How one man's anti-Obamacare strategy led U.S. to the brink of default


Gold Member
Jan 23, 2012
Nope, not who you're thinking of...

How one man's anti-Obamacare strategy led U.S. to the brink of default - CBS News

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz has become the public face of the government shutdown.

But you've probably never even heard of the 31-year-old conservative activist The Wall Street Journal calls "the strategist behind the shutdown."

"The American people are overwhelmingly saying we need to stop Obamacare," said Michael Needham, the CEO of Heritage Action. It is the political arm of the nation's largest conservative think tank.

Months ago, he and fellow activists devised a plan to try defund or delay Obamacare by blocking federal spending, even if it led to a government shutdown.

Heritage Action used negative advertising to attack Republicans who refused to sign on to the strategy. And during the August congressional recess, Needham and Heritage Action fired up grassroots conservatives with a nine-city 'Defund Obamacare' tour.
We were never anywhere near the brink of default.. debt service is about 20% of what we bring in in monthly tax revenues.

Good Lord you folks are ill-informed.
Despite his optimism Needham concedes that the earliest Obamacare could be repealed is the year 2017 after President Obama leaves office. He also admits that ending Obamacare will require putting a Republican in the White House and putting both houses of Congress in Republican hands.

Voters are learning that the R will never again work FOR the good of the country and the people. It simply will not happen.

Seeing Obama win two terms, Booker win yesterday and seeing two really crazy tee potties (Walsh and West) thrown out after only one term gives me hope. OTOH, the gerrymandering and voter suppression is how the Rs got control of the House and they will do whatever they must to lie, cheat and steal to get more control.

We 'live in interesting times'.
We were never anywhere near the brink of default.. debt service is about 20% of what we bring in in monthly tax revenues.

Good Lord you folks are ill-informed.

Is that what Rush Limbaugh is telling you now?

No, that's what facts are telling me... you should really try and educate yourself a bit; unless of course you want to go through life believing the stupid lies Barry Obama is peddling.
The only way we could go into default is if Barac k Obama refused to pay the bills. The money is there. He would have to chose not to pay it out.

He said he wouldn't if the Republicans didn't cave. The Republicans clearly didn't want to default. Obama did. That's why he "won"
Nope, not who you're thinking of...

Perhaps there are folks who passionately believe that Obamacare will be so damaging that they need to take drastic measures from allowing it to be funded.

Perhaps this is because they know that the bill was drafted in large part by powerful Pharmaceutical companies (ie the same ones that donated big dollars to Obama's 2008 campaign), and that we don't have enough money to fund it, and that at the end of the day it really isn't universal healthcare, affordable, or designed in a sustainable fashion.
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Nope, not who you're thinking of...

Perhaps there are folks who passionately believe that Obamacare will be so damaging that they need to take drastic measures from allowing it to be funded.

Perhaps this is because they know that the bill was drafted in large part by powerful Pharmaceutical companies (ie the same ones that donated big dollars to Obama's 2008 campaign), and that we don't have enough money to fund it, and that at the end of the day it really isn't universal healthcare, affordable, or designed in a sustainable fashion.

Perhaps, but, why don't we give Obamacare a chance to see if it can work out. What are you afraid of besides the end of the world?
Perhaps, but, why don't we give Obamacare a chance to see if it can work out. What are you afraid of besides the end of the world?

Lol, give it a chance? This isn’t a piece of gum that you can try and spit out if you don’t like it. This is an overhaul of the entire healthcare system – again designed by the very medical companies who exist solely to make money (that’s what businesses do). Call me naive, but I doubt their #1 goal is to make less money. That's just not how our corrupt and infiltrated government operates. Everyone is out to make money.

Now for some added detail...

Obamacare isn’t Universal Healthcare. As I see it, millions of Americans are now going to be forced to buy healthcare policies (which are insanely expensive – by the way – if you took the time to take a peek at the premium prices) or face a penalty! That penalty, although is a modest $90 in year one, skyrockets to about $500 in years following! I mean what the heck...

Imagine not being able to afford healthcare in the first place, and now being forced to purchase an insanely expensive plan or face a huge penalty; who exactly does that help? I bet the makers of Fords or Audis would love the government to pass a plan that forced all Americans to buy one of their cars. Think of it that way.

On top of all of this, we don’t have money right now to roll something like this out. The friggen website development alone cost us $650,000,000 (yes, look that up), and the thing doesn't even work! I’m all for medicare/Medicaid (and even expanding those two programs to help the poor), but this policy is seriously garbage. Needs to be taken back to the drawing board.

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The only way we could go into default is if Barac k Obama refused to pay the bills. The money is there. He would have to chose not to pay it out.

