I Am Ashamed of My Country

My Country is a wonderful place filled with hope and promise. Americans are a different story. I am deeply ashamed and disappointed in what liberal Americans have done to my beloved land. The nation needs to break up if any part of it is to survive.

That Conservatism has a long history of eventually, inevitably, losing its battles against Liberalism/Progressivism is what makes America great,

and if the pattern holds, will assure America's future greatness.

And you can of course give us all an example of this GODLESS, ZERO MORAL COMPASS, SOCIALIST UTOPIA that actually exists? Where is this working socialist example? Please tells us all of it.



Where is the example? Its called the New Deal and the 4 plus decades that followed. We only make what we make because unions faught and won wage increases. Our companies didn't want us to unionized so they kept up. But now unions are only 12% of the population. BUT, they are still important. The auto unions are going to win Obama Michigan and Ohio and The GOP just attacked teachers, police and firefighters. Said they too make too much. Tried to take away their right to collective bargaining. And its going to cost them the election. But voters/people are dumb. They will forget and not show up to the 2014 Midterms. Republicans count on it.
The whole country is going to end up pretty much like liberal and democratic controlled California. Banikrupt, its farmland fallow and industry gone.

Democrats believe that they can have a successful country where no one works and everyone is supported by the rich. Even when the rich have long gone. New York City is an ideal example of what happens when democrats go wild.

Democrats havn't gotten it yet. They don't realize that in order to be supported by the rich, there must first be people who are rich! Otherwise, the nation becomes Detroit with poor people robbing other poor people.
You would think someone would be ashamed of themselves for supporting globalization and unrestricted free trade before they were against it.
That Conservatism has a long history of eventually, inevitably, losing its battles against Liberalism/Progressivism is what makes America great,

and if the pattern holds, will assure America's future greatness.

And you can of course give us all an example of this GODLESS, ZERO MORAL COMPASS, SOCIALIST UTOPIA that actually exists? Where is this working socialist example? Please tells us all of it.



Where is the example? Its called the New Deal and the 4 plus decades that followed. We only make what we make because unions faught and won wage increases. Our companies didn't want us to unionized so they kept up. But now unions are only 12% of the population. BUT, they are still important. The auto unions are going to win Obama Michigan and Ohio and The GOP just attacked teachers, police and firefighters. Said they too make too much. Tried to take away their right to collective bargaining. And its going to cost them the election. But voters/people are dumb. They will forget and not show up to the 2014 Midterms. Republicans count on it.
And we're 16 TRILLION in DEBT, thank you odumbo for greatly compounding that problem, and it can't be sustained because of big government and unions squeezing the life out of businesses. America is currently a FINANCIAL train wreck in motion, and MAJOR, DRACONIAN SPENDING CUTS are the ONLY thing that can save it. NOT JACKED OFF BIG GOVERNMENT, SPEND-SPEND-SPEND LIKE THE WIND LIBERAL POLICIES, but CONSERVATIVE policies.

You have no point, no example, and appear to be living with your head buried in the dirt. If the American people took on the same fiscal practices as our government, we'd ALL be living in the GUTTER.
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My Country is a wonderful place filled with hope and promise. Americans are a different story. I am deeply ashamed and disappointed in what liberal Americans have done to my beloved land. The nation needs to break up if any part of it is to survive.

I would gladly split up the states 50/50 and let you guys try your way with your libertarian government and us with our labor laws and unions and show you how you will be working 80 hour work weeks for bare minimum wages and we will have vacation days and minimum wages and labor laws and soon we will find you sneaking across our border trying to sneak back in. Probably to get an abortion because you are hypocrites too.

But you can't have Alaska. You get Texas but for oil, we get Alaska. And you get the Gulf so Drill baby Drill! We will do away with oil speculators and save $12-$20 per fill up on our gas.

And we will have single payer and affordable college. Good paying jobs waiting.

Your way will be every man for himself and the rich monopolies will eat you up. You would soon be "the rabble" like back in Dickens Tiny Tim days. That is the result of free unregulated markets.

And corporations won't own our politics anymore. They do now because Democrats have to compete with Republicans. And we can never get them to agree to campaign finance reform. The only glimmer of truth that comes from the GOP is Ron Paul admitting the Federal Reserve is owned by private bankers and thats bad. But that's all he's right about.
We at 80 hours and you begging for welfare from the newly formed government.

That is if you can find work in your country.

