How the GOP Got Stuck in the Past

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
From David Frum, a conservative Republican:

David Frum: How the GOP Got Stuck in the Past - Newsweek and The Daily Beast

The ratification of the Obama agenda will understandably enrage and depress conservatives. Yet if there is any lesson conservatives ought to have learned from the past four years, it is the danger of succumbing to angry emotion. We’ve had four years of self-defeating rage. Now it’s time for cool.

Those who would urge the GOP to double down on ideology post-2012 should ask themselves: would Republicans have done better if we had promised a bigger tax cut for the rich and proposed to push more people off food stamps and Medi*caid? Would we have done better if we had promised to do more to ban abortion and stop same-sex marriage? If we had committed ourselves to fight more wars? To put the country on the gold standard? Almost half of those surveyed on voting day said they wanted to see taxes raised on Americans earning more than $250,000. Exit polls do tend to oversample Democrats, but the tax result is consistent with other polling that has found that even Republicans would prefer to raise taxes on the rich than see cuts in Medicare.

Some combative conservatives may wish that Mitt Romney had talked more about the various plots and conspiracies they believed Obama to have launched upon the land: Fast & Furious, ACORN, Pigford, U.N. bike lanes, Obama’s imagined plan to abolish the suburbs. But while this kind of angry talk may gain eyeballs on Hannity, it’s not the stuff that swings undecided voters in Colorado and *Virginia—*especially not the women voters who formed 53 percent of the electorate on Tuesday; or the moderates, men and women, who formed 41 percent of it; or the nonreligiously observant, who formed three quarters of it. Only 34 percent of the vote Tuesday was made up of white men. The share of the vote that was made up of older, conservative white men must have been much smaller still. Fox Nation never was more than a very tiny slice of the American nation, and it was only sad self-delusion that ever led anyone to think otherwise.

And deep down, we all know it.

Yet if we know that extremism is dangerous, why do we see so much of it

I love that one about the Fox Nation, so damn true, :lol:
Deep down we all know that this is a new America with little to no connection to the America of our founders. The puzzlement is, that democrats actually imagine that the new America is somehow deserving of some sort of patriotism or loyalty when it clearly isn't.
Deep down we all know that this is a new America with little to no connection to the America of our founders. The puzzlement is, that democrats actually imagine that the new America is somehow deserving of some sort of patriotism or loyalty when it clearly isn't.

Deep down we all know that this is a new America with little to no connection to the white America of our founders. The puzzlement is, that republicans actually imagine that the new America is somehow begging for and demanding free stuff when it clearly isn't.
Deep down we all know that this is a new America with little to no connection to the America of our founders. The puzzlement is, that democrats actually imagine that the new America is somehow deserving of some sort of patriotism or loyalty when it clearly isn't.

The real puzzlement is why do white conservatives think America is absolutely ruined without them controlling everything? Are lesser demographics just naturally less good at running things?
Whatever the reason whether liberals see a superior virtue in non whites, or whether they think that the free stuff isn't being given away. The nation has changed, it is not the great country that it once was and it deserves nothing.

Let's stop giving out the free contraceptives, free abortions, free obamaphones and free everything else and see where it goes. To be black to to automatically be above criticism, above crass expectations of performance, and above all else. By virtue of skin color, they are the natural rulers. Just ask Jesse Jackson Jr., Marion Berry, William Jefferson, Eric Holder or even the chief crook barack obama.
Deep down we all know that this is a new America with little to no connection to the America of our founders. The puzzlement is, that democrats actually imagine that the new America is somehow deserving of some sort of patriotism or loyalty when it clearly isn't.

The real puzzlement is why do white conservatives think America is absolutely ruined without them controlling everything? Are lesser demographics just naturally less good at running things?

So far, pretty much. The black criminal class won't permit truly competent black leaders to belong to the same race.

