Barack Obama - The Man Who Never Existed

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023

Who is Barry-O, really? I think it is relevant to revisit this since it may very well be the case that the Ayatollah Hussein Obama is still active behind the scenes in DC. More on this in a minute.

These narratives about the man we call Obama, including his stupid autobiographical books, reveal a lot of nonsense. The purveyors - leftist radicals and narcissistic Barry - crafted the identity of a person who does not exist, then assigned it to shit head. Books about this topic alone could be written. It is all fake. The Obama put forth, as we know him, is fake. That person does not exist. So, then, who is this clown?

We know he is fucked up. As the linked article notes, he is a very weird person. Clearly he is a Marxist (he mentored with on when he was young in Hawaii; was chummy with Bill Aires; he patterned his approach after noted Marxist scumbag, Saul Alinksy). Also noted in the linked article is Barry's mental wanderings through fantasies of having homosexual sex. His negro enlightenment bullshit is merely a smokescreen to hide his pathological narcissism. In short, Barry is a joke.

But what of his current role in the dark back alleys of the deep state in DC? Here is MY impression of Barry:

Barry is, I guess, intelligent. He was pushed through the Ivy League with purpose - a Manchurian cuck. But, ok, he is, oh so intelligent. Whatever. However, this narrative does not define him. What defines him is his narcissism. Obama thinks very highly of himself. He focuses on absurdly inconsequential bullshit. Sure, he probably still has his finger in DC, and will so have for as long as his loyalists are there.

Barry-O does not strike me as an intellectual, as per the narrative. He lacks the ethic of an intellectual. Emotionally, Obama is shallow, very shallow. I mean, I, Lord Long Rod, am a narcissist ( I am pretty sure), but I am not emotionally shallow. I often examine my emotions and why I feel and respond in certain ways. Obama does not. Thus, such shallowness is not compelled by narcissism. There is something else at work here.

We know that Obama is serious damaged emotionally. To use the medical nomenclature, Obama is one fucked up motherfucker. I link this back to his childhood. He daddy did not want him. His mother was a whore who did not want him. Those Hawaiian grandparents took him in, but they probably did not want his sorry ass either. Why would they want to raise this little shit in their advanced years? Barry buried himself in drugs and gay sex fantasies. Then he met a communist. This made him see the world differently. This made him see himself as a victim. Then he got angry.

Obama was wired into the world of honkeys in Hawaii. Then he weaponized his black skin. He become a bro, even though he was only sort of black. He stopped dating well-adjusted white women when he was pushed in the direction of militant black feminazi, the dreaded sasquatch beast, Michelle Obama, who may, or may not, be female. This really fucked him up.

How deep does Barry have his dick in the swamp. Here is my take on this. While Barry's shallow and narcissistic personality will lead him to meddle in DC politics when he can, I think his actual involvement is rather limited. Barry is the kind of shallow schmuck who, I think, prefers to focus on himself. He likes to go to dinner parties and have drinks with others, especially people who readily mirror back his chosen and preferred image. Barry uses his people for his own ends. He is one of those people (we have all come across them in life) who talk to you but never converse, if you know what I mean. They must control the conversation. They really don't give much of a shit about you or what you have to say.

As partial basis for my belief on shit head, I point to the almost constant frustration exhibited by the grotesque thing, Michelle. The two are rarely seen together. She is an up-your-ass militant bitch. She fosters residual resentment of having to cuck herself to Barry. Could she be president? Nope. She is not smart enough to hide her seething hatred of America. She is also just not a smart person. She would be exposed in a second, causing wide swaths of the electorate to turn against her. It would be a complete and total disaster. This would hurt her brand and diminish her earning potential based upon her manufactured identity. Plus, I am pretty sure that Barry has flat out told her, "Look bitch, you would fuck up a campaign in a second. Then where would you be? Some poor bitch that can't sell anything. Shit, bitch, I made you! Don't be stupid. Don't fuck it up! Bitch." You may think he would not say such a thing to Michelle. But I would put money on it.

The only thing keeping Barry and Mo-Mo together is the marital privilege and their need to maintain the mirage for financial reasons. These 2 creeps are wealth as fuck now. But they never DID anything to earn or merit such wealth. They wrote books (ghost written, of course) and had speaking engagements. You are not supposed to get rich in public service. Neither one of them has jobs pre-DC to warrant the level of wealth they both enjoy today. This represents ipso facto corruption. They are profiting off Barry's influence. This brings up another interesting point.

