How long does the average poster continue to post on a message board?

Who is that you're talking to?

Sounds like Shogun in drag. Or maybe his mod date. :lol:
Someone that enjoys their name implying that they're someone known to be a smartass.

Doesn't bother me in the least.. I simply thought it was amusing that you thought you could start to pound on Grump, because nobody was around that "knew better". For MY efforts, I got to watch you backpedal, and fast, when I laid out the ACTUAL turn of events (leaving out some rather embarrassing tidbits as well)...

Face it.. You just got YOUR ass handed to you by a girl.

Edit: Good of you to scramble back and edit that post while I replied to the original. Pathetic attempt to make yourself look like the victor? LMAO.

Aaah... grump started on me... TOOTS.. not the other way around. And yes, it does bother you. You can hide some things but not jealousy. And grump is a big boy and doesn't need people with nose problems like you to stick it in their business.

But I don't know what's more pathetic, you being jealous of me having been a member here longer than you, or you obsessing on when I've been logged on here or not. Both are such petty things. You truly are a pathetic person, and need no one to make you look like a fool. You do an outstanding job of it all by yourself.

Now maybe you should lay off the vodka and Quaaludes for the rest of the night, because your delirium has taken over. Take a break and get back in touch with reality. You need it. The only ass you've handled is that fat thing you're sitting on 24/7.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: You're such a lying sack of shit... Grump didn't start on you - merely corrected an untruth..

Trust me.. You don't really want to carry this out.. We'd have to cover all of your instability, and anger management problems dating as far back as I can remember which is 2002.

Oh really toots... an "untruth?" And which untruth is that?
Someone that enjoys their name implying that they're someone known to be a smartass.

Aaah... grump started on me... TOOTS.. not the other way around. And yes, it does bother you. You can hide some things but not jealousy. And grump is a big boy and doesn't need people with nose problems like you to stick it in their business.

But I don't know what's more pathetic, you being jealous of me having been a member here longer than you, or you obsessing on when I've been logged on here or not. Both are such petty things. You truly are a pathetic person, and need no one to make you look like a fool. You do an outstanding job of it all by yourself.

Now maybe you should lay off the vodka and Quaaludes for the rest of the night, because your delirium has taken over. Take a break and get back in touch with reality. You need it. The only ass you've handled is that fat thing you're sitting on 24/7.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: You're such a lying sack of shit... Grump didn't start on you - merely corrected an untruth..

Trust me.. You don't really want to carry this out.. We'd have to cover all of your instability, and anger management problems dating as far back as I can remember which is 2002.

Oh really toots... an "untruth?" And which untruth is that?

Why, this one right here:
I thought you posted here because you got your sorry arse perma banned from the "other" board...
. He's exactly right about that. He just forgot about the part where you gave up both boards for awhile to try YOUR hand at this, and failed miserably, because you suck.
:lol::lol::lol::lol: You're such a lying sack of shit... Grump didn't start on you - merely corrected an untruth..

Trust me.. You don't really want to carry this out.. We'd have to cover all of your instability, and anger management problems dating as far back as I can remember which is 2002.

Oh really toots... an "untruth?" And which untruth is that?

Why, this one right here:
I thought you posted here because you got your sorry arse perma banned from the "other" board...
. He's exactly right about that. He just forgot about the part where you gave up both boards for awhile to try YOUR hand at this, and failed miserably, because you suck.

Oooooohh OK.... I see where you're both WRONG. You're BOTH not being quite honest here, because I was a member HERE, LONG before I was a member THERE. I never QUIT being a member HERE. Being banned from the "other" board is nothing more than a badge of honor for me, and has nothing to do with why I'm here. As I've already pointed out, I was a member HERE, LONG before I was a member THERE. So you and chump are pumping hot gas here with your twisted story, and a pathetic, trivial one at that. My God, how bored are you? Do you never at some point get embarrassed?

But I have a challenge for you TOOTS... start a board, and we'll see how well YOU do at it. I'll be waiting to tell you how much YOU SUCK when fall FLAT ON YOUR FACE... in the meantime, STFU, you got no room to talk since YOU have never even TRIED.
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Oh really toots... an "untruth?" And which untruth is that?

