Hundreds of active duty Marines proudly march in Gay Pride Parade

You know what, I am sick of your bullshit of how the right hate homosexuals. You don't friggen know that and don't try and tell us that some of those on the left, don't supposedly hate them.

you should just stfu already.

If they make comparisons to Hitler's Brown Shirts, say gays recruit children, publish State Party Platforms like the one they published in Texas, call gays barbarians among other things, then "YES", the right wing hates the gays.

Unless name calling and dirty accusations are really the way they show the love. If so, the message is getting lost.

Time to go to work. Buh Bye.

And yet you see no hypocrisy with your own name calling and dirty accusations. :lol::lol::lol: Talk about messages getting lost.

Fucking moron.

What names? What have I said that's untrue?
Well, I'm late to the parade I guess.
I don't care if those in the pics are lefties, righties, innies, outties, marines, navy, army, airforce or coast guard.....just seeing the smiling faces were enough to make me smile lookin' at 'em.:clap2:
I guess Obama envisions and wants to transform our military into this:

[ame=]‪Monty Python's Military Fairy‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]
Disgusting. It would almost be worth reenlisting just to throw a few blanket parties.
What cracks me up the most is that POS Obama who has never served pulled this disgusting sh*t.
Disgusting. It would almost be worth reenlisting just to throw a few blanket parties.

I love hearing the opinions of true Conservative and patriotic American right wingers. Thanks! You represent!
Troops march in San Diego gay pride parade - Marine Corps News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Marine Corps Times

The crowd roared as the group waving military flags and holding placards identifying their military branch walked past the thousands.

Every branch of service was represented Saturday, including the Coast Guard. Marines and sailors ran out carrying their branch’s flags over their heads.
Support for Obama dropping even harder among Military:
U.S. Military Personnel, Veterans Give Obama Lower Marks
U.S. military veterans and those currently on active military duty are less likely to approve of President Obama's job performance than are Americans of comparable ages who are not in the military.
You think it's because of the illegal war the Kenyan Dick Tater Obama is pushing? Or is it his efforts to undermine the 2nd Amendment through the Mexican Gun Running scandal?
So you're a birfer? Figures :rolleyes:
Troops march in San Diego gay pride parade - Marine Corps News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Marine Corps Times

The crowd roared as the group waving military flags and holding placards identifying their military branch walked past the thousands.

Every branch of service was represented Saturday, including the Coast Guard. Marines and sailors ran out carrying their branch’s flags over their heads.
Support for Obama dropping even harder among Military:
U.S. Military Personnel, Veterans Give Obama Lower Marks
U.S. military veterans and those currently on active military duty are less likely to approve of President Obama's job performance than are Americans of comparable ages who are not in the military.
You think it's because of the illegal war the Kenyan Dick Tater Obama is pushing? Or is it his efforts to undermine the 2nd Amendment through the Mexican Gun Running scandal?
So you're a birfer? Figures :rolleyes:
No, he's a American patriot.
So a bunch of fags in torn up Navy shirts march...and they're *representing* enlisted queers?

I don't think so. Rtard fails again.

Artie......thats what happens every time Dean why do you think that is?.....could it be what he says after his opening Post?.....

Then attack that.....not something lame like "the Coast Guard isn't part of the DoD"

That just screams "I must say something!"

it looked like you were talking about Dean.....not what she said about the CG.....
What cracks me up the most is that POS Obama who has never served pulled this disgusting sh*t.

Republicans let Bin Laden go.

It started with Clinton letting him go.

If Clinton took out Bin Laden, especially after the US supported Bin Laden in Afghanistan, Republicans would have brought Clinton up on murder charges. You know that for truth.

Clinton did what ever he could. He told Bush that al Qaeda was determined to attack the US. Bush probably didn't believe it. The Bush family was so close to Arab billionaires, they even kiss on the mouth and hold hands in public. Was Bush friends with Bin Laden when they were young? No one has ever asked that question, but would it be a surprise if they were?
So a bunch of fags in torn up Navy shirts march...and they're *representing* enlisted queers?

I don't think so. Rtard fails again.

Oooh, thanks. For speaking for the right wing and representing Republicans so well. Somewhere, there are rooms full of Republicans applauding your passionate comments.
Thanks again. You're the one who represents. And so well.
Troops march in San Diego gay pride parade - Marine Corps News | News from Afghanistan & Iraq - Marine Corps Times

The crowd roared as the group waving military flags and holding placards identifying their military branch walked past the thousands.

Every branch of service was represented Saturday, including the Coast Guard. Marines and sailors ran out carrying their branch’s flags over their heads.




Rick Perry's supporters for his "Call to Prayer" must be shitting bricks. I was watching them compare gays to Hitler's Brown Shirts and going on and on about how they "recruit" and how they will "take over the country".

The right has tried to demonize the gays for so long that they are perplexed it's not working any more. Hating the gays was a "given" in American Politics when it came to the right wing and especially the Fundigelicals.


Take away the right's hate and what do they have left? The emperor has no clothes.

Ahhhh YES !!!

There's the bald QueerSwabee/Gay Biker !!!!

Of course, not surprising that RDeanie Weanie is in the crowd slobbering with gobble/gobble anticipation, choosing his partners.

Wow......sure enough, there is our short, ugly but proud Navy Lezbo, B.O.......Duh......C'ya in the bandana (first photo, 2nd row), the self-acknowledged "husband" looking to bed another "wife" ?
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Wait a minute. You mean the right doesn't hate the gays? Have you told the State of Texas? Apparently, they didn't get the memo.

You do realize that a state does not have an emotional response to anything, right? It's a land mass, and, generally speaking, land masses do not 'hate'.

Fucking moron.

Ahhh, but the State Republican Party Platform does speak for the Republicans living in that state, right Ms. Swirl?

I can't tell you how disinterested I am in your silly partisan ranting and accusations. Nor am I interested in your stupid links to yet more stupid partisan bullshit. I am no more interested in what the Republican Party has to say than I am in what the Democrat Party has to say. As far as I am concerned, everyone who marches lockstep with either bunch of dishonest hacks deserves a fucking kick up the ass.

All of you - and by that I mean everyone who defends the Republicans or the Democrats while they rob this country blind - is responsible for the shit we are in.

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