He said he wouldn't if the Republicans didn't cave. The Republicans clearly didn't want to default. Obama did. That's why he "won"

You think everyone is falling for that line of crap.
To keep paying the bills the President would have had to taken money away from programs, projects, agencys and operations to pay those bills. He wasn't about to be in that stupid position. It would be like you making the car payment and telling your family you had to do it with the food money. Ya, the bill got paid, but your family has to live on rice and beans for a month.
Conservative think tanks and publications like FORBES and shows on FOX throw these snipits at the flock of suckers and the suckers jump on the crap like flies. Than you accuse everyone that does't fall for the bs of being sheeple. Make a change, join reality.
How one man's anti-Obamacare strategy led U.S. to the brink of default

There was no chance we were going to default, there was plenty of revenue coming in to finance the debt. No point in reading the op or anything after when your thread title was wrong.

Talk about pre-mature pontification...
Perhaps, but, why don't we give Obamacare a chance to see if it can work out. What are you afraid of besides the end of the world?

Lol, give it a chance? This isn’t a piece of gum that you can try and spit out if you don’t like it. This is an overhaul of the entire healthcare system – again designed by the very medical companies who exist solely to make money (that’s what businesses do). Call me naive, but I doubt their #1 goal is to make less money. That's just not how our corrupt and infiltrated government operates. Everyone is out to make money.

Now for some added detail...

Obamacare isn’t Universal Healthcare. As I see it, millions of Americans are now going to be forced to buy healthcare policies (which are insanely expensive – by the way – if you took the time to take a peek at the premium prices) or face a penalty! That penalty, although is a modest $90 in year one, skyrockets to about $500 in years following! I mean what the heck...

Imagine not being able to afford healthcare in the first place, and now being forced to purchase an insanely expensive plan or face a huge penalty; who exactly does that help? I bet the makers of Fords or Audis would love the government to pass a plan that forced all Americans to buy one of their cars. Think of it that way.

On top of all of this, we don’t have money right now to roll something like this out. The friggen website development alone cost us $650,000,000 (yes, look that up), and the thing doesn't even work! I’m all for medicare/Medicaid (and even expanding those two programs to help the poor), but this policy is seriously garbage. Needs to be taken back to the drawing board.


Kidrocks is one more Progressive that doesn't have a clue what ObamaCare will do...but he will support it until the cows come home because he's been told that it's wonderful.
ObamaCare is the law.
You want to repeal it?
Get the votes.

Part of our system of government is that Congress controls the purse strings and thus has a say over what will and won't be carried forward as governmental policy. That was set up that way for a reason. When bad legislation is passed by one Congress...subsequent ones can dampen the damage by how much money they fund it with. Getting enough votes to repeal something with a President who will veto any effort to do so is next to impossible. This is the next best option.
The only way we could go into default is if Barac k Obama refused to pay the bills. The money is there. He would have to chose not to pay it out.

He said he wouldn't if the Republicans didn't cave. The Republicans clearly didn't want to default. Obama did. That's why he "won"

You think everyone is falling for that line of crap.
To keep paying the bills the President would have had to taken money away from programs, projects, agencys and operations to pay those bills. He wasn't about to be in that stupid position. It would be like you making the car payment and telling your family you had to do it with the food money. Ya, the bill got paid, but your family has to live on rice and beans for a month.
Conservative think tanks and publications like FORBES and shows on FOX throw these snipits at the flock of suckers and the suckers jump on the crap like flies. Than you accuse everyone that does't fall for the bs of being sheeple. Make a change, join reality.

You mean ... he would have had to cut spending? Why herp and derp, what a scathingly brilliant idea. obama said no to that, didn't he.

Yes, that is called tightening your belt. It is also what so many will be doing when they get the bill for the insurance they are forced to purchase, covering things they may not even need.

But please, do go on and continue on with your obamafest. I enjoy the entertainment.
Bull poop! The US wasn't about to default on anything - unless our Traitor-in-Chief wanted it to happen.

We bring in enough every month to pay the interest in our debts. With $$$ left over!!! :mad:
The only way we could go into default is if Barac k Obama refused to pay the bills. The money is there. He would have to chose not to pay it out.

He said he wouldn't if the Republicans didn't cave. The Republicans clearly didn't want to default. Obama did. That's why he "won"

You think everyone is falling for that line of crap.
To keep paying the bills the President would have had to taken money away from programs, projects, agencys and operations to pay those bills. He wasn't about to be in that stupid position. It would be like you making the car payment and telling your family you had to do it with the food money. Ya, the bill got paid, but your family has to live on rice and beans for a month.
Conservative think tanks and publications like FORBES and shows on FOX throw these snipits at the flock of suckers and the suckers jump on the crap like flies. Than you accuse everyone that does't fall for the bs of being sheeple. Make a change, join reality.

You mean ... he would have had to cut spending? Why herp and derp, what a scathingly brilliant idea. obama said no to that, didn't he.

Yes, that is called tightening your belt. It is also what so many will be doing when they get the bill for the insurance they are forced to purchase, covering things they may not even need.

But please, do go on and continue on with your obamafest. I enjoy the entertainment.

The idea you promote was deemed to stupid to even consider by just about everyone. Even the Republicans deemed it stupid. Even some TP congressmen and Senators deemed it stupid. No one with any sense with expect a President to fall into that trap and take on the role of a King Solomon spliting the baby into pieces.
Obamafest, no, just being realistic. I don't live in a bubble of delusion.

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