How to get rid of dog pee smell in carpet?

Wow, some of you people responding to KG's post are assholes. If you don't have any useful advice just skip the thread. <get rid of the dog . . . what a jackass response; dog's just marking his territory . . did you even bother reading the OP??? >

KG, I've ussed Simple Solutions on everything and it works great. It gets the stain out AND the odor because it's enzyme activated. If the pee has soaked the carpet down to the padding you have to get the product down to the padding. You can pull back the carpet and clean the padding first and also get the underside of the carpeting. Once the smell is gone (when it's dry if you smell pee, apply more product; if you don't smell pee the urine is gone) you can put the carpet back and treat the top. Also, if you use a blacklight you can see exactly where the pee hit, rather than just relying on your nose.

If it's a huge amount of carpeting that's been ruined you may want to consider just replacing it. This stuff is great on vomit stains, urine, feces. It's in the pet aisle usually near the cat food. They also have Simple Solutions Extreme Stain and Odor remover at Amazon. That might be better for your situation. Here's a link . . check out the reviews too. [ame=] Simple Solution Extreme Stain and Odor Remover, 32-Ounce Spray Bottle: Pet Supplies[/ame] Good luck!
You can clean the carpet fine, but unfortunately, the urine is deep in the padding. Next step the wood below it. A little tinkle is OK but if the dog has drained himself ALOT, I hate to tell you - the carpet and matting's gotta go if you want to get rid of the odors/damage for good.
If it has happened repeatedly and has dried it will be impossible to get the stain/smell out completely. I have tried all the pet store stuff. I finally decided to go with "orange" hand cleaner like sold in the auto stores. I apply the goop over the stained area and then go over it with a carpet cleaner like a Bissell or Rug Doctor. The first thing you should get when you have a pet is a carpet cleaner. You are kidding yourself if you dont have one. The carpet cleaner alone is sufficient if you catch an accident with 12-24 hours. The carpet cleaner is 90% of the cleaning and the "orange" cleaner is maybe 10%.

I do have a good carpet cleaner, and it hasn't been going on for very long, but he's a big dog, and he peed a few times before I was able to get the carpet cleaner. I did what I could..I don't have any stains, at least not on the carpet top, I'm sure underneath is a different story. But I think I'll see what it smells like today, now that it's all dry. And then I think I'll rinse the crap out of it. I used a good pet cleaner when I shampooed, and a lot of it (maybe too much) so I think probably at this point, rinsing and rinsing will be my best bet.
I'm not getting rid of the dog.
But here's the thing...the animals are my hobby. I don't want to give them up. I like to take them for walks, I like to feed them, I like to groom them, I marvel at their personalities and enjoy interacting with them, I get a kick out of their weird little quirks. My dog doesn't piss on the floor. He was sick, he got a med that caused the problem, and now the issue is no longer ongoing, but of course there are the after affects.

And I'm sure some day in the future, someone will shit on the floor, or tear up a chair, or barf on a beloved bedspread, or dig a big hole. Horrors.
So you have a "hobby" that drives the value of your house down? Oh now it makes perfect sense!

Have you priced fencing and laminate flooring lately, dickwad? I know someone who paid $500,000 for a house with a pool, kennel, hardwood floors, a fenced courtyard...all designed to accomodate springer spaniels (and yes they used the olympic sized, in-ground, heated pool). I added $10,000 value to my mother's property by putting in a chain link fence to accomodate our animals.

Do you think horse and dog-friendly properties are worth less than stick houses in the suburbs? Do you think a house with a hideous (yet clean) carpet adds more value to a house than the pet friendly alternative? Have you priced furniture lately that's designed to resist damage caused by pets lately?

I can tell a lot about a person by their antagonistic attitude towards people who have hobbies they don't approve of. I can tell that you have issues with power, that you are a demeaning prick to your wife, and you think that other people are reaaaaallllly impressed by you.

You're wrong. People like you are just assholes, and pretty much everyone who meets you has you pegged as such within 5 minutes of meeting you.
I can also tell that you're intimidated and threatened by people who pay attention to animals and who like them more than they like you. Which means you probably have a tiny dick as well. I don't know why that's true, but it is.
If it has happened repeatedly and has dried it will be impossible to get the stain/smell out completely. I have tried all the pet store stuff. I finally decided to go with "orange" hand cleaner like sold in the auto stores. I apply the goop over the stained area and then go over it with a carpet cleaner like a Bissell or Rug Doctor. The first thing you should get when you have a pet is a carpet cleaner. You are kidding yourself if you dont have one. The carpet cleaner alone is sufficient if you catch an accident with 12-24 hours. The carpet cleaner is 90% of the cleaning and the "orange" cleaner is maybe 10%.

I do have a good carpet cleaner, and it hasn't been going on for very long, but he's a big dog, and he peed a few times before I was able to get the carpet cleaner. I did what I could..I don't have any stains, at least not on the carpet top, I'm sure underneath is a different story. But I think I'll see what it smells like today, now that it's all dry. And then I think I'll rinse the crap out of it. I used a good pet cleaner when I shampooed, and a lot of it (maybe too much) so I think probably at this point, rinsing and rinsing will be my best bet.

