How Walmart destroys communities


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
What happened when Walmart left

Ten years. That’s all the time it took for the store to rise up in a clearing of the lush forest of West Virginia’s coal country and then disappear again, as though it had never been there.

Much has been written about what happens when the corporate giant opens up in an area, with numerousstudiesrecording how it sucks the energy out of a locality, overpowering the competition through sheer scale and forcing the closure of mom-and-pop stores for up to 20 miles around. A more pressing, and much less-well-understood, question is what are the consequences when Walmart screeches into reverse: when it ups and quits, leaving behind a trail of lost jobs and broken promises.

But in the end the expectation that Walmart would usher in a new, better era for McDowell County proved illusory. Her late husband Arthur, a former sharpshooter in the US Army who died in 2010, worked as a greeter at Walmart for a few years. He took the job largely in the hope of securing healthcare insurance for Henrietta, but he was told that coverage wasn’t part of the package, and the couple had to make do with Medicaid. (Which Republicans want to cut)

Linda McKinney says that the fresh food they received from Walmart, or “waste” as the corporation classed it, is sorely missed.



Such a sad story for a huge community. These people vote Republican and the GOP will take away their food stamps and Medicare and call them lazy and worthless.
It was the was you who wanted cheap crap from big box stores instead of made in America quality.

Stop this b.s. ..

You know the hell of it?

You get exactly what you deserve, whether you want it or not.

The lies abound in this piece of propaganda. Do you wash your hands after posting something like this?
You know the hell of it?

You get exactly what you deserve, whether you want it or not.

The lies abound in this piece of propaganda. Do you wash your hands after posting something like this?
To summarize, it is leftist propaganda and it dupes stupid people every time.
The Globalist pigs that have run our government for decades (Dems and Repubs) sold out America with the "free trade" mantra. They made trade deals favorable to slave labor countries like China, which flooded the US market with cheap products that US companies simply cannot compete against because of the production cost difference.

I've always advocated for protectionist laws and tariffs to prevent that.
What the fuck are you people pissing and moaning about, it's a life cycle of a community, everyone of them go through it and have for longer than a Wal-Mart store was ever thought of.
What happened when Walmart left

Ten years. That’s all the time it took for the store to rise up in a clearing of the lush forest of West Virginia’s coal country and then disappear again, as though it had never been there.

Much has been written about what happens when the corporate giant opens up in an area, with numerousstudiesrecording how it sucks the energy out of a locality, overpowering the competition through sheer scale and forcing the closure of mom-and-pop stores for up to 20 miles around. A more pressing, and much less-well-understood, question is what are the consequences when Walmart screeches into reverse: when it ups and quits, leaving behind a trail of lost jobs and broken promises.

But in the end the expectation that Walmart would usher in a new, better era for McDowell County proved illusory. Her late husband Arthur, a former sharpshooter in the US Army who died in 2010, worked as a greeter at Walmart for a few years. He took the job largely in the hope of securing healthcare insurance for Henrietta, but he was told that coverage wasn’t part of the package, and the couple had to make do with Medicaid. (Which Republicans want to cut)

Linda McKinney says that the fresh food they received from Walmart, or “waste” as the corporation classed it, is sorely missed.



Such a sad story for a huge community. These people vote Republican and the GOP will take away their food stamps and Medicare and call them lazy and worthless.
What the fuck are you people pissing and moaning about, it's a life cycle of a community, everyone of them go through it and have for longer than a Wal-Mart store was ever thought of.
Wal-Mart wouldn't go Union........
Wal-Mart is evil like Russia or Trump or Bush or Sarah Palin.
They're the demon of the month.
What the fuck are you people pissing and moaning about, it's a life cycle of a community, everyone of them go through it and have for longer than a Wal-Mart store was ever thought of.
Wal-Mart wouldn't go Union........
Wal-Mart is evil like Russia or Trump or Bush or Sarah Palin.
They're the demon of the month.
They had to go union when entering the market in China..The problem is Wal-Mart likes to lie to it's employees to get what they want, they have no empathy for the workers and treat them poorly..
What the fuck are you people pissing and moaning about, it's a life cycle of a community, everyone of them go through it and have for longer than a Wal-Mart store was ever thought of.
Wal-Mart wouldn't go Union........
Wal-Mart is evil like Russia or Trump or Bush or Sarah Palin.
They're the demon of the month.
They had to go union when entering the market in China..The problem is Wal-Mart likes to lie to it's employees to get what they want, they have no empathy for the workers and treat them poorly..
They give them jobs and expect production out of their dare they
What the fuck are you people pissing and moaning about, it's a life cycle of a community, everyone of them go through it and have for longer than a Wal-Mart store was ever thought of.
Wal-Mart wouldn't go Union........
Wal-Mart is evil like Russia or Trump or Bush or Sarah Palin.
They're the demon of the month.
They had to go union when entering the market in China..The problem is Wal-Mart likes to lie to it's employees to get what they want, they have no empathy for the workers and treat them poorly..
They give them jobs and expect production out of their dare they
It shows how utterly stupid liberals are they criticize Walmart but not Amazon. Amazon pays less employees far fewer people and invisibly "destroys" communities all over America from its military base headquartered in Seattle Washington.
It was the was you who wanted cheap crap from big box stores instead of made in America quality.

Stop this b.s. ..