Barry is not the leftist-prog kingpin he wants us to believe. He is not smart enough, giving enough, nor charming enough. He really is an angry, nasty, and despicable human being. It is my believe that Obama is a tool; a vessel through which the real movers and shakers of the anti-American crowd manipulate to their own ends. Barry is rewarded for his actions. Barry is happy. Barry's internal narcissistic beast is fed. It really is as simple as that.

Who is Barry-O, really? I think it is relevant to revisit this since it may very well be the case that the Ayatollah Hussein Obama is still active behind the scenes in DC. More on this in a minute.

These narratives about the man we call Obama, including his stupid autobiographical books, reveal a lot of nonsense. The purveyors - leftist radicals and narcissistic Barry - crafted the identity of a person who does not exist, then assigned it to shit head. Books about this topic alone could be written. It is all fake. The Obama put forth, as we know him, is fake. That person does not exist. So, then, who is this clown?

We know he is fucked up. As the linked article notes, he is a very weird person. Clearly he is a Marxist (he mentored with on when he was young in Hawaii; was chummy with Bill Aires; he patterned his approach after noted Marxist scumbag, Saul Alinksy). Also noted in the linked article is Barry's mental wanderings through fantasies of having homosexual sex. His negro enlightenment bullshit is merely a smokescreen to hide his pathological narcissism. In short, Barry is a joke.

But what of his current role in the dark back alleys of the deep state in DC? Here is MY impression of Barry:

Barry is, I guess, intelligent. He was pushed through the Ivy League with purpose - a Manchurian cuck. But, ok, he is, oh so intelligent. Whatever. However, this narrative does not define him. What defines him is his narcissism. Obama thinks very highly of himself. He focuses on absurdly inconsequential bullshit. Sure, he probably still has his finger in DC, and will so have for as long as his loyalists are there.

Barry-O does not strike me as an intellectual, as per the narrative. He lacks the ethic of an intellectual. Emotionally, Obama is shallow, very shallow. I mean, I, Lord Long Rod, am a narcissist ( I am pretty sure), but I am not emotionally shallow. I often examine my emotions and why I feel and respond in certain ways. Obama does not. Thus, such shallowness is not compelled by narcissism. There is something else at work here.

We know that Obama is serious damaged emotionally. To use the medical nomenclature, Obama is one fucked up motherfucker. I link this back to his childhood. He daddy did not want him. His mother was a whore who did not want him. Those Hawaiian grandparents took him in, but they probably did not want his sorry ass either. Why would they want to raise this little shit in their advanced years? Barry buried himself in drugs and gay sex fantasies. Then he met a communist. This made him see the world differently. This made him see himself as a victim. Then he got angry.

Obama was wired into the world of honkeys in Hawaii. Then he weaponized his black skin. He become a bro, even though he was only sort of black. He stopped dating well-adjusted white women when he was pushed in the direction of militant black feminazi, the dreaded sasquatch beast, Michelle Obama, who may, or may not, be female. This really fucked him up.

How deep does Barry have his dick in the swamp. Here is my take on this. While Barry's shallow and narcissistic personality will lead him to meddle in DC politics when he can, I think his actual involvement is rather limited. Barry is the kind of shallow schmuck who, I think, prefers to focus on himself. He likes to go to dinner parties and have drinks with others, especially people who readily mirror back his chosen and preferred image. Barry uses his people for his own ends. He is one of those people (we have all come across them in life) who talk to you but never converse, if you know what I mean. They must control the conversation. They really don't give much of a shit about you or what you have to say.

As partial basis for my belief on shit head, I point to the almost constant frustration exhibited by the grotesque thing, Michelle. The two are rarely seen together. She is an up-your-ass militant bitch. She fosters residual resentment of having to cuck herself to Barry. Could she be president? Nope. She is not smart enough to hide her seething hatred of America. She is also just not a smart person. She would be exposed in a second, causing wide swaths of the electorate to turn against her. It would be a complete and total disaster. This would hurt her brand and diminish her earning potential based upon her manufactured identity. Plus, I am pretty sure that Barry has flat out told her, "Look bitch, you would fuck up a campaign in a second. Then where would you be? Some poor bitch that can't sell anything. Shit, bitch, I made you! Don't be stupid. Don't fuck it up! Bitch." You may think he would not say such a thing to Michelle. But I would put money on it.