If the smell is still there after you rinse , really- try the oxiclean. It really does work, by breaking up and neutralizing the ammonia from the urine. It works in the pad,underneath the pad and the carpet.
It's very simple to do and really does work great.
why is he peeing in the house? i never understand the small dog owners .....i mean a pee pad?

teaching them to pee in the house.....

most dogs....attach to what they peed on as pups.....which is a problem with want to keep pups off the yard ....but then you got the pee problem....

i am lucky....all my dogs are housebroken unless they get sick and then its not pee...but i digress

black light will help you find the stains...a lot of time you can clean the carpet but the pad is shot....
you can replace the pad just need someone with strong legs and good knees
When we toured our first home that we bought, there was a pot of coffee going.
Toured it a second time. Pot of coffee, scented candle.
I asked the realtor if the owners had pets. "Oh no. No pets".
Realtor lied. Anyhow- had to take up the carpet and treat the floor.
I should have sent to bill to the realtor.
We've had cats and dogs for 16 years now. Been pretty lucky in the pee/poop dep't.
Wife's a good animal trainer. She even talks to them. :)
why is he peeing in the house? i never understand the small dog owners .....i mean a pee pad?

teaching them to pee in the house.....

most dogs....attach to what they peed on as pups.....which is a problem with want to keep pups off the yard ....but then you got the pee problem....

i am lucky....all my dogs are housebroken unless they get sick and then its not pee...but i digress

black light will help you find the stains...a lot of time you can clean the carpet but the pad is shot....
you can replace the pad just need someone with strong legs and good knees

He only peed because he was put on big guns steroids and one of the side effects is excessive thirst, excessive urination, and certain behaviors (like marking). The vet didn't tell me or I would have turned on the heat in the garage and he could have stayed in there until he was done with the meds. He hasn't peed now for a couple of days, since his steroids were reduced....but it doesn't take much pee for a big dog like that to have quite an impact.

And I know where the pee is at. A quart at a time, you figure it out, lol.

I walk him in the mornings, and he has an area in the back that he uses when I'm home...but the day the meds kicked in, I tell you, we didn't know if we were coming or going, I'd bring him in and he'd make it to the hall and have to pee..not marking, he was just squatting and peeing (he has JUST started lifting his leg, and doesn't do it all the time). I put him out at least once every 30 min-an hour, sometimes more often than that, if I know he's been drinking or if it's nice out. The steroid reaction came on so quickly we were literally deluged, it was a matter of put the dog out, clean up pee, let the dog in, clean up pee, and finally figured out what was causing it..and by then, he was over it.

Little dogs have smaller bladders, can't go as long without peeing, especially puppies when they're young. I've trained them to go on start out with chucks all over the floor, so they associate peeing with the chucks (or paper) and then you start reducing the area that's covered, until you just have one section by the's great because then they learn to go to the door if they have to go to the bathroom, and if you have to be gone a while, you know they'll go on the paper and you don't have to stress about them trying to hold it all day.

My big boy was sick, though, and that's what precipitated this. I finally was able to catch him and scolded him severely...and he hasn't done it since. Yesterday, he didn't pee in the house but when I let him out at lunch, he probably peed for 3 minutes straight.
I rent, and I paid a HEFTY animal deposit, my rental company is great...the first thing we did when we moved in was knock the closet doors in two of the bedrooms off the runners, I felt so bad but they were really good about it. They had to come and fix the outlet for my dryer, they took care of it. And I called about the dog thing, they are fine, gave me some suggestions. Believe me, the $$$$ I paid to move into this place will MORE than cover new carpet, if it comes to that.

I watched a video on how the professionals clean it, though, and it seems they just use lots and lots of water, and maybe a little vinegar (or oxy). They put the vacuum on the floor, and they just keep pouring the water around the nozzle and sucking it up, then move to another area. I think that is probably the best...I think I will try it tonight using the upholstery attachment, and mark out a spot, and see if it works. If it doesn't, then we'll call the professionals and let them fight with it.
Well the hallway does smell better but the front room, which is still probably a little damp...not so much. soooooo.....I think I'll spot clean with the upholstery attachment and about a gallon of water and vinegar, and see how that works, and get some of the simple solution stuff to spray on when I'm sure I've gotten all that cleaner up.

And I'm never going to fail to rinse my carpet again. You'd think they'd tell you that in the directions.
KG, if you don't get all of the urine removed your dog will smell it (even if you don't) and might mark the spot again. Vinegar and water may do the trick but if not try a product that is specifically made to remove urine. Seriously go buy a black light . .. you'd be surprised at what you miss. :)
I swear, I'm just going to shell out the $$ and let the professionals do it. I can't face another two days of shampooing, sniffing, rinsing, and stressing over it.

Did I tell you guys I made him a belly band? Somebody told me they were really effective for male's just a band of fabric (with fiberfill batting, in the case of mine) that goes around their belly and their weiner. I had fabric on hand that has paw prints (cute, huh?) and the perfect amount of fiberfill from a comforter I just made, so I just folded it up, sewed it together, and it's great! Except now he doesn't need it! I'm going to finish it anyway, it needs velcro strips, JUST IN CASE.

I have no idea how tolerant he'd be if he had to wear it all day...I have no idea how that thing would stay on him, he can reach back and chew the skin off his hips, I don't see why he couldn't just rip those little velcro strips right off, but anyway, I don't need it now anyway. But we're going to TRAIN anyway. You never know....
It's much better....I dumped baking soda and vacuumed it up and that did help. I can still smell it, and it's not rose scented, but once it dries completely and we get some time between us and the event, we'll be...better. I'll call the carpet cleaners today and see what they say.

Poor dogs think we live in a sauna cuz I've kept the heat up to facilitate drying (we live in a verrrrry humid part of the country).
I have had dogs for decades and my house doesnt smell.

Those who dont like dogs cant be trusted as emotionally functioning human beings in my book.

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