Why, this one right here:
I thought you posted here because you got your sorry arse perma banned from the "other" board...
. He's exactly right about that. He just forgot about the part where you gave up both boards for awhile to try YOUR hand at this, and failed miserably, because you suck.

Oooooohh OK.... I see where you're both WRONG. You're BOTH not being quite honest here, because I was a member HERE LONG before I was a member THERE. I never QUIT being a member HERE. Being banned from the "other" board is nothing more than a badge of honor for me, and has nothing to do with why I'm here. As I've already pointed out, I was a member HERE, LONG before I was a member THERE. So you and chump are pumping hot gas here with your conjured up story, and a pathetic, trivial one at that. My God, how bored are you? Do you never at some point get embarrassed?

But I have a challenge for you TOOTS... start a board, and we'll see how well YOU do at it. I'll be waiting to tell you how much YOU SUCK when fall FLAT ON YOUR FACE... :lol:

Ah yes. Here we go.

You were a member of another board in 2002. Got the boot from that one a couple times. You joined here in 2004 under the original owner.. When the original owner sold this one, you followed him to the new board (likely because the owner here was a putz), as many of the rest of us did. Next, another board sale, and a few of us decided to give THAT owner a chance.. You didn't, likely because you were finally made a Mod over "there".. You lost that status for a couple reasons - one being your refusal to accept that it was a "free speech" board, and you didn't like someones avatar; the other being your temper, and stalking tendencies at 2am (go ahead and deny THAT one - oh wait, no. It's a badge of HONOR.. I forgot). Once you lost that status, you spent a good deal of time stalking the person that revoked said status from you. THEN you decided to gloat about your own board, so you were inactive everywhere for a bit.. When yours took a flop, you came back here for awhile...attempted to start some shit, were told that if you reverted to form, and began insiulting the way the board was run, you'd be out on your ass.. You took offense to that..thus, another hiatus for a couple months.

Within the last month or two, you've decided that you need *somewhere* to go, and here you are.

Why, this one right here: . He's exactly right about that. He just forgot about the part where you gave up both boards for awhile to try YOUR hand at this, and failed miserably, because you suck.

Oooooohh OK.... I see where you're both WRONG. You're BOTH not being quite honest here, because I was a member HERE LONG before I was a member THERE. I never QUIT being a member HERE. Being banned from the "other" board is nothing more than a badge of honor for me, and has nothing to do with why I'm here. As I've already pointed out, I was a member HERE, LONG before I was a member THERE. So you and chump are pumping hot gas here with your conjured up story, and a pathetic, trivial one at that. My God, how bored are you? Do you never at some point get embarrassed?

But I have a challenge for you TOOTS... start a board, and we'll see how well YOU do at it. I'll be waiting to tell you how much YOU SUCK when fall FLAT ON YOUR FACE... :lol:

Ah yes. Here we go.

You were a member of another board in 2002. Got the boot from that one a couple times. You joined here in 2004 under the original owner.. When the original owner sold this one, you followed him to the new board (likely because the owner here was a putz), as many of the rest of us did. Next, another board sale, and a few of us decided to give THAT owner a chance.. You didn't, likely because you were finally made a Mod over "there".. You lost that status for a couple reasons - one being your refusal to accept that it was a "free speech" board, and you didn't like someones avatar; the other being your temper, and stalking tendencies at 2am (go ahead and deny THAT one - oh wait, no. It's a badge of HONOR.. I forgot). Once you lost that status, you spent a good deal of time stalking the person that revoked said status from you. THEN you decided to gloat about your own board, so you were inactive everywhere for a bit.. When yours took a flop, you came back here for awhile...attempted to start some shit, were told that if you reverted to form, and began insiulting the way the board was run, you'd be out on your ass.. You took offense to that..thus, another hiatus for a couple months.

Within the last month or two, you've decided that you need *somewhere* to go, and here you are.


link ? :lol:
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Why, this one right here: . He's exactly right about that. He just forgot about the part where you gave up both boards for awhile to try YOUR hand at this, and failed miserably, because you suck.