The only thing keeping Barry and Mo-Mo together is the marital privilege and their need to maintain the mirage for financial reasons. These 2 creeps are wealth as fuck now. But they never DID anything to earn or merit such wealth. They wrote books (ghost written, of course) and had speaking engagements. You are not supposed to get rich in public service. Neither one of them has jobs pre-DC to warrant the level of wealth they both enjoy today. This represents ipso facto corruption. They are profiting off Barry's influence. This brings up another interesting point.

Barry is not the leftist-prog kingpin he wants us to believe. He is not smart enough, giving enough, nor charming enough. He really is an angry, nasty, and despicable human being. It is my believe that Obama is a tool; a vessel through which the real movers and shakers of the anti-American crowd manipulate to their own ends. Barry is rewarded for his actions. Barry is happy. Barry's internal narcissistic beast is fed. It really is as simple as that.
Feel better now that you've taken the time to spray your screed in agreement with the alt-right Internet rag and try to rationalize the scary black man that you lost your mind over getting elected?....twice? :)
I mean, why didn't you just put the white sheet on and burn a cross? It would have saved a lot of time.
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Feel better now that you've taken the time to spray your screed in agreement with the alt-right Internet rag and try to rationalize the scary black man that you lost your mind over getting elected?....twice? :)
I mean, why didn't you just put the white sheet on and burn a cross? It would have saved a lot of time.
And the clowns are already here!! Jump for me, clown!

Who is Barry-O, really? I think it is relevant to revisit this since it may very well be the case that the Ayatollah Hussein Obama is still active behind the scenes in DC. More on this in a minute.

These narratives about the man we call Obama, including his stupid autobiographical books, reveal a lot of nonsense. The purveyors - leftist radicals and narcissistic Barry - crafted the identity of a person who does not exist, then assigned it to shit head. Books about this topic alone could be written. It is all fake. The Obama put forth, as we know him, is fake. That person does not exist. So, then, who is this clown?

We know he is fucked up. As the linked article notes, he is a very weird person. Clearly he is a Marxist (he mentored with on when he was young in Hawaii; was chummy with Bill Aires; he patterned his approach after noted Marxist scumbag, Saul Alinksy). Also noted in the linked article is Barry's mental wanderings through fantasies of having homosexual sex. His negro enlightenment bullshit is merely a smokescreen to hide his pathological narcissism. In short, Barry is a joke.

But what of his current role in the dark back alleys of the deep state in DC? Here is MY impression of Barry:

Barry is, I guess, intelligent. He was pushed through the Ivy League with purpose - a Manchurian cuck. But, ok, he is, oh so intelligent. Whatever. However, this narrative does not define him. What defines him is his narcissism. Obama thinks very highly of himself. He focuses on absurdly inconsequential bullshit. Sure, he probably still has his finger in DC, and will so have for as long as his loyalists are there.

Barry-O does not strike me as an intellectual, as per the narrative. He lacks the ethic of an intellectual. Emotionally, Obama is shallow, very shallow. I mean, I, Lord Long Rod, am a narcissist ( I am pretty sure), but I am not emotionally shallow. I often examine my emotions and why I feel and respond in certain ways. Obama does not. Thus, such shallowness is not compelled by narcissism. There is something else at work here.

We know that Obama is serious damaged emotionally. To use the medical nomenclature, Obama is one fucked up motherfucker. I link this back to his childhood. He daddy did not want him. His mother was a whore who did not want him. Those Hawaiian grandparents took him in, but they probably did not want his sorry ass either. Why would they want to raise this little shit in their advanced years? Barry buried himself in drugs and gay sex fantasies. Then he met a communist. This made him see the world differently. This made him see himself as a victim. Then he got angry.

Obama was wired into the world of honkeys in Hawaii. Then he weaponized his black skin. He become a bro, even though he was only sort of black. He stopped dating well-adjusted white women when he was pushed in the direction of militant black feminazi, the dreaded sasquatch beast, Michelle Obama, who may, or may not, be female. This really fucked him up.

How deep does Barry have his dick in the swamp. Here is my take on this. While Barry's shallow and narcissistic personality will lead him to meddle in DC politics when he can, I think his actual involvement is rather limited. Barry is the kind of shallow schmuck who, I think, prefers to focus on himself. He likes to go to dinner parties and have drinks with others, especially people who readily mirror back his chosen and preferred image. Barry uses his people for his own ends. He is one of those people (we have all come across them in life) who talk to you but never converse, if you know what I mean. They must control the conversation. They really don't give much of a shit about you or what you have to say.

