Zone1 How Morals Change

Technology changes things. With the internet you can find a new woman who is attractive. Before you were stuck with your old wife who had gotten fat and bitchy.

Changing morals: we're more compassionate than 100 years ago, but more judgmental too.

An example of a shift in morality over time is our attitude toward slavery. Most people in the world today think that it is immoral to own slaves but that was not the case a century ago.Mar 9, 2016

How Do Morals Change?

How do morals change? - Nature
I understand that morals shift....but not so much in just one direction.
I tend to view morality being more like a pendulum that swings back and forth.

Hemlines are a good example
What once was scandalous for a woman to reveal in a bathing suite is perfectly acceptable to show while in a skirt or full length dress.
But then you have periods like the Victorian era where even showing ankles was considered scandalous.

The most recent era of chaste fashion called "simplicity" was one of no decolatage (boobs) and lots of lace up to the necklines...which came about just following the legalization of homosexuality.

With today's promotion of LGBT I see those days returning and "scrunch butt" yoga pants getting hid in the incinerator.

Pre-Victorian the concept of functional nudity was rather common. Co-ed latrines and baths were extremely common. (It was the best place to catch up on town gossip)
Only the wealthiest had private baths or latrines. The common man was "common" after all and treated little better than property.

The America's were somewhat different though. With all the utopian societies all trying to have "holier than thou" contests by being more punishing of sin (a carry over from European communities) created a hostile environment from the segregation of various denominations.

Largely the sexualization of North America came from the court battles over pornography, ERA, and the emptying of the federal mental health institutions. (The Bunny Clubs weren't much help either). The proliferation of recreational drug use also being a factor.

Since the LGBT crowd has been trying to recruit children long before they have even finished puberty....there's going to be a backlash moreso than the Aids epidemic provided last time. Mothers and fathers are still going to protect their children from predators....that will never change. Of course there's going to be incidences of people embracing the exploitation of children....but most parents are not going to buy into the hype.
One glance at the astounding and instant success of a chicken sandwich franchise that was loudly targeted for boycott by the LGBT crowd and the pendulum swing is realized....
Each side from the morally conservative to morally liberal cannot help but provide the added backswing by pushing their own agenda too far.

A look at Iran is another example. Iran in the 60's was looking and acting like any other modern European burkas were seen on the streets and miniskirts were common because of the heat. Today's radical Muslim adherence is the result of pushing too far too fast....I am hearing about yet another loosening of the morality in Iran by the younger crowd looking to overthrow the constraints placed on their society by a bunch of old guys.

It's coming....
Technology changes things. With the internet you can find a new woman who is attractive. Before you were stuck with your old wife who had gotten fat and bitchy.
Not completely factual. One could purchase the monthly periodicals back then that featured personal ads from any local adult book store. Unfortunately as Concerned American said "who may be a man or computer generated", meaning MISREPRESENTATIONS which were common even way back then. If U think us 'bucks' have a bitch about attractive, fat & bitchy U OUTTA HEAR IT FROM THE OTHER SIDE!!!!!!!!!! If only I had the time!
Psychologists have correctly emphasized that moral views make their impact by being translated into emotion. A complete theory must explain where these views come from in the first place.

How Morals Change​

not always as a natural selection ...

- and how throughout history the political / commercial interests can alter the emotional landscape to their point of view by their material advantages, illicitly changing the moral underpinnings and corrupting the societies for their own nefarious purposes - as well the same results made by misguided religious organizations ...

the true moral compass is from birth without corruption for as long as that might last. and reemerging to reclaim what most lose through life brought back to fruition before its to late than to perish without the ticket needed at the gates of heaven.
Morals never change. Your understanding and willingness to lead a moral life is what changes.
Morals change all the time.

If you were born in the Southern colonies it is highly unlikely you would have been an abolitionist.

If you were born in Nazi Germany it is highly unlikely that you would have stood up to Hitler.

If you were born an Incan it is highly unlikely that you would have decried human sacrifice.

You people always underestimate the power of societies on behavior.

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