Handy Fascism Checklist


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Oh, would you look at that; I ran out of ink.

So. If you find this image to be erroneous, kindly point out which ones, and why.



  • $fascism.jpg
    115 KB · Views: 112
Fascism and Socialism both require central planning and both are the antithesis of a liberty-oriented limited government approach. Will you stand against the progressive growth of central planning...or just the version you don't like?

When the government's boot is on your throat, it is of no consequence whether it's the right boot or the left boot.
Oh, would you look at that; I ran out of ink.

So. If you find this image to be erroneous, kindly point out which ones, and why.


Wow the USA, under OBAMA, is getting close to filling that list!

Would you like specifics? Please re-write the list in a text not an image format and I'll address each one for you.
Oh, would you look at that; I ran out of ink.

So. If you find this image to be erroneous, kindly point out which ones, and why.


Wow the USA, under OBAMA, is getting close to filling that list!

Would you like specifics? Please re-write the list in a text not an image format and I'll address each one for you.

Thanks, sir!

1. Powerful Continuing Nationalism

2. Identifying Enemies as a Unifying Cause

3. Rampant Sexism

4. Obsession with National Security

5. Corporate Power is Protected

6. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

7. Rampant Cryonyism and Corruption

8. Supremacy of the Military

9. Controlled Mass Media

10. Religion and Government are Intertwined

11. Labor Power is Suppressed

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment

13. Fraudulent Elections
Oh, would you look at that; I ran out of ink.

So. If you find this image to be erroneous, kindly point out which ones, and why.


1. Do you feel society pressures you to be thin?
2. Do you feel you must be thin to be OK?
3. Are you preoccupied with food?
4. Do you feel guilty about eating?
5. Do you feel the need to be superior and perfect in academics, athletics and weight control?
6. Do you feel your weight is one of the few aspects of your life which you can control?
7. Do you diet excessively and/or abuse laxatives, diet pills or diuretics?
8. Do you feel you have become isolated from your family and friends?
9. Do you prefer eating alone?
10. Do you count all the calories hidden in every bite you eat?
11. Do you ever consume large amounts of food in a frenzy of hunger?
12. Do you ever induce vomiting after eating, particularly after a binge?
13. Do you exercise excessively?
14. Do you feel fat despite the fact that others tell you that you are thin or OK?
15. Does your weight fluctuate dramatically?
16. Have your menstrual periods ceased or become irregular?
17. Do you have trouble concentrating?
18. Do you often feel depressed and unhappy with yourself?
Fascism and Socialism both require central planning and both are the antithesis of a liberty-oriented limited government approach. Will you stand against the progressive growth of central planning...or just the version you don't like?

When the government's boot is on your throat, it is of no consequence whether it's the right boot or the left boot.

Actually, it depends. If its the right boot that's rabidly defended in the media, and socially accepted as legitimate because of that media, its of great consequence, because there is then no need for the violent suppression of the populace, they, thinking they are free, suppress their damned selves.

Congratulations: without a shot fired, without a voice raised, your servitude is complete. Because you are oh, so comfortable with this arrangement, you will fight to the death with anyone who sees fit to free you, or free their own from the shackles you find so familiar and comforting, all the while you strumpet your freedom to lick the hands of your masters, hope to BE them someday, and condemn your very own progeny to a similar and worse fate than your own.

Any good con relies on the greed of those conned (its a reliable payday) on the promise that what is sold will eventually bring riches beyond ones fondest dreams. There should be a lemon law where souls are concerned...but there isn't.

You rolls the dice and takes your chances. You're taking the chances for all that come after as well though, and you won't be able to take that back. Your grandchildren will curse you for the chances you took on their futures, and unless you came out WAY on top (doubtful), they'll have good reason to.
Oh, would you look at that; I ran out of ink.

So. If you find this image to be erroneous, kindly point out which ones, and why.


Wow the USA, under OBAMA, is getting close to filling that list!

Would you like specifics? Please re-write the list in a text not an image format and I'll address each one for you.

Thanks, sir!

1. Powerful Continuing Nationalism

2. Identifying Enemies as a Unifying Cause

3. Rampant Sexism

4. Obsession with National Security

5. Corporate Power is Protected

6. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

7. Rampant Cryonyism and Corruption

8. Supremacy of the Military

9. Controlled Mass Media

10. Religion and Government are Intertwined

11. Labor Power is Suppressed

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment

13. Fraudulent Elections

Thanks :)

I will list the numbers then just put a party next to them for the party that more embodies that number. I may add a very short qualifying comment but if you want more details we can pick a number to talk about.

  1. Republicans
  2. Democrats
  3. Neither party/both parties depending on your view (i think neither)
  4. Neither is obsessed, repubs are more concerned over this than dems
  5. Both Parties (obama's bailouts, bush's bailouts, obama giving preferential treatment to green energy companies, bush giving preferential treatment to military industrial companies)
  6. Neither party although SOME on the left show disdain for educated conservative positions as some on the right show disdain for educated liberal positions
  7. Both parties. Using the tax structure to punish enemies and using tax dollars to reward friends.
  8. Republicans
  9. Democrats
  10. Both. Repubs push christian values on to the populace in their governance and dems push secular values onto the populace and onto religious organizations with their governance.
  11. Both. General non-union labor power supression is democrats, union labor power supression is republicans
  12. Both/Neither.
  13. Democrats. A.C.O.R.N.

