How Much Would A Bernie Sanders Presidency Cost? Spoiler Alert: A Lot


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Sanders is just another Progressive/democrat/socialist from that party of Socialist/commies/Fascist. He wants to Grow Government even bigger, tax us into slavery and trounce on the rest of freedoms that we have left. How else can they get total control of us? You talk about Trump. Look at Bernie the 100 year old avowed Socialist. good grief.

How Much Would A Bernie Sanders Presidency Cost? Spoiler Alert: A Lot

Submitted by Tyler Durden on 09/15/2015 14:35 -04

Earlier today in "How The GOP Establishment Hopes To Crush The Donald's Presidential Run," we explained what Trump’s remarkable poll numbers really mean:

What is most amazing is that the "expert" punditry still has not realized that a vote for Trump is not a "vote for Trump" but a vote of protest against the broken system.

If the current election cycle has taught us anything, it’s that voters may have finally woken up to the fact that a choice between alternating members of America’s political aristocracy is really no choice at all, and when you throw in the influence of powerful donors and lobbyists, a picture quickly emerges of a democracy that’s not truly a democracy.

It’s this system - or, more accurately, it's America’s growing detestation of the system - that’s translated into a commanding lead for Trump over the GOP field.

Trump isn’t the only person running who’s benefiting from America’s unwillingness to concede that the choice will once again be between a Bush and a Clinton. There’s also Bernie Sanders, the socialist Senator from Vermont whose unexpected ability to draw big crowds and appeal to large swaths of Democratic voters has blindsided Hillary Clinton who is now running dead even (or close to it) with Sanders in Iowa and New Hampshire.

But as is the case with a Trump presidency, a Sanders administration would look radically different from what Americans are used to seeing and although, as discussed above, the desire for real (as opposed to Obama-brand) “change” is what’s driving Trump and Sanders’ poll numbers, there’s an undeniable voice (sponsored by the political status quo) in America’s collective conscience whispering “be careful what you wish for.” In that context we present WSJ’s analysis of how much a Bernie Sanders presidency would cost. Spoiler alert: it’s a whole lot.

Sen. Bernie Sanders, whose liberal call to action has propelled his long-shot presidential campaign, is proposing an array of new programs that would amount to the largest peacetime expansion of government in modern American history.

In all, he backs at least $18 trillion in new spending over a decade, according to a tally by The Wall Street Journal, a sum that alarms conservatives and gives even many Democrats pause. Mr. Sanders sees the money as going to essential government services at a time of increasing strain on the middle class.

His agenda includes an estimated $15 trillion for a government-run health-care program that covers every American, plus large sums to rebuild roads and bridges, expand Social Security and make tuition free at public colleges.

To pay for it, Mr. Sanders, a Vermont independent running for the Democratic nomination, has so far detailed tax increases that could bring in as much as $6.5 trillion over 10 years, according to his staff.

all of it here:
How Much Would A Bernie Sanders Presidency Cost? Spoiler Alert: A Lot | Zero Hedge
Well, the current socialist has cost us 10 trillion in 7 years... and he's a closet socialist. Sanders is OUT AND PROUD... so ya gotta at least double it; of course that's theoretical... given that the Government would literally collapse before he got anywhere near that.

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