As the Wall Street Journal noted in 1997, Alan Greenspan saw one of his main jobs was to maintain a high enough level of "worker insecurity" that employees won't demand pay raises and benefits increases, thus provoking "wage inflation."

"These economic royalists complain that we seek to overthrow the institutions of America," Roosevelt thundered. "What they really complain of is that we seek to take away their power. Our allegiance to American institutions requires the overthrow of this kind of power. In vain they seek to hide behind the flag and the Constitution. In their blindness they forget what the flag and the Constitution stand for."
I would gladly split up the states 50/50 and let you guys try your way with your libertarian government and us with our labor laws and unions and show you how you will be working 80 hour work weeks for bare minimum wages and we will have vacation days and minimum wages and labor laws and soon we will find you sneaking across our border trying to sneak back in. Probably to get an abortion because you are hypocrites too.

But you can't have Alaska. You get Texas but for oil, we get Alaska. And you get the Gulf so Drill baby Drill! We will do away with oil speculators and save $12-$20 per fill up on our gas.

And we will have single payer and affordable college. Good paying jobs waiting.

Your way will be every man for himself and the rich monopolies will eat you up. You would soon be "the rabble" like back in Dickens Tiny Tim days. That is the result of free unregulated markets.

And corporations won't own our politics anymore. They do now because Democrats have to compete with Republicans. And we can never get them to agree to campaign finance reform. The only glimmer of truth that comes from the GOP is Ron Paul admitting the Federal Reserve is owned by private bankers and thats bad. But that's all he's right about.
We at 80 hours and you begging for welfare from the newly formed government.

That is if you can find work in your country.

As the Wall Street Journal noted in 1997, Alan Greenspan saw one of his main jobs was to maintain a high enough level of "worker insecurity" that employees won't demand pay raises and benefits increases, thus provoking "wage inflation."

"These economic royalists complain that we seek to overthrow the institutions of America," Roosevelt thundered. "What they really complain of is that we seek to take away their power. Our allegiance to American institutions requires the overthrow of this kind of power. In vain they seek to hide behind the flag and the Constitution. In their blindness they forget what the flag and the Constitution stand for."

We can play what if all day, try reality for a simple change in your daily routine.
My Dad was a real WWII hero. He died last April. Before he died he said that if he had known what was going to happen to this country he wouldn't have been so patriotic in wanting to defend it. I got a citation in the mail from the defense department commemorating his service. It was signed by presidebt obama. I threw it in a drawer. I don't even want to see it.

As an old time comic strip "POGO".. once said "We have met the enemy and he is us."

I am just as guilt of letting our country deteriorate by NOT working hard enough to KEEP Obama from being elected! I.e. I and others that KNEW what Obama was about let the country down by NOT working hard enough.
Granted most of us held our noses voting for the MSM's choice for us ,i.e. McCain,
it is going to be up to us to make sure the MSM's choice Romney the lesser of two evils is elected this time!

At least Romney/McCain WILL NEVER attack our troops like Obama did as a Senator when he said our troops were"air-raiding villages, killing civilians"!

That statement as well as other traitors like Murtha,Durbin,Kerry, Reid helped RECRUIT more terrorists to KILL more US troops! And they made the statements for pure political gain! DISGUSTING!

So for all you "independents" out there keep this really simple distinction between Romney and Obama...
Romney IS smarter then Obama for this one reason:
Romney would never be so stupid as to criticize the people that are protecting our country! YOU just don't encourage the enemy by tearing down your own troops!

Keep that simple thought in mind you independents...
HOW dumb is it to tell the world YOUR own troops are murderers???
And you can of course give us all an example of this GODLESS, ZERO MORAL COMPASS, SOCIALIST UTOPIA that actually exists? Where is this working socialist example? Please tells us all of it.



Where is the example? Its called the New Deal and the 4 plus decades that followed. We only make what we make because unions faught and won wage increases. Our companies didn't want us to unionized so they kept up. But now unions are only 12% of the population. BUT, they are still important. The auto unions are going to win Obama Michigan and Ohio and The GOP just attacked teachers, police and firefighters. Said they too make too much. Tried to take away their right to collective bargaining. And its going to cost them the election. But voters/people are dumb. They will forget and not show up to the 2014 Midterms. Republicans count on it.
And we're 16 TRILLION in DEBT, thank you odumbo for greatly compounding that problem, and it can't be sustained because of big government and unions squeezing the life out of businesses. America is currently a FINANCIAL train wreck in motion, and MAJOR, DRACONIAN SPENDING CUTS are the ONLY thing that can save it. NOT JACKED OFF BIG GOVERNMENT, SPEND-SPEND-SPEND LIKE THE WIND LIBERAL POLICIES, but CONSERVATIVE policies.

