Huckabee's theology degree


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Feb 22, 2004
Normally, I wouldnt think it would be a major issue except he has made it one and i think it does go to character and demonstrate that he is willing to pander to every crowd.

On November 8, 2007, Huckabee claimed that he is the only one on stage with a degree in theology so it allowed him to uniquely wage a war on terror (Quite honestly, I dont see how that follows since if he had a degree it would be in Christian theology). Here is the following quote:

People look at my record and say that I’m as strong on immigration, strong on terror as anybody. In fact I think I’m stronger than most people because I truly understand the nature of the war that we are in with Islamo fascism. These are people that want to kill us. It’s a theocratic war. And I don’t know if anybody fully understands that. I’m the only guy on that stage with a theology degree. I think I understand it really well. And know the threat of it is absolutely overwhelming to us. As a president, nobody’s going to be stronger on building border security, not having amnesty, no sanctuary cities, having a process in place that forces a process that is legal. When it comes to national security, I understand that the threat that we face is not about our grandchildren having better homes and better cars, it’s about whether they’re going to have a breath and a pulse."

Now December 14, 2007:

But now Huckabee is denying that he has a theology degree. His staff corrected Jim Geraghty, who understandably thought Huckabee had such a degree. The Huckabee campaign stated: “Governor Huckabee doesn’t have a theology degree. He only spent a year in seminary.”

Joe Carter, the director of research for Mike Huckabee, wrote in:


Governor Huckabee doesn’t have a theology degree. He only spent a year in seminary.

Also, it’s not surprising that he doesn’t know much about the specific beliefs of the LDS church. There aren’t a lot of LDS members in Arkansas; they comprise just .007 percent of the population (about 20,000 out of 2,810,872 people). Most Southern evangelicals don’t have much exposure to that particular religion. Even in seminary you’re not likely to study the LDS faith unless you take a class on apologetics.


So he has a theology degree or doesnt when its convenient to his campaign. If you are confused you aren't the only one. may sayyy that I'm confuuused,
But i'm not the only one.
I hope someday you will join uuusss
on the dahahaaayy of the election..
I love how the attacks start coming when a candidate supposedly gains popularity.

The only candidate left that's not throwing 'bows is Ron Paul. Ron even defends Romney's religious beliefs, and doesn't see why they should be considered when deciding on a candidate.

And why SHOULD they? When there are SO MANY OTHER issues that this country is having trouble dealing with right now, why on god's green earth (pun intended) should we be debating the religious beliefs of a candidate?

I swear, religion is ONCE AGAIN going to fragment the vote, come this election. And it's just a fucking shame.

How many morons voted for Bush in '04 simply because of his supposed christian positions? How much more narrow-minded can you possibly get?

I will add that, I'd like to see Romney and Huckabee keep going at it, because each state that becomes disenchanted with the mud-slinging, will gravitate towards Ron so he can sneak in for the win. Mark my words. Ron will steal a few states that NONE of you thought would be possible.

NH and Iowa will be Ron Paul's.
Yeah, but religion is one of the issues this country is dealing with right now. It plays right into the whole terrorism thing, which is why really, it is important.

If somebody's one faith or another, I find it extremely relevant in their bid.
Yeah, but religion is one of the issues this country is dealing with right now. It plays right into the whole terrorism thing, which is why really, it is important.

If somebody's one faith or another, I find it extremely relevant in their bid.

Yes. As Huck says "It's a theocratic war". Don't think Hillary gets it...
yea.. thats smart. let's just turn thins into a full on holy war.

It's already a holy war, and it's ignorant to ignore it.


There's a connection I never noticed before.
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Romney isnt attacking Huckabee. Even his so called attack add is only a contrast between the candidates.

Huckabee has made his theology degree (if he has one) as a point on why he is qualified to be commander-in-chief and how he is more qualified to fight and win the war on terror. (Quite frankly i think the claim is absurd).

In light of that claim though, its quite appropriate that the media should scrutinize his theology degree, which it seems these articles are doing.

Ultimately I have two questions that remain unanswered:

1)Why does Huckabee think a Bachelors in Biblical studies would qualify him for President of the United States? I dont see how studying the Bible helps him understand Islam or the mentality of muslims as Huckabee claimed.

