How many more thirdworlders do Dems need to become transparent in their push for a socialist state?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Has anyone done the math...extrapolated the data?
Let’s be honest, the party knows they can’t convince real Americans to get behind the model of stealing from others to pay the way of degenerates...but thirdworlders are real quick to support the idea of being paid by taxpayers to breathe oxygen and procreate on U.S. soil.
Open Borders
Free College
Free Welfare for migrants
Free healthcare for everyone
Reparations for slavery
The Green New Deal to penalize the working class
Gangs like MS-13 running rampant
Opioids for all
Eliminate ICE

The socialists want to ruin the US, but Trump will stop them.
The math is out there...they know they have 70% of thirdworlders voting for free shit now...If they could just recruit a few million to reside in MI, PA, OH and WI they’d have it all sewn up,
Has anyone done the math...extrapolated the data?
Let’s be honest, the party knows they can’t convince real Americans to get behind the model of stealing from others to pay the way of degenerates...but thirdworlders are real quick to support the idea of being paid by taxpayers to breathe oxygen and procreate on U.S. soil.

----> . love it .
Open Borders
Free College
Free Welfare for migrants
Free healthcare for everyone
Reparations for slavery
The Green New Deal to penalize the working class
Gangs like MS-13 running rampant
Opioids for all
Eliminate ICE

The socialists want to ruin the US, but Trump will stop them.

He is funny how they can't see that's why he is so severely attacked. So hated ...........
Has anyone done the math...extrapolated the data?
Let’s be honest, the party knows they can’t convince real Americans to get behind the model of stealing from others to pay the way of degenerates...but thirdworlders are real quick to support the idea of being paid by taxpayers to breathe oxygen and procreate on U.S. soil.

Here's how dimocrap FILTH plan to change America.

Really simple.....

Explode the population in their own States with Illegals, Homeless, criminals of all sorts.

Why, you axe?

Let me explain......


The Census counts everybody. Everybody.

Let me 'splain that to you again....... Everybody with very few exceptions -- Foreign Diplomats and their families being one example.

Other than that -- EVERYBODY. Legal, illegal, homeless, prisoner/convict -- Everybody.

Know what happens with the Census? Do most people even know why we have a Census? Of course not.

We have a Census for 'Apportionment'.

That's how the US Government determines which States get how many Congressional Representatives.

They count everybody. Everybody counts.

Know how we determine the Electoral College representation?

I'll leave you to figure that one out for yourselves.

dimocrap FILTH don't care who they rule over. Just so long as they rule.

dimocrap SCUM don't care about the conditions their subjects live in, at all. It doesn't matter to dimocrap FILTH.

No matter what, they'll be flying to Climate Summits in their Private Jets, hopping from one Multi-Million Dollar mansion to another, vacationing on the Riviera or in Biarritz in the Summer and the Matterhorn (on the Swiss Side, of course) in the Winter.

dimocraps are truly the enemy of a Free People. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you'll understand them.

And their voters?

As bad.... No, worse than the absolute FILTH they vote for. Because, they're not just scum, they're stupid as well.
It's the Census boys and girls.

While the media is sleeping, even the good guys, dimocrap FILTH are quietly working to re-shape America's demograpics.

We count (unfortunately) EVERYBODY in the Census. Everybody.

And that is how House Seats and, ergo, Electoral College numbers, are assigned.

AOC Makes a Bronx Census Push Amid Fears of Lost House Seats

And yeah, if an Illegal answers the Census that he's illegal he SHOULD get deported. Then and there if possible. Later on if not.

Only the scummiest scumbag pieces of fucking shit on the Planet Earth would rely on Foreign Nationals to determine our Country's future...... dimocraps

They're doing it right under your noses.

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