Oooooohh OK.... I see where you're both WRONG. You're BOTH not being quite honest here, because I was a member HERE LONG before I was a member THERE. I never QUIT being a member HERE. Being banned from the "other" board is nothing more than a badge of honor for me, and has nothing to do with why I'm here. As I've already pointed out, I was a member HERE, LONG before I was a member THERE. So you and chump are pumping hot gas here with your conjured up story, and a pathetic, trivial one at that. My God, how bored are you? Do you never at some point get embarrassed?

But I have a challenge for you TOOTS... start a board, and we'll see how well YOU do at it. I'll be waiting to tell you how much YOU SUCK when fall FLAT ON YOUR FACE... :lol:

Ah yes. Here we go.

You were a member of another board in 2002. Got the boot from that one a couple times. You joined here in 2004 under the original owner.. When the original owner sold this one, you followed him to the new board (likely because the owner here was a putz), as many of the rest of us did. Next, another board sale, and a few of us decided to give THAT owner a chance.. You didn't, likely because you were finally made a Mod over "there".. You lost that status for a couple reasons - one being your refusal to accept that it was a "free speech" board, and you didn't like someones avatar; the other being your temper, and stalking tendencies at 2am (go ahead and deny THAT one - oh wait, no. It's a badge of HONOR.. I forgot). Once you lost that status, you spent a good deal of time stalking the person that revoked said status from you. THEN you decided to gloat about your own board, so you were inactive everywhere for a bit.. When yours took a flop, you came back here for awhile...attempted to start some shit, were told that if you reverted to form, and began insiulting the way the board was run, you'd be out on your ass.. You took offense to that..thus, another hiatus for a couple months.

Within the last month or two, you've decided that you need *somewhere* to go, and here you are.


Aaaah yes, here we go, you've been riding the misinformation highway aye DIS... let me straighten you out, OK?

I came here from, my first blog board, of which I STILL am a member. Mister X owned this board at the time and we became friends. He sold this board after a couple years and started the "other" board. I was made a mod there until such time as a member sported an avatar of someone burning an American flag. I told them to remove it but was over ruled. I then "STEPPED DOWN" as a mod. I repeat, "STEPPED DOWN." After that I not only spent time on the "other" board but visited here as well posting every now and then. Finally over at the "other" board I had a run in with a mod and was banned. I called the owner of the "other" board, as I'd done MANY times, but was pretty fired up and bitched him out. I talked with the owner of the "other" board several times AFTER that and we had a good laugh about it. The owner even commented it wasn't any worse than he and his brother frequently did. Then, for REPEATING something someone else said, yes, REPEATING mind you, I was perma banned without notice, and the person that SAID IT, wasn't. Odd. Very odd. But, so the owner of the "other" board spun a story about banning me because of the phone call and lied all up and down about the time line. Pure lies. So I gave starting my own board a try. Something YOU have never done, but yet have the GALL to "DIS" someone who has... and found it extremely hard and gave up. All during this time, I have ALWAYS been a member of THIS board. I have NEVER left, EVER. I have visited this board nonstop ever since I joined. The amount of time I spend on here may vary, but I have NEVER LEFT.

So now you know the truth.

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I'm old. Bruce is old. We all grow old, but rockin' never grows old.

True enough.. If I remember right, he's got a good 10-11 years on me. Cripes.. Maiden concert gear was mini-skirts over purple and silver spandex pants with high heeled ankle boots, and dog chains.

Now I feel old again. :(
Oooooohh OK.... I see where you're both WRONG. You're BOTH not being quite honest here, because I was a member HERE LONG before I was a member THERE. I never QUIT being a member HERE. Being banned from the "other" board is nothing more than a badge of honor for me, and has nothing to do with why I'm here. As I've already pointed out, I was a member HERE, LONG before I was a member THERE. So you and chump are pumping hot gas here with your conjured up story, and a pathetic, trivial one at that. My God, how bored are you? Do you never at some point get embarrassed?

But I have a challenge for you TOOTS... start a board, and we'll see how well YOU do at it. I'll be waiting to tell you how much YOU SUCK when fall FLAT ON YOUR FACE... :lol:

Ah yes. Here we go.

