how much do you tip?

Well, the system is that we the diners pay the waiters for bringing our food and drinks and stuff. The restaurant doesn't really pay them.

It's a weird system, but it IS the one we have. So if people don't tip, that's sad for the unpaid server.

Well, actually, the restaurant does pay them. Just not all that much. But AT LEAST minimum wage. It's the law.

I dont get this tipping thing, why would you feel obliged to tip someone for doing what their paid to do?

They are not really paid to serve you and that is the point. They get a small check but that is not really for the service, just for showing up and getting the food. The experience of going to a restaurant is centered on the service you get and that is what you are paying for. The employer is not really paying the waiter for that because you are the one that gages the quality and therefore value of that service.
Nope. Not for food servers.

Fancy the strippers, eh?

Now THAT is a service that I would not tip for LOL.

The prices in a strip joint generally don’t leave much for tipping unless you want to drop your entire investment portfolio in a single night. Strippers make an insane amount of cash. And for some reason they are all going to college????
guess their had to be a topic on here before like this....just ate a single diiner the bill was $22.50 gave her $40 bucks and told her to keep the change... I am a 48 year old single guy now. thats just me... how much do you tip? and do you lean left or right? just curious......

It depends on the service. I've always tipped anywhere from 10 - 50%. 10% is when there is no service whatsoever after the meal is delivered. That's rare, but it makes no sense to serve someone their meal and not come back to fill the drink when it's obvious the glass is empty. It's not like I can get up and go in the server area to fill it myself.
Have had all three of my kids work for tips. Two in restaurants and one as a doorman. All while in college. I've come to appreciate how little they get in wages. When I see a waiter, waitress that looks like they are in the same boat I always tell them I understand what they go through and let them know that my minimum tip is 10% but good service will get 25 to 30 and the tip will be in cash.

I always get great service, and never worry about my glass getting empty!

Got that tip from my Son that worked as a waiter.
The prices in a strip joint generally don’t leave much for tipping unless you want to drop your entire investment portfolio in a single night. Strippers make an insane amount of cash. And for some reason they are all going to college????

Well, their beauty ain't gonna last forever. Might as well make the most of it. If it were me, I'd just take the time to save enough.
The prices in a strip joint generally don’t leave much for tipping unless you want to drop your entire investment portfolio in a single night. Strippers make an insane amount of cash. And for some reason they are all going to college????

Well, their beauty ain't gonna last forever. Might as well make the most of it. If it were me, I'd just take the time to save enough.

Beauty, lol.

That’s what those lights are turned down for, to accentuate the ‘beauty’ right :p

I kid, I kid. :D
My friend's wife put herself through school as a stripper....she graduated with no debt, paid cash for a new Audi, and saved a downpayment for a house. She's a CPA now..."Blaze" has more or less retired.
guess their had to be a topic on here before like this....just ate a single diiner the bill was $22.50 gave her $40 bucks and told her to keep the change... I am a 48 year old single guy now. thats just me... how much do you tip? and do you lean left or right? just curious......

Depending upon my experience with the server....15 to 20%. If I have had wine, then 20 to 40%. lol

There is an etiquette to tipping, for those who care and that is, it shows just as much social ignorance to over tip as it does to under tip. I don't think there is a server in the world who would care about that kind of etiquette...:lmao:

I am a conservative, and by nature, very generous when it comes to giving anything, regardless of rulz...:D
Better to have a server motivated by the likelihood of being fired by his employer for bad service, than by the possibility of a patron leaving a little less of a tip (most will feel guilty enough to leave at least something). Pay food servers a decent wage according to what the market will bear. If they suck at giving good customer service, fire their ass and hire someone who wants to do a better job. This weird passive-aggressive extortion game is annoying as hell.
It is their JOB to serve me, whether I am a crap customer or not.

And how well they provide that service is up to you, whether you are a crap customer or not.

If your food arrives late, isn't exactly the way you want it or just taste funny, just know that it isn't because you are a crappy customer. The Waitress is just investing all of their energies waiting a table which is tipping well.

People respond to incentives. It's just that simple.

So the waiter gets greedy and smells the money at another table? I detest greedy people.
Well, the system is that we the diners pay the waiters for bringing our food and drinks and stuff. The restaurant doesn't really pay them.

It's a weird system, but it IS the one we have. So if people don't tip, that's sad for the unpaid server.

The servers should be paid. By the employer. You, the public, should not be expected to pay the wages of a stranger.

Yea I posted this thread because I knew you were a regular here, I used to make fun of one of your countrymen on this topic when I was a regular on another forum. he couldnt believe the waitress here was only paid $2.36 (or what ever it is now) an hour. I kept trying to tell him a good waitress like my first wife would bring home somtimes more then I did in a week with overtime. I remember a few times she brought home $400 or more in one DAY.

they make 10.55 and hour plus tips here. Some of them, the ones who are pleasant and give good service can go home with $600-1000 a night.... cash. And you know damn right well they are not paying tax on it either.
I dont get this tipping thing, why would you feel obliged to tip someone for doing what their paid to do?

Simple so they remember you the next time you go back, When I was younger, lived in Chicago and hit the bars regularly, big tips = free drinks and like I said my first wife was a waitress. I could tell you storys on what they would do to your food if you were a

and they should be fired for tampering with customers food or beverages. I catch any of that crap going on and they are fired on the spot.
I dont get this tipping thing, why would you feel obliged to tip someone for doing what their paid to do?

They're paid to serve you. How well they serve you is up to you. You would be better off wearing a sign which says, "I don't tip well," so they won't have to waste their time.


they are paid to serve you
their job is to serve you
they are paid to be pleasant and efficient.

tipping is optional.
It is their JOB to serve me, whether I am a crap customer or not.

And how well they provide that service is up to you, whether you are a crap customer or not.

If your food arrives late, isn't exactly the way you want it or just taste funny, just know that it isn't because you are a crappy customer. The Waitress is just investing all of their energies waiting a table which is tipping well.

People respond to incentives. It's just that simple.

the incentive is keeping their job.

the tips are a bonus.

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