's one of the the many myths in American society.
Do not discount genetics and luck. I'm not complaining, it is what it is.

Taller, beautiful people get better jobs and promotions. White people are trusted even if they are complete crooks. Those are facts. Americans think everything is available to anybody who works hard, but it just isn't true. It's one of the the many myths in American society.
Making It! Minority Success Stories - Wikipedia
In general, I am not jealous of white people....

...Life for them isn't a constant battle against anonymity. They don't have to prove themselves, they don't have to put on airs or pretend or anything. They are just white people looking and doing great and that's it. And they always have opportunities, they are always loved by other white people, and by non-white people as well....

You kind of sound jealous.

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