How Trump Can Improve His Approval Ratings


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
No negative responses, of course.

‘The joint fundraising committee of President Trump's reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee released a three-question "Inaugural Year Approval Poll" that offers readers no option to give a negative assessment of the president's first year in office. The only options for "how would you rate President Trump's first year in office" are "great," "good," "okay" and "other."

Visitors are also asked the same question of former President Barack Obama's first year in office, but that question provides "poor" as an additional response option.’

Trump approval poll offers no negative options, asks about media coverage of Trump's approval rating - CBS News

This is clearly among the most arrogant, inane, and dishonest ‘administrations.’
By taking your advice and then doing the opposite.

Always great advice...
I believe its called a "push-poll" where questioners are biased enough to "push" for a desired response.
All he has to do to improve his approval ratings, is keep the nation out of war and eliminate the Deep State.

However should he actually do these things, which I tend to think he won't, he risks getting his head blown off in broad light as has happened before.
All he has to do to improve his approval ratings, is keep the nation out of war and eliminate the Deep State.

Actually, the complete OPPOSITE.......Trump were much NEEDS a war to deny most opposition.... it worked wonders for GWB (Cheney, really) regarding Iraq.
No negative responses, of course.

‘The joint fundraising committee of President Trump's reelection campaign and the Republican National Committee released a three-question "Inaugural Year Approval Poll" that offers readers no option to give a negative assessment of the president's first year in office. The only options for "how would you rate President Trump's first year in office" are "great," "good," "okay" and "other."

Visitors are also asked the same question of former President Barack Obama's first year in office, but that question provides "poor" as an additional response option.’

Trump approval poll offers no negative options, asks about media coverage of Trump's approval rating - CBS News

This is clearly among the most arrogant, inane, and dishonest ‘administrations.’
I think his approval would go to 100 percent if he somehow eliminated all regressive liberals.
All he has to do to improve his approval ratings, is keep the nation out of war and eliminate the Deep State.

Actually, the complete OPPOSITE.......Trump were much NEEDS a war to deny most opposition.... it worked wonders for GWB (Cheney, really) regarding Iraq.
No...only dupes and statists want war.

I like to think a majority of Americans are tired of war. Bush and Cheney are STILL considered two of the worst people known to Americans...(Obama should be third on the list).

However...the ruling class and Deep State control the DNCMSM, so they will do their best to promote a new war to the American people. They will fool millions once again.
Maybe he could try doing a few things that most Americans support
For example?

He could try...

Not supporting an extremely unpopular replacement for Obamacare, not supporting an unpopular tax bill, not attacking every group in America that isn't in lockstep with his white nationalist agenda, tweeting nonsense, endorsing loons like Roy Moore...for starters...
No...only dupes and statists want war.

I like to think a majority of Americans are tired of war. Bush and Cheney are STILL considered two of the worst people known to Americans...(Obama should be third on the list).

However...the ruling class and Deep State control the DNCMSM, so they will do their best to promote a new war to the American people. They will fool millions once again.
It seems like only we libertarians get this.
Not supporting an extremely unpopular replacement for Obamacare,
But, most useful people hate Obamacare.

not supporting an unpopular tax bill
Unpopular to whom?
not attacking every group in America that isn't in lockstep with his white nationalist agenda,
like who?

tweeting nonsense
I will grant you that one...covfefe!
endorsing loons like Roy Moore
What is funny about that is the GOP establishment threw a hissy fit over that one. That is one of the reasons I like having Trump. He pisses off the Bush family.
NOTHING he does will ever be supported by the Hillary voters, so I really don't care about "approval ratings."

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