As partial basis for my belief on shit head, I point to the almost constant frustration exhibited by the grotesque thing, Michelle. The two are rarely seen together. She is an up-your-ass militant bitch. She fosters residual resentment of having to cuck herself to Barry. Could she be president? Nope. She is not smart enough to hide her seething hatred of America. She is also just not a smart person. She would be exposed in a second, causing wide swaths of the electorate to turn against her. It would be a complete and total disaster. This would hurt her brand and diminish her earning potential based upon her manufactured identity. Plus, I am pretty sure that Barry has flat out told her, "Look bitch, you would fuck up a campaign in a second. Then where would you be? Some poor bitch that can't sell anything. Shit, bitch, I made you! Don't be stupid. Don't fuck it up! Bitch." You may think he would not say such a thing to Michelle. But I would put money on it.

The only thing keeping Barry and Mo-Mo together is the marital privilege and their need to maintain the mirage for financial reasons. These 2 creeps are wealth as fuck now. But they never DID anything to earn or merit such wealth. They wrote books (ghost written, of course) and had speaking engagements. You are not supposed to get rich in public service. Neither one of them has jobs pre-DC to warrant the level of wealth they both enjoy today. This represents ipso facto corruption. They are profiting off Barry's influence. This brings up another interesting point.

Barry is not the leftist-prog kingpin he wants us to believe. He is not smart enough, giving enough, nor charming enough. He really is an angry, nasty, and despicable human being. It is my believe that Obama is a tool; a vessel through which the real movers and shakers of the anti-American crowd manipulate to their own ends. Barry is rewarded for his actions. Barry is happy. Barry's internal narcissistic beast is fed. It really is as simple as that.

What a crock of manure. Do you feel better about yourself?

Who is Barry-O, really? I think it is relevant to revisit this since it may very well be the case that the Ayatollah Hussein Obama is still active behind the scenes in DC. More on this in a minute.

These narratives about the man we call Obama, including his stupid autobiographical books, reveal a lot of nonsense. The purveyors - leftist radicals and narcissistic Barry - crafted the identity of a person who does not exist, then assigned it to shit head. Books about this topic alone could be written. It is all fake. The Obama put forth, as we know him, is fake. That person does not exist. So, then, who is this clown?

We know he is fucked up. As the linked article notes, he is a very weird person. Clearly he is a Marxist (he mentored with on when he was young in Hawaii; was chummy with Bill Aires; he patterned his approach after noted Marxist scumbag, Saul Alinksy). Also noted in the linked article is Barry's mental wanderings through fantasies of having homosexual sex. His negro enlightenment bullshit is merely a smokescreen to hide his pathological narcissism. In short, Barry is a joke.

But what of his current role in the dark back alleys of the deep state in DC? Here is MY impression of Barry:

Barry is, I guess, intelligent. He was pushed through the Ivy League with purpose - a Manchurian cuck. But, ok, he is, oh so intelligent. Whatever. However, this narrative does not define him. What defines him is his narcissism. Obama thinks very highly of himself. He focuses on absurdly inconsequential bullshit. Sure, he probably still has his finger in DC, and will so have for as long as his loyalists are there.

Barry-O does not strike me as an intellectual, as per the narrative. He lacks the ethic of an intellectual. Emotionally, Obama is shallow, very shallow. I mean, I, Lord Long Rod, am a narcissist ( I am pretty sure), but I am not emotionally shallow. I often examine my emotions and why I feel and respond in certain ways. Obama does not. Thus, such shallowness is not compelled by narcissism. There is something else at work here.

We know that Obama is serious damaged emotionally. To use the medical nomenclature, Obama is one fucked up motherfucker. I link this back to his childhood. He daddy did not want him. His mother was a whore who did not want him. Those Hawaiian grandparents took him in, but they probably did not want his sorry ass either. Why would they want to raise this little shit in their advanced years? Barry buried himself in drugs and gay sex fantasies. Then he met a communist. This made him see the world differently. This made him see himself as a victim. Then he got angry.

Obama was wired into the world of honkeys in Hawaii. Then he weaponized his black skin. He become a bro, even though he was only sort of black. He stopped dating well-adjusted white women when he was pushed in the direction of militant black feminazi, the dreaded sasquatch beast, Michelle Obama, who may, or may not, be female. This really fucked him up.

