How much is enough?

Since you are happy to have government impose your version of morality on others that do not share your same view, what standing do you have to complain when those others use that same governent to impose their differing morality upon you?
It's not "my version"....
It very much is your version of morailty, as it is very much your version of what it means to be an American.
I ask again:
What standing do you then have to complain when those others use that same governent to impose their differing morality upon you?

I'll pretend like helping the less fortunate isn't something that America is about for a second just to humor your question.....

When exactly was I complaining about the government imposing anything on me?
Wait.... You complain about a 'bloated' defense budget, but cannot begin to begin to describe the degree to which it is bloated?

Well, bloated for the government is easy to define. No one should ever pay more then 10% of their income in taxes, and government should never run a deficit. The difference between where we are and that is "bloated" government.

Jefferson: The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.

Thoreau: government is best which governs least
Hey, I'm all about cutting out the middle man to make things more efficient. Look at my views on health insurance.

But I'll be honest, I don't have enough faith in the American people to all contribute as much as would be needed to help the sick, elderly, poor and crippled in this country. That's just not realistic to expect donations at the scale. Is the government doing it efficiently? Hell no, we all know that. But if my choices are the government mandating everyone pitch in to help through taxation, or leaving it up to "the kindness of peoples hearts", I just don't have the faith that my fellow Americans will come through. Reading the opinions of people on this site are enough to tell me that.

I disagree.

In NYC, when I pass a homeless man, I give..and so does pretty much every single person who passes him when I am in sight distance.

I watched citizens risk their lives to help people in Va when the plane hit the complex last week.

truck flipped on its side on the NYS thruway....I stopped my car and with about 10 other people that stopped, we all helped the driver out while deisel was spilling...

We actually turn away volunteers on Thanksgiving at a local shelter...and NEVER short handed on non holidays.

Are you aware of how many foundations there are?

Are you aware that the American people as a collective...NOT INCLUDING WHATTHE US GOVERNMENT GAVE...but the people as a collective alone gave more to Haiti after the earthquake than all other countries combined.

Have more faith in the American People.

I do.

I'm glad you have that faith in people. I don't unfortunately. Not when people on this site act like all poor people are the scourge of society and we have entire political party campaigning on raises taxes on the poorest among us. Let's just say I have my doubts as to whether America would do what is right and step up to the plate. We're a greedy society by nature and no amount of pitching in during a one-off crisis is enough to convince me otherwise.

you are naive if you think this site is a valid cross section of Americans...and I know you are not naive.

I believe you do not work in a shelter....or a soup kitchen....or not affiliated with a foiundation......for if you did, you would feel differently.

The numbers of those that help and give is overwhelming.

Only those that are not part of it do not know this to be fact.

Like I said....look at how much Americans gave to Haiti...

That in itself speaks volumes.
It's not "my version"....
It very much is your version of morailty, as it is very much your version of what it means to be an American.
I ask again:
What standing do you then have to complain when those others use that same governent to impose their differing morality upon you?
I'll pretend like helping the less fortunate isn't something that America is about for a second just to humor your question.....
You can refuse to admit that your version of morality is -your- version of morality, but that it is remains a fact.
When exactly was I complaining about the government imposing anything on me?
You aren't answering the question.
I asked you what standing you have to complain should others impose their differing morality on you, as you seek to do to them. This question does not requre an instance of it actually happening to be valid.
Hey, I'm all about cutting out the middle man to make things more efficient. Look at my views on health insurance.

But I'll be honest, I don't have enough faith in the American people to all contribute as much as would be needed to help the sick, elderly, poor and crippled in this country. That's just not realistic to expect donations at the scale. Is the government doing it efficiently? Hell no, we all know that. But if my choices are the government mandating everyone pitch in to help through taxation, or leaving it up to "the kindness of peoples hearts", I just don't have the faith that my fellow Americans will come through. Reading the opinions of people on this site are enough to tell me that.

I disagree.

In NYC, when I pass a homeless man, I give..and so does pretty much every single person who passes him when I am in sight distance.

I watched citizens risk their lives to help people in Va when the plane hit the complex last week.

truck flipped on its side on the NYS thruway....I stopped my car and with about 10 other people that stopped, we all helped the driver out while deisel was spilling...

We actually turn away volunteers on Thanksgiving at a local shelter...and NEVER short handed on non holidays.

Are you aware of how many foundations there are?

Are you aware that the American people as a collective...NOT INCLUDING WHATTHE US GOVERNMENT GAVE...but the people as a collective alone gave more to Haiti after the earthquake than all other countries combined.

Have more faith in the American People.

I do.

I'm glad you have that faith in people. I don't unfortunately. Not when people on this site act like all poor people are the scourge of society and we have entire political party campaigning on raises taxes on the poorest among us. Let's just say I have my doubts as to whether America would do what is right and step up to the plate. We're a greedy society by nature and no amount of pitching in during a one-off crisis is enough to convince me otherwise.

