How one man's anti-Obamacare strategy led U.S. to the brink of default

The only way we could go into default is if Barac k Obama refused to pay the bills. The money is there. He would have to chose not to pay it out.

He said he wouldn't if the Republicans didn't cave. The Republicans clearly didn't want to default. Obama did. That's why he "won"

You think everyone is falling for that line of crap.
To keep paying the bills the President would have had to taken money away from programs, projects, agencys and operations to pay those bills. He wasn't about to be in that stupid position. It would be like you making the car payment and telling your family you had to do it with the food money. Ya, the bill got paid, but your family has to live on rice and beans for a month.
Conservative think tanks and publications like FORBES and shows on FOX throw these snipits at the flock of suckers and the suckers jump on the crap like flies. Than you accuse everyone that does't fall for the bs of being sheeple. Make a change, join reality.

You mean ... he would have had to cut spending? Why herp and derp, what a scathingly brilliant idea. obama said no to that, didn't he.

Yes, that is called tightening your belt. It is also what so many will be doing when they get the bill for the insurance they are forced to purchase, covering things they may not even need.

But please, do go on and continue on with your obamafest. I enjoy the entertainment.

The idea you promote was deemed to stupid to even consider by just about everyone. Even the Republicans deemed it stupid. Even some TP congressmen and Senators deemed it stupid. No one with any sense would expect a President to fall into that trap and take on the role of a King Solomon spliting the baby into pieces.
Obamafest, no, just being realistic. I don't live in a bubble of delusion.
We were never anywhere near the brink of default.. debt service is about 20% of what we bring in in monthly tax revenues.

Good Lord you folks are ill-informed.

Is that what Rush Limbaugh is telling you now?

No, that's what facts are telling me... you should really try and educate yourself a bit; unless of course you want to go through life believing the stupid lies Barry Obama is peddling.

This illustrates the TPM to a tee. Take one small factoid, and determine reality as to an entire issue. If the US didn't pay in full soc sec medicare disability vet military/lawenforcemetn pay intl obligations, the effect would be the same as a techical default.

Similarly, the issue for the gop is ENTITLEMENTS. Of which, Obamacare is only one, and the one that it's really impossible to judge the cost of right now. If Obamacare is a disaster, then the votes will be there to get rid of it after 2016. Ideologically, the TPM is not motivated by spending, but rather on the govt doing anything. And the fact they just got their collective asses handed to them because AMERICANS WANT GOVT TO SOLVE PROBLEMS is not only lost on them, but they've convinced themselves, maybe, that they didn't SHUT THE DAMN GOVT DOWN. Clue: 75% know you DID

This post also illustrates the TPM effect on the GOP. Obama will give a lot to not redo this dance ... provided he gets his law, and one way another he will get it. If you TMP folks doubt he'll go to the wall again, think again. Oh wait, you CAN'T. You think he'll cave on his law because you want that to be the case.

Moreover, you'll cost us AGAIN a chance to make signficant savings to medicare and soc sec. And for that, I hope you bastards rot in hell.

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