How many of you have Family and Friends who...

I wonder how many are defriending people on their Facebook accounts over this. I know a few.

I was never that thrilled FB became a political venue for some but I would never de-friend anyone over an opposing POV.
try to teach them basic manners re: losing graciously and admitting they were wrong..

or give them ice cream :p

"Losing" does not mean that you are "wrong". It means the other team convinced others that they would "benefit" more if they voted for them.

Those that voted for Romney, voted for "freedom" and Constitutional values (the Bill of Rights).

Those that voted for Obama, voted for the gov't to "give" them something (without having any idea how much it will cost them, their neighbors, the children and grandchildred of this country). You voted for the fiscal cliff, let's see if you are so willing to drive over it, Thelma!
Yeah I've got a friend who's so pissed he deleted apps from his phone LOL.
He's tuned out. Total and utter disgust.

But time will heal things and he will be sorry he deleted the apps. It always does. The GOP will see the light, I hope, and make some ideology adjustment. If they listen to the Tea Baggers who insist that Romney lost cause he was not conservative enough, then they will get what they asked for.

They have a fine line to walk in the coming days. But I am still concerned about the mental health and well being of some of the more ardent Romney supporters, family and friends included.

But you think voting for a corrupt Administration is a "healthy" thing to do?
7 STAGES OF GRIEFthe grief model called "The 7 Stages of Grief":

7 Stages of Grief...







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We really need one political dictionary defining terms used and abused on this message board.

Many are used simply as pejoratives (Commie, Marxist, liberal), some are so stupid as to defy definition (libtard, loliberal, con, wingnut, etc) and others have actual technical meaning (conservative and Conservative), liberal (and Liberal), Left, Right, Radical, Reactionary, Libertarian, Moderate, Iconoclast and Curmudgeon. And what the hell is a small business (is a McDonald's Franchise a 'small business')"?
Start talking about "truth". Reject everything else. It is great to feel that we can feed all those in poverty, but the fact is, we can't. Do we take from the producers until no one has anything and everyone starves? Do we try to increase the producers, so that there is more to give?

If we legalize the "undocumented", will it help or hurt the "middle class"?

Bengazi is still be hidden from the Administration. When will the citizens find out what happened?

etc, etc, etc.

Puleeze.... Boring. And lies.... That isn't what this election was about. And until you figure out that its the radical right that lost your election for you, you're going to keep losing.

Now how 'bout starting by turning off fakenews and he rest of the rightwingnut blogosohere

Why didn't you answer those questions?

What was a lie? Is this just another example of how the left is planning on "doubling down" on deception and corruption?

Please give some specific answers, instead of acting sooo high school.
We really need one political dictionary defining terms used and abused on this message board.

Many are used simply as pejoratives (Commie, Marxist, liberal), some are so stupid as to defy definition (libtard, loliberal, con, wingnut, etc) and others have actual technical meaning (conservative and Conservative), liberal (and Liberal), Left, Right, Radical, Reactionary, Libertarian, Moderate, Iconoclast and Curmudgeon. And what the hell is a small business (is a McDonald's Franchise a 'small business')"?

:badgrin: And then would or could we ever agree on the definitions? Doubtful.
try to teach them basic manners re: losing graciously and admitting they were wrong..

or give them ice cream :p

lol, that's the problem with you libs. You think just because you won an election it means you are right and everyone else is wrong. I got news for ya jack ass, Bush won 2 elections as well, and he was a fucking idiot. Just because we lost does not mean we were wrong, it simply means the American people made the wrong choice.

no that means a MAJORITY of the country thinks republicans are WRONG WRONG WRONG for america.

it is called math....'jackass'.

we said NO FUCKING HELL NO to your teabag taliban


So you have no proof/evidence of your statements. About half of the people that voted wanted Obama (he made a lot of promises, just like last time). The same people didn't think that Romney would be willing to bankrupt the country to keep them in other people's money. There is a difference.
no that means a MAJORITY of the country thinks republicans are WRONG WRONG WRONG for america.

it is called math....'jackass'.

we said NO FUCKING HELL NO to your teabag taliban

50.8% to 49.1% yeah that a real clear Majority, Why Romney almost had not support at all right?