Are you seriously making a sweeping generalization about America based upon what you read on a freaking political message board?

Perhaps you need to hang out with a different crowd... You know, people who are already donating their time and money to worthy charitable causes - and not because daddy gubmint tells thenm they have to... You might meet some Christians, so try not to call them all assholes...
Wait.... You complain about a 'bloated' defense budget, but cannot begin to begin to describe the degree to which it is bloated?
I described the degree, I didn't give you a specific figure off the top of my head. I don't know what each and every one of those things I listed costs, sorry. But like I said, I'd like to start the conversation with those and see where that gets us.
How can you argue 'bloated defense spending' when you admit you do not have even a basic knoweldge of what is spent, where, and why?

I didn't say I don't have a basic understanding, you did. I have seen the figures and I know that military spending is a decent chunk of our expenses (about 15% of the total I believe). I said I don't know how those military expenses break down item by item.

Question: Are you trying to have a civil conversation with me or act like an asshole and try and show me up? Let me know now, so I don't waste anymore of my time.
I described the degree, I didn't give you a specific figure off the top of my head. I don't know what each and every one of those things I listed costs, sorry. But like I said, I'd like to start the conversation with those and see where that gets us.
How can you argue 'bloated defense spending' when you admit you do not have even a basic knoweldge of what is spent, where, and why?
I didn't say I don't have a basic understanding...
If you don't have a basic understanding of the process, the particulars and the necessities as you seem to admit - how then can you know that ANYTHING can be cut?
Aren't you arguing this from a position of ignorance?
I disagree.

In NYC, when I pass a homeless man, I give..and so does pretty much every single person who passes him when I am in sight distance.

I watched citizens risk their lives to help people in Va when the plane hit the complex last week.

truck flipped on its side on the NYS thruway....I stopped my car and with about 10 other people that stopped, we all helped the driver out while deisel was spilling...

We actually turn away volunteers on Thanksgiving at a local shelter...and NEVER short handed on non holidays.

Are you aware of how many foundations there are?

Are you aware that the American people as a collective...NOT INCLUDING WHATTHE US GOVERNMENT GAVE...but the people as a collective alone gave more to Haiti after the earthquake than all other countries combined.

Have more faith in the American People.

I do.

I'm glad you have that faith in people. I don't unfortunately. Not when people on this site act like all poor people are the scourge of society and we have entire political party campaigning on raises taxes on the poorest among us. Let's just say I have my doubts as to whether America would do what is right and step up to the plate. We're a greedy society by nature and no amount of pitching in during a one-off crisis is enough to convince me otherwise.

you are naive if you think this site is a valid cross section of Americans...and I know you are not naive.

I believe you do not work in a shelter....or a soup kitchen....or not affiliated with a foiundation......for if you did, you would feel differently.

The numbers of those that help and give is overwhelming.

Only those that are not part of it do not know this to be fact.

Like I said....look at how much Americans gave to Haiti...

That in itself speaks volumes.

Oh I know that this site isn't representative of America, but I know that it takes the entire country chipping in to help the millions upon millions that truly need help.

I actually do volunteer on multiple orgizations for the needy as my brother is disabled and I see many wonderful people who do help, but I do know how much of a struggle it is for people like him. I am not resting my faith to help people like him on a society of people that are generally lazy and greedy. Sorry, that sounds jaded, but I've seen too much unfortunate behavior from people to have faith that they would come through each and every day in the manner needed. It's just not reality.
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I disagree.

In NYC, when I pass a homeless man, I give..and so does pretty much every single person who passes him when I am in sight distance.

I watched citizens risk their lives to help people in Va when the plane hit the complex last week.

truck flipped on its side on the NYS thruway....I stopped my car and with about 10 other people that stopped, we all helped the driver out while deisel was spilling...

We actually turn away volunteers on Thanksgiving at a local shelter...and NEVER short handed on non holidays.

Are you aware of how many foundations there are?

Are you aware that the American people as a collective...NOT INCLUDING WHATTHE US GOVERNMENT GAVE...but the people as a collective alone gave more to Haiti after the earthquake than all other countries combined.

Have more faith in the American People.

I do.

I'm glad you have that faith in people. I don't unfortunately. Not when people on this site act like all poor people are the scourge of society and we have entire political party campaigning on raises taxes on the poorest among us. Let's just say I have my doubts as to whether America would do what is right and step up to the plate. We're a greedy society by nature and no amount of pitching in during a one-off crisis is enough to convince me otherwise.

Are you seriously making a sweeping generalization about America based upon what you read on a freaking political message board?