You have no point, no example, and appear to be living with your head buried in the dirt. If the American people took on the same fiscal practices as our government, we'd ALL be living in the GUTTER.

There is a lot of waste that comes from both sides. Obama and the Dems gave in a lot to the Paul Ryan's. We compromised, they didn't at all.

Our debt, things like social security, also spin the economy. Puts money in peoples pockets and they spend it. Your way put all the wealth in the top 1%'s pockets. They aren't spending it.

We spend too much on defense, not poor people.

Rich people need to start paying the taxes they paid before the Bush tax breaks. If we need, we might even roll back the Reagan tax breaks. Or at least suggest it and then the GOP will feel like they got a deal when we just let the Bush tax breaks expire.

No war with Iran. How is the right gonna say they are going to solve the debt or deficit problem? Or are you a Ron Pauly?

If Bush didn't waste trillions in Iraq, that could have gone towards infrastructure. Right now our infrastructure is falling apart. Bush wasted our fucking money. Now the GOP doesn't want to invest in America. No wonder investors are betting on China. If the Governement won't invest in the country, why should anyone else?

And so the GOP broke the country on purpose so they could kill all the social liberal programs they hate and Unions and the New Deal. Its a fucking plot and I'm no conspiracy theories. Its all true. The rich even tried to take FDR out. Google the Business Plot.

What pisses me off is middle class Republicans who go along and think they belong in the GOP. HA! You don't have enough money. They only con you with wedge issues. Stupid middle class social cons who vote GOP are so dumb.
Where is the example? Its called the New Deal and the 4 plus decades that followed. We only make what we make because unions faught and won wage increases. Our companies didn't want us to unionized so they kept up. But now unions are only 12% of the population. BUT, they are still important. The auto unions are going to win Obama Michigan and Ohio and The GOP just attacked teachers, police and firefighters. Said they too make too much. Tried to take away their right to collective bargaining. And its going to cost them the election. But voters/people are dumb. They will forget and not show up to the 2014 Midterms. Republicans count on it.
And we're 16 TRILLION in DEBT, thank you odumbo for greatly compounding that problem, and it can't be sustained because of big government and unions squeezing the life out of businesses. America is currently a FINANCIAL train wreck in motion, and MAJOR, DRACONIAN SPENDING CUTS are the ONLY thing that can save it. NOT JACKED OFF BIG GOVERNMENT, SPEND-SPEND-SPEND LIKE THE WIND LIBERAL POLICIES, but CONSERVATIVE policies.

You have no point, no example, and appear to be living with your head buried in the dirt. If the American people took on the same fiscal practices as our government, we'd ALL be living in the GUTTER.

There is a lot of waste that comes from both sides. Obama and the Dems gave in a lot to the Paul Ryan's. We compromised, they didn't at all.

Our debt, things like social security, also spin the economy. Puts money in peoples pockets and they spend it. Your way put all the wealth in the top 1%'s pockets. They aren't spending it.

We spend too much on defense, not poor people.

Rich people need to start paying the taxes they paid before the Bush tax breaks. If we need, we might even roll back the Reagan tax breaks. Or at least suggest it and then the GOP will feel like they got a deal when we just let the Bush tax breaks expire.

No war with Iran. How is the right gonna say they are going to solve the debt or deficit problem? Or are you a Ron Pauly?

If Bush didn't waste trillions in Iraq, that could have gone towards infrastructure. Right now our infrastructure is falling apart. Bush wasted our fucking money. Now the GOP doesn't want to invest in America. No wonder investors are betting on China. If the Governement won't invest in the country, why should anyone else?

And so the GOP broke the country on purpose so they could kill all the social liberal programs they hate and Unions and the New Deal. Its a fucking plot and I'm no conspiracy theories. Its all true. The rich even tried to take FDR out. Google the Business Plot.

What pisses me off is middle class Republicans who go along and think they belong in the GOP. HA! You don't have enough money. They only con you with wedge issues. Stupid middle class social cons who vote GOP are so dumb.
In other words you can not possibly live without someone else paying more.

