How the IRS Was Gutted


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
An eight-year campaign to slash the agency’s budget has left it understaffed, hamstrung and operating with archaic equipment. The result: billions less to fund the government. That’s good news for corporations and the wealthy.

Reading the headline left me with an almost warm feeling.

Until I read the full article!

Without enough staff, the IRS has slashed even basic functions. It has drastically pulled back from pursuing people who don’t bother filing their tax returns. New investigations of “nonfilers,” as they’re called, dropped from 2.4 million in 2011 to 362,000 last year. According to the inspector general for the IRS, the reduction results in at least $3 billion in lost revenue each year. Meanwhile, collections from people who do file but don’t pay have plummeted. Tax obligations expire after 10 years if the IRS doesn’t pursue them. Such expirations were relatively infrequent before the budget cuts began. In 2010, $482 million in tax debts lapsed. By 2017, according to internal IRS collection reports, that figure had risen to $8.3 billion, 17 times as much as in 2010. The IRS’ ability to investigate criminals has atrophied as well.

Is this how Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, among so many, get away with not paying taxes on millions of dollars?

Of course, this article blames the Republicans for this.

It talks about old timers leaving. What it doesn’t talk about is whether or not the technology used by the IRS has been updated and modernized. Does it need more CPA or more IT types? It should be interesting to see what the new head, Commissioner Charles Rettig asks for in the 2019 budget.

More of the lengthy article with charts @ How the IRS Was Gutted — ProPublica
The cons specifically targets the IRS . That is true .

So much for being pro law enforcement. They don’t want IRS busting the righty tax criminals.
Sounds more like they are trying to keep revenue from showing an upward spiral. I put nothing past them, anymore.
An eight-year campaign to slash the agency’s budget has left it understaffed, hamstrung and operating with archaic equipment. The result: billions less to fund the government. That’s good news for corporations and the wealthy.

Reading the headline left me with an almost warm feeling.

Until I read the full article!

Without enough staff, the IRS has slashed even basic functions. It has drastically pulled back from pursuing people who don’t bother filing their tax returns. New investigations of “nonfilers,” as they’re called, dropped from 2.4 million in 2011 to 362,000 last year. According to the inspector general for the IRS, the reduction results in at least $3 billion in lost revenue each year. Meanwhile, collections from people who do file but don’t pay have plummeted. Tax obligations expire after 10 years if the IRS doesn’t pursue them. Such expirations were relatively infrequent before the budget cuts began. In 2010, $482 million in tax debts lapsed. By 2017, according to internal IRS collection reports, that figure had risen to $8.3 billion, 17 times as much as in 2010. The IRS’ ability to investigate criminals has atrophied as well.

Is this how Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, among so many, get away with not paying taxes on millions of dollars?

Of course, this article blames the Republicans for this.

It talks about old timers leaving. What it doesn’t talk about is whether or not the technology used by the IRS has been updated and modernized. Does it need more CPA or more IT types? It should be interesting to see what the new head, Commissioner Charles Rettig asks for in the 2019 budget.

More of the lengthy article with charts @ How the IRS Was Gutted — ProPublica
An eight-year campaign to slash the agency’s budget has left it understaffed, hamstrung and operating with archaic equipment. The result: billions less to fund the government. That’s good news for corporations and the wealthy.

Reading the headline left me with an almost warm feeling.

Until I read the full article!

Without enough staff, the IRS has slashed even basic functions. It has drastically pulled back from pursuing people who don’t bother filing their tax returns. New investigations of “nonfilers,” as they’re called, dropped from 2.4 million in 2011 to 362,000 last year. According to the inspector general for the IRS, the reduction results in at least $3 billion in lost revenue each year. Meanwhile, collections from people who do file but don’t pay have plummeted. Tax obligations expire after 10 years if the IRS doesn’t pursue them. Such expirations were relatively infrequent before the budget cuts began. In 2010, $482 million in tax debts lapsed. By 2017, according to internal IRS collection reports, that figure had risen to $8.3 billion, 17 times as much as in 2010. The IRS’ ability to investigate criminals has atrophied as well.

Is this how Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson, among so many, get away with not paying taxes on millions of dollars?

Of course, this article blames the Republicans for this.

It talks about old timers leaving. What it doesn’t talk about is whether or not the technology used by the IRS has been updated and modernized. Does it need more CPA or more IT types? It should be interesting to see what the new head, Commissioner Charles Rettig asks for in the 2019 budget.

More of the lengthy article with charts @ How the IRS Was Gutted — ProPublica
This must be how Trump doubled the federal deficit!
Storm Troopers are a gentle law enforcement tool.

That may very well be true ... the can't shoot to save their lives.

The cons specifically targets the IRS . That is true .
So much for being pro law enforcement. They don’t want IRS busting the righty tax criminals.
As opposed to the IRS specifically targeting Conservatives ? The worst "tax criminals" are lefty billionaires. At one time Liberal darling Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway owed about a billion in back taxes.
The cons specifically targets the IRS . That is true .
So much for being pro law enforcement. They don’t want IRS busting the righty tax criminals.
As opposed to the IRS specifically targeting Conservatives ? The worst "tax criminals" are lefty billionaires. At one time Liberal darling Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway owed about a billion in back taxes.

Ohhh no! Government jackboots profiling people !?! That’s a friggin GOP talking point. You have no problem with it when it’s brown people being targeted .
The cons specifically targets the IRS . That is true .
So much for being pro law enforcement. They don’t want IRS busting the righty tax criminals.
As opposed to the IRS specifically targeting Conservatives ? The worst "tax criminals" are lefty billionaires. At one time Liberal darling Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway owed about a billion in back taxes.

Ohhh no! Government jackboots profiling people !?! That’s a friggin GOP talking point. You have no problem with it when it’s brown people being targeted .
What ?
Without prior notice those IRS fuckers put tax liens on all 6 of my houses all my bank accounts saying I owe them $66k because didn't file in 2011. They actually owe me $14 & I resent them my 2011's back in November 2019 & they say they can't process them to release my stuff due to Covid-19. I also have major issues with Covid-19. They tacked on another $7k in late fees while I wait have been waiting on them. They have no idea when they will get them processed & will take over 30 days after that to lift liens. So because of Covid I have no income, can't borrow against or sell any assets & can't access my money.

I need to sue these IRS bastards!!! 10 months & counting because they don't do their job!

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