

Gold Member
Aug 18, 2009
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Does hunger turn you into a woman?
I believe this is true.

And Milky Way bars can make you gay.


Gay, milky way, you say.
Sex here an' there...

Hunger photo series sparks accusations of ‘poverty porn’
Thu, Jul 26,`18 -A series of photographs on hunger in India that show villagers posing next to tables full of food has sparked a backlash online and been branded as exploitative “poverty porn” by critics.
The pictures by Italian photographer Alessio Mamo, which show children covering their eyes next to fake meals, went viral after the World Press Photo Foundation shared them on Instagram. Mamo apologized in a statement on Tuesday after several Instagram and Twitter users criticized the “Dreaming Food” series, with many posting the hashtag #PovertyPorn in protest. “This is extremely insensitive. There are better ways to raise awareness than to try and snatch dignity away from people,” Instagram user shraddhanjalis said in a post. “A little empathy would go a long way. Poor people are not props.”

Yet other social media users defended the series as an attempt to shock and engage the public on the issue of hunger. “The only goal ... was to let Western people think, in a provocative way, about the waste of food,” said Mamo, who took the photographs in 2011 in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. “Maybe I did it in the wrong way, but I worked honestly and respectfully with all the people involved. I only had the intention to let people think,” his statement said.

In response to the online backlash, World Press Photo — home to one of the world’s leading news photography prizes —- said in a statement that photographers were responsible for selecting which pictures to post on the organization’s Instagram account. At least 194 million Indians go hungry daily, the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization said. India ranked near the bottom of last year’s Global Hunger Index, at 100 of 119 countries.
One-third of all food produced worldwide is lost or wasted before it can be eaten, said Danielle Nierenberg, president of the US-based research group Food Tank.

Hunger photo series sparks accusations of ‘poverty porn’ - Taipei Times

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Save staff from sex pests or face fines, UK businesses told
Thu, Jul 26, 2018 - British lawmakers yesterday called for tougher laws to tackle sexual harassment in the workplace, including fines, saying the problem was endemic and not taken seriously enough
A parliamentary committee called on the government to make it mandatory for employers to prevent harassment, with a code of practice detailing steps for companies to take, including to investigate all complaints and to support victims. “It is utterly shameful that in 2018, unwanted sexual comments, touching, groping and assault are seen as an everyday occurrence and part of the culture in many workplaces,” Women and Equalities Committee chairwoman Maria Miller said. The report was the result of an inquiry launched in February as countless stories of misconduct emerged worldwide amid the #MeToo campaign sparked by allegations against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein.

In Britain, 40 percent of women and 18 percent of men were sexually harassed in the workplace last year, from catcalls to sexual assault, polling firm ComRes found. Requirements should be stringent and breaches should carry substantial financial penalties, as is the case when it comes to preventing money-laundering and protecting personal data, the cross-party committee said. “It’s time to put the same emphasis on tackling sexual harassment,” Miller said in a statement. British women’s rights group the Fawcett Society praised the proposed legal reforms. “We have to move from treating this issue as a problem for the individual woman to deal with, to one that the organization owns,” Fawcett Society head Sam Smethers said.

Protection should be extended to interns, volunteers and workers who are harassed by clients, customers and contractors, the report added.
The committee also urged the government to regulate non-disclosure agreements, which could be used to silence victims, and to make it easier for employees to seek legal action. “Employees who have a strong case against their employer must not be priced out of justice,” the report said. The Confederation of British Industry (CBI), an employers’ group, welcomed the recommendations. “Firms understand they have a duty of care and are actively building inclusive workplaces where everyone feels safe, supported and able to challenge unacceptable behavior,” CBI UK policy director Matthew Fell said in a statement.

Save staff from sex pests or face fines, UK businesses told - Taipei Times


Seagram heiress gets bail in New York sex cult case
Thu, Jul 26, 2018 - A heiress to the Seagram Co fortune was released on a US$100 million bond following her arrest in a widening probe of a self-help organization that prosecutors say was a secretive cult that branded its victims and forced them to participate in sexual acts.
Clare Bronfman, the daughter of former Seagram chairman Edgar Bronfman, was one of four women on Tuesday charged in connection with the investigation of Nxivm, an Albany, New York-based multilevel marketing company founded by Keith Raniere. The new charges add a bizarre twist to a sensational case that generated headlines with the April arrest of Allison Mack, 35, an actress who allegedly recruited slaves for Raniere. A month earlier, Raniere, 57, was apprehended in Mexico and accused of sex trafficking and forced labor. He is being held without bail. Both deny wrongdoing.

Dressed in a light, short-sleeved shirt, jeans and flip flops, Clare Bronfman, 39, pleaded not guilty to a charge of identity theft. She is not accused of sex trafficking, or forced labor crimes, and faces a maximum sentence of five years in prison. Prosecutors said she was likely to flee though and asked for a sizable bond to ensure her appearance for trial. She has a private jet and a stake in a private island in Fiji, prosecutors said in a court filing. Clare Bronfman’s lawyer, Susan Necheles, argued for a lower bail, saying her client surrendered and had been in constant contact with prosecutors.

She had been in Mexico with Raniere when he was arrested and flew back immediately, Necheles said. “She is a very wealthy woman,” Necheles told the judge. “But even wealthy people should get bail.” Clare Bronfman has more than US$98 million under her direct control and another US$100 million in two trusts, her lawyer said. However, US District Judge Nicholas Garaufis in Brooklyn balked at the idea of releasing her on a US$25 million bond. He said she could use her money “to get on a plane in Teterboro airport and fly off somewhere.”

In addition to the bond, Garaufis put Clare Bronfman under house arrest and ordered her to wear a monitor on her ankle. She was due back in court yesterday for a status conference, along with her codefendants. Clare Bronfman is one of seven children. Her father captained Seagram’s expansion during his years leading the company. She, Kathy Russell, 60, Lauren Salzman, 42, and Nancy Salzman, 64, were allegedly members of Raniere’s inner circle that recruited and groomed sexual partners for him. US Magistrate Judge Daniel Stewart in Albany agreed to release Russell on a US$25,000 bond, and Lauren and Nancy Salzman each on a US$5 million bond. Russell and Lauren Salzman have not met all the conditions of their bonds, the US Attorney’s office in Brooklyn said.

Seagram heiress gets bail in New York sex cult case - Taipei Times
I think this post was a joke for Echo zula I sure miss her.

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