You were a member of another board in 2002. Got the boot from that one a couple times. You joined here in 2004 under the original owner.. When the original owner sold this one, you followed him to the new board (likely because the owner here was a putz), as many of the rest of us did. Next, another board sale, and a few of us decided to give THAT owner a chance.. You didn't, likely because you were finally made a Mod over "there".. You lost that status for a couple reasons - one being your refusal to accept that it was a "free speech" board, and you didn't like someones avatar; the other being your temper, and stalking tendencies at 2am (go ahead and deny THAT one - oh wait, no. It's a badge of HONOR.. I forgot). Once you lost that status, you spent a good deal of time stalking the person that revoked said status from you. THEN you decided to gloat about your own board, so you were inactive everywhere for a bit.. When yours took a flop, you came back here for awhile...attempted to start some shit, were told that if you reverted to form, and began insiulting the way the board was run, you'd be out on your ass.. You took offense to that..thus, another hiatus for a couple months.

Within the last month or two, you've decided that you need *somewhere* to go, and here you are.


Aaaah yes, here we go, taking a ride on the misinformation highway... let me straighten you out, OK?

I came here from, my first blog board, of which I STILL am a member. Jimmy owned this board at the time and we became friends. He sold this board after a couple years and started the "other" board. I was made a mod there until such time as a member sported an avatar of someone burning an American flag. I told them to remove it but was over ruled. I then "STEPPED DOWN" as mod. I repeat, "STEPPED DOWN." After that I not only spent time on the "other" board but visited here as well posting every now and then. Finally over at the "other" board I had a run in with a mod and was banned. I called the owner of the "other" board, as I'd done MANY times, but was pretty fired up and bitched him out. I talked with the owner of the "other" board several times AFTER that and we had a good laugh about it. The owner even commented it wasn't any worse than he and his brother frequently did. Then, for REPEATING something someone else said, yes, REPEATING mind you, I was perma banned without notice, and the person that SAID IT, wasn't. Odd. Very odd. But, so the owner of the "other" board spun a story about banning me because of the phone call and lied all up and down about the time line. Pure lies. So I gave starting my own board a try. Something YOU have never done, but yet have the BALLS to "DIS" someone who has... and found it extremely hard and gave up. All during this time, I have ALWAYS been a member of THIS board. I have NEVER left, EVER. I have visited this board nonstop ever since I joined. The amount of time I spend on here may vary, but I have NEVER LEFT.

So now you know the truth.


LMAO. You've hit incoherent babbling.. You forget.. I've had more than enough run-in's with you and your temper.. It ain't "Lies! All lies!", dude..

Do run along now... I'm finished with you, old man..
Ah yes. Here we go.

You were a member of another board in 2002. Got the boot from that one a couple times. You joined here in 2004 under the original owner.. When the original owner sold this one, you followed him to the new board (likely because the owner here was a putz), as many of the rest of us did. Next, another board sale, and a few of us decided to give THAT owner a chance.. You didn't, likely because you were finally made a Mod over "there".. You lost that status for a couple reasons - one being your refusal to accept that it was a "free speech" board, and you didn't like someones avatar; the other being your temper, and stalking tendencies at 2am (go ahead and deny THAT one - oh wait, no. It's a badge of HONOR.. I forgot). Once you lost that status, you spent a good deal of time stalking the person that revoked said status from you. THEN you decided to gloat about your own board, so you were inactive everywhere for a bit.. When yours took a flop, you came back here for awhile...attempted to start some shit, were told that if you reverted to form, and began insiulting the way the board was run, you'd be out on your ass.. You took offense to that..thus, another hiatus for a couple months.

Within the last month or two, you've decided that you need *somewhere* to go, and here you are.


Aaaah yes, here we go, taking a ride on the misinformation highway... let me straighten you out, OK?

