Hydro-Man: A Biblical Thing


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a modernism Utopia-paranoia parable inspired by the empiricism-shattering films Poltergeist and Ghost in the Shell.

Signing off,


A cartoonist and comic book fan named Stanley became fascinated by the Marvel Comics anti-hero Hydro-Man and the superhuman's ability to shape-shift and be potent and make flexible weapons on-the-fly, since his body was entirely comprised of water-molecules. Stanley worked at a comic book publishing company as an artist and drew the panels for various comic book stories supplied by writers as well-known as Stan Lee and Len Wein. Stanley now came home every night and scribbled numerous color-drawings of Hydro-Man, his ultimate obsession.


One night, while drawing yet another rendition of Hydro-Man, Stanley felt an eerie draft hit his shoulders and hands and when he looked down at his drawing, it was moving! Hydro-Man was coming to life! The mutant superhuman leaped out of the page and onto his apartment floor and explained that Stanley had 'invoked' him out of the parallax-dimension where power and magic were boundless and that he had traversed into Stanley's world to deal with the modern-age urbanization-related cynicism profiteerism-related moral apathy and gluttony. Stanley wished Hydro-Man good luck and wondered how the incredible being would do what he promised.


Hydro-Man wandered around the modern world and through various commerce-rich cities such as Hong Kong, San Francisco, Bangkok, Sydney, New York, Los Angeles, Paris, London, Buenos Aires, Cairo, and also Rome. Hydro-Man noticed that each city was brimming with all kinds of commercial activity and seemed like 'pits of mindless ant-like humans' scurrying about ultra-conscious of profits and ledgers and buildings and networks but altogether neglectful of sentiment, spiritualism, and most alarmingly, magic. Hydro-Man decided to perform various 'water-pranks' which startled people (since he was completely invisible to them!). Hydro-Man would sprinkle water in the ears of random pedestrians, compelling them to look around to actually appreciate their environments and not mindlessly move around like 'bureaucracy minions.'


Hydro-Man decided to cross back into his 'realm' by going through a 'secret-door' which lay hidden in the world of shadows in the forests on the outskirts of New York. No one ever heard from Hydro-Man again, and Stanley was the only one who believed in the various news reports seen/heard worldwide of a mysterious 'entity' sprinkling water in the ears of random pedestrians. CNN broadcasted interviews of pedestrians in Paris, Sydney, and Los Angeles claiming they were 'sprinkled' and moved to look about their environments. EWTN (Catholic TV) talk-show hosts claimed the 'water-sprinkling miracles' were metaphysical signs from God that Jesus was returning to remind humanity of the danger of ignoring simple kindness...



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