How Long B4 Weinstein Gets Arkacided?

How Long B4 Weinstein Arkacides Himself?

  • 1 week March3rd

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2 weeks March 10th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 6 months August 31st

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I just wonder when they will find Weinstein hanging in his cell by a toilet paper noose and all the cameras go out simultaneously with all the guards lulled to sleep.

I give him about a month for the Clintons to get organized.
I just wonder when they will find Weinstein hanging in his cell by a toilet paper noose and all the cameras go out simultaneously with all the guards lulled to sleep.

I give him about a month for the Clintons to get organized.
Yep, there's a good chance he'll be "suicided" in the near future. He most likely has a LOT of dirt on the Hildebeast and Bubba Bill. I wouldn't be surprised if his name is added to the Clinton Body Count List before summer.
Yep, there's a good chance he'll be "suicided" in the near future. He most likely has a LOT of dirt on the Hildebeast and Bubba Bill. I wouldn't be surprised if his name is added to the Clinton Body Count List before summer.
Isnt it funny how Liberals poopoo the Clinton Body Count stuff, but it is entirely predictable in many cases?

If there is no truth to it, why is it such a sure thing when suckers have dirt on the Clintons or crossed them?

Wish they’d just leave the fat bastard to rot his worthless ass away in jail for however long it takes. After the lifestyle fatboy’s used to a jail environment is a gigantic comedown in every single aspect of his new daily life. The bed’s neither as plush nor big as back in the mansions, his cramped cell, the meal “selections,” his attire, strange sights, sounds, smells, and the neighbors! God Lord, the neighbors!!!

Imagine old Harv the subject of a Shawshank Redemption-type “fresh fish” scene as the cellblock lights dim that first night in the slammer...
I just wonder when they will find Weinstein hanging in his cell by a toilet paper noose and all the cameras go out simultaneously with all the guards lulled to sleep.

I give him about a month for the Clintons to get organized. that he sees what's become of him and that no one is going to intervene on his behalf....
he's gonna talk....

Wish they’d just leave the fat bastard to rot his worthless ass away in jail for however long it takes. After the lifestyle fatboy’s used to a jail environment is a gigantic comedown in every single aspect of his new daily life. The bed’s neither as plush nor big as back in the mansions, his cramped cell, the meal “selections,” his attire, strange sights, sounds, smells, and the neighbors! God Lord, the neighbors!!!

Imagine old Harv the subject of a Shawshank Redemption-type “fresh fish” scene as the cellblock lights dim that first night in the slammer...

It will be another suicide.....wink.....wink
I just wonder when they will find Weinstein hanging in his cell by a toilet paper noose and all the cameras go out simultaneously with all the guards lulled to sleep.

I give him about a month for the Clintons to get organized.
She's on it right now. H's going to be leaving NY soon. Little time ot act.

Wish they’d just leave the fat bastard to rot his worthless ass away in jail for however long it takes. After the lifestyle fatboy’s used to a jail environment is a gigantic comedown in every single aspect of his new daily life. The bed’s neither as plush nor big as back in the mansions, his cramped cell, the meal “selections,” his attire, strange sights, sounds, smells, and the neighbors! God Lord, the neighbors!!!

Imagine old Harv the subject of a Shawshank Redemption-type “fresh fish” scene as the cellblock lights dim that first night in the slammer...
What this? He kinda looks like Weinerstein

For clarity. Most women in Hollywood know that they have to do some special tasks to move up.

Take our lil Darling Marilyn. Once she made the big time she said, 'Well that's the last cock I'll have to suck"

Think about that.
Can I ask a question to rapists or rape victims.

Rape victims: Did you date your rapist for 2 years after the rape? Why?

Rapists: Did you ever date any of your rape victims for 2 years? Why?
He is very well protected, 24/7 guards. They say if he stays at Riker he may get his own wing. They don't want another Epstein.

Personally I say let the cons at him

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