How the Times Square terrorists was treated by the terrorists rights focused Obama Ad

If you honestly think that the reason most people object to what happened to Saddam has ANYTHING to do with your bolded/capitalised rant, then you have just proven my point how you lack - severely - in the intellect department.

But carry on...I love watching ijits making fools of themselves....a bit like the guy who sellotaped bread crumbs to the window to watch birds batter themselves silly...

I can hear the woodchippers.. roar. you would have left him to do it too.

so we should remove every dictator throughout the world or what is your criteria for pre-emptive invasion?

no,, we should let them all thrive.. and do their thing..
so we should remove every dictator throughout the world or what is your criteria for pre-emptive invasion?

no,, we should let them all thrive.. and do their thing..

i wonder how you'd have felt if another country decided to 'rescue' us from bush's presidency by deposing him 'for our own good'?

Oh,, I see. bash boooooooooosh again.. lol.. have you lost your race card? I see another thing too. only libruls get to decide which wars have "a point".. :lol: oh and to answer you ludicrous question,, I would welcome it if boooooooooooooosh were putting us through wood chippers and starving us to death but selling our oil for food money to France.. yep you betcha..
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Saddam killed 300,000 Iraqis, started two major wars, had the 4th largest army in the world and huge oil reserves, meaning unlimited resources. He defied the UN, and was removed and replaced by a democracy. He had nothing to do with 9/11, but Iraq needed a regime change.

Tell me removing a vicious brutal dictator like Saddam was just a racist act?! How fucking stupid does that sound? Tell me you prefer Saddam back in power in Iraq.

we should have minded our business, we are not the UNs goon force. it would have saved thousands of american lives, billions of dollars and not stretched our troops thin. we can't even respond to iran now because of iraq, and all iraq has done is give iran another country to run behind the scenes

:eek::eek::eek: you want to attack Iran?? :eek::eek:

where did you get thsi from?
saddam the vicious dictator who we funded and supplied chemical weapons to so he would be our guy in the middle east?

everything you're talking about existed prior to gulf I. there was no point to gulf II.... other than as bush thumping his chest and pretending he was doing something after 9/11.

As I understand it, we basically kept the Iraq-Iran war a stalemate, to keep it contained. We didn't want either side to win. Saddam was not "our guy", anymore than OBL who we helped in AFG was "our guy". I still prefer Iraq w/o Saddam. I applaud Bush for getting it done, and hope it works out long term.

our self-interest in seeing iran contained never changed. i think bush endangered us and the entire middle east by leaving iran unchecked.

i think bush was the most dangerous, most ignorant president i have ever seen.

You're welcome to your opinion about Bush. I have a lot of problems with him too, mostly about not "driving the bus". He let the "free market" run wild and it hurt his legacy by leaving under the cloud of the "Great Recession".

IMHO Obama ($17-trillion debt) and Clinton (don't want OBL) were more "dangerous" because Obama spent too much and Clinton didn't oppose terrorism as vigorously as he should have. Obama continues most of the programs Bush used, so I'm not sure what your whine is about?
no,, we should let them all thrive.. and do their thing..

i wonder how you'd have felt if another country decided to 'rescue' us from bush's presidency by deposing him 'for our own good'?

Oh,, I see. bash boooooooooosh again.. lol.. have you lost your race card? I see another thing too. only libruls get to decide which wars have "a point".. :lol:

s'matter, willow? you have nothing to say so start frothing at the mouth?

poor dear...
so we should remove every dictator throughout the world or what is your criteria for pre-emptive invasion?

no,, we should let them all thrive.. and do their thing..

i wonder how you'd have felt if another country decided to 'rescue' us from bush's presidency by deposing him 'for our own good'?

what if another country wanted to help us during the american revolution and then write the constitution for us and ensure that our government was full of foreign puppets?
when there's no point to the war in question?

we should have let Kuwait handle their own shit too.

maybe... but you like oil... and hate altrnative energies.

we should have weaned ourselves off of fossil fuels in the 70's... when we knew these idiots were a problem.

which still doesn't excuse us invading iraq for no reason.

you don't have any fucking alternative energy so how could I possibly hate it JIll?
no,, we should let them all thrive.. and do their thing..

i wonder how you'd have felt if another country decided to 'rescue' us from bush's presidency by deposing him 'for our own good'?

what if another country wanted to help us during the american revolution and then write the constitution for us and ensure that our government was full of foreign puppets?

what if cow shit was butter?
i wonder how you'd have felt if another country decided to 'rescue' us from bush's presidency by deposing him 'for our own good'?