I gave you honest feedback and not "party friendly/tow the party line" feedback.

If you want to discuss approach me open and honestly about whichever ones you want and I will discuss it, start throwing political bullcrap talking points at me and I'm done....this is directed at anyone responding and not just BDboop.
Oh, would you look at that; I ran out of ink.

So. If you find this image to be erroneous, kindly point out which ones, and why.


Wow the USA, under OBAMA, is getting close to filling that list!

Would you like specifics? Please re-write the list in a text not an image format and I'll address each one for you.

Thanks, sir!

1. Powerful Continuing Nationalism

2. Identifying Enemies as a Unifying Cause

3. Rampant Sexism

4. Obsession with National Security

5. Corporate Power is Protected

6. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

7. Rampant Cryonyism and Corruption

8. Supremacy of the Military

9. Controlled Mass Media

10. Religion and Government are Intertwined

11. Labor Power is Suppressed

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment

13. Fraudulent Elections

In Bold is the Democratic Party daily lunch special
Wow the USA, under OBAMA, is getting close to filling that list!

Would you like specifics? Please re-write the list in a text not an image format and I'll address each one for you.

Thanks, sir!

1. Powerful Continuing Nationalism

2. Identifying Enemies as a Unifying Cause

3. Rampant Sexism

4. Obsession with National Security

5. Corporate Power is Protected

6. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

7. Rampant Cryonyism and Corruption

8. Supremacy of the Military

9. Controlled Mass Media

10. Religion and Government are Intertwined

11. Labor Power is Suppressed

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment

13. Fraudulent Elections

In Bold is the Democratic Party daily lunch special

And the rest of them?
Oh, would you look at that; I ran out of ink.

So. If you find this image to be erroneous, kindly point out which ones, and why.


1. Do you feel society pressures you to be thin?
2. Do you feel you must be thin to be OK?
3. Are you preoccupied with food?
4. Do you feel guilty about eating?
5. Do you feel the need to be superior and perfect in academics, athletics and weight control?
6. Do you feel your weight is one of the few aspects of your life which you can control?
7. Do you diet excessively and/or abuse laxatives, diet pills or diuretics?
8. Do you feel you have become isolated from your family and friends?
9. Do you prefer eating alone?
10. Do you count all the calories hidden in every bite you eat?
11. Do you ever consume large amounts of food in a frenzy of hunger?
12. Do you ever induce vomiting after eating, particularly after a binge?
13. Do you exercise excessively?
14. Do you feel fat despite the fact that others tell you that you are thin or OK?
15. Does your weight fluctuate dramatically?
16. Have your menstrual periods ceased or become irregular?
17. Do you have trouble concentrating?
18. Do you often feel depressed and unhappy with yourself?

19. How long has food been talking to you?
Wow the USA, under OBAMA, is getting close to filling that list!

Would you like specifics? Please re-write the list in a text not an image format and I'll address each one for you.

Thanks, sir!

1. Powerful Continuing Nationalism

2. Identifying Enemies as a Unifying Cause

3. Rampant Sexism

4. Obsession with National Security

5. Corporate Power is Protected

6. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

7. Rampant Cryonyism and Corruption

8. Supremacy of the Military

9. Controlled Mass Media

10. Religion and Government are Intertwined

11. Labor Power is Suppressed

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment

13. Fraudulent Elections

Thanks :)

I will list the numbers then just put a party next to them for the party that more embodies that number. I may add a very short qualifying comment but if you want more details we can pick a number to talk about.

  1. Republicans
  2. Democrats
  3. Neither party/both parties depending on your view (i think neither)
  4. Neither is obsessed, repubs are more concerned over this than dems
  5. Both Parties (obama's bailouts, bush's bailouts, obama giving preferential treatment to green energy companies, bush giving preferential treatment to military industrial companies)
  6. Neither party although SOME on the left show disdain for educated conservative positions as some on the right show disdain for educated liberal positions
  7. Both parties. Using the tax structure to punish enemies and using tax dollars to reward friends.
  8. Republicans
  9. Democrats
  10. Both. Repubs push christian values on to the populace in their governance and dems push secular values onto the populace and onto religious organizations with their governance.
  11. Both. General non-union labor power supression is democrats, union labor power supression is republicans
  12. Both/Neither.
  13. Democrats. A.C.O.R.N.

I gave you honest feedback and not "party friendly/tow the party line" feedback.

If you want to discuss approach me open and honestly about whichever ones you want and I will discuss it, start throwing political bullcrap talking points at me and I'm done....this is directed at anyone responding and not just BDboop.

Okay, for now - just this one. The last one. What is your take on all the disenfranchising going on these days, using accusations of 'voter fraud' *where very little has been found* to prevent anybody who doesn't have a picture ID from voting.
In my estimation, the question is not 'who is doing it,' but rather 'what shape is America in.' And I don't see one thing on that list that is not of concern in this country, at this time.
BDBoob job caught on cam.....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8GMh4OuH10]Fat Woman eating - YouTube[/ame]

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