Perhaps you need to hang out with a different crowd... You know, people who are already donating their time and money to worthy charitable causes - and not because daddy gubmint tells thenm they have to... You might meet some Christians, so try not to call them all assholes...
Isn't there something in the Constitution that prevents the government from forcing others to participate in the Christian virtue of charity?
It very much is your version of morailty, as it is very much your version of what it means to be an American.
I ask again:
What standing do you then have to complain when those others use that same governent to impose their differing morality upon you?
I'll pretend like helping the less fortunate isn't something that America is about for a second just to humor your question.....
You can refuse to admit that your version of morality is -your- version of morality, but that it is remains a fact.
When exactly was I complaining about the government imposing anything on me?
You aren't answering the question.
I asked you what standing you have to complain should others impose their differing morality on you, as you seek to do to them. This question does not requre an instance of it actually happening to be valid.

I really don't understand where you're going with this. Why don't you cut to the chase. I'm getting tired of whatever it is you're trying to prove. Just tell me your grand point already since we've already established that you don't think protecting the weakest among us is not something that makes us American.
I'm glad you have that faith in people. I don't unfortunately. Not when people on this site act like all poor people are the scourge of society and we have entire political party campaigning on raises taxes on the poorest among us. Let's just say I have my doubts as to whether America would do what is right and step up to the plate. We're a greedy society by nature and no amount of pitching in during a one-off crisis is enough to convince me otherwise.

Are you seriously making a sweeping generalization about America based upon what you read on a freaking political message board?

Perhaps you need to hang out with a different crowd... You know, people who are already donating their time and money to worthy charitable causes - and not because daddy gubmint tells thenm they have to... You might meet some Christians, so try not to call them all assholes...
Isn't there something in the Constitution that prevents the government from forcing others to participate in the Christian virtue of charity?

I think it's in their handbook, but with all the shake-up that's going on at Huffington Post lately nobody is keeping it current...
Let me tell you why those guvmint offices that help the poor need to be shut down.

We need more kids living in cars like my nephew. My nephew does not take one single dime in guvmint assistance and he has nothing but his car. And a few "friends" in similar situations. And a new baby. The baby mama drama gets old and the babys moma was trying to get section 8 housing money but my nephew said no. The baby has recieved some guvmint provided care. ADC. Is that bad?

He will rely on himself. He says.

No job no home no money no real education, 28 years old. Got a Xanax and beer issue, felony from a gun charge (everybody's got a gun in this group). People lining up to hire him eh?

We got a lot more of this type of young people coming along from what I see. What do you do with them? Applaud? No gubmint money going to him. What do you want to take away from them next?
Or how about this.

First time in 23 years of being a landlord, a tenant dies while living in my house.

It was the man of the house and his SSI was a bigger check than the Mrs check. Her check is no longer enough to cover the rent.

She is in ok health and is on Medicare.

What benefits should she have taken away from her? Should her SSI be cut? Or her Medicare costs go up? If my tenant had to pay anymore for her health care, she couldn't afford to live. How does that help the deficit?

A social worker came to this ladys house to help her with all the things that need done after a spouse dies. Would it be better for my tenant if there were no funds to pay for a social worker to help her?

If you think it would be better for all for social services to be cut severly, why do you think that?
A social worker came to this ladys house to help her with all the things that need done after a spouse dies. Would it be better for my tenant if there were no funds to pay for a social worker to help her?

If you think it would be better for all for social services to be cut severly, why do you think that?

Why is the only solution you can think of government? What about putting your cold, stingy fingers in your own wallet instead of sending someone to put theirs in mine?
A social worker came to this ladys house to help her with all the things that need done after a spouse dies. Would it be better for my tenant if there were no funds to pay for a social worker to help her?

If you think it would be better for all for social services to be cut severly, why do you think that?

Why is the only solution you can think of government? What about putting your cold, stingy fingers in your own wallet instead of sending someone to put theirs in mine?

Why don't you give us a realistic solution to this problem. Remember I said realistic, so you can't use the word Church or charity in your response.
A social worker came to this ladys house to help her with all the things that need done after a spouse dies. Would it be better for my tenant if there were no funds to pay for a social worker to help her?

If you think it would be better for all for social services to be cut severly, why do you think that?

Why is the only solution you can think of government? What about putting your cold, stingy fingers in your own wallet instead of sending someone to put theirs in mine?

Why don't you give us a realistic solution to this problem. Remember I said realistic, so you can't use the word Church or charity in your response.

or government. Now you go...
Why is the only solution you can think of government? What about putting your cold, stingy fingers in your own wallet instead of sending someone to put theirs in mine?

Why don't you give us a realistic solution to this problem. Remember I said realistic, so you can't use the word Church or charity in your response.

or government. Now you go...

Government system is already in place. So I don't need to suggest anything. Aside from ways to make it more efficient, I wouldn't be looking to abolish what we have altogether. So like I said, you tell us how we do it better by starting over completely. Unless that's not what you are advocating.

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