An obvious give away, you do not believe in equality.
The whole country is going to end up pretty much like liberal and democratic controlled California. Banikrupt, its farmland fallow and industry gone.

Democrats believe that they can have a successful country where no one works and everyone is supported by the rich. Even when the rich have long gone. New York City is an ideal example of what happens when democrats go wild.

Democrats havn't gotten it yet. They don't realize that in order to be supported by the rich, there must first be people who are rich! Otherwise, the nation becomes Detroit with poor people robbing other poor people.

That about sums it up to a T. First tax the shit out of the rich, then tax the shit out of the middle class, then expropriate all manufacturing and wealth for the good of the state. No one will have the option to work they will be forced to by the omnipotent state. But don't fear, we will have the privileged liberal elite and Unions attending to all our needs.
My Dad was a real WWII hero. He died last April. Before he died he said that if he had known what was going to happen to this country he wouldn't have been so patriotic in wanting to defend it. I got a citation in the mail from the defense department commemorating his service. It was signed by presidebt obama. I threw it in a drawer. I don't even want to see it.

As an old time comic strip "POGO".. once said "We have met the enemy and he is us."

I am just as guilt of letting our country deteriorate by NOT working hard enough to KEEP Obama from being elected! I.e. I and others that KNEW what Obama was about let the country down by NOT working hard enough.
Granted most of us held our noses voting for the MSM's choice for us ,i.e. McCain,
it is going to be up to us to make sure the MSM's choice Romney the lesser of two evils is elected this time!

At least Romney/McCain WILL NEVER attack our troops like Obama did as a Senator when he said our troops were"air-raiding villages, killing civilians"!

That statement as well as other traitors like Murtha,Durbin,Kerry, Reid helped RECRUIT more terrorists to KILL more US troops! And they made the statements for pure political gain! DISGUSTING!

So for all you "independents" out there keep this really simple distinction between Romney and Obama...
Romney IS smarter then Obama for this one reason:
Romney would never be so stupid as to criticize the people that are protecting our country! YOU just don't encourage the enemy by tearing down your own troops!

Keep that simple thought in mind you independents...
HOW dumb is it to tell the world YOUR own troops are murderers???

Fact is, that is exactly what we were doing in Iraq and Afganistan. I believe Bush didn't want a clear and winable objective. He wanted a quagmire. Bush should be on trail for any crimes the troops committed. Sending them on 7 tours. All for what?

Perpetual war, perpetual profits. The defense contractors and international oil companies got rich. And the GOP got to bankrupt the USA and now they can say we need to take cuts to social security and medicare. And we need to privatize everything. Disaster Capitalism. A coup occured in 2000. Citizens United is the decision that could only happen when you have cronie activist judges who are legislating from the bench. Remember Bush fired all those attornies for no reason and replaced them with cronies that would do his bidding?

Do you think Alito and Roberts are any different? So far they have proved us right with every decision they have made.
My Dad was a real WWII hero. He died last April. Before he died he said that if he had known what was going to happen to this country he wouldn't have been so patriotic in wanting to defend it. I got a citation in the mail from the defense department commemorating his service. It was signed by presidebt obama. I threw it in a drawer. I don't even want to see it.

My dad served as did yours. He was ashamed by the time he passed two years ago at the coarsening of American culture and the lack of civility in discourse. He did not like Obama but absolutely was livid who though the president was something to be cursed and vilified. Dad did not believe that he fought and was wounded for an America that some of the far extremists right and left want it to be.
The whole country is going to end up pretty much like liberal and democratic controlled California. Banikrupt, its farmland fallow and industry gone.

Democrats believe that they can have a successful country where no one works and everyone is supported by the rich. Even when the rich have long gone. New York City is an ideal example of what happens when democrats go wild.

Democrats havn't gotten it yet. They don't realize that in order to be supported by the rich, there must first be people who are rich! Otherwise, the nation becomes Detroit with poor people robbing other poor people.

That about sums it up to a T. First tax the shit out of the rich, then tax the shit out of the middle class, then expropriate all manufacturing and wealth for the good of the state. No one will have the option to work they will be forced to by the omnipotent state. But don't fear, we will have the privileged liberal elite and Unions attending to all our needs.