Oh,, I see. bash boooooooooosh again.. lol.. have you lost your race card? I see another thing too. only libruls get to decide which wars have "a point".. :lol:

s'matter, willow? you have nothing to say so start frothing at the mouth?

poor dear...

I said plenty dear.. plenty.. I report,, you decide. you will sit and do nothing in your noble librul land..
when there's no point to the war in question?

we should have let Kuwait handle their own shit too.

maybe... but you like oil... and hate altrnative energies.

we should have weaned ourselves off of fossil fuels in the 70's... when we knew these idiots were a problem.

which still doesn't excuse us invading iraq for no reason.

i always found the oil thing funny, "conservatives" push for the war on drugs since they claim $5 bags of weed support al qaeda, while at the same time bragging about driving SUVs and going for joy rides.
As I understand it, we basically kept the Iraq-Iran war a stalemate, to keep it contained. We didn't want either side to win. Saddam was not "our guy", anymore than OBL who we helped in AFG was "our guy". I still prefer Iraq w/o Saddam. I applaud Bush for getting it done, and hope it works out long term.

our self-interest in seeing iran contained never changed. i think bush endangered us and the entire middle east by leaving iran unchecked.

i think bush was the most dangerous, most ignorant president i have ever seen.

You're welcome to your opinion about Bush. I have a lot of problems with him too, mostly about not "driving the bus". He let the "free market" run wild and it hurt his legacy by leaving under the cloud of the "Great Recession".

IMHO Obama ($17-trillion debt) and Clinton (don't want OBL) were more "dangerous" because Obama spent too much and Clinton didn't oppose terrorism as vigorously as he should have. Obama continues most of the programs Bush used, so I'm not sure what your whine is about?

1. government has to spend money when the economy fails. bush was left with a surplus that he pissed away by being the only leader in recorded history to cut taxes during wartime.
2. the whole clinton didn't want obl meme is a lie and has no relationship to reality. in fact, clinton was obsessed with obl but baby bush wouldn't let himself be briefed on obl when he got into office. he was only interested in iraq b/c he had surrounded himself with the cheney, rumsfeld contingent of neo-cons.
3. baby bush would have done well to listen to his father... instead of 'the father'.
our self-interest in seeing iran contained never changed. i think bush endangered us and the entire middle east by leaving iran unchecked.

i think bush was the most dangerous, most ignorant president i have ever seen.

You're welcome to your opinion about Bush. I have a lot of problems with him too, mostly about not "driving the bus". He let the "free market" run wild and it hurt his legacy by leaving under the cloud of the "Great Recession".

IMHO Obama ($17-trillion debt) and Clinton (don't want OBL) were more "dangerous" because Obama spent too much and Clinton didn't oppose terrorism as vigorously as he should have. Obama continues most of the programs Bush used, so I'm not sure what your whine is about?

1. government has to spend money when the economy fails. bush was left with a surplus that he pissed away by being the only leader in recorded history to cut taxes during wartime.
2. the whole clinton didn't want obl meme is a lie and has no relationship to reality. in fact, clinton was obsessed with obl but baby bush wouldn't let himself be briefed on obl when he got into office. he was only interested in iraq b/c he had surrounded himself with the cheney, rumsfeld contingent of neo-cons.bullshit, clinton had at least two chances to have bin laden and pussied out both times.
3. baby bush would have done well to listen to his father... instead of 'the father'.

go have another drink willow...

I'm going to bed.. contemplate this.. Clinton thought it was a criminal matter too in 1993,, and he ran in somalia on murtha's advice,, it's what got New York attacked in 2001.. Paper tiger.. that's what obl said of the USA.. A big fat pussy paper tiger.. google it and feel all noble inside.

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