I came here from, my first blog board, of which I STILL am a member. Jimmy owned this board at the time and we became friends. He sold this board after a couple years and started the "other" board. I was made a mod there until such time as a member sported an avatar of someone burning an American flag. I told them to remove it but was over ruled. I then "STEPPED DOWN" as mod. I repeat, "STEPPED DOWN." After that I not only spent time on the "other" board but visited here as well posting every now and then. Finally over at the "other" board I had a run in with a mod and was banned. I called the owner of the "other" board, as I'd done MANY times, but was pretty fired up and bitched him out. I talked with the owner of the "other" board several times AFTER that and we had a good laugh about it. The owner even commented it wasn't any worse than he and his brother frequently did. Then, for REPEATING something someone else said, yes, REPEATING mind you, I was perma banned without notice, and the person that SAID IT, wasn't. Odd. Very odd. But, so the owner of the "other" board spun a story about banning me because of the phone call and lied all up and down about the time line. Pure lies. So I gave starting my own board a try. Something YOU have never done, but yet have the BALLS to "DIS" someone who has... and found it extremely hard and gave up. All during this time, I have ALWAYS been a member of THIS board. I have NEVER left, EVER. I have visited this board nonstop ever since I joined. The amount of time I spend on here may vary, but I have NEVER LEFT.

So now you know the truth.


LMAO. You've hit incoherent babbling.. You forget.. I've had more than enough run-in's with you and your temper.. It ain't "Lies! All lies!", dude..

Do run along now... I'm finished with you, old man..

You've been properly put in your place. You've shown just how IGNORANT you are about the facts, and my red hot honest rebuttal to your garbage is stinging you. Too bad toots. This "old man" can chew up and spit out a dozen punks like you at a time and not even break a sweat.

Now go get some dry diapers on. It's past your bedtime peewee.

You're no longer entertaining, you're just pathetic.
Aaaah yes, here we go, taking a ride on the misinformation highway... let me straighten you out, OK?

I came here from, my first blog board, of which I STILL am a member. Jimmy owned this board at the time and we became friends. He sold this board after a couple years and started the "other" board. I was made a mod there until such time as a member sported an avatar of someone burning an American flag. I told them to remove it but was over ruled. I then "STEPPED DOWN" as mod. I repeat, "STEPPED DOWN." After that I not only spent time on the "other" board but visited here as well posting every now and then. Finally over at the "other" board I had a run in with a mod and was banned. I called the owner of the "other" board, as I'd done MANY times, but was pretty fired up and bitched him out. I talked with the owner of the "other" board several times AFTER that and we had a good laugh about it. The owner even commented it wasn't any worse than he and his brother frequently did. Then, for REPEATING something someone else said, yes, REPEATING mind you, I was perma banned without notice, and the person that SAID IT, wasn't. Odd. Very odd. But, so the owner of the "other" board spun a story about banning me because of the phone call and lied all up and down about the time line. Pure lies. So I gave starting my own board a try. Something YOU have never done, but yet have the BALLS to "DIS" someone who has... and found it extremely hard and gave up. All during this time, I have ALWAYS been a member of THIS board. I have NEVER left, EVER. I have visited this board nonstop ever since I joined. The amount of time I spend on here may vary, but I have NEVER LEFT.

So now you know the truth.


LMAO. You've hit incoherent babbling.. You forget.. I've had more than enough run-in's with you and your temper.. It ain't "Lies! All lies!", dude..

Do run along now... I'm finished with you, old man..

You've been properly put in your place. You've shown just how IGNORANT you are about the facts, and my red hot honest rebuttal to your garbage is stinging you. Too bad toots. This "old man" can chew up and spit out a dozen punks like you at a time and not even break a sweat.

Now go get some dry diapers on. It's past your bedtime peewee.

You're no longer entertaining, you're just pathetic.

And you're well on your way to drunk. Now, shoo, liar.
LMAO. You've hit incoherent babbling.. You forget.. I've had more than enough run-in's with you and your temper.. It ain't "Lies! All lies!", dude..

Do run along now... I'm finished with you, old man..

You've been properly put in your place. You've shown just how IGNORANT you are about the facts, and my red hot honest rebuttal to your garbage is stinging you. Too bad toots. This "old man" can chew up and spit out a dozen punks like you at a time and not even break a sweat.

Now go get some dry diapers on. It's past your bedtime peewee.

You're no longer entertaining, you're just pathetic.

And you're well on your way to drunk. Now, shoo, liar.
What's that old phrase? "A skunk smells it's own stink first." You pulled a Freudian slip peewee... don't pass it off like I'm drinking. How big is the dent you've made in that cheap bottle of vodka? That would explain why you're such a liar... :lol:

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