How deep does Barry have his dick in the swamp. Here is my take on this. While Barry's shallow and narcissistic personality will lead him to meddle in DC politics when he can, I think his actual involvement is rather limited. Barry is the kind of shallow schmuck who, I think, prefers to focus on himself. He likes to go to dinner parties and have drinks with others, especially people who readily mirror back his chosen and preferred image. Barry uses his people for his own ends. He is one of those people (we have all come across them in life) who talk to you but never converse, if you know what I mean. They must control the conversation. They really don't give much of a shit about you or what you have to say.

As partial basis for my belief on shit head, I point to the almost constant frustration exhibited by the grotesque thing, Michelle. The two are rarely seen together. She is an up-your-ass militant bitch. She fosters residual resentment of having to cuck herself to Barry. Could she be president? Nope. She is not smart enough to hide her seething hatred of America. She is also just not a smart person. She would be exposed in a second, causing wide swaths of the electorate to turn against her. It would be a complete and total disaster. This would hurt her brand and diminish her earning potential based upon her manufactured identity. Plus, I am pretty sure that Barry has flat out told her, "Look bitch, you would fuck up a campaign in a second. Then where would you be? Some poor bitch that can't sell anything. Shit, bitch, I made you! Don't be stupid. Don't fuck it up! Bitch." You may think he would not say such a thing to Michelle. But I would put money on it.

The only thing keeping Barry and Mo-Mo together is the marital privilege and their need to maintain the mirage for financial reasons. These 2 creeps are wealth as fuck now. But they never DID anything to earn or merit such wealth. They wrote books (ghost written, of course) and had speaking engagements. You are not supposed to get rich in public service. Neither one of them has jobs pre-DC to warrant the level of wealth they both enjoy today. This represents ipso facto corruption. They are profiting off Barry's influence. This brings up another interesting point.

Barry is not the leftist-prog kingpin he wants us to believe. He is not smart enough, giving enough, nor charming enough. He really is an angry, nasty, and despicable human being. It is my believe that Obama is a tool; a vessel through which the real movers and shakers of the anti-American crowd manipulate to their own ends. Barry is rewarded for his actions. Barry is happy. Barry's internal narcissistic beast is fed. It really is as simple as that.
ODS is still alive.
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Rather be a clown than a fucking fool in a white sheet.
You jump. But don't get too close to that burning cross. That sheet, probably isn't flame resistant. :)
Honestly, it is the same old shit with you people. If you have not succeeded in shaming me by calling me a racist by this point, then why do you still think that it is going to work? Fucking incredible.
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I'd like to say that The Halfrican is behing Uncle RICO but the fact of the matter is that he's a lazy POS. He pretty much dialed his second term in. Perhaps it's his more energetic minions.
I agree with this. Obama is a lazy rascal. He is about cocktail and dinner parties where everybody orgasms in his presence.
Honestly, it is the same old shit with you people. If you have not succeeded in shaming me by calling me a racist by this point, then why do you still think that it is going to work? Fucking incredible.
The only reason you should dislike a black person is the color of their skin. You should know that by now.
What the complete moron doesnt understand is, that is racist.
His post was nothing more than projection.
The only reason you should dislike a black person is the color of their skin. You should know that by now.
What the complete moron doesnt understand is, that is racist.
His post was nothing more than projection.

Exactly. Like most leftist sludge, he assumes that everyone is as F-ed up in the brain as he is.
I'd like to say that The Halfrican is behing Uncle RICO but the fact of the matter is that he's a lazy POS. He pretty much dialed his second term in. Perhaps it's his more energetic minions.
Obama was nothing more than a figurehead for the Marxists in the Democrat party. Now Biden is a Zombie for the same people.
Honestly, it is the same old shit with you people. If you have not succeeded in shaming me by calling me a racist by this point, then why do you still think that it is going to work? Fucking incredible.
No one's trying to shame you.
I mean, how does one shame a shameless turd?
No, they're just ensuring your crap has context.
Obama was nothing more than a figurehead for the Marxists in the Democrat party. Now Biden is a Zombie for the same people.

You don't even know what a Marxist is... Bunch of damned parrots. Now say Soros three times.

Who is Barry-O, really? I think it is relevant to revisit this since it may very well be the case that the Ayatollah Hussein Obama is still active behind the scenes in DC. More on this in a minute.

These narratives about the man we call Obama, including his stupid autobiographical books, reveal a lot of nonsense. The purveyors - leftist radicals and narcissistic Barry - crafted the identity of a person who does not exist, then assigned it to shit head. Books about this topic alone could be written. It is all fake. The Obama put forth, as we know him, is fake. That person does not exist. So, then, who is this clown?