Then of course you could go mexican. Take Antonio Villaraigosa, please take him, far away.
Whatever the reason whether liberals see a superior virtue in non whites, or whether they think that the free stuff isn't being given away. The nation has changed, it is not the great country that it once was and it deserves nothing.

Let's stop giving out the free contraceptives, free abortions, free obamaphones and free everything else and see where it goes. To be black to to automatically be above criticism, above crass expectations of performance, and above all else. By virtue of skin color, they are the natural rulers. Just ask Jesse Jackson Jr., Marion Berry, William Jefferson, Eric Holder or even the chief crook barack obama.

Name something "free" that has been promised and or given away, you can't because its another damn lie. If foodstamps and welfare are supposed to free things that liberals love and conservatives loath explain why 70% of the fastest rising people getting foodstamps come from heavily Republican counties in redstates, why is that?
would Republicans have done better if we had promised a bigger tax cut for the rich and proposed to push more people off food stamps and Medi*caid? Would we have done better if we had promised to do more to ban abortion and stop same-sex marriage? If we had committed ourselves to fight more wars? To put the country on the gold standard?

Would they have done better if they'd offered a candidate who could credibly challenge Obamacare? Would they have done better if they'd offered a real alternative to Obama's (essentially neo-con) foreign policy? Would they have done better if they'd stood up for civil liberties and against the NDDA? Would they have done better if they'd taken a firm stance against the bankster bailouts?

Frum, and others attacking ideology as the culprit, are merely asking us to ignore their ideology.
Whatever the reason whether liberals see a superior virtue in non whites, or whether they think that the free stuff isn't being given away. The nation has changed, it is not the great country that it once was and it deserves nothing.

Let's stop giving out the free contraceptives, free abortions, free obamaphones and free everything else and see where it goes. To be black to to automatically be above criticism, above crass expectations of performance, and above all else. By virtue of skin color, they are the natural rulers. Just ask Jesse Jackson Jr., Marion Berry, William Jefferson, Eric Holder or even the chief crook barack obama.

Name something "free" that has been promised and or given away, you can't because its another damn lie. If foodstamps and welfare are supposed to free things that liberals love and conservatives loath explain why 70% of the fastest rising people getting foodstamps come from heavily Republican counties in redstates, why is that?

Democrats are destroying the economy and punishing the very people who create the jobs.
would Republicans have done better if we had promised a bigger tax cut for the rich and proposed to push more people off food stamps and Medi*caid? Would we have done better if we had promised to do more to ban abortion and stop same-sex marriage? If we had committed ourselves to fight more wars? To put the country on the gold standard?

Would they have done better if they'd offered a candidate who could credibly challenge Obamacare? Would they have done better if they'd offered a real alternative to Obama's (essentially neo-con) foreign policy? Would they have done better if they'd stood up for civil liberties and against the NDDA? Would they have done better if they'd taken a firm stance against the bankster bailouts?

Frum, and others attacking ideology as the culprit, are merely asking us to ignore their ideology.

The republicans should have had a candidate ready to take obama to the woodshed in more than one debate. Romney made the same mistake McCain did, he was too nice. He made his greatest gain when he slapped opapa upside the head and he should have kept that going.
Deep down we all know that this is a new America with little to no connection to the America of our founders. The puzzlement is, that democrats actually imagine that the new America is somehow deserving of some sort of patriotism or loyalty when it clearly isn't.

The real puzzlement is why do white conservatives think America is absolutely ruined without them controlling everything? Are lesser demographics just naturally less good at running things?

So far, pretty much. The black criminal class won't permit truly competent black leaders to belong to the same race.

Then of course you could go mexican. Take Antonio Villaraigosa, please take him, far away.
Didn't think you would confirm my stereotype of a bitter conservative white supremacist so completely. Oh well conservatives are usually easily predictable.
David Frum is a joke...

NONE of what he wrote was ever banning abortions

He's a frekkin liberal hiding in conservative clothing..And I could give a shit less what his idiot thoughts are...gawd
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would Republicans have done better if we had promised a bigger tax cut for the rich and proposed to push more people off food stamps and Medi*caid? Would we have done better if we had promised to do more to ban abortion and stop same-sex marriage? If we had committed ourselves to fight more wars? To put the country on the gold standard?