You guys are making the same mistake Obama made the first time he won, which is funny because he won much bigger last time. The American people did not say it's Obama's way or the highway on Tue, they said they want the 2 sides to work together.

and im all for congress working fix the economy..not my vagina or my marriage.

Then we agree 100%.

However if Obama and the Dems decide to act like they won in some sweeping Landslide and they have some Mandate to rule with out Compromise, they are sorely mistaken.

The American people clearly are very Divided. It is relevant to point out how close the Vote was, no matter how many times you people say it isn't.
can't turn on the news anymore? You know, people who had their hopes and dreams set on Romney. I have close friends and family who were sure he was going to win...and now they are "current events challenged."

Not sure how to handle this and how long this will last. Anyone have any ideas on what can be done?

I look forward to 4 more years of "muting" o every time he is shown speaking on TV. I cannot and will not, listen to someone I know is lying, if the message appears to be in the best interest of America.

no that means a MAJORITY of the country thinks republicans are WRONG WRONG WRONG for america.

it is called math....'jackass'.

we said NO FUCKING HELL NO to your teabag taliban

50.8% to 49.1% yeah that a real clear Majority, Why Romney almost had not support at all right?

You guys are making the same mistake Obama made the first time he won, which is funny because he won much bigger last time. The American people did not say it's Obama's way or the highway on Tue, they said they want the 2 sides to work together.

there a problem with your math too?

that IS still a majority however you wish to define it.

and im all for congress working fix the economy..not my vagina or my marriage.

please DO work together

So what do you want to see "cut"?
How should welfare, food stamps, etc be "reformed"?

Obama/Biden- 61,173,739 50.5%
Romney/Ryan-58,167,260 48.0%.

These were the last numbers I read. No clear mandate.

Contrast the last time:


Obama/Biden-69 million
McCain/Palin-59 million
50.8% to 49.1% yeah that a real clear Majority, Why Romney almost had not support at all right?

You guys are making the same mistake Obama made the first time he won, which is funny because he won much bigger last time. The American people did not say it's Obama's way or the highway on Tue, they said they want the 2 sides to work together.

there a problem with your math too?

that IS still a majority however you wish to define it.

and im all for congress working fix the economy..not my vagina or my marriage.

please DO work together

So what do you want to see "cut"?
How should welfare, food stamps, etc be "reformed"?

i would like to see big pharma reigned in with regards to their costs to medicare/medicade would save lots.

welfare...dunno the answer there except getting them back to it is only 4.1% of the population is on welfare and so far as i know ~20% more than 5+ years..there are some who can and some who is what it is and those that wont never will and those that want to will when given the opportunity..

kinda same topic but not...welfare >> jobs >> economy.

i would invest in infrastructure/schools et all of that stuff..they will need people..maybe welfare people/military returning could be doing that as well as patrolling boarders.
there used to be some program..putting unemployed to work in our parks and stuf..CCW? recall on it is fault. sorry for that.

for sure i would stop all the 'poor shaming' it really is ineffective and isnt helpful to anyone and is very divisive. people usually do not listen to or take advice from anyone who is shaming them..i have yet in my 47 years, to meet anyone who say 'i love being on welfare and getting a handout and feeling like shit cause i cant support myself or my family.' anyone.

and the big 'welfare' generator..lack of birth control..make it free..yes i know i know..but you would rather pay for an implant or a pill or 18 years of care/food/health benfits and housing?

the right doesnt want to pay for birth control for women..liberals don like to pay for bombs and war..we all have to suck on it somehow.

in any case the best approach is a balanced on where all people give and lose something.

Obama/Biden- 61,173,739 50.5%
Romney/Ryan-58,167,260 48.0%.

These were the last numbers I read. No clear mandate.

Contrast the last time:


Obama/Biden-69 million
McCain/Palin-59 million

It is a landslide win for Obama. The 'worst' president in history cleaned Romney's clock. That says much my friend. Much!

Obama/Biden- 61,173,739 50.5%
Romney/Ryan-58,167,260 48.0%.

These were the last numbers I read. No clear mandate.

Contrast the last time:


Obama/Biden-69 million
McCain/Palin-59 million

It is a landslide win for Obama. The 'worst' president in history cleaned Romney's clock. That says much my friend. Much!

Hmmm not a landslide as I define one but whatever helps keep the delusions alive friend.

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