2)How come is campaign is now saying he doesnt have a degree? Either he does or he doesnt. And I dont see how he had a bachelors before and didnt now when its convenient for him to look ignorant on the doctrines of other religions.

As for Paul, he might not be attacking on religion, but the idea that him and his followers arent attacking is a joke. Honestly, I prefer the honest questioning of another candidates statements and record to the Paulite tactics of just claiming anyone who disagrees with you is an idiot and unconstitutional.
It's already a holy war, and it's ignorant to ignore it.


There's a connection I never noticed before.

If you'd rather throw stones, Allie....

and no, OUR motives have NEVER been about dogma. The day you make it so is the day you lower America to the standard of those who we are supposed to be fending off.

But, once again, I'll challenge you to provide evidence that WE are in it to win a religious victory. As with the OTHER thread I let you back out of today I'll be waiting.
Oh, I don't think our motives are about dogma.

I think the motives of the terrorists ARE about dogma.

So I think a healthy respect, a firm stance, and understanding of the religious issues is definitely a plus.
and thats how OUR side should remain. Making our efforts in the ME a holy arm of american christianity would be a disaster.
That's not going to happen because today's Christians don't believe in "holy war" the way you are describing.
We don't. We do believe in defending ourselves.

Our version of Holy war involves debate, discussion, arguments, and mutual respect.

Do you realize how ridiclous it even sounds to advocate any type of war based on religion?

You're talking about 'versions'. How pathetic, really. You don't believe that every effort that is made, every WORD SPOKEN, should be based on the utmost amount of COMPLETE PEACE?

Or is that too 'hippy' a notion these days?

War for peace will only ultimately lead to infinite continuance of more war. 6 billion people are never going to all the sudden "get it" because we are throwing bombs around SUPPOSEDLY in the name of 'peace'.

I just wish more people would adhere to Ghandi.
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Do you realize how ridiclous it even sounds to advocate any type of war based on religion?

You're talking about 'versions'. How pathetic, really. You don't believe that every effort that is made, every WORD SPOKEN, should be based on the utmost amount of COMPLETE PEACE?

Or is that too 'hippy' a notion these days?

War for peace will only ultimately lead to infinite continuance of more war. 6 billion people are never going to all the sudden "get it" because we are throwing bombs around SUPPOSEDLY in the name of 'peace'.

I just wish more people would adhere to Ghandi.

I always thought free speech and the exchange of ideas was good.

Sorry to think you feel otherwise.
Romney isnt attacking Huckabee. Even his so called attack add is only a contrast between the candidates.

"...Both pro-life, both support a constitutional amendment protecting traditional marriage," an announcer says.

"The difference? Mitt Romney stood up and vetoed in-state tuition for illegal aliens, opposed driver's licenses for illegals. Mike Huckabee? Supported in-state tuition benefits for illegal immigrants. Huckabee even supported taxpayer-funded scholarships for illegal aliens."

Hmmm. If it isn’t technically an attack ad, it is close to being one. Still, Romney could have taken more of a high road by just pushing his own record and position.
I always thought free speech and the exchange of ideas was good.

Sorry to think you feel otherwise.

Did I just somehow cross a threshold that's never been crossed before in the history of debate discussion?

Who's talking about free speech? I'm just pointing out that you are advocating your personal version of war based on religious beliefs. It's not like I'm tracing your IP address, and coming to your house to snatch you up in the black suburban to lock you away for speaking outside of state-approved guidelines for what's legal.

Can you explain to me how it could be possible to wage war for peace, and be successful? We can't get all 6 billion people of earth into one huge stadium and explain to them that it's ok to accept our bombs and death, because eventually everyone will live in peace, minus the outside chance that we all annihilate ourselves with nuclear weapons.

You'll never get peace from war. NEVER. Someone, SOMEWHERE, will always be enraged by the death they are seeing around them. Especially death to their families, friends, and countrymen. Not everyone gets to watch the ever so friendly US media who is explaining things in a manner that should make you understand that war is eventually the means to a good end.

It's frivoulous. Live and let live.

But do please explain why you might disagree.

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