Would they have done better if they'd offered a candidate who could credibly challenge Obamacare? Would they have done better if they'd offered a real alternative to Obama's (essentially neo-con) foreign policy? Would they have done better if they'd stood up for civil liberties and against the NDDA? Would they have done better if they'd taken a firm stance against the bankster bailouts?

Frum, and others attacking ideology as the culprit, are merely asking us to ignore their ideology.

The republicans should have had a candidate ready to take obama to the woodshed in more than one debate. Romney made the same mistake McCain did, he was too nice. He made his greatest gain when he slapped opapa upside the head and he should have kept that going.

Romney would have never won no matter what he did and that angry shit only works on the people who already hated Obama at first glance. At some point the anti Obama crap had to end and the explanations of what he would do better had to begin and that is where he or any republican would have failed.
David Frum is a joke...

NONE of what he wrote was ever promoted..

He's a frekkin liberal hiding in conservative clothing..And I could give a shit less what his idiot thoughts are...gawd

De-Nial ain't just a river after all.

You are free to swallow any idiots words if that is what blows your skirt up..Doesn't mean everyone has too or that it is the truth..

this whole article sounded like it was written by some high school kid
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The republicans should have had a candidate ready to take obama to the woodshed in more than one debate. Romney made the same mistake McCain did, he was too nice. He made his greatest gain when he slapped opapa upside the head and he should have kept that going.

I sorta doubt that. Aggressive attacks only really work if they're substantive and believable. Ultimately, Romney failed for the exact opposite reason cited by Frum. He failed because he had no (believable) ideology and offered no (believable) alternative to Obama. He shared nearly all of Obama's weaknesses - which made attacking him on those weaknesses a double edged sword.
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David Frum is a joke...

NONE of what he wrote was ever promoted..

He's a frekkin liberal hiding in conservative clothing..And I could give a shit less what his idiot thoughts are...gawd

De-Nial ain't just a river after all.

You are free to swallow any idiots words if that is what blows your skirt up..Doesn't mean everyone has too

Kick people like him out of the Conservative Club and the tent just keeps getting smaller and smaller. Don't see how that helps anyone but the Democrats, but it's your funeral. :dunno:
De-Nial ain't just a river after all.

You are free to swallow any idiots words if that is what blows your skirt up..Doesn't mean everyone has too

Kick people like him out of the Conservative Club and the tent just keeps getting smaller and smaller. Don't see how that helps anyone but the Democrats, but it's your funeral. :dunno:

well you can have him, as if he is someone important or special
You are free to swallow any idiots words if that is what blows your skirt up..Doesn't mean everyone has too

Kick people like him out of the Conservative Club and the tent just keeps getting smaller and smaller. Don't see how that helps anyone but the Democrats, but it's your funeral. :dunno:

well you can have him, as if he is someone important or special

[ame=]Classical - Chopin - Funeral March - YouTube[/ame]
Whatever the reason whether liberals see a superior virtue in non whites, or whether they think that the free stuff isn't being given away. The nation has changed, it is not the great country that it once was and it deserves nothing.
Free stuff? We paid for it, we know it isn't free, we know it is cheaper by the dozen, Capitalism, huh? But in bulk and all that.
Let's stop giving out the free contraceptives, free abortions, free obamaphones and free everything else and see where it goes. To be black to to automatically be above criticism, above crass expectations of performance, and above all else. By virtue of skin color, they are the natural rulers. Just ask Jesse Jackson Jr., Marion Berry, William Jefferson, Eric Holder or even the chief crook barack obama.

Stop giving? LMAO! Its not free, so it isn't given, its paid for. No one is under the illusion it is free from the money tree. The giving to stop is giving to foreigners, to the rich, to the corporations and to the military. Stop giving.

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