Funny how you simultaneously attack globalization and the people who opposed it in the first place. 10 years ago you could not find a republican who was interested in protecting a single American job from being sent overseas and now that it is biting us hard with this lousy service based economy all republicans can do is blame the almost powerless unions and the ignored "liberal elite" for the whole thing.
If you are ashamed of your country, then you should move somewhere else where you would feel less ashamed.
I am 68 years old, secure in retirement, led a storybook life, was a Navy Fighter Pilot, live far better than most Americans, and consider myself a patriot, a loyal American, a Christian, and a solid citizen. Upon my retirement as a Financial Administrator for the City of Fort Lauderdale, the City Commission dedicated the day I retired to me in my honor. Despite all this something is very wrong. I am ashamed of my country and believe that, for the past 100 years, the true history of this nation is one of deception, shame, and dishonor. Compounding my problem is that fact that as a Christian I believe God is truth. Therefore, I cannot lie to myself even though I loathe thinking what I believe to be true.

I began my walk which led me to where I am when Congress enacted the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1994. At the time, on my way to work I picked up a copy of the Sun-Sentinel and read these words; tossing sovereignty issues aside, Congress passed GATT. Upon so doing, I asked myself, “How the hell can Congress toss sovereignty issues aside? They are paid to protect our sovereignty.” Subsequently, I purchased a copy of the GATT accord and read it from cover to cover. I was shocked! Congress didn’t just toss sovereignty issues aside they tossed them in the shitter. What I learned was that a condition of our membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) was Congress had to agree to subordinate itself, our President, and our Supreme Court to the WTO’s Ruling Panels and take steps to ensure that all our laws, regulations, and procedures conformed with those of the WTO.

My anger motivated me to write a book entitled, “While We Sleep, A Story of Government Without Law”. I also took it upon myself to sue our President and Congress over GATT’s Constitutionality acting as attorney pro se for the voting citizens of this nation. I also hosted a website called the Constitution Forum and recently, I wrote an open letter to the citizens of the United States which I mistakenly posted on this message board as my first thread. I say mistakenly because entire articles should not be posted because of legitimate concerns about possible copyright infringements. In any case, the purpose of my letter was to lead Americans down a similar path to the one I had taken in the hope they would finally wake up.

If you are interested in learning more about these matters, please use the following links.

My Open Letter to the Citizens of the United States:
An open letter to the citizens of the United States of America « The PPJ Gazette

A free copy of my book, “While We Sleep”:
While We Sleep - A Story of Government Without Law by Alan R. Adaschik

A transcript of my Lawsuit against the Federal Government:
A Constitutional Challenge To The WTO

If you have any questions about anything I have written or would like clarifying information, just ask. If you find anything in this material that you disagree with, please bring it to my attention and provide me with the reasons for your disagreement. I sincerely hope one of you can demonstrate where I have gone wrong so I can sleep better at night.

Two things:

Thank you for your service.

It doesn't matter what the U.S. signs, internationally. We don't ever adhere to it anyway. And neither does any other country. When push comes to shove, each country does what is in it's best interest. Israel ignores U.N. resolutions, we ignore international AND U.S. torture laws, various powers ignore international nuclear regulatory laws...the list goes on and on. I wouldn't sweat it. It's all a show.

(actually, three things: are you in any way responsible for the unbelievable traffic in Ft. Lauderdale these days???
My Dad was a real WWII hero. He died last April. Before he died he said that if he had known what was going to happen to this country he wouldn't have been so patriotic in wanting to defend it. I got a citation in the mail from the defense department commemorating his service. It was signed by presidebt obama. I threw it in a drawer. I don't even want to see it.

You truly are a disgusting person.
And I'll call you on it... I think you're a fucking liar.

He is lying through his ass
Deceased servicemembers do not receive commendations from the President.

I'll give you the address of the department that issues these awards. Double check iwth them.

Department of Veterans Affairs
Memorial Programs Service
Presidential Memorial Certificate Program
5109 Russell Road
Quantico, Virginia 22134-3903

I'm sure they will be happy to tell you whether or not deceased service members receive commendations from the president, or today with the cretin in office, the presidebt.

If you want to know more about it, the information is here, including a depiction of the certificate I got.

Presidential Memorial Certificates - Burial and Memorial Benefits

No I do not expect an apology. Not from a liberal. Not from a democrat. I just enjoy making you look like the fool you are.

They don't, assbreath.
My father, a WWII Pacific Theater veteran, passed away this past October, age 90.
NOTHING sent by the U.S. Government, signed by the Kenyan In Chump - and I don't expect - not want - anything.

Thanks for continuing to look like an assbrain.

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