How many white supremacists are there?

Funny how the question "How many islamic terrorists is there" was never something offered to justify not taking actions to combat radical islamic terrorism here in the US...


A good analogy would be "how many islamic fundamentalist are there"

And when that question was asked, the answer was in the hundred of millions, so, justifying a response.

If anyone can show that there are hundreds of millions of w.s. in this county, that would justify a response.
"The feds have been monitoring 'these people' forever." How long have them been monitoring you?

Probably since I attended that pro-gun rally in d.c. that the NRA said was too radical.

Why do you ask?
So, in various threads about the buffalo shooting, there is a lot of talk about how dangerous white supremacists are, and how much they are supposedly part of the republican base.

I've asked many people, how many w.s. are there? No one seems to know. People claim it is a "big" and supposedly "growing" problem, but there are no numbers, not even estimates.

So, does ANYONE have any data on how many w.s. there really are in this country? So that we can even have an idea how much of a POLITICAL factor they are, or are not.
Pride is an emotion to be reserved for personal accomplishments and not for winning a birthing lotto.

Bullshit. I am proud of my nation, my heritage, and my father and mother.

That claim of pride, is not a claim that I am personally responsible for any of them. I am a part of them or a result of them, and thus have shit to live up to, but that is another matter.

EVERYONE understands that expressing pride in a nation or heritage is NOT claiming personal responsibility for it.

That is made up shit.
So, in various threads about the buffalo shooting, there is a lot of talk about how dangerous white supremacists are, and how much they are supposedly part of the republican base.

I've asked many people, how many w.s. are there? No one seems to know. People claim it is a "big" and supposedly "growing" problem, but there are no numbers, not even estimates.

So, does ANYONE have any data on how many w.s. there really are in this country? So that we can even have an idea how much of a POLITICAL factor they are, or are not.
Not enough to stop your demographic replacement. 😁 What a surprise....from the poster who whines about others calling him/her names.

The guy called another man a "Bitch" from the safety of a computer screen. He deserves ridicule.
If you are in a room with 10 "white supremacist's"...

Two are FBI Agents, two are informants, one is ATF, one is DEA, another one comes from any number of agencies that should also not exist and one may even be a state or local level LEO Liason and two or three are jabbering inbred retards that want "free" health care, belong to unions, and call themselves "aryan" even though they're eastern euroweenie trash that hitler would have gassed.

Just to be clear.

Excuse making for your buddies?
You are showing yourself to be ignorant

Todays white supremacists hide in the shadows. Some, like you, let their racist views slip out occasionally.

Organized crime gangs hide in teh shadows too, but we have estimates.

And I note that you can't answer the question, but you can personally attack your enemies.

Seems to be a theme here. None of you know how many w.s. there are, but you know that you want to call people it.

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