We know he is fucked up. As the linked article notes, he is a very weird person. Clearly he is a Marxist (he mentored with on when he was young in Hawaii; was chummy with Bill Aires; he patterned his approach after noted Marxist scumbag, Saul Alinksy). Also noted in the linked article is Barry's mental wanderings through fantasies of having homosexual sex. His negro enlightenment bullshit is merely a smokescreen to hide his pathological narcissism. In short, Barry is a joke.

But what of his current role in the dark back alleys of the deep state in DC? Here is MY impression of Barry:

Barry is, I guess, intelligent. He was pushed through the Ivy League with purpose - a Manchurian cuck. But, ok, he is, oh so intelligent. Whatever. However, this narrative does not define him. What defines him is his narcissism. Obama thinks very highly of himself. He focuses on absurdly inconsequential bullshit. Sure, he probably still has his finger in DC, and will so have for as long as his loyalists are there.

Barry-O does not strike me as an intellectual, as per the narrative. He lacks the ethic of an intellectual. Emotionally, Obama is shallow, very shallow. I mean, I, Lord Long Rod, am a narcissist ( I am pretty sure), but I am not emotionally shallow. I often examine my emotions and why I feel and respond in certain ways. Obama does not. Thus, such shallowness is not compelled by narcissism. There is something else at work here.

We know that Obama is serious damaged emotionally. To use the medical nomenclature, Obama is one fucked up motherfucker. I link this back to his childhood. He daddy did not want him. His mother was a whore who did not want him. Those Hawaiian grandparents took him in, but they probably did not want his sorry ass either. Why would they want to raise this little shit in their advanced years? Barry buried himself in drugs and gay sex fantasies. Then he met a communist. This made him see the world differently. This made him see himself as a victim. Then he got angry.

Obama was wired into the world of honkeys in Hawaii. Then he weaponized his black skin. He become a bro, even though he was only sort of black. He stopped dating well-adjusted white women when he was pushed in the direction of militant black feminazi, the dreaded sasquatch beast, Michelle Obama, who may, or may not, be female. This really fucked him up.

How deep does Barry have his dick in the swamp. Here is my take on this. While Barry's shallow and narcissistic personality will lead him to meddle in DC politics when he can, I think his actual involvement is rather limited. Barry is the kind of shallow schmuck who, I think, prefers to focus on himself. He likes to go to dinner parties and have drinks with others, especially people who readily mirror back his chosen and preferred image. Barry uses his people for his own ends. He is one of those people (we have all come across them in life) who talk to you but never converse, if you know what I mean. They must control the conversation. They really don't give much of a shit about you or what you have to say.

As partial basis for my belief on shit head, I point to the almost constant frustration exhibited by the grotesque thing, Michelle. The two are rarely seen together. She is an up-your-ass militant bitch. She fosters residual resentment of having to cuck herself to Barry. Could she be president? Nope. She is not smart enough to hide her seething hatred of America. She is also just not a smart person. She would be exposed in a second, causing wide swaths of the electorate to turn against her. It would be a complete and total disaster. This would hurt her brand and diminish her earning potential based upon her manufactured identity. Plus, I am pretty sure that Barry has flat out told her, "Look bitch, you would fuck up a campaign in a second. Then where would you be? Some poor bitch that can't sell anything. Shit, bitch, I made you! Don't be stupid. Don't fuck it up! Bitch." You may think he would not say such a thing to Michelle. But I would put money on it.

The only thing keeping Barry and Mo-Mo together is the marital privilege and their need to maintain the mirage for financial reasons. These 2 creeps are wealth as fuck now. But they never DID anything to earn or merit such wealth. They wrote books (ghost written, of course) and had speaking engagements. You are not supposed to get rich in public service. Neither one of them has jobs pre-DC to warrant the level of wealth they both enjoy today. This represents ipso facto corruption. They are profiting off Barry's influence. This brings up another interesting point.

Barry is not the leftist-prog kingpin he wants us to believe. He is not smart enough, giving enough, nor charming enough. He really is an angry, nasty, and despicable human being. It is my believe that Obama is a tool; a vessel through which the real movers and shakers of the anti-American crowd manipulate to their own ends. Barry is rewarded for his actions. Barry is happy. Barry's internal narcissistic beast is fed. It really is as simple as that.
You're pathetic.
Even his "manhood" is questionable.

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