More importantly we have to stop Amazon because Amazon is going to bankrupt our beloved Walmart and then there will be a real jobs crisis across America. Further , we should pass a law against any corporation that finds ways to save on labor.
What happened when Walmart left

Ten years. That’s all the time it took for the store to rise up in a clearing of the lush forest of West Virginia’s coal country and then disappear again, as though it had never been there.

Much has been written about what happens when the corporate giant opens up in an area, with numerousstudiesrecording how it sucks the energy out of a locality, overpowering the competition through sheer scale and forcing the closure of mom-and-pop stores for up to 20 miles around. A more pressing, and much less-well-understood, question is what are the consequences when Walmart screeches into reverse: when it ups and quits, leaving behind a trail of lost jobs and broken promises.

But in the end the expectation that Walmart would usher in a new, better era for McDowell County proved illusory. Her late husband Arthur, a former sharpshooter in the US Army who died in 2010, worked as a greeter at Walmart for a few years. He took the job largely in the hope of securing healthcare insurance for Henrietta, but he was told that coverage wasn’t part of the package, and the couple had to make do with Medicaid. (Which Republicans want to cut)

Linda McKinney says that the fresh food they received from Walmart, or “waste” as the corporation classed it, is sorely missed.



Such a sad story for a huge community. These people vote Republican and the GOP will take away their food stamps and Medicare and call them lazy and worthless.

I buy small and local 98% of the time for the very reason it keeps people in business and provides an economy for the mom and pop stores. Even if it costs a little more. Walmart is like the death star, it destroys everything in its path. I also prefer single family restaurants and fast food places that are single businesses in a sea of corporate McDonalds and Burger Kings. People seem not to understand that you keep your small town alive by giving your money to local small business, not some giant coporation like Walmart that funnels money into the pockets or one family of billionaires.
What happened when Walmart left

Ten years. That’s all the time it took for the store to rise up in a clearing of the lush forest of West Virginia’s coal country and then disappear again, as though it had never been there.

Much has been written about what happens when the corporate giant opens up in an area, with numerousstudiesrecording how it sucks the energy out of a locality, overpowering the competition through sheer scale and forcing the closure of mom-and-pop stores for up to 20 miles around. A more pressing, and much less-well-understood, question is what are the consequences when Walmart screeches into reverse: when it ups and quits, leaving behind a trail of lost jobs and broken promises.

But in the end the expectation that Walmart would usher in a new, better era for McDowell County proved illusory. Her late husband Arthur, a former sharpshooter in the US Army who died in 2010, worked as a greeter at Walmart for a few years. He took the job largely in the hope of securing healthcare insurance for Henrietta, but he was told that coverage wasn’t part of the package, and the couple had to make do with Medicaid. (Which Republicans want to cut)

Linda McKinney says that the fresh food they received from Walmart, or “waste” as the corporation classed it, is sorely missed.



Such a sad story for a huge community. These people vote Republican and the GOP will take away their food stamps and Medicare and call them lazy and worthless.

I buy small and local 98% of the time for the very reason it keeps people in business and provides an economy for the mom and pop stores. Even if it costs a little more. Walmart is like the death star, it destroys everything in its path. I also prefer single family restaurants and fast food places that are single businesses in a sea of corporate McDonalds and Burger Kings. People seem not to understand that you keep your small town alive by giving your money to local small business, not some giant coporation like Walmart that funnels money into the pockets or one family of billionaires.

I am happy for you but here is a little secret those McDonald's and burger Kings are mostly small business franchise...

Walmart is like the death star, it destroys everything in its path.

Issac brainless liberal Newton strikes again. If you want to make Walmart illegal then you must really want to make Amazon illegal too since it is putting Walmart out of business while hiring no one locally to build, clerk, plow, etc etc?
Why not just make all economic progress illegal?
What happened when Walmart left

Ten years. That’s all the time it took for the store to rise up in a clearing of the lush forest of West Virginia’s coal country and then disappear again, as though it had never been there.

Much has been written about what happens when the corporate giant opens up in an area, with numerousstudiesrecording how it sucks the energy out of a locality, overpowering the competition through sheer scale and forcing the closure of mom-and-pop stores for up to 20 miles around. A more pressing, and much less-well-understood, question is what are the consequences when Walmart screeches into reverse: when it ups and quits, leaving behind a trail of lost jobs and broken promises.

But in the end the expectation that Walmart would usher in a new, better era for McDowell County proved illusory. Her late husband Arthur, a former sharpshooter in the US Army who died in 2010, worked as a greeter at Walmart for a few years. He took the job largely in the hope of securing healthcare insurance for Henrietta, but he was told that coverage wasn’t part of the package, and the couple had to make do with Medicaid. (Which Republicans want to cut)

Linda McKinney says that the fresh food they received from Walmart, or “waste” as the corporation classed it, is sorely missed.



Such a sad story for a huge community. These people vote Republican and the GOP will take away their food stamps and Medicare and call them lazy and worthless.

Much has been written about what happens when the corporate giant opens up in an area, with
numerousstudiesrecording how it sucks the energy out of a locality,

Saving people money. Awful, just awful.
I love Walmart. Crying about the closing of Mom and Pop stores is like crying about the passing of the horse and buggy.

Yep, it would suk for a lone, local Walmart to close. It means a longer drive for the groceries.

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